MC Biker Romance: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Taken (Secret Baby Biker Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance) (26 page)

BOOK: MC Biker Romance: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Taken (Secret Baby Biker Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance)
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Scarlett smoothed the edges of her skirt down, as she stood facing the large wooden door. The gates had swung silently open as she arrived, allowing her to enter the large property. Scarlett hadn’t seen a house this big in New York, and it certainly belonged to someone much more powerful and richer than she could ever dream of being. Taking a deep breath, Scarlett plucked up the courage to knock on the door and, after a few minutes, she could hear the sound of footsteps swiftly approaching.

“Miss Jones” a man said, as he answered the door. He had the same clipped tone as the man Scarlett had spoken to on the phone yesterday.

“It’s Scarlett” Scarlett said, trying to be friendly. The man said nothing, but stepped aside to allow her to enter the house. Turning on his heel, he moved deeper into the house leaving Scarlett with no option but to follow. She felt her jaw drop at the sight of the large mahogany staircase and sleek furnishings. This was the home of someone who was stylish, as well as rich and she could only imagine what it would be like to live somewhere like this.

“Wait here” he stopped suddenly, gesturing for Scarlett to enter the room. The room was larger than Scarlett’s entire apartment and was decorated in dark reds with a large leather sofa and recliner in the center. Taking a deep breath to steel her nerves, Scarlett quietly crossed the room and took a seat on the sofa, keeping her knees together, trying to act poised. The man stood watching her from the doorway, as if considering her before disappearing further into the house.

Scarlett waited patiently, watching the hands of the clock tick slowly. She had almost given up hope when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. They weren’t the quiet footsteps of the man who had opened the door; these were heavier and they moved with purpose.

“Miss Jones” a booming voice called. Scarlett jumped to her feet at the sound of the voice and found herself face to face with perhaps the most handsome man she had ever seen face to face.

“Please call me Scarlett,” she said, extending her hand. He paused for a moment before accepting her hand with a firm shake.

“Adrian.” His hand felt warm in hers, his skin soft with a light fragrance that Scarlett couldn’t quite place. It smelt… earthy. “Please take a seat” Adrian said, gesturing for her to sit. Gathering her skirt around her, Scarlett tried to gauge what kind of man she could be working for. He was so handsome, and Scarlett found herself blushing under his intense gaze. Adrian lowered himself into the giant arm chair, which still looked too small to fit his frame.

“Where are you from, Scarlett?” Adrian didn’t look at her while she spoke; instead, he stared firmly ahead as if seeing something she could not.

“Hamlet, North Carolina.” She saw his eyebrows rise and her confusion grew; there was something about him she couldn’t make out.

“A small town girl?” he said dismissively. “Tell me, what do your family do?” Adrian finally turned to look at her, his gaze considering.

“My mom, well she’s…” Scarlett felt suddenly weary. Why was he asking about her family? She still had no idea what the job she was applying for actually entailed. Adrian silenced her with a flick of his wrist.

“What dress size are you?”

“Uh…” Scarlett hesitated. What did all this have to do with being a caretaker? “A 14, I guess.” Adrian looked her up and down, a small snort escaping. Scarlett felt herself blush. She had a curvaceous figure, which she loved and she was not going to change for anyone. Adrian continued to fire rapid questions at Scarlett, the content she doubted had anything to do with her ability to do the job. She opened her mouth several times to ask him about the job, but each time, Adrian would cut in first.

“I trust that you are single…” his eyes bore into Scarlett’s and she averted her gaze.

“I was wondering what exactly the job entails. I mean, who would I actually be looking after?” Scarlett said, deflecting his question. Surprise flashed across Adrian’s face.

“Why, me of course.” His tone implied that the answer should have been obvious to Scarlett. They sat in silence for a few moments. Scarlett didn’t know what to say, but Adrian took the decision out of her hand.

“Well Scarlett,” Adrian said, unfurling his long legs and rising, “it has been a pleasure to meet you. I will be in touch.” Scarlett followed Adrian through the hallway and, once again, found herself standing on the large marble steps. Her thoughts raced,
what does he want…sex?
Scarlett shook her head, as she walked down the long winding driveway.
I don’t want any part of this.




Scarlett sat in a room filled with a dozen other girls who were also hopeful for a shot in the latest off-Broadway play. Next to her, her best friend, Amalie, sat studying the competition.

