Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (5 page)

BOOK: Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“Why are you not now?” I asked with a raised brow. He hadn’t quit since we met, and I wanted to know more about my mate.

“Um, that’s more a, um, private conversation,” Tyler mumbled. I wasn’t sure what to say then but it seemed Mav knew.

“I’m sure someone around here has that series Tyler suggested,” our mate said smoothly, giving me a nod that he understood. Then he mouthed
I’ll explain later
and I relaxed. I understood Tyler not wanting to talk about certain things in front of everyone, but I couldn’t help but worry something was wrong.

“Actually, I own it,” Barnabas announced. “I was laughing at the popcorn idea because Tyler’s absolutely right. We need to start small and the rest they will pick up. We’ve been stressing about the gap between our worlds like they have to learn it all this minute. There’s no need for that. Let’s have some fun. I say we call some of the wolves and warriors as well, and that way we’ll have people here to help explain things if questions arise.”

“Or just give everyone an adjustment buddy,” Tyler suggested. “Like we did in the pack with pups who were just going through puberty. One of the older members took them under their wing, taught them how to control their shift, how to hunt, and how to handle being in wolf form. It always worked better when the person wasn’t immediately related to them because then the pup could feel better about being open with their concerns.”

“I think we found our adjustment coordinator,” the Queen said with a smile.

“Your huh?” Tyler’s face paled instantly, his smile gone. “No, please don’t make me in charge of getting the fae adjusted to our world. I’m not the right person for that. All I’ve seen outside of the pack and in it is pain until I moved here. I’m not of sound mind enough to tell anyone about how things should be. It was just an idea for some—”

“Cub, stop,” Mav said sternly as he rushed to Tyler’s side. “The Queen was merely making a suggestion and paying you a compliment. No one said you
to do it, okay? You never have to be in charge again. Why don’t you go talk with Barnabas about getting the media room set up and find that series you were talking about? Maybe go see the cook and think of some fun food. I bet the fae would like cupcakes, too. I know I do.”

“I’m sorry,” Tyler whispered, breaking my heart.

“Nothing to be sorry for,” I said quickly and joined in their hug. “Those cupcakes and that popcorn sound great. Will you save me some?”

He nodded but gave Tyler a knowing look. “You’re going to tell Asterio what you saw in my memories, aren’t you?”

“I think he needs to know, and it would be too hard for you do be the one to do it, don’t you?” Mav was being so gentle with our obviously fragile mate. It made my heart cry out for whatever Tyler had been through.

“Promise you won’t leave me when you hear how bad my past was?” Tyler looked on the verge of tears and scared out of his mind.

“Never, cub. We all have things in our past that have hurt. I’d never abandon my mate because of his.”

“I hope you say that after Mav tells you everything.” He pulled away then and practically ran for the door. Barnabas gave us a nod as he chased after Tyler, letting us know our mate was in good hands. Once they were gone, the Queen turned to us, looking stricken.

“I apologize profusely. I did not mean to bring up bad memories. I think your mate is smart and talented, and with the ideas he presented, I only meant he was wise and could help the fae acclimate.”

“I know, your highness,” Mav said with a sad smile. “Tyler’s had a rough past that you couldn’t have known about.”

He gestured for everyone to sit, Miles and Digger leaning against the desk as the Queen and I sat on the couch. Mav started pacing in front of us. That made me nervous.

“Tyler is a physically strong wolf, but he grew up alone with parents who didn’t seem to want the child they had. Then when he was barely an adult, he was kidnapped by demons and used as their blood whore for years.” Mav shot me a look that said there was clearly more to the story than what everyone needed to hear. I nodded my understanding. “When some warriors freed him, he went back to his pack and the asshole Alpha didn’t want to take him back.”

“My gods, why? I would think any leader would be thrilled that one of their own was safe.” I shared the Queen’s sentiments.

“He wasn’t a good leader but a power-hungry jerk who looked down on Tyler for ever having been taken.” Mav sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “The Alpha said Tyler could stay if he could fight his way up the pack to the role of enforcer and protector, proving he was strong enough not to let what happened to him ever happen again.” That was some sick and twisted logic in my book. “He did, but he never wanted to be an enforcer.

“He hated the Alpha but was between a rock and a hard place. Shifters that get thrown out of their pack can’t join another pack. They’re like outcasts to the community and no one can even speak to them without having the same fate. But he did the best he could because he’s strong, but after the life he’s lived, he’s fragile, too, in some ways.”

“Understandably so,” I mumbled as the Queen took my hand. I gave it a light squeeze so she understood I appreciated her support.

“I heard Ayden say that Tyler saved him,” Miles hedged, glancing at Mav.

“He did by offering himself in Ayden’s place to the Alpha and anyone who wanted Ayden. I saw it all in his head. That pack treated him worse than the demons ever did, using his body in any way they saw fit. Our mate has suffered trauma after trauma in the name of trying to protect his own. After what he endured, I understand why he doesn’t want a leadership role ever again.”

“Thank you for explaining this to us,” the Queen said sympathetically. “I try to stay out of people’s minds unless it’s needed, but I appreciate your trust and I will keep Tyler’s confidence and make sure none of my people pressure him for help.”

“Oh, he likes to help. He’s great at building and has already refurbished one house in this coven and will do so for Barnabas as well. He can even direct people on what to do like a foreman.” I wasn’t sure what that last word was either, but I got the general idea. “It was just that when you talked about him being in charge of how the fae acclimate here, he worried that their happiness might hinge on his actions, and he can’t handle that.”

“Then we need to make his idea a success so he knows that he can always come to us with what he’s thinking.” I met Mav’s gaze and knew my mate agreed. Good. We were on the same page and would give Tyler what he needed. Love and a sense that he was worth it.

