Read Maureen's Choice Online

Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

Maureen's Choice (18 page)

BOOK: Maureen's Choice
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hapter Eleven

Nancy had Maureen lie down on the bed and proceeded to treat her cuts with a healing salve. “The people of Africa know more about most medicines than the medical professionals of the Western Nations,” she said. Maureen was ready to agree with her. The cooling slave took the sting out of the whip cuts immediately. The angry red and purple welts magically receded to pink. As Maureen lay there feeling drained physically and emotionally she thought of the women who were to be auctioned off to the high bidders and of her own position.

We are all strangers in a strange land
,’ she thought. ‘
In many ways we’re much like the original African slaves who were taken by force from their homeland, their families, their customs and sold into slavery. The slave masters were, for the most part, not much better than the General. They had the power of life and death over their slaves and used it to degrade and humiliate them in ways that were cruel beyond imagining. How many young black women had been taken from their families, their husbands, their children to be transported to a strange land and placed on an auction block? Perhaps in some odd way, what was happening to her and to the others the General brought here was justified. What goes around, comes around
,’ she thought.

Nancy finished and sat in the chair next to the bed. Maureen pulled the sheet over her and closed her eyes. “You can rest later,” Nancy said. “Your dinner will be here in a few minutes. You must eat then sleep for awhile before preparing to go to your Master.”

Maureen smiled at Nancy, “Thank you. You’ve been very kind,” she said. She was quiet for several moments before turning to Nancy again with a question. “Why do you suppose, I react the way I do to…to…the whip?”

“You mean, why are you aroused by it?

Maureen blushed, “Yes. Before last night I’d never been struck, certainly not with a whip.”

“You were raised a strict Catholic?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, both parents were Irish. It was at mass every Sunday and Catholic schools.”

“The Church is very big on sin and guilt. Confession, penance for your sins. You violated your marriage vows. You left your children in order to engage in all kinds of sinful acts with black men. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are carrying a heavy load of guilt. Your indoctrination insists you be punished. The whip serves that purpose. You welcome your penance. It is well known that in olden times the flagellants who beat themselves with whips of thorns almost always experienced spontaneous orgasms.”

“Then being whipped will always…always…”

“Excite you? Make you wet? Yes, I expect it will. Leaving your little children is a sin you will never be able to forgive yourself for.”

A black serving girl Maureen had never seen brought her dinner on a tray. Nancy followed the girl out after telling Maureen she would be back in a few hours to prepare her to visit the General. Maureen ate, then drifted off into an untroubled sleep.

Three hours later Nancy woke her. “You are to be taken to the General’s quarters in an hour. I let you sleep longer than I should have. We must hurry with the preparations. I’ve drawn your bath.” Maureen glanced at Suka’s photograph that Nancy had placed at the foot of her bed. A shudder coursed through her body. “Nancy, he terrifies me,” she said

“That’s as it should be,” Nancy replied. “Now, be quick.”

As she had earlier, Maureen bathed, rubbed her body with the scented oil, and carefully applied her makeup. Nancy brushed her hair and handed her a new pair of patent leather pumps with a five-inch heel. She stood back and looked approvingly at Maureen. “I must say, you are the most beautiful woman to come through here in quite some time. Much prettier than those women we saw this afternoon even though they were very attractive.” Maureen smiled and felt the color rise to her cheeks. “Did you apply the K-Y jelly?” she asked. Maureen nodded. Nancy clipped the leash to Maureen’s collar and led her down the hall. “You can walk until we reach his quarters,” she said. “You know what you must do then?”

“Get to my knees and crawl to him. Kneel before him with my hands clasped behind my neck. Speak only if he asks me a question. Do whatever he orders me to do.”

Nancy nodded in agreement, “That’s right. Remember, absolute obedience.

Abject servitude.” She tapped once on the door and swung it open. Maureen got to her knees and crawled toward the huge bed were General Suka lay naked, watching her.

