Meagan (4 page)

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Authors: Shona Husk

BOOK: Meagan
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He drew her closer and she pressed against him, her nipples pebbling.

“I have a spare couple of minutes now, if you're interested,” he said against her lips. He drew her closer so she could feel the length of his shaft pressing against her stomach.

“Is that right?” She wiggled her hips. Who needed a bed when there was a perfectly good bathroom vanity?

The sound of little feet running down the hallway and into their bedroom pulled them apart.

Fraser cursed. “I swear they can tell.”

“Oh yeah. They come with a parental mischief radar.” Sometimes it didn't take anything more than a kiss and the vague hope that something would happen, other times they were halfway there—those were the worst—when one of the girls woke up.

“There's tiger under my bed.” Eva clutched her toy bunny. Her hair was a blonde fluffy nest around her head and her eyes were wide.

By the time they got Eva resettled, they'd both just be wanting to sleep. As she picked up her almost four year old, she reminded herself that this bit wouldn't last forever. She kissed her daughter and started calming her down.

“I'll go and sort the tiger out. He knows he's only allowed to sleep in the lounge room.” So far telling the tiger to get out had been the only thing that worked and even then it was hit and miss. There'd been more than one night when they'd woken up and Eva was in bed with them. At least Tilda was still in a cot and unable to roam the house. She kissed the top of Eva's head, glad that her daughter came to her before the nanny.

Meagan smiled at Fraser's back as he walked away. While they may not have much time for each other at the moment, what time they did have was precious, and they both knew that.


Meagan wiped her hands on the tea towel and gave everything a final check. She was as organised as she was ever going to be. As much as she liked all the girls coming around to her place, it was also nerve-racking. She knew some would be looking at the house, checking for stray toys or dust bunnies—all of which had been whisked away by the nanny and the cleaner.

The doorbell chimed and Megan checked her appearance in the large mirror in the hallway before answering. New haircut, new earrings. The cream linen shift dress smoothed over the imperfections. Another month, maybe two, with her personal trainer and she'd be back in shape. It was that much harder to do with the second child—but she was also older and busier.

“Jorja!” She leaned in and they kissed the air next to their cheeks. “You're here first.” For which she was grateful. But she made the effort to arrive on time for Jorja's turn too. Strength in numbers. Some of the women who'd been born with hundred dollar bills lining their nappies still kept the others at arm's-length. Camilla was still struggling to find her feet in the circle.

“No kids and no Fraser?”

“He's taken them to see his parents.” And wouldn't be back until tomorrow—which gave her a sleep-in. She was looking forward to that more than tonight's dinner.

“Mr Nichols still in the wheelchair?”

“Another two weeks.” That was the best-case scenario. Breaking his femur at seventy by stacking his bicycle wasn't great. “Fraser has to fill in for him at a charity golf tournament. Neither of them are impressed with that.”

“I can imagine.”

Meagan poured Jorja a glass of wine, knowing it didn't matter what she gave her, as Jorja wouldn't drink it. It was a social prop.

She'd barely taken her first sip when the doorbell rang again and Emma and Willow filed in. Emma forced a smile. Meagan knew something was wrong but they had drifted so far apart she couldn't ask.

Ten minutes later everyone had arrived. As usual, Lana was glitzed up to the nines making sure everyone knew she had money. Meagan had to admit that in the first few years it had been fun to dress up, but as she'd gotten used to the lifestyle—totally alien to the way she was raised—it had been easier to adopt a simple, classic look and spend the money on quality shoes, handbags and jewellery. She'd also realised that Fraser never made splashy shows. However, the price of his suits would make her father cringe. While once she'd never believed that tailoring mattered, seeing Fraser in his suits still made her heart take a little tumble.

“Whatever you are cooking smells amazing,” gushed Willow.

“You're getting to sample some of the autumn menu for Edesia.” She knew Lana would probably pick at it, as she was fussy with everything that she put in her mouth, regardless of who cooked it.

Virginia gave her a cool smile. “And no doubt you've been cooking all day.”

Meagan could read between the lines of that backhanded compliment. Once it would've flustered her. Now she knew Virginia was looking for a bite. “Actually, no. I had one of the apprentices do all the prep work while I took the kids to the park.” It was nice to be just another mother at the park. Anonymous. “Before we get started, I have exciting news.” Meagan grinned.

