Read Meeting The Unpredictable Online

Authors: Riann C. Miller

Meeting The Unpredictable (23 page)

BOOK: Meeting The Unpredictable
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into Jodi’s apartment unnoticed, but I either have the worst timing in history or Tyler was by his door waiting on me.

“Hey,” he says with concern as his eyes take me in from head to toe. “You’re just now getting home?”

I look like I’m doing a walk of shame. Hell, I am doing it, just not the one he thinks I am. “Yes. I crashed last night at Carla’s.”

“Oh.” His eyes darken, sending a tingle through my body. “Jodi said you had words with your dad then left.”

I nervously swallow. “You talked to Jodi?” I can only hope she wasn’t mad enough to say something I didn’t want her to.

“I stopped by last night. I wanted to see you but she said you were gone. I text you...” He trails off with a sigh.

“My phone’s dead.”

Tyler slowly nods but I get the feeling he doesn’t believe me. “I’m going to take a shower and clean up, but I’ll come by later if that’s okay.”

“Sure,” he huffs before turning around and stepping inside his apartment. Before I can say anything else, the door shuts.

“Shit,” I mumble to myself. I have an unbelievable ability to piss people off even when I’m not trying.

When I step inside of Jodi’s home, I find the quiet my mind needs. At ten in the morning, I can only imagine that Jodi has gone to work. I know she’s stuck in the middle, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to deal with her or our mother. Sides have been drawn for years, and I’ve always known which side they’re on.

I strip my clothing off on my way toward the bathroom. I step inside the shower and turn the water on as hot as I can handle. With my back to the wall, I slide to the floor and try my hardest to remember what happened last night. My goal was to get fucked up, and it appears I managed to do exactly that. I remember driving my car downtown. I remember ordering shots. Then I think I worked my ass on the dance floor, but after that, my memory takes a dive.

I didn’t lie when I told Tyler my phone died, but apparently that happened after I called Carla to come get me.

I groan as the water starts to cool. I push myself up to my feet and finish washing my body. By the time I get out, the water is officially cold. I pull my hair up in a knot on the top of my head, slip on a loose tank top and pair of boy shorts, and make my way to Tyler’s apartment.

When I’m standing outside his door, I hesitate. Knock or walk in? The old, confident Lennie would walk right in and make herself at home, but that’s the same Lennie that wormed her way into Tyler’s heart. Now I need to protect him, even if I’m protecting him from me.

I raise my hand and loudly knock. Moments later, Tyler answers. “Hey. You came.” His voice has taken on a sad tone.

“Of course I did.” I force a smile, duck under his arm, and walk into his living room. The same peace I felt at Carla’s is mixed with the quiet I had at Jodi’s. I toss myself down on Tyler’s couch with a smirk.

“Are you caught up on your work?” Tyler’s eyes thin as he takes me in. “Where were you last night?”

“I went out drinking. What did you do?”

Tyler rubs his jaw as he takes the seat across from me. “I went out for a little while myself. However, I came home at a reasonable hour.” I chew on my lip for a second, hating that he’s doubting me, even though he has every reason in the world to.

“I went out last night and ended up at Carla’s.” The smile on my face is completely gone as thoughts of yesterday flood my mind.

“Why did you go out in the first place?”

“I saw my parents yesterday. My father was his normal, awful self and I ended up going out for a drink.”

“You didn’t think to call me, or, hell, even stop by and talk things out with me?”

“Tyler...” I pause, not wanting to say the wrong thing. “Last night I did what I do best when it comes to my family. I got mad and left. I felt like I was on autopilot. Every time my dad makes a point to remind me what a disappointment I am, I make a point of trying to prove him right.”

“So what does that mean...? You didn’t sleep with someone else last night or you did?” He’s full on pissed now. His body is locked tight and his face is turned up in anger.

Normally after dealing with my father, I don’t hold back. Anything goes, that includes sex with strangers. “There are parts of last night that are still a blur, but I think it’s safe to say I didn’t have sex with anyone.”

Tyler jumps to his feet. “It’s safe to say?” His face is beat red.

“I mean, I didn’t. I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

“But you’re not a hundred percent sure?”

I groan, knowing whatever I say will be the wrong thing.

“I could have gone with you. Hell, I could have been a shoulder to lean on, but even after I told you how I feel about you, I get nothing.” He starts pacing the floor in front of me. “Is this how it’s going to be until you up and disappear? I have to wonder where you’re at and what you’re doing? Because let me tell you, Lennie, that’s not high on my list of priorities.”

My eyes dart to the floor. “I’ve never been high on someone’s priority list.”

Tyler stops moving and turns towards me. “That’s not what I mean.”

I look up at him. “I know.” I slowly stand and walk over to him. “I’m not Amber. I’m not a cheater, but last night I went back into teenager Lennie mode. That’s not a girl you want to know. I’m sorry I didn’t come over and talk to you, but I can’t imagine I would have been good company if I had.”

Tyler reaches out and places his hand under my chin. “Don’t you see I want you every way you come? The good and the bad.” My heart drops to my stomach, and even though I know I shouldn’t, I reach up, lace my hand behind his neck, and bring his mouth down to mine.

This man claims to love me, and somewhere along the way, my heart has fallen for him in a way I didn’t know was possible.

Lennie’s lips touch mine. Whether she knows it or not, this is where she belongs...with me, and now it’s up to me to prove that to her.

“I want you,” I mumble against her mouth.

“I want you, too.” She pulls back long enough to lift her shirt over her head, exposing her amazing tits.