She was aware that the door had closed behind her. The room was lit with candles. Heavy drapes covered the windows. In addition to the canopied bed there was a long leather couch, several overstuffed chairs, a desk, and a door that led to what appeared to be a marble bathroom. At the side of the bed, she got to her knees and assumed the position, pulling her shoulders back, thrusting her breasts forward. The rouged nipples were already hard. Unblinking, the General stared at her. She wanted to turn away but couldn’t. “What are you,” he said.

“You are my Master and I am your white bitch,” she had trouble controlling her voice.

“What have you come here to do?”

“Obey you. I….I…mean I am here to lick your ass crack. To…to tongue your…your hole. To drink your cum.”

He rolled over face down and placed two large pillows under his stomach that served to lift his huge ass. He said, “Ask.”

“Please Master, may I lick your crack and tongue your hole?” Saying words sent a hot flow to her crotch. He indicated she should climb up on the bed and kneel between his legs.

When she was in position he said, “Look at it.”

She stared at the huge mounds of black flesh and the deep dark crevice that separated them. She breathed in the familiar black smell that never failed to excite her. Her mouth filled with saliva. She was shocked to realize that she wanted to do this. She actually wanted to taste this cruel black dictator’s hole. “Please Master,” she said again. “Please permit me to taste your there. Please let me tongue your hole.”

“Spread my ass cheeks with your hands and do it,” he said.

She did as he’d instructed. His large puckered black hole was tight and surprisingly smooth. His ass and crotch hairs, unlike the long scraggly hairs of her husband, were little curls flat against his skin. She loved the musky scent of him, even here. Gently she licked along the deep crack of his ass. She did this several times, avoiding touching with her tongue the hole itself.

She felt him sigh contentedly and was pleased. After several more minutes he said, “Rim me, bitch.”

She began by making concentric circles with her tongue around the outer rim of his hole, then circling closer and closed to the hole itself. Suddenly, without warning him, she darted the tip of her tongue into his opening. It opened wider to receive her.

He had her lick and tongue his ass for almost an hour. During this time, she reached one hand under him, supporting herself with the other, and gently masturbated his massive cock. It was hard as steel and throbbed in her small hand.

“Now!” he cried out. She quickly rolled over on her back and slid under his cock. She guided his cock into her open mouth. For half a minute he fucked her mouth as if it were a cunt before he came in powerful hot spurts. She swallowed his cum rapidly, almost choking. After he came, to her amazement, he continued to slowly fuck her mouth. In a few more minutes he was hard again. “On your knees,” he commanded. “Lift your ass up, press your face against the mattress, and beg for it.”

She did as he’d instructed, “Please Master, fuck me. Please, please fuck me.”

“Your cunt or your ass?”

“It doesn’t matter…I…I’m so wanting to feel you deep inside me.”

He grabbed her hips and with one fierce thrust drove his cock into her cunt. “You’re like a female dog in heat, a bitch. My bitch, right?”

She’d grunted when he first entered her knowing he’d ripped her. Now she was thrusting back feeling his huge balls slap against her ass. “Yes, Master,” she said, “I’m your bitch.”

He fucked her for almost an hour sometimes slamming into her, sometimes easing into her. She came twice before cumming a third time as he emptied his hot thick load into her. Both of them were dripping with sweat. He stretched out on the bed and directed her to kneel between his legs, “Suck me up,” he said.

His enormous black cock had not entirely subsided. The musky scent was now mixed with her own. Gently she pushed his cock back against his stomach and lowered her head to kiss and lick his balls. She took one, then the other into her mouth. The skin on his ball sack was tight and smooth. He raised his legs offering her his ass crack once more. She spread his cheeks and buried her head between them and pressed her parted lips over his hole and drove her tongue into it. She was pleased to hear him groan with pleasure. “Dig,” he said, “dig!” She forced her tongue deeper into his hole. The bitter taste wasn’t unpleasant. After several minutes he said, “Now, my cock. Kiss the tip first then make love to it with your mouth.”

Reverently, she held his cock between her hands and stared at it. She felt the tickling in her stomach and her mouth filled with saliva. She leaned forward slowly and parting her lips kissed the end of his cock and tongued his piss hole while looking up at his face. “Tell me,” he said.

She lifted her head, “I worship your cock, Master,” she whispered.