“On my God, you're pregnant again!” Emma's face fell and she looked as though she was about to cry. She'd failed to get pregnant after having her first eleven years ago, and babies were a sensitive topic. Emma needed a focus in her life beyond her husband and her desire to have another child.

Meagan missed Emma as a friend; they had both struggled to fit into this group at first, and raced to reassure her. “No! We're done with babies. We're opening a second restaurant. We signed the paperwork yesterday to buy the property.” Fraser wanted that property regardless of whether she did. It was a sound investment, apparently. When it came to things like that she let him take the lead.

There were some congratulations, smiles and nods. About what she'd expected. Not all of them would be thrilled.

“And when are you going to have time for this new venture?” Nella sipped her wine with one perfectly manicured eyebrow arched up in question.

“I will be supervising, not actually cooking.” She was going to take her hands off the wheel…a little. Fraser had agreed with that decision. “I've already hired a top Melbourne chef for Footprint.”

Lana would've frowned if her face had that mobility. “Footprint? What kind of a name is that?”

“For a beachside, vegetarian place with paleo options. It's perfect as we are planning to make sure it leaves a very small ecological footprint.” It was almost the opposite of Edesia. Again all the paperwork was done and the name was theirs. They always had the paperwork in place before announcing new ventures.

“Oh, so not fine dining?” Nella said with a sniff.

“No, more relaxed.” A place she could take her kids. Trendy, specialised and friendly. She liked new challenges, but she also had to remember to let go of the reins. She didn't have to micromanage everything. That is why she hired awesome people. And if she repeated that enough times she might start to believe it. Stepping back was a good thing. She just had to look at what she was gaining—time with her kids and hubby.

“A book, two restaurants, two kids: it's a wonder you have time for poor Fraser,” Lana said, her mouth turned into moue of mock sympathy.

To that, Meagan just smiled. She knew exactly how to have the perfect affair with her husband. While they may not spend as much time together as they used to, the time they did have was precious and the flame had definitely not gone out.

“Just make sure that if his eye starts to wander, you see Marc. He'll nip and tuck all the right places.” Christa said with wink. “You do have that gorgeous nanny living here.” While Christa didn't have that petrified look of a woman who'd had too much work done, her skin was a little too flawless for her years. A little life experience on your face was nothing to be afraid of. Maybe in another ten years Meagan would feel differently, but her career was built on what she did, not how she looked.

Meagan sipped her wine and wondered what Christa got up to when her husband wasn't looking. That wasn't the first time she had mentioned the nanny, and Christa had only seen her a couple of times.

However Meagan wasn't worried about Fraser and the nanny. He'd complained more than once that the only thing he could talk to her about was the children, because they had nothing else in common. Fraser liked to be surrounded by smart people who were ambitious. That was why he'd pursued her ten years ago. He'd seen something in her and had wanted everyone else to see it too.

As she looked around at her social circle, some of them friends, some of them more tolerated acquaintances, she realised that she had made it. When she'd first joined this circle she'd been Fraser Oxley-Nichols' working wife. They'd invited her because of him and she'd been on the fringes, like Camilla was now. She smiled at Drake Jackson's young wife and vowed to make more of an effort to include her. There was no time like now to start.

She wandered over to join Camilla, Willow and Emma and listen to Darla's dating woes. So far it had been one bad date after another. It made Meagan very grateful that she'd already met and married the man of her dreams.

“He was name-dropping the whole night.” Darla took a sip of wine.

“He just wanted to prove he was well connected?” Some people did that, but it also showed a level of insecurity to be doing it on the first date. Camilla was willing to give everyone a chance, or two.

Darla shook her head. “Oh, that I could've dealt with. No. He was naming the big name women he's allegedly slept with.”

Emma scrunched up her nose. “Ew, like a résumé?”

The only thing worse than a man who got around was one who boasted about it. The women he had slept with would no doubt be mortified if they knew he was naming them.

Darla grinned at Emma. “Exactly. He thought I should be impressed by the list.”

“Then you'd be on the list,” said Meagan. For all the glamour and diamonds in the room, they were still a bunch of women getting together to gossip. Some things didn't change, regardless of social status.

When she'd first picked up her knives, she could never have imagined where she'd end up. She was part of Sydney's elite. She was a respected chef and celebrity in her own right. And she had a husband to enjoy that success with. Fraser had backed her dream and that was worth more than any diamond.

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Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives
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