Maybe Yes (6 page)

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Authors: Ella Miles

BOOK: Maybe Yes
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It’s not quite a smile, but I can tell it’s pushing it for this man.

I smile brightly, hoping that if I smile, he will, too.

“I’m Kinsley,” I say, extending my hand.

He shakes it like it’s a business arrangement. I suck in my breath at his touch. His handshake is powerful and strong. It’s practiced, like he has shaken a million hands. I bet he can close business deals with just the strength of his handshake.

“And I would love more wine.” I take another sip of my wine, finishing it off.

He nods to the bartender this time, and she immediately comes over to him even though the bar is now full, and it’s not our turn to be served.

“Another?” the woman asks him, smiling brightly.

He nods. She winks at him before she goes to retrieve our drinks.

My mouth stays open. “How did you do that?”

He raises an eyebrow. “Order drinks?”

“How did you get her attention like that? Are you a regular or something?”

“No. Bartenders just know where their biggest tip lies. And that’s with me.”

I nod although I’m not sure if that’s completely it. He definitely has the sex-appeal thing going for him. And the intense almost lust-filled look he gives would make any woman say yes immediately.

I find myself wondering what it would be like if he asked me to go home with him tonight.
How different would it be from Brent?
I shake my head, getting that thought out of my head. I can’t have sex with this man—not that he is asking me anyway.

The bartender places our drinks in front of us. I immediately grab the glass and bring it to my lips to taste the sweet, smooth liquid again. I moan quietly as the liquid pours down my throat. The taste is magical. I’ve never had anything like it.

“My father.”

His eyes find mine, but he doesn’t say a word.

“My father taught me how to play blackjack.”

He nods.

“He taught me how to count cards.” My cheeks flush slightly from admitting that to him.

I think I see a hint of a smile forming, but I don’t know how to keep that smile on his lips. I don’t know how to flirt and show him that I need a distraction.

“He’s dead,” I blurt out. Then, I wait. I wait for the,
I’m sorry
. I wait for the,
Is there anything I can do for you?
I wait for the,
How are you doing?

This is what I get instead, “Let’s get out of here.”

My eyes widen. “What?”

“We are leaving.” Killian stands from the bar and begins walking in the direction of the hotel rooms.

I laugh.
He’s got to be kidding

When I glance at him, I realize he’s not. His face is stoic as he waits just a couple feet from me to follow him.


“This isn’t what you need.”

I laugh again before I glance back up at his eyes. “How do you know what I need?”

He walks to me until his body just grazes mine. His eyes stay on mine as his hand tucks my hair behind my ear. His hand doesn’t stop there though. It trails down my neck as he pushes my hair back until he is gently holding the nape of my neck. My breath catches. Shivers form all over my body. An ache for more forms in my belly, but I don’t let my need show. A complete stranger can’t turn me on this much. It took Brent most of the night to get me this filled with lust.
How has this stranger done it with barely a touch?

I watch as he bends down. For a second, I think he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t. Instead, his lips move inches away from my neck so that I can feel his hot breath there. I can’t move. I can’t breathe.

“Your body tells me. Your eyes are begging me to kiss you,” he whispers into my ear. His deep voice causes fluid to soak my panties. “You’re wet.”

I suck in a breath, proving him right.

“You want me to take you to my hotel room down the strip and fuck you until you scream.” He moves away from my neck. “That’s what you need.”

He cocks his head and grins for the first time. It’s a beautiful sight, and it’s a side of him I doubt he displays often.

I nod, and he smiles brighter.

“Come,” he says, holding his hand out to me.

I blush at the double meaning of the word. I bite my lip as I debate on what to do. I reach for the phone in my pocket, but I let my hand fall to my side. My father isn’t here to guide me. I have to decide this one on my own. And my body is begging me to go with this stranger. I have no doubt that he will know how to handle my body.

But I can’t. I tried it once, and I ended up puking alone while my father was dying.

“I ca—”

His lips stop me from speaking as his tongue slips into my mouth in one motion. The kiss is long and slow. His tongue takes complete control. When he breaks from the kiss, I’m panting, unable to catch my breath.

“Come with me. You need this.”

I stare at him, still panting hard, while I try to decide if he is a serial killer or not. Based on that kiss though, I’m not sure if I care. I would die happy, kissing this man.

I grab my glass of wine and down the last few drops, hoping the liquid will calm my nerves. It does.

“At least let me take you to get another bottle of your favorite wine.”

“It’s not my favorite.”

“Yes, it is.”

I turn back to the bar, expecting him to order another glass of wine.

“They’re all out.”

“I doubt it.” I try to flag down the bartender, but she won’t stop for me. I sigh.

“Don’t trust me?”

“No, I don’t.”

He flags her down. “Another round,” he says without glancing at her boobs.

“I’m sorry, sir. We are all out of that wine. Can I recommend another one?”

“No, thank you, Clarissa.”

My eyes grow wide at the mention of the bartender’s name. Her name tag sits across the left side of her blouse just above her cleavage. So, he did check out her boobs.

“Come split a bottle of wine with me.”