“Well, thank God I’m the skinniest one here, which has to go in my favor” the meaning behind Amalie’s words weren’t lost on Scarlett, but she was used to her veiled jibes. Scarlett said nothing, just simply nodded her head. “Look at that girl,” Amalie said, pointing to a girl that was fairly overweight. “She has no chance.”

“Maybe she’s a good actress,” Amalie mimicked, “you’re such a small town girl, always the nice one.” Amalie laughed, turning her attention back to the magazine she held in her hand. Scarlett frowned, but bit her tongue. Amalie was the closest person she had to a friend, if you could call it friendship, and she didn’t want to be on the outs with her.

“You know, if you were a tiny bit skinnier, you might have more luck finding a role.” Her voice droned on, but Scarlett tuned her out. Nodding mindlessly, Amalie launched into yet another one of her famous tirades about fad diets and amazing fitness instructors that could help Scarlett lose all her weight in a matter of weeks. Amalie never really understood Scarlett’s ability to be comfortable in her own skin. She was a native New Yorker and firmly believed it was what was on the outside that counted the most.
With friends like Amalie, who needs enemies,
Scarlett thought to herself.
Is that what my life has become; only being friends with someone because it’s better than being alone?

“There’s a party tonight by the way,” Amalie said, suddenly changing the subject. “Finn will be there.” Out of the corner of her eye, Scarlett saw Amalie watching her for a reaction.

“That could be nice,” she murmured in reply, giving nothing away. Scarlett had grown very fond of Amalie’s friend, Finn… well, more than fond. They flirted, but it had never gone beyond that, and she didn’t know if Finn even returned her affections. He was tall and good looking, already staring in the show, Off-Broadway, and he had an exciting career ahead of him. There was only one problem; Finn was incredibly shallow and was always surrounded by thin, beautiful women… women that Scarlett could not compete with.

“Scarlett Jones?” A woman’s voice called. Scarlett jumped to her feet to see a woman disappearing back out to the front, the door to the stage open. Amalie barely seemed to notice Scarlett’s departure, too engrossed in her fashion magazine to wish her friend luck. As Scarlett made her way over to the door, she felt a vibration in her pocket.

“Hello?” Scarlett whispered into her phone, she didn’t recognize the number.

“Miss Jones, Mr. Carter would like to give you a trial for the caretaker position. He requests you come immediately.” Scarlett frowned.

“I can’t, I’m at an audition and well… I need to think it over.” Scarlett could hear her name being called. They wouldn’t wait too long for her before they called someone else.

“Mr. Carter requests your presence immediately.” There was a click and the call disconnected. Sliding the phone back into her pocket, Scarlett didn’t know what to think.
Should I do it
? She questioned. It would certainly get her off Carrie’s sofa, but was she ready for everything the job might entail. Her mind raced a thousand miles an hour, as she stepped out onto the stage and into the bright lights of Off-Broadway.

Tears threatened to spill, as Scarlett fought her way through the crowd of women standing in the audition room and back over to where Amalie waited.

“How did it go?” Amalie said, looking up as Scarlett approached. “Ouch, not good huh?” she said when she caught sight of Scarlett’s face. Scarlett imagined she must look terrible; she felt sick to her stomach.

“I tanked,” she admitted. She had been so distracted by thoughts of Adrian Carter and the job that she had forgotten her lines. Line’s that she had spent the entire day practicing until she knew them by heart.

“Never mind; better chance for me then,” Amalie said with a smile on her face. And, for the second time today, Amalie wondered to herself
with friends like Amalie, who needs enemies.




Scarlett found herself once again standing in front of the large wooden door on the marble stairs. In her hand, she held a small overnight bag. She had no idea what to expect, what she would need, or even if she would actually accept the job. Taking a deep breath, she knocked twice on the door and waited.

“Good Afternoon, Miss Jones,” the man said, as he opened the door. He studied her for a moment before adding, “We expected you sooner.” Scarlett had spent the whole ride home from 50
Street all the way back to Carrie’s apartment in Brooklyn debating with herself if she should even show up. She hoped and prayed that it would all work out; that Mr. Carter did not need those kinds of services, but maybe, it was more of a personal assistance. But really, anything had to be better than living with Carrie. Scarlett followed him inside and he led her up the stairs. “Let me show you to your room,” he said without looking back.

“What should I call you?” Scarlett said, realizing she had no idea what this man’s name was.

