Maybe Baby Lite (7 page)

Read Maybe Baby Lite Online

Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #romantic and raunchy, #x, #erotic adult, #alpha billionaire

BOOK: Maybe Baby Lite
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What do you mean ‘Clint
had no hand in this?’” Trey interrupted, his eyes blazing directly
at me.

Maybe he hadn't been
distracted at the window after all.

Clint knows goddamn well
that you're not old enough to legally consume alcohol! What the
hell was he thinking? Never mind, you and I both know what he was
Trey turned on his heel and
left the room.

Don’t let him get to you,
Ty,” Ray consoled me. “You know it upsets him to think about what
might have happened last Friday. He’s been up here with you nearly
24/7. And, he has been trying like crazy to contact your mom. Have
you spoken with her?”

No, not since she drove
me to the bus station in Louisville to come here,” I

Are you sure you wrote
down her correct number on your emergency contact form?”

I think so, but I’d have
to see it to be sure. I have her number programmed into my cell
phone, though.”

Ray probably thought it
was strange that I didn’t call my mom and she'd not called me. It
had been several weeks. That’s just the way it was between Mom and

Where’s your cell

Back at my

Okay,” he said, “we will
fetch it and bring it to you this evening, okay? You need to let
your mom know where you are and that you're okay. She’s probably
been calling and worried sick about you.”

Sure, okay,

Boy, he did not know my
mom; that was certain.

Ray, what day is this?” I
questioned softly.

It’s Wednesday, darlin’,
you’ve been in here for five days.”

Sweet Jesus!

Five days in the hospital.
That would probably drain my trust completely. I couldn’t think
about that right now.

And Derringer hasn’t
eaten in three?”

That’s right, but don’t
you worry about him, okay? Trey knows what he’s doing with
Derringer. That’s Trey’s horse, you know?”

So I’ve been told,” I
replied dryly.

Ray?” I asked

Yes, darlin’?”

You know there are rumors
floating around the place about Trey and some scandal with his
former fiancé. I wondered—”

Damn gossip,” Ray
interrupted, frowning. “Ty, that's all it is. I don’t know the
particulars of what you’ve heard; all I know is that Trey is
someone that I trust completely. You should, too.” Our conversation
stopped as Denise came bouncing back into my hospital

Good news for you,
girlie,” she said with a broad smile. “Your nurse will be down in
just a few minutes to remove the catheter. After that, I'm cleared
to help you with a shower. We’ll get your hair washed and
conditioned, and who knows, maybe add a pinch of my magic dust to
it to give you a bit of a new look, that’s if you’re game and trust
me with it.”

Oh my God yes, Denise!” I
laughed. “Please make me look better!”

Great!” she chirped.
“Okay, Ray baby, fetch my case out of your car, please? Then you
may take your leave until I call for you. We girls have some magic
to work!”

Yes, dear” he replied,
trying his best to sound like the over-burdened

Oh, and Ray, I called the
stables and asked Jenna to grab a clean nightie and pair of panties
out of Tylar’s cottage. I told her that you'd get them from her.
Please bring them when you pick me up later today? These hospital
duds just don’t cut it.”

Yes, dear,” Ray repeated,
feigning annoyance. “I’ll get your cell phone when I’m back there

Thanks, Ray,” I replied,
smiling. “

Be right back with your
case, ‘Neecie.”

The shower felt exquisite.
It looked like I'd lost a little weight through this ordeal. I
lathered my hair with shampoo, twice, then rinsed and conditioned.
Denise had found a fresh hospital gown, which would have to do
until Ray returned with my clothes.

Once I’d toweled off,
Denise had me sit on the bedside chair while she combed out my wet
locks. “Now, I’m going to spray on a little detangler here, honey,”
she explained. I felt so good under her careful hands.

Honey, are you
particularly fond of wearing your hair this long and with this
blunt cut that you have?” she asked me, wrinkling her nose

Why?” I asked, eying her
a bit suspiciously, noting she wasn't fond of my current

My thoughts strayed back
to my freshman year of high school, two days before class pictures
were being taken. Mom decided that my hair needed a bit of a trim
before picture day. My hair fell to my shoulders and I loved the
way it swung softly about.

Just an inch or so, Ty,”
Mom prods. “Just let me get the split ends off. It will lay better
and look much healthier for your pictures. If I’m paying for those
pictures then you can damn well make sure you look your best in
them, hear?”

An hour later, I look at
the pile of hair laying on the bathroom floor in shock. I grab the
hand mirror off the vanity. I see the look of horror that appears
on my face as I see my own reflection. My hair is in a short, butch
cut. My mom's beside me, watching my reaction. I turn and face her

Now don’t blame me!” she
says, holding her hands up defensively. “You got that funny shaped
head and it makes it hard when I’m trying to even up both sides of
it. Had to keep taking more off so I could get it evened up, but I
think it’s cute. You ought to see the back. I think they call this
a bob.”

When she sees I’m not
buying it she gets more flustered with me. “It’s just hair, dammit!
It’s not like it won’t grow back. I swear, I try and do something
nice for my girl and do you think she appreciates it? Hell no - no

I’m sorry, I’m sure once
I wash and style it myself it will be fine. I'm sorry,

Tylar? Earth to Tylar?”
It was Denise’s voice bringing me back to the present. “How about
it? I've a really cute cut in mind. I want to take a little length
off; I’ll mostly just put it in long layers to frame around that
beautiful face of yours. And how about if I put in some
highlights?” she coaxed eagerly. “Nothing major, mind you, just to
soften the look and highlights will give this gorgeous hair of
yours more depth. What do you think?"