“Maybe,” I say. I can’t help but smile. I need this. I need to have one night to sleep with whomever I want before I never get to choose again. I need to finish what I never got that night.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Chapter Six

Killian’s hotel room is impressive. It’s one of the most impressive hotel rooms I’ve been in, and I’ve been in a lot. It’s large and spacious, and it has more rooms than any hotel room should. It’s also in the Felton Grand, one of my family’s hotels. I didn’t want to come here yet. Not so soon after my father passed away. Not when this is the place that I would miss him the most. But I didn’t want to tell Killian the truth when he brought me to this hotel, so I came.

I shake nervously as I watch him pour two glasses of wine. The nerves at least keep me from thinking about my father. He hands me my glass of wine, and he takes his and sits in a chair next to me. I hate that he is sitting there. I want him to sit next to me. I want him to kiss me. I want him to sleep with me, like he promised.

Instead, he sits, patiently watching me, as we both sip our wines.

“What do you do?” I ask, trying to distract my nerves.

“Do you really want to know? Or would you prefer, when I make you come, you don’t know anything about me? That way, when this is over, you can go back to whatever you are running from without any attachment.”

“How do you know I’m running from something? Maybe I’m just missing my father.”

“You are.”

I just nod. I don’t know if he means, I’m running from something, missing my father, or both.

“What about you? What do you do?”

“I thought we weren’t going to talk specifics.”

“No. I’m not going to tell you about me. The more you know, the more it’s likely that you will get attached.”

God, why am I here when this man keeps insulting me?
I frown. “I won’t get attached.”

“No?” He raises his eyebrows.

He’s probably right. If I fall for this man, it will only give me more of a reason to run from whomever my father and grandfather have chosen for me.

“Fine.” I sigh. “But I don’t want to tell you about me either.”

If I don’t get to know anything about this man, he doesn’t get to know anything about me.

He nods and takes a slow sip of his drink.

“When are we going to…” my voice says shakily.

“Fuck?” he says, finishing my sentence.

Wine slips from my mouth at how easily the word rolled off his tongue. He probably says
daily. He probably fucks daily.
I’m never going to live up to the girls he’s had before
. I try to push that thought out of my head. He chose me, for whatever reason. And he doesn’t have to know how inexperienced I am.

“Come here,” he says, motioning for me to come to him.

I place my glass on the coffee table and walk to him. When I reach him, he remains seated. So, I stand awkwardly in front of him. I fidget with my hands, not sure what he wants me to do.

Killian chuckles a raspy deep chuckle, like he hasn’t used his voice to laugh in a long time. His hand grabs my wrist, and he pulls me hard onto his lap.

He strokes my cheek. “Don’t think, princess.”

I try to listen to his words. I try not to think as his mouth kisses down my neck, leaving warm, wet tingles. I can’t help the tears that begin welling in my eyes. Of all the terms of endearment he could have chosen to use, I can’t believe he chose the one that reminds me of my father, the one nickname my father always used to call me.

When he sees my tears, he softly kisses them with his lips before licking up the salty liquid with his tongue.

“What’s wrong, princess? We don’t have to do this.” He tucks my hair back behind my ear before his hand softly rubs my back. “I just thought you might need it.”

“Why did you call me princess?”

He smiles weakly at me. “Because you are one.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re beautiful.” He softly kisses my hand. “You’re intelligent.” He kisses my other hand. “You’re used to being taken care of.” He softly kisses me on the cheek. “You’re a little too sweet and naive.” He kisses the other cheek. “Your clothes are simple yet expensive.” His kiss brushes softly on my lips. “You should be worshipped.” He runs a hand through my hair. “You’re a princess in every sense of the word.”

I smile at how intuitive he is. He’s picked up a lot about me in the short amount of time we have been together.



“Okay, you can call me princess.”

He wipes tears that are still visible on my cheeks. “It’s going to be okay, princess.”

I suck in a breath as he grabs the nape of my neck and kisses me hard on the lips. I moan as his tongue massages mine. His kisses are deep and intense. His kisses are full of purpose.

I hold on to his neck as he kisses me. I’m too unsure of what to do with my hands to do much else even though my hands are tingling to rip off his jacket and buttoned-down shirt to see what lies beneath them.

Instead, he lifts me and carries me to a room with a lavish bed covered in throw pillows. I land softly among the pillows. I watch as he removes his jacket and carefully places it over the back of a chair in the corner of the room. He removes his tie before he unbuttons the top couple of buttons of his shirt.

I watch as he climbs over me, but his body doesn’t touch mine. My heart pounds erratically in my chest as I stare up at the beautiful man above me. I squeeze my hands into fists to prevent myself from running my hands all over his body.

He squints his eyes at me before he takes my hand and presses it against his chest. “You can touch.” He smirks at me.

Killian leans down and kisses me again, hard. It’s so hard that he sucks all the air from my chest. His hand slides up my shirt, massaging the exposed skin of my stomach. His eyes open occasionally to study my reaction when he takes everything a step further, but he doesn’t slow down or hesitate. The intensity of his stare is there every time he opens his eyes.

I let my hand slip into the opening of his shirt to feel his hard chest, but I don’t let my hands explore beyond that. His hand mimics mine, except his moves with more confidence and surety. I gasp when his hand expertly finds my nipple beneath my shirt. He slowly rubs the peak between his thumb and finger.

“Don’t think, princess. Just feel,” he whispers into my ear.

This time, I do what he says. All I feel is the intensity building inside me. He releases my lips, and his tongue instead finds my other nipple as he lifts my shirt up.

“Oh, wow,” I moan when he flicks his tongue over it.

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