He had her suck for a long time before ordering her to once more press her face and breasts to the mattress and raise her ass. Kneeling behind her, he opened her asshole with two fingers before sliding his cock into it. She had grown to love having her ass fucked. In some ways it gave her more pleasure than anything else. He fucked her ass for a long time. She orgasmed without touching her clit. She was amazed when she felt hot spurts of his cum deep in her ass. They slept for two hours and began again. It was difficult to believe that any man could have the stamina he had. ‘
My God
,’ she thought, ‘
he is sixty-two! The black race is superior

In the morning while the General was sleeping, Nancy came for her. The two women left quietly. Back in her room she bathed, had breakfast, and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Later in the afternoon Nancy came to tell her she would be sent for again that evening. “Prepare as you did yesterday,” she said. “You’re lucky. The six women you saw were auctioned off a little while ago.”

Maureen had almost forgotten about them. “Don’t they ever escape?” she asked. “I mean after they’re sold, don’t some of them find a way to get back home?”

“Between six and ten women are sold here every week. They bring between two and five million each. The men who pay that kind of money are very careful to keep what they’ve paid for. In the twenty-five years I’ve been here I have heard of only one who made it home successfully. Others have been killed trying.” She smiled at Maureen, “Funny thing, the one who did escape eventually returned to her Master . I guess for some people freedom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

Maureen was silent for several moments than frowning she asked, “This slave trade, does it include children?”

Nancy shook her head, “No, never. The General has strict rules against that. He takes no one under eighteen. In fact, he’s anonymously informed various governments about traders who traffic in children. He hates them.”

For the following week the routine was the same. Every evening Maureen was sent to spend the night with the General. She quickly learned to understand his preferences and was delighted when she won his approval. Soon she came to know his body as well as she knew Travis’s, perhaps better. Twice during the week, the General had her whipped. Both times the whipping brought her to orgasm. Once in the middle of the week, she was made to suck and fuck the retarded boy Buru, before a group of the General’s dinner guests.

On the morning of the seventh day, Nancy came to her with an armful of new clothes. “Good news,” she said. “You’re going home.” At first Maureen thought the older woman was playing a joke on her. Nancy laughed, “No, it isn’t a joke. This person in the United States, this Big Daddy person had the General promise to send you back after a week. He felt you needed the kind of training only the General could give you.” She stood back amused at the surprise and confusion she saw in Maureen’s face. Pointing to the clothes on the bed she said, “You must hurry. A car will be here for you in half an hour. The General’s jet will fly you to London.” She handed Maureen a thick envelope. “There’s five thousand dollars spending money in here and a first class ticket to Cleveland. Tonight you’ll be fucking this stud you’ve talked so much about, this Travis person.”


Ten Months Later

Travis didn’t know about Maureen’s week in Nigeria and she never told him. For awhile he was puzzled by her quiet absolute subservient behavior. However, she gradually became her old self. At Maureen’s urging Big Daddy made Travis the manager of one of the car dealerships he owned. No more dealing in drugs, prostitution, and violence. They bought a condo in a suburb of Cleveland. Maureen worked part time as a trainer in an upscale gym. She longed to see her children, but forced herself to stay away from them. “It would only open up old wounds,” she said.

She spoke regularly with Eileen who had become pregnant immediately. Her first baby was a month old and soon to go up for adoption. Eileen appeared to be happy. In their last conversation she’d gone on and on about wanting to get back to servicing her “black bulls” as she called them. “Oh, Maureen, the sex is incredible. They make me cum and cum. Their skin is soft as velvet. They kiss so good and I love the way they smell. It really turns me on. Best of all they get hard and stay hard and can do it for hours.” Maureen found herself thinking of the General.

Her life with Travis was satisfying but had fallen into a comfortable routine. They associated with a small circle of friends, all black. They went out to dinner one night a week and to the movies. Travis had season tickets to the Cleveland Browns games. She couldn’t remember the last time they went dancing. The sex was still good but always left her wanting more or, she often wondered, was she wanting not more but different? It sometimes seemed to her that her life had become much as it had been with Brian. Occasionally, she found herself envying her sister.

BOOK: Maureen's Choice
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