Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5 (15 page)

Read Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5 Online

Authors: Angela Addams

Tags: #werewolf;shapeshifter;rock star;Hunter;Huntress;red hot;erotic

BOOK: Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5
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Mayhem dropped his grip, jumped in front of her once again. Talia’s spell on the beasts broke like a taut elastic snapping. The growling started low and long, eerie as one after another, the wolves began to howl. Their glassy eyes snapping to awareness, full of vengeance, all turning to Talia.

Mayhem pushed Hannah back and this time she obeyed. Time to get the hell outta Dodge.

Chapter Twenty-Six

The plan had been conveyed without words. The moment Talia’s magic control had lifted, Mayhem’s transformation had ignited—rage, fear, and his wolf’s need to get to Hannah, making it happen against the natural order of things. And when he had changed, his pack had also, emotion riding high.

The wolves had known that it would be Mayhem and Mayhem alone who would be going in after Hannah. The pack needed to protect the Huntresses—Darcy, Summer and Aubrey—from everything that lay in the Order compound. Namely, the potential for the Hunters to decide that they wanted a few new Huntresses all to themselves. Whether or not the threat was real, Darcy, Summer and Aubrey were powerful and highly coveted by the Order. Too valued for the pack to take for granted.

And so, without hesitation, Raven, Jay and Dy had incapacitated their women. A well-placed pinch on the neck that had all three passed out and unable to get into trouble. And now none of them were speaking to the men. Frosty silence and deadly glares. Which was fine by Mayhem. His pack was alive, and safely away on a different continent than they had been the day before. The women could be mad as long as they needed to be. He’d protected his pack in the only way he could.

The women would forgive. Eventually. Until then, Raven, Jay and Dy had been doing whatever necessary to keep the women’s simmering rage from boiling over. The boys were working very hard for forgiveness. Eventually, the ice would crack.

They’d left the Order compound in the midst of battle, unwilling to sacrifice anything for the Hunters’ war. Mayhem didn’t know if Talia had survived, if Hannah’s magic had continued once they’d left the property, or if the entire compound was overrun by beasts. He didn’t know and he didn’t care. What mattered was that his pack was alive and unharmed.

And Hannah, his Hannah, well, she was safely in his arms, asleep, her body resting languidly, satisfied by their many rounds of reunion sex.

He nuzzled in closer, inhaling her scent.
My mate. My Huntress. My love.

There would be need to address the many things he’d learned in the past few days. His weakness as an alpha. His ignorance had nearly cost him the pack. Luckily, he hadn’t gotten anyone killed. He wanted to explore his power to transform at will, maybe even to transform into the beast. There was a lot to do. A lot to learn.

But first…Hannah. She moaned in her sleep, pushing her gorgeous little ass against his cock, spurring him to full arousal with such a small gesture. It would be a shame to wake her—she’d only been asleep for an hour. But daylight was coming and there was a whole day to sleep away while he was a wolf.

As her mind slowly came back to awareness, Hannah felt her mate’s arousal in both his cock’s insistent nudging and the waves of emotions battering at her.

She opened her eyes to find her man, Mayhem, staring down at her. His long hair cascaded around his face, draping over her chest, his blue eyes searching for something. “Thank you for not killing me,” he whispered with a small smile. “I forgot to say that before.”

She smiled back. “That was one hell of a secret you were keeping.” She winked. “Hiding any more?”

Mayhem shook his head with a smirk.

Hannah swatted his chest. “You ever going to tell me what your real name is?”

Mayhem’s eyes went wide with surprise. “My real name?” He frowned. “It’s Mayhem.”

“Oh come on!” Hannah scoffed. “No one is given a name like that. Mayhem? Just that?”

“My wolf gave it to me.” He shook his head. “It’s hard to explain because the wolf doesn’t really communicate with words. It has a language that I can understand intuitively.”

It was Hannah’s turn for wide eyes. “That’s fascinating.”

“I’m sure I had a human name, but I don’t remember much from before the bite. In fact, I don’t remember a lot from when I was bitten either…only that it came as an attack and I was left to die thirty years ago. When I survived and first transformed, my wolf tried to explain what was going on. I was crazed in the beginning, cycling from man to beast as the sun rose and set, understanding little of what it all meant. Luckily, I stayed away from humans, didn’t attack anyone from what I can remember. Well, except for when I bit Dy, but that’s another story.”

“And Raven, Jaylon? You bit them too?”

