Meant To Be (8 page)

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Authors: Donna Marie Rogers

BOOK: Meant To Be
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He propped his hands on his hips. “So do I have a date tonight or what?"

"Or what."

He grinned. “Wear something sexy,” he said with a wink before strolling out the back door. The jackass even had the nerve to whistle.

Jessica walked over and slammed the door with a muttered, “Nutjob.” Then she headed into the bedroom to search through her closet.

* * * *

"Make yourself comfortable, Montgomery,” the prison guard advised as the cell door slammed shut. The clip of his heels against the concrete faded away as he disappeared down the corridor.

"So what are you in for?"

Jack Sutton cracked one eye open and glared up at the idiot who'd just been let into the cell. In less than five hours he'd walk out of this place a free man, and all he wanted to do until then was sleep. He dismissed the balding, weasel-faced slug with a grunt and rolled over to face the wall. The guy took a piss, flushed the toilet, then crossed the small cell and climbed up onto the top bunk.

"I just transferred over from the hospital,” Montgomery said. “Got shot in the chest by a cop."

Jack let out a disgusted sigh. “Do I look like I give a shit?"

"Sorry, man, I'm just a little nervous. Ain't never been in the joint before,” the idiot admitted. “I shot a cop, but he's fine. I just winged him. Big guy like that don't go down easy, I'll tell you that."

Jack cracked an eye open again, but this time with interest. “Oh yeah? How big?"

"Shit, I bet the dude's at least six-and-a-half feet tall,” Montgomery said, his need to brag obvious. “One of those muscle heads, with arms as thick as my legs."

Jack rolled back over and laced his fingers behind his head. “So what in the world made you shoot at a cop? You got a death wish or something?"

"I had no choice. I got mixed up with this other asshole cop who got burned by Jamison's sister."

Jack's mouth went dry. No goddamn way. “Jamison?” he repeated, keeping his tone even. No way could this idiot be talking about the same cop who'd helped put Jack behind bars. The cop had been big, but not
big. It had been seven years, though. People change in seven years.

The bunk squeaked as Montgomery lay back. “That's the cop. The one I shot. His sister was dating the other cop and seeing her ex at the same time. Believe me, it didn't go over well."

"Are you saying some cop wanted Jamison dead just because his sister was screwing around on him?"

"Nah, that was only part of it. He knew Jamison was on to him."

Jack rolled his eyes. “On to him how?"

"He found out Thomas was dealing drugs."

Hmmm, very interesting, Jack thought. “So where did all this happen? Right here in Green Bay?"

"Yep. Jamison's a Green Bay cop."

A slow smile spread across Jack's face. Seven years. He'd spent seven long, miserable years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit. For a crime he hadn't had a thing to do with. And Officer Jamison's testimony had hammered the nail in Jack's coffin.

Soon, Jack planned to return the favor.

* * * *

Garrett scowled as Sara slapped his hands away and worked out the knot he'd made of his necktie. “Here, let me do it. I swear, I've never seen you this nervous."

"I'm not nervous,” he hotly denied. “I just don't like wearing ties.” He glanced over at his brother-in-law-to-be who watched with an amused smirk on his face. “Mike, do me a favor and take her home."

Mike chuckled. “Sorry, buddy, but this is the most fun I've had in days."

Sara turned to glare at Mike, and it was Garrett's turn to chuckle. “And it looks like it'll stay that way,

Sara gave his tie a yank. “Shut up and stand still."

Garrett studied his sister's face as she concentrated on his tie. He frowned when it dawned on him just how pasty she looked. “You feeling okay?"

Sara glanced up at him before casting a quick peek at Mike. “I'm fine, why?"

"I don't know. You don't look so good."

She snorted. “Gee, thanks a lot."

"You know what I mean. You look ... tired.” He sent Mike an accusatory look. “Have you been letting her work too hard?"

Mike walked over and gently grasped Sara's chin, turning her to face him. His brow creased. “He's right; you're pale as a ghost."

Sara shook off his hand. “Exaggerate much?"

"When we get home,” Mike said, “you're going straight to bed."

Ignoring him, she went back to straightening Garrett's tie.