“Walter,” he said simply, without looking back. He led her toward the back of the house. “That part of the house,” he said, pointing to a set of mahogany double doors that looked as if it led into a wing “is off limits unless Mr. Carter invites you; of course.” Scarlett tried to take in her surroundings, but she was sure she was going to get lost in the winding hallways. “And, here is your room,” Walter said, stopping in front of a single dark mahogany door. Without another word, he left her simply standing there, as he moved further into the house. Taking a deep breath, Scarlett pushed open the door and stepped into her new room.

“Wow,” Scarlett exclaimed, looking around her new room. The room was bigger than the entire apartment she shared with Carrie. It was modern with sleek white walls and furnishing and bright lighting. A large king size bed sat at the head of the room, and there was enough space for a light grey sofa and a flat screen T.V. Scarlett’s hands trailed over the soft fabric of the sofa, as she made her way into the ensuite. The ensuite was just as big as the bedroom with a beautiful walk-in rainforest shower, a large vanity, and best of all, a large spa tub that Scarlett thought she would never get out of.

“I hope you find your accommodations suitable?” Scarlett jumped at the sound of the voice. Turning around, she saw Adrian standing in the doorway, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

“It is lovely. Thank you,” Scarlett said, careful to guard her emotions and words until she had come to a proper decision.

“You will find a dress laid out on the bed. I expect it should fit perfectly. I will require you to dine with me tonight,” Adrian said, nodding toward the bed. Scarlett followed his gaze and saw a beautiful royal blue dress laid out on the bed. She was suddenly aware that her own clothes were out of a place here, tugging down the corners of her worn t-shirt.

“No one has told me what I am expected to do or what hours you will need me.” Scarlett said, taking advantage of the silence that now stretched between the pair.

“I need you to be available at all times. I may require you at a moment’s notice.” Scarlett frowned.
Was she now a prisoner here
? How would she continue to audition for plays if she could never leave?

“For what?” Adrian studied her for a moment before quietly shutting the door, leaving her alone once again. As was becoming the way with Adrian, Scarlett was left with more questions than she had begun with. Kicking off her old dirty trainers, Scarlett stepped out of her jeans and t-shirt that had certainly seen better days. The silkiness of the fabric felt smooth against her course hands
. Was this some kind of play,
Scarlett thought to herself, as she slipped the dress over her head, the folds of fabric enveloping her,
for what was to come later?




Scarlett padded down the winding hallways, the heels of her new stilettos sinking into the soft carpet. She had to admit the dress was amazing, and was beyond anything she had ever imagined owning. Standing outside the doors leading into the dining room, she found Walter who stood dressed in tails. He nodded, as Scarlett approached, and swept open the double doors announcing her entrance. Scarlett gaped when she saw the dining room, and cringed as she realized how provincial she must seem to Adrian. Adrian sat at the head of the large table, and upon Scarlett’s entrance, he immediately stood and made his way around to her chair at the other end of the table.

“Good evening,” he said warmly, as he pulled out Scarlett’s chair inviting her to sit. Scarlett took her seat, but her eyes never left Adrian, as he made his way back around the table and retook his seat.

“Good evening,” Scarlett murmured.

“I trust you find your room suitable? If you require anything, please ask Walter and he will make sure you have it.” At the sound of his name, Walter quietly swept into the room and poured wine into the crystal glasses.

“Thank you,” Scarlett said, as Walter returned to his station at the door.  Adrian picked up the glass, raising it into the air.

“To new beginnings,” he said, before taking a sip. Scarlett followed his lead, all the time wondering what she had gotten herself in to.

As the night wore on, Scarlett became more relaxed. She wasn’t sure if this was due to the sudden change in Adrian’s behavior toward her or the wine that flowed freely.
Why is he paying me to have dinner with him, he could have any woman he wants.
Adrian laughed, as Scarlett regaled him with another story from her home town,
he’s so handsome,
Scarlett thought. It was as if Adrian had stepped out of a magazine, dressed in a tuxedo for dinner, his long black hair cascading in waves to his shoulders, his brown eyes gleaming.
What would those lips taste like?
Scarlett found herself wondering, unable to stop the thoughts from creeping in. Would she do it? Sleep with him if that’s what the job entailed. But, it was her lack of an immediate response that scared her.

“May I go to bed now?” Scarlett said suddenly, placing the glass of wine down on the table. She couldn’t get the thought of Adrian’s touch out of her mind, and she felt herself blush. Adrian returned his wine glass to the table and gazed at Scarlett.

“There is something that I require of you first, and then you may go.” Scarlett felt herself still, a shiver running down her spine.

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