Chapter 5




“Hey, cub,” I said as Asterio and I found Tyler in the kitchen with Barnabas, planning some munchies for the show. He turned and looked at us nervously until I held my arms out for him. Tyler sighed and walked right into them. “Did you tell him everything?”

“No, not the part that you think you should be so embarrassed about since we were in mixed company. I think that’s for you to tell him and I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s nothing wrong with what you like in bed, Tyler,” I whispered in his ear so quietly no one else could hear us. “You gave Asterio an idea earlier of what you like and he didn’t run, right?”

“Good point. But no matter what, you won’t ever leave me, yeah?”

“Not going anywhere, cub,” I said gently, understanding his insecurities after all he’d been through. He nodded against my chest as I looked over to Barnabas. “Lord Caleb texted me that he has time now to speak with me. By any chance, do you have a video conferencing device I can use? I think this discussion should be face-to-face even if we’re far away.”

“I understand. Caleb seems like a good guy, Mav. He’ll support your decision.” Barnabas gave me a soft smile and led the way. I was surprised when we ended up in a media room instead of back in his study. He must have understood because he gave me a wink as he pulled out a remote keyboard and started typing. “Why use a laptop when most TVs are Wi-Fi nowadays? Besides, I like cool toys.”

“Yes you do.” Miles chuckled, shaking his head. “Letting him on Amazon or Staples is just dangerous. We’ve blocked Best Buy from his computer.”

“Toys are cool.” Barnabas gave his mate a mock pout as he handed me the keyboard. “Just type in Caleb’s log-in to connect to him.” He sauntered over to his mate. “I’ve got time for a bit and some new toys I’ve not showed you.”

“Have a good call,” Miles growled as he swooped up his mate into his arms and raced from the room.

“Now I’m horny.” Tyler snickered. “I want to play with toys.”

“After I talk with Caleb.” I rolled my eyes, loving his antics but knowing full well he was doing it because he understood I was freaking out about resigning. I typed in what was needed, along with my password for my log-in. The screen blinked, indicating that it was waiting for the other user to answer.

“It’s going to be okay, Mav,” Asterio said gently as he rubbed my back with his left hand, standing at my side. “We’ll figure this all out.” While it was nice to have the
when I was worried, I knew
needed me. Tyler was traumatized and had never dealt with it. Asterio lived on another
his whole life and didn’t have a clue on how to live life here.

In other words, they needed me more than Caleb did.

“My Lord Caleb,” I said with a bow as his image appeared on the large screen, my mates following suit.

“Damn, Mav, how many times do I have to tell you just to call me Ca—ah. We’re not alone.” Caleb’s smile fell with understanding and then came right back, but I could tell it was fake. I understood, I did. He wanted to be happy for me, but with a baby on the way he was worried about his own. “You’ve met your mates.”

“I have. I know you sent me on this trip to help clear my head because you knew I haven’t been happy.”

“Wow, and here I thought I was being stealthy.” He chuckled. “Guess not.”

“I know you, Caleb,” I said, showing my fondness in my voice. “And I thank you for sending me because it led me to what I needed most—my mates.”

“And now you want to resign.”

” someone bellowed in the background before Liam came on screen. They might be identical twins, but I’d long since learned to tell them apart. One way being that Liam could sometimes be a diva whereas Lorcan was quick to anger even though he hid it well. “You can’t quit. I forbid it. We’re about to have a baby. Our head of security—”

“My mate can do anything he damn well pleases,” Tyler growled, and his teeth elongated at the potential threat he saw. “He’s spent almost two millennia protecting others and doing his duty. That’s longer than most. It’s time for him to do what he wants and be happy.”

“He knows that, cub,” I said gently as I pulled him to stand in front of me and wrapped my arms around him. Tyler calmed down and made contented noises at my touch. “They’re about to have a baby. They’re worried.” I focused on Liam then. “Do you really think that I’d ever leave you in any danger? I know the men I work with, Lord Liam. Any number of them are more than capable to take my place.”

“Yeah, um, sorry,” Liam mumbled. “It’s just our surrogate went into false labor last night and we’re all over the place. The idea of our security changing and someone else in charge is scary.”

“I understand, but on the other side of the coin, someone new might see things I wouldn’t after doing things the way I did for so long. New blood in charge can be a good thing. Like when Caleb took over.” I’d thought of that argument last night. I was pretty sure it was a damn good one.

“You have someone in mind?” Caleb asked as he pulled his mate down to his lap.

“I have two in mind, actually,” I answered hesitantly, not sure how this next part would go over. “My job is too big for one person, Caleb.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me that, Mav?”

“Because I could handle it,” I sighed. “I’ve been doing this for a long, long time, and you needed the help when you started from someone you trusted. But it left me with no life, and I think I just got burnt out. I was either going to resign when I got home or tell you that two people should be doing my job. Finding my mates made the decision for me.”

“So one head of security and one head of the warriors,” Caleb mumbled as he wrote down notes. “I wondered why you did both since we had a coordinator at the warrior compound.”

“That’s what I used to do until we found out that you were alive. Then protecting you was the most important thing and I was the oldest and most qualified. So I became the head of your security, but they never filled my position and you were trying to do it when you started. Then you added it to my job—”

“He gets it,” Tyler said gently, cutting me off. He rubbed his hands down my thighs and hips, reminding me that I was here with my mates now and happy. “Two people for your job.”

“Yeah, I do and I’m sorry that I never realized that it should have been two people, Mav.” I could see that Caleb was upset and that was the last thing I wanted.

“Hey, I would have spoken up if I couldn’t handle it,” I replied with a smile. “I was going to when things calmed down and you got better acclimated. But it was just kind of one thing after another and I never got around to it.”

BOOK: Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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