MC: Moniz: Book 9 (6 page)

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

BOOK: MC: Moniz: Book 9
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Bob’s talking to someone on a different line. We’re landing at the compound. Bob helps me out of the chopper and it takes a minute for the dizziness to pass. The girl won’t let me go, but Tiny has my arm and guides me into Pres’s house where he’s waiting with Amanda. The girl will not let me go. I look at Kate for help but she’s signing to the mother.

“Sit and I’ll look at her on your lap. Then I’ll look at you.” Amanda tells me. I do and she talks to the girl while she looks her over. She puts butterfly stitches above her eyebrow and washes her face up. She winces when she feels the side of her head. “Sweetie, I need to see this side.” The girl turns but won’t look up. “That’s a pretty big bump let’s get some ice for that. Jeremy can you get me some ice?”

“He said yes, and look at my foot,” the girl says still looking down. We all freeze.

“My name is Amanda. What is your name sweetie?”

“I don’t have a name.” She still doesn’t look up. “He said I just don’t remember, but it’s Aubrey.” Jeremy holds the ice pack to her head. The woman makes a noise and the girl turns away.

“Is this your mom Aubrey?” I ask.

“I don’t have a mom. The man said she will get hurt if I see her. I can’t see her.”

I look at Pres not sure what to do here. Kate jumps in while Amanda starts looking at her body. Jeremy turns as Kate sits beside us. “Aubrey, I’m Kate. I help women and kids right here in town.”

“You help people be safe everywhere. Ally told me.” She has no problem looking at Kate. This is another damn vision kid. The hair on the back of my neck stands up. Jeremy puts his hand on my arm because that heat will take all the weirdness away. He smiles at me.

“Ally is my sweet girl and she’s right I help people in a lot of places. I’d like to help you. Can you tell me what the man said about the woman?”

“I can’t see her or she gets hurt. I saw him hurt her. He cut her and took her words. Now all she has is noise.” She makes grunting noises. “Like that. He hurt her ‘cause I saw her. She was bleeding.” She’s so matter of fact I’m stunned. Amanda stops and looks at Kate.

“That man can’t hurt her anymore. She’s here where she can get help now.” The girl shakes her head no.

Amanda finishes and says she wants an X-ray of her foot. She thinks it’s broken. She stands in front of me and shields the mother’s view of her hands signing a rape kit and tests too. “I’m going to sit you on Kate’s lap while I look at Geek.” She puts her hand up to take Aubrey, the fuckin’ kid screams sending pain through my head and she holds on tight.

Shit. I close my eyes and tighten my hold on her. “You can stay right here if you don’t scream again.” She loosens her hold and sits still. I look at Amanda. “Dizziness, sick to my stomach and a fuckin’ headache that won’t quit. I see fine, except when she screams, then I see grey around the edges.”

“I’d say you have a concussion. We need to hit the Clinic. I can get the X-ray and Doc can check you out.”

Aubrey squeezes me; she’s shaking and has tears on her face. Fuck. I look around seeing only women. Where did the Brothers go? “What is her name?” I ask Kate.

“Marty. She’s been with them for three years, they took Aubrey from her when she was two,” she says softly.

Tess comes running in with tears on her face. “You made it.” She hugs Marty then gets on her knees. “Aubrey,” she cries and the girl touches her head.

Jeremy touches Tess then my arm. Heat runs right through me and the hair is up on the back of my neck again. I close my eyes and start to enjoy the heat until Aubrey cries out. She’s got a death grip on my arm. Kate is trying to take her.

“She knows Geek won’t hurt her, she saw him taking care of her,” Tess says.

“Jeremy is Geek going to be okay?” Amanda asks.

He looks at Aubrey. “He is. They all will be okay. Like Diego.” Aubrey talks for him. “We don’t need Doc. Mitch will help and Geek will keep me safe.”

I look at Tess. She nods. “It will all work out Geek. They stay with you and she’ll see no one will hurt her here.”

Jacob comes in with Jessie following. He pulls Jeremy to him for a hug and I see the bruise on his arm. “What happened to him?” I ask Jessie and Aubrey squeezes me. I look down and see her head turned away. What the hell?

“Control your voice. Keep it light. We didn’t let him go. They tried for him but never made it past grabbing his arm.” I sit straight and hug Jeremy and Jacob with Aubrey on my lap. Jeremy laughs.