“I’m sure Chad won’t be home for hours, but let’s take this to my room.” The idea of Chad, or anyone for that matter, seeing her like this causes my anger to spike again. I know I haven’t asked Lennie to truly commit to me, and the only reason I haven’t is fear. Fear of her taking off like she did with her old boss the second she realizes I wasn’t kidding when I told her I love her.

I lace my hand with hers and we walk to my room. When the door is shut, Lennie pushes down her little shorts. “No panties? I’m starting to think you never wear any.” I groan looking at her.

“I was hoping you were going to forgive me.” She smirks as she walks over to me and immediately starts pulling on my pants. “We need to get you out of these.”

I can’t help the smile that takes over my face. This is my Lennie...the one I fell for. The one that barged into my life, demanding I come out of my shell.

“I have to agree with you.” Lennie gets my button undone, and seconds later, my pants are off. “In a hurry are we?”

A soft giggle escapes her and I swear that sound hits me all the way to my core. “Lennie.” She pauses after hearing my tone. When our eyes lock, I can hear her breathing hitch. “I need you, Lennie.” I’ve never been this attuned to another human being in my life. I don’t just want Lennie, I need her, and what I’m feeling has nothing to do with sex.

I slowly lift my hand and touch her face as her gaze remains locked with mine. Lennie takes a deep breath, almost as if she’s wary of my confession. “You’re used to running, but Lennie you need to know something.” I put my arm around her waist and lock her body tight against mine. “If you run, I’ll chase you.” Her eyes flare as my heart rate increases. “You can run to the ends of the earth and I’ll still chase you because you matter to me. You’re a priority to me.”

Lennie’s eyes soften. “Where have you been my whole life, Tyler Brooker?”

“I’ve been waiting to meet the unpredictable Lennie Jacobs.” She laughs, but I’m serious. I think my entire life was leading me to the day I opened the door to a half-crazed woman asking for oil.

“I think I can see and feel how serious you actually are,” she says seconds before reaching out and cupping my dick.

“I’m more than ready to show you how serious I am.” I pick Lennie up and toss her on the bed before I crawl up between her legs.

I rub my fingers up and down her silky center before I line myself up and push home.

“Oh God,” Lennie groans as she arches her back. I slowly pull out before gripping her hips and thrusting myself as deep as I can go.

Lennie clenches around me, moaning my name, which spurs me on. It was only days ago I had her, but it almost feels like a lifetime ago. I can feel myself building. My thumb finds her clit and I start rubbing, hoping like hell she’s as close as I am.

“Fuck me harder.” I speed up, impaling her as hard as I can as she starts to come on my dick. “That’s it, baby.” She painfully tightens around me, causing me to fall over with her. I lean forward and growl into her neck as our bodies finally slow.

I hate not knowing where I stand with Lennie. She likes me. That much is clear, but does she like me enough to stick around?


hear my phone ringing. Lennie is thankfully still wrapped up in my arms. Without thinking, I reach over and answer my phone without looking at the caller ID.


“Finally you answered your damn phone.” Brandon’s agitated voice sends a chill through my veins.

“Why exactly are you calling?”

“Don’t play coy. You complained to Mom and Mom complained to me. If you didn’t want me calling you should have kept your damn mouth shut.” I’m not surprised Brandon feels this way, but I am shocked that he’d openly admit it.

“You might get away with manipulating everyone else in our family, but it’s not going to work with me. I don’t want or need an apology from you. If anything, I should be thanking you. You saved me from the miserable life you’re living.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Brandon growls, causing me to laugh. “Oh come on. You know I’m right. You might love your kids, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy.”

Lennie slowly shifts off the bed, closely watching me. “You’re still fucking whoever the hell you want, and the only reason you started anything with Amber is because she was mine, but guess what?” I laugh as I shake my head. “I don’t give a damn, but don’t call me up and pretend to apologize when the only thing that you’re sorry about is getting stuck with Amber.” I don’t wait for him to reply. I hit end on my phone and toss it on the nightstand next to me. I groan in frustration as I rub my hands over my face.

“What’s wrong?”

Lennie pulls on my arm, forcing me to look at her. “My mom would like it if Brandon and I got along. She informed him he needs to make things right with me, but apparently Brandon doesn’t think he did anything wrong.”

My phone buzzes with a text. “I’ve ignored him. I’ve ignored both of them. That’s the only way I’ve survived all these years, and even though I’m over it, that doesn’t mean I have to accept some piss poor apology.”

Lennie rubs her hand up my arm. “Was he always like this? I mean, jealous of you?”

A storm starts brewing inside of me. “No, not at all. Brandon is five years older than me. Outside of vacations and summer breaks, we didn’t really hang out that much growing up, but he was a decent brother. We were less than a year away from graduating when Amber started complaining about being homesick all the time. We were only three hours from home but that drive got old doing it every weekend, not to mention I had a shit ton of school work to complete. I’m not sure if being homesick was just her excuse to come back and be with Brandon or if that’s how the two of them hooked up in the first place. I never asked because I wasn’t sure if I could handle the truth.”

Lennie drops her head onto my lap. Instantly, my hands move to her hair. “Sometimes you have to walk in the dark in order to see the sunlight.” My hand freezes as she continues. “But nobody warns you that the darkness can last so unbelievably long that you can forget the sun exists.” That metaphor fits both of us perfectly, only it describes my past not my future—I won’t let it.

“The day you knocked on my door, I was blinded by the light.” My head falls back against the bed as my hand reaches out and starts playing with her hair again. I was waiting for her to laugh. To tell me I was a nerd for my comment, but she remained silent, leaving me to wonder if Lennie is still walking in the dark.

BOOK: Meeting The Unpredictable
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