“When I gained control over myself, months and months later, I felt this need to rule over a pack. As far as I know, none of the others felt this way. Because I bit Dy—sired, him I guess you could say—he was mine from the get-go. Raven and Jay, they came to us in bad shape. Their beasts were feral, their siring bite one that poisoned their minds. I brought them back from the brink of insanity with my bite and they became my pack, swore allegiance to me. That was twenty years ago. We had no idea about the Order in all that time. The legacy of the Huntresses was only a folktale I’d discovered in my research, nothing real as far as I was concerned.”

“Until Raven met Darcy?”

Mayhem chuckled. “Yeah, when they met and opened Pandora’s box.”

Hannah smiled. He was sharing his life with her, his secrets. She could feel everything he was feeling even as he relived his past through his memories and his words. “You are a special man, my Mayhem. I’m glad you didn’t give up on me when I disappeared with Allan. Thanks for coming for me.”

“We need to do something.”

Thinking he was playing with her words, Hannah arched an eyebrow and shifted a little so that Mayhem’s rock-hard cock was angled just the right way. “I agree.”

He leaned down and kissed her gently before pulling away. “Hannah, my love, I can only hope with all of my heart that you will agree to be my mate. Right now. This very moment, mate with me.”

Surprised, Hannah opened her mouth to argue.

“I didn’t ask you properly in that dream. I didn’t give you a choice. I know that was wrong.” He closed his eyes, sucked in a deep breath, then opened his eyes again. “I wanted—my wolf wanted—so we took. As alpha, I believed I was doing right.”

Hannah nodded. Doing right for his pack. And she was part of his pack, whether she liked it or not. Allan and Kelly had said that as well. Mayhem had taken away her choice. Had marked her without proper consent. They’d been right about that. As she stared up into Mayhem’s eyes, she knew that they were wrong too. Mayhem hadn’t violated her. He had taken something she would have given anyway.

She licked her bottom lip, the answer so clear in her mind she knew her eyes reflected it.

Mayhem’s tentative smile grew wider.

“I will be your mate, Mayhem, for however long you will have me.”

Mayhem laughed. “Well, it’ll be quite a long time then. Hope you’re okay with that.”

When Hannah opened her mouth to speak, to tell him that she knew about the eternal life part of the deal, Mayhem laid his finger there to halt her words, all joking gone from his face. “I’m serious, love. With my mating bite, you will become one with me and, as a werewolf, I have a certain level of immunity to death and longevity of life. Our lives will be fused together.” With all seriousness, he continued, “You will always be the Huntress. You will always be able to kill me, kill my pack. It is my one true vulnerability and it makes you extremely valuable to the other side. The Order will always want you. They may even hunt for you, to claim you back.”

“It’s a strange feeling…to be so wanted.” Hannah gulped as she contemplated this new whopper of twist her life had taken.

“You are coveted by the Order, most certainly. Their numbers are small from what I’ve heard.”

“I am coveted by you.” Although the discussion was all symbolic at this point, her immunity to death as he called it, an actuality that came with his bite and Allan’s bond, it meant an eternity of life with Mayhem She was certain there were serious implications to this, probably many drawbacks. But at the moment, she could think of none. She couldn’t and wouldn’t be parted from this man again.

That was simply not an option.

“I will be your mate for however long I have.” She stretched up and kissed him. “The longer the better.”

Mayhem rolled her under his body, pulling away the sheet that covered her. The cool air of the room had her nipples beading and sent a shiver through her, but Mayhem took care of that too. With his mouth he warmed her sensitive flesh, suckling her deeply, licking and flicking. With his hand he strummed and pinched—both actions simultaneous, both heating her up from the inside out until she was shivering for an entirely different reason.

“Mayhem,” she moaned as she arched up, wrapping her legs around his hips, begging with her body for him to end her agony.

He lifted his head, a wolfish grin on his face. She giggled at the idea of that. A wolfish grin.

He pulled her thigh up higher, opening her sex to him as he thrust in one fluid motion, his full girth sliding into her with just the right amount of friction. He moved forward, pumping into her slowly as he rested his weight on his forearms. “I vow all of myself to you, my sweet Hannah.”

“And I to you, Mayhem.”

He kissed her, his tongue thrusting in time with the lazy strokes of his penis. She felt like he was consuming her, taking all of her in, while giving all of himself in return. As his thrusting became more urgent, more demanding, he pulled away from her lips and trailed his mouth, then his tongue, along her jaw and down the side of her neck.