"Sorry, Sis, I agree with Mike. You need some rest. And maybe a good meal. Have you eaten today? I could make you a quick fried egg sandwich—"

Sara went from pale to green, then took off like a shot into the bathroom. When the sound of retching reached their ears, Mike ran after her. They returned a couple minutes later. Mike had his arm wrapped around her, and Sara could barely meet Garrett's gaze.

"All right, what the hell's going on? You love fried egg—"

Sara held up a hand as if to ward off his words. She looked ready to race back into the bathroom. Garrett exchanged a worried look with Mike.

Sara rolled her eyes, plopped down on the couch and admitted, “I'm pregnant."

"What?” Mike and Garrett shouted in unison.

She dropped her head into her hands and nodded. “I took a test this morning. God, I don't remember being this sick with Ethan,” she muttered.

Mike took a seat next to Sara and rubbed her back, his face a mask of pure shock. “When in the world were you planning on telling me? Christ, Sara, you don't just spring this news on a guy—"

Sara's head whipped around and she looked on the verge of tears. “What are you saying? Don't you want this baby?"

"Sweetheart, of course I do,” Mike insisted, his voice gentle. “It's just ... I was hoping we'd be married before any more kids came along.” He stood up and helped Sara to her feet.

Eyes red-rimmed, Sara told Garrett, “Your tie is crooked."

Garrett walked up and kissed her on the top of her head. “I'm thrilled for you. And everyone else will be, too. But right now, I think you should let Mike take you home. You really do need to lie down."

Sara let out a watery, half-hearted laugh. “As much as I hate to agree with you, I think you're right. I feel like I could sleep for a week."

"Come on, honey, let's get you home,” Mike said, wrapping his arm around her. “And after your nap, we have a wedding to plan."

Sara gazed up at Mike with the most beautiful smile Garrett had ever seen. A surprising surge of emotion struck him, rendering him unable to speak.

At the door, Sara turned around and said, “Garrett, I want to be the one to tell everyone, particularly Ethan. I'm a little afraid of how he'll react. He's been acting awfully possessive of Mike.” A small grin curved her lips. “Yesterday, he told the woman behind the counter at the bank that his mommy didn't like it when other girls smiled at his daddy."

Garrett couldn't help but laugh. He cast a quick glance toward the basement steps to make sure the little shit wasn't eavesdropping before remembering Nicky had taken him out for ice cream. “Yeah, he's been a little less than friendly with Jessica, too."

Mike and Sara shared a look and a chuckle then said in unison. “We heard."

"Have a great time tonight,” Sara added, before Mike escorted her out the door.

Garrett blew out a heavy breath as he watched them head home. He was thrilled for Sara and Mike, he truly was. But a surprising punch of jealousy had nailed him square in the gut when Sara had announced her pregnancy. He hadn't realized until just that moment how much he craved a family of his own. As he grabbed his keys off the end table, he envisioned a little girl with a moppet of honey-blonde curls and big blue eyes running around the house, her smile as breathtaking as it was devilish.

And she was the spitting image of his ornery next-door neighbor.

Giving his head a shake, Garrett checked his back pocket for his wallet then headed out the door.

Jessica was already waiting for him on the front porch, her ruby red lips pursed in what seemed to be ... uncertainty? No way. She looked gorgeous and had to know it. A woman couldn't be that beautiful and not know it.

The sun was still bright in the sky, and he wasn't sure if his knees would hold up by the time he reached her. He devoured her with his gaze from head to toe—it was all he could do not to run up, throw her over his shoulder, and carry her into the house.

"Hi,” she said. She tugged at one of her earrings, a small gold hoop with a teardrop-shaped pearl hanging from it, and looked everywhere but at him.

Garrett felt a measure of male satisfaction that she'd taken his “wear something sexy” comment to heart. She'd pulled her hair up into a loose bun with stray golden wisps left loose to frame her face. A necklace that matched her earrings hung from her throat and nestled just above her full cleavage. She wore a strapless little black number that hugged her curves and ended just above her knees. And her dainty feet were encased in a sparkly pair of silver sandals, the heels at least three-inches high. He grinned. Even with the added height, she barely reached his chin.

"You look incredible,” he said, stepping up onto the porch.

"Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself."

Garrett reached out and gently captured her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Careful, such flattery might go to my head,” he teased.

"Heck, Jamison, that sucker barely fits through the door as it is."