“He’s so happy Jacob is here,” she says then giggles. She sounds like Tess with that musical little sound. I look at Jessie. He shrugs.

Bob comes in from the driveway. “I need to get to Security. Digs has you covered Geek. Pres said take the day tomorrow and you have HS at your house until we finish clearing. It’s going to take a while. Jessie we need you suited up.” He kisses Amanda and walks out. Jessie follows, leaving me with the women.

“I guess we’re going to my house,” I tell Aubrey. “Tess, is there anything I need to know?”

She gives me a sad smile with tears on her face. God save me from more fuckin’ tears. She laughs. “They were hurt bad. Aubrey needs your strong. Jeremy and Jacob help her but she needs you right now. She’s like Elizabeth and Brenna, but she’ll be happy like Sandy. She’s going to be strong like Jeremy.”

Fuck, I want to ask more questions, but they’re all looking at me. Jacob touches my arm, but barely shakes his head no. I guess Q&A will wait. “I need a beer and to relax, let’s get you to my house so I can have that.”

Amanda laughs. “I’d tell you to skip the beer, but somehow I don’t think that will work, so how about I say just one.”

I throw her chin and stand with Aubrey in my arms. I’m starting to understand what a eucalyptus tree feels like. I wait for the dizziness, but it doesn’t hit me. “Is someone getting clothes for them?”

Tiny steps in from the living room. “They’re at your house Brother. I’ll get you home.” I throw him chin feeling better that I’m not the only Brother here. Tess, Jeremy and Aubrey laugh. Fuckin’ vision shit. Tess hugs me and I’m relieved to have Aubrey in my arms. Rich would fuckin’ kill me.

Marty is just watching me. She holds the laptop against her chest like it’s still a lifeline. I need to check that. “Jeremy can you help Marty?” He pulls Jacob with him and they walk her out. When I get to the door I stop short. Kids are everywhere. Tiny laughs from behind me. They line the walkway with CJ and Nancy at the end. “Aubrey these are the kids from the compound. They just want to say hi. Can you hold my hand and walk with me so they can do that?”

“You won’t leave me?” She has tears again. Fuckin’ tears.

“No. I’ll hold your hand.” I put her down and fix the shirt. Her eyes are guarded as if I’m lying to her. “Trust me kid. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” She nods and grabs my hand. Her step is off so I watch as she takes three steps to my one. She’s limping but doesn’t seem to be in pain. I wonder if maybe we should have gone to Doc’s anyway.

As we walk by, the kids on her side touch her. At first she shies away. Ally steps in front of us and hugs her. “Ally.” She’s crying again. Jesus. VP was right with the fuckin’ book. At the truck I lift her in but she won’t let me go. “We need to get something straight here. I haven’t lied to you and until I do, you trust me. Yeah?” She watches me for a beat then nods. “I can’t get in if you don’t let me go.” She looks toward her mother and Tiny then back quick. “You need to decide if you trust me or not. I won’t hurt you and I won’t let anyone else hurt you.” She lets me go and I slide in thinking I won something here.

At the house Jess and Harley are waiting. I’m glad and smile at them wondering why Harley is here, but relieved someone is. Aubrey grabs on again. Since she limps I carry her up to Jess. “Aubrey, this is Jess and Harley.” I look back. “Marty is Aubrey’s mom.”

Jess says hi to Aubrey and signs to Marty. I put Aubrey down and Harley takes her other hand. Getting us in, I hit the alarm. “Chet is outside. I’m out Brother. I’ll see you in the morning,” Tiny says throwing chin.

I give it back wondering if VP is going to kill me for this. Aubrey squeezes my hand. When I look at her she’s scared. Fuck! “It’s a Brother thing. Old ladies don’t hang with Brothers.” She nods making me smile. She’s a cute kid.

“We need to get Aubrey a bath and some clean clothes on. Can you show us where we do that Geek?” Jess says. “I bet Marty would like a shower too.”

I nod knowing Jess knows where, but I show them upstairs to the bathroom. Jess walks into the bedroom to the left. “Marty, there are clothes in here for both of you.” Harley keeps Aubrey’s hand bringing her into the bathroom. She starts the tub filling and lets Aubrey go to pull a bottle out of her bag. She shows Aubrey and dumps a shit load into the tub giggling. She doesn’t say much, but she’s just like Tess. Always happy. “You can’t be in here Geek, Harley’s going to help get Aubrey all cleaned up and ready for bed. Marty is downstairs taking a shower. Steve said you have some work to do with the computer.”