She knew what was coming. What she didn’t expect was how erotic it would be—how much she craved it, something she hadn’t experienced in the dream. Just as the sharp points of his fangs punctured her skin, her body coiled taut. When he slid them in fully, her orgasm exploded with an intensity she’d never experienced before in her life.

As her sex spasmed, Mayhem thrust harder, pistoning inside her until he ripped his mouth from her throat, threw his head back and bellowed his own release.

And all at once, as the effects of her orgasm rolled on and on, she could feel her connection to Mayhem growing into something more complex, more defined. She felt their bond like a tangible rope, fusing them together as surely as their bodies were now entwined. Any bond remaining to Allan, to the Order, slipped away.

It was at that moment that she knew—this was what it felt like to be loved. This was what it felt like to find your soul mate. This was what it meant to be unforgettable, to matter to someone.

As she lay in his arms, once again on the verge of falling asleep, snuggling in close she felt contented. Safe. And also powerful.

“There are things I need to tell you, about the Order, about your wolf,” she whispered hoarsely. “When Allan bonded with me…”

Mayhem’s body tensed behind her. “Yes…”

She could tell he was reining in his jealousy, but felt it pulsing all the same and smiled. It was nice to be so cherished. “I have so much knowledge that I need to share with you. It keeps downloading into my head. Every time I sleep, I wake up with new information. I don’t know how long it will last, but Kelly did say that with the bond I would gain a lot of strength, skill and power.”

“And you want to share that with me?”

“I want to protect the pack. I want to make sure we are all safe.” She shrugged. “I know a lot about fighting techniques too. I could help you all train so that you can better defend, protect, keep us all safe. I mean, with Aubrey’s help, she knows her way around a weapon, right? And of course, if you’re okay with a woman showing you the ropes.”

Pride surged, followed by love. It made Hannah want to weep. Never in her life had she felt that kind of emotion. It was healing her in ways—mending wounds she hadn’t realized were still broken and bleeding.

“Knowledge is power,” Mayhem said as he pulled her closer to his body. “I will gladly accept all that you have to share with me. And I’m happy as hell that you’re on our side.”

Hannah giggled. “You better not step out of line.”

Mayhem chuckled as he pulled himself back and smacked her ass lightly, then nudged her legs open so that he could slip his cock inside. “Oh, Hannah, I’m a rock star, baby. All I know is how to cross the line.”

About the Author

Every day is Halloween for author Angela Addams. Enthralled by the paranormal at an early age, Angela spends most of her time thinking up new story ideas that involve supernatural creatures in everyday situations. She believes that the written word is an amazing tool for crafting the most erotic of scenarios.

She is an avid tattoo collector, a total book hoarder and loves anything covered in chocolate…except for bugs.

She lives in Ontario, Canada, in an old, creaky house, with her loving husband and children.

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Look for these titles by Angela Addams

Now Available:

Order of the Wolf


Wolf Slayer

Wolves’ Bane

Spell Weaver

Coming Soon:

Valiant Heart

Don’t miss the other titles in Angela Addams’ Order of the Wolf Series!

Her biggest mistake comes with fangs…and a nose for tracking her down.

The Order of the Wolf
, Book 1

Wherever there’s a lying, cheating scumbag who’s broken a woman’s heart, Vengeance Dealer Darcy Wells is there. So what if she isn’t the most skilled witch around? She’s only using one spell, which leaves the hapless male suffering tormenting lust for one woman. Her.

The beautiful part? This curse comes equipped with a blinding agent, allowing her a clean getaway. Unrequited lust, coming right up! As far as Darcy is concerned, it’s justice served. Her next target: Raven Glock, rock band bassist and drop-dead-gorgeous sex god.

When Raven lays eyes on the luscious Darcy, he gives her what he promises all the starry-eyed groupies who toss their panties at him—one unforgettable night in his bed. Sex with Darcy is so epic that he forgets his cardinal rule: to get her out before morning.

At the crack of sunrise, Darcy serves Raven a face full of cursed ash. But something goes horribly wrong…and she finds herself magically tethered to one pissed-off werewolf.

Worse, breaking the spell could cost her everything…maybe even her life.

Warning: Sexually explicit language, tattoos, piercings, and giant…um…feet. Wet panties are a given. Author assumes no responsibility for spontaneous ravishment of significant others, pool boys, or local pizza delivery personnel.

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