Garrett chuckled and dropped his hand. “Good thing I've got a thick skin."

"You know I'm teasing."

Garrett couldn't help himself. He leaned down and kissed her. A quick, gentle kiss that only left him yearning for more. He cleared his throat. “Well, we'd best get going. I made the reservation for seven-thirty and it's nearly ten after now."

She grabbed her purse and a silky black shawl she'd had setting on the green and gold lawn chair and grasped his elbow. “I'm ready. Let's go."

* * * *

"Would you like a taste?"

Jessica leaned closer so Garrett could feed her a bite of the homemade cannoli he'd ordered for dessert. Her eyes closed in pure ecstasy. The creamy, cinnamon-ricotta filling with bits of chocolate, the crispy shell ... mmmm, cannoli had just become her new favorite dessert.

"Good, huh?” he said, his voice low and erotic, sending a shiver of awareness straight down to her toes.

"Delicious. In fact, the entire meal was the best I've ever had.” She meant it, too. The fettuccine with grilled chicken, sun-dried tomatoes and baby artichokes was without a doubt the best pasta dish she'd ever eaten. And the ambiance of the restaurant was wonderful. The dim lighting and soft music created a romantic atmosphere, while the gold-rimmed bone china, linen napkins and crystal glasses made it the most elegant experience of her life.

"Something we actually agree on,” he teased before forking another bite of cannoli into his mouth. His eyes lit up with excitement, and he swallowed before adding, “Hey, I'm going to be an uncle again."

Jessica felt a sharp pain in the vicinity of her heart. “That's wonderful. Congratulations. Sara?"

"Yep.” His look turned sheepish. “Although I wasn't supposed to tell anyone yet, so keep it to yourself."

"My lips are sealed.” She returned her attention to her own dessert, a yummy dishful of chocolate gelato, but somehow she'd lost the rest of her appetite. Not that she needed any more food. She'd already eaten enough to sustain her for two weeks, she thought with a rueful smile.

"What's so funny?"

Jessica looked up in surprise. “Huh? Oh. Nothing, just heartburn,” she lied, her smile widening. She spooned some of the Italian ice cream into her mouth. Good, but not quite as good as the cannoli.

Garrett chuckled, then took a long swallow of his water. He set his glass down and said, “So, have you thought about having kids of your own?"

Jessica gulped back the gelato in surprise and choked. Garrett shot up and came around to her side of the table. He patted her back as he handed her the water glass. “Are you all right?"

Nodding, she guzzled down the water and tried to convince herself the entire restaurant wasn't staring at her. When she felt like she could talk, she murmured, “I'm fine. I just wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole."

Garrett glared at the people at the next table who were openly gawking at her. He took his seat, clasped his hands and propped his elbows on the table. “That's the second time you've freaked out when I've mentioned kids. Granted, the first time I deserved what I got—"

"Jamison, I already told you, my personal life is off limits,” she said in a low tone.

His expression hardened. “I thought we were past that nonsense. I thought we were getting to know each other better. Isn't that usually why people go out on dates?"

Tears burned her eyes but she held his gaze. “You don't understand."

"Then explain it to me, Jessica, because I want to understand.” He lowered his voice. “I'd like to get to know you, and I thought you felt the same."

She dabbed at her eyes with the napkin. “In another lifetime, I would have."

"What the hell does that mean, ‘in another lifetime'? Dammit, woman, you're driving me crazy with all this secretive shit.” He blew out a frustrated breath and swiped his fingers through his hair.

"I told you the other day I wasn't interested in anything other than,” she cast a quick, furtive glance around her before adding in a whisper, “sex."

"Yeah, friends with benefits, I remember. But sweetheart, I know as much about you as I do the weatherman. If we're friends, shouldn't we at least know the bare minimum about each other? Hell, if I wanted to sleep with a stranger, I'd head to Krupp's and hook up with Mandy."

A stab of jealousy hit Jessica right between the eyes. “Who the hell is Mandy?” The words were out before she could stop them, and she could have kicked herself when a slow smile spread across his face.

"She's a bartender who's been hitting on me for months."

"So why haven't you slept with her then?"

His eyes narrowed as if he were contemplating her question. “Beats me. She's beautiful, sexy ... fun to be around."

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