Jess is smart. I nod and squat down. “This is my house. I’m not going anywhere but to my office across the hall. You need to get clean, when you’re done, come to my office and see me.” She nods but doesn’t let my hand go. “You trust me, you can do this. Yeah?” She nods and lets me go.

I throw chin to Jess and walk straight into my office. The laptop is sitting on the desk. Jess. I smile flipping on my station. I plug it in and grab the scanner. It’s tracked. Fuck. I need the tablet to see where to. I hit the jammer box and start unscrewing the casing. While I’m working I call in to Security. VP shows on my screen. “The laptop has tracking.”

“Digs picked it up and got you covered.” I pull the tracker out and show him. “Anythin’ on it?”

“I haven’t gotten into it yet just looked for tracking.”

“Hit me when you get somethin’,” he says then shuts the feed down. I take a quick look at the feeds. Fuck, they have everyone running. Tracking shows the kids and women on the compound. I look again. Brantley and Victor are in KC. I push it away and start going through the laptop.

Jess comes in and sits on the side of me and I hope to Christ VP doesn’t pop back on. “She was raped.” I freeze but don’t look at her. “She has fingerprint marks on her legs and arms and had blood on her legs. She smelled like it wasn’t that long ago and she wasn’t protected from disease. Something is wrong with her foot, she has bruises on her back and arms, there’s a knot on her head that’s tender. Tell me they’re dead.”

My jaw is clenched so hard it’s causing my head to hurt. I take a breath and blow it all out my nose slowly. When I can relax my jaw I look at her. More tears. “They’re working right now. What do I need to do for her?”

“Kill them.” She waits for an answer, since I don’t have one, I throw her chin. “Jake’s old lady is coming tomorrow at nine to check her. She’ll need you to help with that. The kids can’t see this so you’ll have to take that for her.” I nod. After what she’s been through I can do that for her. Five years old. Fuckin’ pussies better be dead. She gets up and goes back in the bathroom.

My hands are shaking, but I get back to the laptop. I pull security up on my open chat again. Pres comes on my screen. “There’s a list of IP addresses and what they’re for. It looks like she was storing them, but it was hidden.”

He starts signing and I look behind me. Marty is standing behind me signing back. She nods and pulls the other chair over then pulls the laptop to her. “She has another file of emails to and from the pussies and bidders. She tried to follow the money,” he says. He sounds tired. I look from what Marty is doing to the screen. “Jess talk to you?”

He’s not tired, he’s hurt; he feels more than the rest of us. “Yeah.”

His hands go through his hair. “It’s a lot for a Brother, but she needs you.”

“I got it Pres she’s not going through that alone.”

He looks relieved. “Thanks Brother. Brantley is running addresses for us now. Send me what you get from the woman.”

“Marty. Her name’s Marty.” He throws chin but clicks off.

“What the fuck is going on?”

Marty hits my arm and looks to the door. Aubrey is looking away but Harley walks her to me. “She’s all clean Geek. Can I come and play tomorrow? She’s my new friend and we have to share with her. Little Ben said it will take all of us.” I nod feeling the lump in my throat. She’s going to need something good after getting checked tomorrow. Harley nods and hugs me. Fuckin’ kids. Aubrey climbs on my lap, but never looks at her mom. I throw Jess chin.

“Nancy will have someone drop more clothes and CJ will have food and toys dropped. One of the old ladies will be available to you every day. Tomorrow is Tess or Amanda. We’ll keep at that until you say you’re good.” Since it’s nothing I thought of I thank her. “Call or text if you have questions. Kate or me. Call Steve or Danny if you need advice or help. Tiny will be here for you in the morning.” I nod swallowing that fuckin’ lump again. My family is covering me. “Harley let’s get you home. Your mom will bring you over tomorrow.”

Harley kisses Aubrey’s cheek. “I told them what toys to get; we can open them like Christmas!” She skips away giggling. Cute.

“I need to hit the alarm Jess, hold up.” I say trying to slide Aubrey to the side. She screams. Jess freezes. I lift her up and she stops. “Guess I’m taking screaming meemy with me.”

Harley gives me the biggest smile. “You keep her safe. She’ll get it Geek.” What the fuck do I say to that? I nod.

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