Go for it, Denise,” I

Forty-five minutes later
Denise had finished.

All done,” she announced
pleased with the look. We hurried into the bathroom so she could
show me the results. Flipping on the light, she spread out her
arms, “Voila!”

Wow,” I said, then
another “Wow!”

You like?” she beamed

Yes, Denise, actually, it
looks really great. I look like—”


Yep, that was what I
thought. The style was gorgeous; the highlights were radiant. I
swung my head from side to side. The layers bounced. I stared at my
reflection. How could I not love looking like Jennifer Aniston’s
hair double?

Denise was clearly pleased
with her workmanship. My hair was now an exact replica of Jennifer
Aniston’s style from, oh, 15 years ago? I liked it well enough and
it was an improvement over the last cut. It was still long enough
to pull up into a ponytail when I worked. I knew Denise was waiting
for more.

Denise,” I said, turning
to her and smiling, “I love it!”

I gave her a big hug and
watched as she beamed proudly.

It was a little after five
when my dinner tray arrived. Denise and I'd been chatting away,
losing track of the time. I was famished and ate hungrily as Denise
busily put her tools of the trade away in her case.

You go on and eat, honey.
Don’t mind me,” she said, waving her hand dismissively. Ray should
be here any minute with your stuff, and then we're going to grab a
bucket of cluck on our way back to my place.”

I'd just finished eating
and Denise was watching the news when Ray arrived. He carried a
wrapped box along with my cell phone and charger. He placed the
items down on my bed.

What’s this?” I asked
peering at the gift-wrapped box.

Oh,” he shrugged, “I
think maybe Jenna felt guilty about what happened. Instead of going
into your cottage, she went out shopping. She said that this would
fit you fine, and to give you her best wishes.”

Open it,” Denise directed

I complied, tearing the
wrapping paper off.

Oh, my!

The box contained a black
silk thong and matching bustier camisole. I doubted as to whether
it would cover my belly button.

Ray blushed for the first
time ever. Denise gave a startled ‘Oh My God’!

I was in shock. I turned
the box over to see what kind of store sold such skimpy lingerie.
The print on the box read, Fred-X of Follywood. I felt my cheeks
redden with embarrassment.

Ray cleared his throat,
trying to change the subject, “By the way Ty, I really do like your
new hairstyle, and believe me, and I’m not just saying that because
I love Denise. You remind me of someone, I just can’t place it at
the moment, but you really do look great!”

Thanks, Ray! Denise is
awesome. I love it, too.”

Tell you what,” Ray
continued, “’Neecie and I'll get out of your way. It’s been a long
day for you, I know. We’ll see you when you get back to the ranch,
okay? You get some rest.”

Thank you both. It means
a lot to me what you’ve done.”

They both gave me a warm
hug and kiss. I heard them giggling as they left my room. I giggled
too, putting the lid back on the box.


I was alone in my hospital
room for the first time in days. I figured I might as well get
dressed for bed. I was bored and feeling cheeky, so I decided to
try on my new “outfit.” I pulled the tags off the thong and the
bustier camisole and took them to my bathroom to try on.

My God, I loved the feel
of the silk, but it appeared Jenna had selected a top that was much
too small for me. My breasts practically spilled out over the
lace-trimmed bodice of the bustier. I studied my new hairdo,
admiring my reflection. I was satisfied with my new look, despite
the tacky underwear that Jenna had sent. Maybe I'd buzz the nurse’s
station for a clean gown after all. I switched off the bathroom
light and headed back to my bed. I didn’t see him as I leaned over
my bed to flip the light switch. As I reached over the bed for the
nurse call button, the sound of his smooth, silky voice startled

Well, Ms. Preston, I see
hospital garb suits you well.”

Oh!” I exclaimed,
startled. Trey was half sitting, half sprawled out in the only
cushioned chair in the room. He'd taken his suit jacket off and
tossed it over the back of the chair. His white dress shirt was
unbuttoned at the top, his tie was loosened. The sleeves of his
french cuffed shirt were rolled up to just below his elbows. His
sapphire blue eyes seemed even darker as they flickered
appreciatively over my body, coming to rest on the generous
cleavage created by the too-small camisole. I scrambled into my
bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. I could feel the blush
coloring my face; I glared at him for causing it. He chuckled,
displaying that magnificent dimple.

That kind of defeats the
purpose, doesn’t it?”

What purpose is

Showing off your sexy
lingerie for everyone."

Why would I want to do

"Trolling for doctors,

Isn’t that
job counselor?” I
replied smugly.

I don’t practice
kind of law,” he
snapped, but I noticed a hint of amusement flicker across his
scrumptious face. He got on his feet and approached the side of my
bed. He lifted a lock of my newly highlighted, layered hair,
thoughtfully rubbing it between his thumb and

I like it,” he said
thoughtfully. “Denise did a very nice job on your hair.”

Thank you,” I managed a

I’m curious to know where
you got your, uh, pajamas for lack of a better word?”

Jenna, who else? Denise
asked her to stop by my cottage and pick up some of my things, but
this was Jenna’s idea of a conciliatory gesture.”

I see,” he said softly,
“and you don’t like the olive branch she offered?”

Well, it’s not exactly my
style in case you haven’t noticed. And it’s too small at the top.
Probably Jenna’s way of letting me know I’m built like a boy or
something,” I replied, shrugging.

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