Matt (18 page)

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Authors: R. C. Ryan

BOOK: Matt
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he morning was cool and damp. The mountain peaks were cloaked in mist. After a quick breakfast, they packed up the gear they would need for the day and started out across the high meadow.

Matt held his horse's reins loosely, choosing to walk with the women and lead his horse. They had tied their supplies behind the saddle, freeing their hands.

Grace's eyes were crinkled with happiness. “Matthew, I must admit, having you and Beau has lightened our load considerably.” She turned to Vanessa, who was walking beside Matt. “Don't you agree, Nessa?”

“Absolutely. Those backpacks were getting heavier each day.”

“That's because I kept adding more camera equipment each day, or didn't you notice?”

Vanessa chuckled. “Oh, I noticed.” She glanced at Grace's rifle, which Matt had shoved into a boot of the saddle. “I didn't want to admit this, but the last time I carried your rifle, I almost knocked myself out when I turned too quickly.”

“That's quite a visual. The next time you're in DC, presenting your thoughts to your wildlife commissions, that ought to keep you grounded.”

Matt's dry remark had the three of them laughing.

“I'll leave that part out of it while I brag about my adventures in the Montana wilderness. And I guarantee that I will brag about it.”

Matt shot her an admiring glance. “I'll just bet you will.”

“You can't blame a girl for doing whatever it takes to impress the bureaucrats in Washington.”

Grace nodded in approval. “Oh, I'm sure you've already impressed them, my dear. How many of their young attorneys would bother coming all this way just to see for themselves how their rules and regulations affect the very creatures they're hoping to protect?”

Vanessa's cheeks flamed. “You make me sound noble. The truth is, I'm having the time of my life. I wouldn't trade this for all the personal meetings with congressmen and -women, or those boring cocktail parties I'm forced to attend just to make the proper connections.”

Grace looped her arm through Vanessa's. “I'm sure there are a lot of ambitious young lawyers who would be thrilled to have your job.”

“Oh, don't get me wrong. I love my job. But these last few days are so far outside my realm of experience. I'd always hoped to have times like this, but I never really believed it was possible.” She squeezed Grace's hand. “Thanks to you, I'm living my dream.”


By the time they reached the herd of mustangs, the sun broke from behind the clouds. Soon after, the day quickly heated up. Each time they removed a layer of clothing, Matt stored it in his saddlebags.

Grace set up her cameras, then snapped off shots of the various mares and their precious foals, and often took aim at the majestic stallion, alone and aloof, standing on a sloping meadow, keeping watch over his herd.

Vanessa appointed herself keeper of the equipment. Whenever Grace wanted to move the tripod, or requested a change of lens, or another camera, Vanessa was there to assist. She had soon stripped down to her shorts and a tank top, and was still too warm.

For his part, Matt hauled the supplies, set up a campfire far enough from the herd that they wouldn't be spooked, and prepared a lunch that had both women sighing with pleasure when they finally took a break.

“Matthew, have you been taking lessons from Yancy?” Grace sat in the grass, polishing off the last of her skillet potatoes and roast beef.

He chuckled. “All I did was warm up whatever he sent along.”

“It tastes amazing.” Vanessa took a long drink from her water bottle.

“Hiking for miles in all this fresh air makes everything taste better.” Matt studied the way she looked in denim shorts and a white tank, revealing that willowy body and long, shapely legs. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. It was all he could do to keep from drooling.

At the end of their meal Matt passed around chocolate chip cookies. “I'll concede that Yancy's cookies could win any baking contest hands down.”

“They could indeed.” Grace savored every crumb.

A short time later she stood. “Time to get back to the horses. I want to take advantage of all the sunlight I can.”

Vanessa held up her water bottle. “I'm heading to the creek to fill this. Anybody else need water?”

Grace shook her head. “I have enough. I'll see you back at the herd.”

Vanessa ambled to the stream and knelt on the banks. When she stood, Matt came up behind her and dropped his hands to her waist, pulling her firmly to him.

“I've been thinking about this all morning.” He spoke the words against her ear, sending shivers along her spine.

“So have I.” She turned into his arms and offered her mouth.

He took it with a hunger that had them both sighing.

Vanessa wrapped her arms around his waist and slid her palms up his back. “I didn't think anything could ever distract me from wild horses, but right now I'm not even tempted to watch the herd. I just want to stay here in your arms.”

“Talk about a distraction.” He looked her up and down with a smile of pure pleasure. “I don't believe I've ever seen a woman look as sexy in shorts as you look in these.”

“Then I'll have to remember to thank Trudy Evans for recommending them.”

“I'll just thank heaven for the way you look in them.” He nibbled a trail of kisses from her throat to her ear. “You feel so good here, I'd gladly stay for hours. But I'm afraid if you don't go, and soon, my grandmother might stumble across a shocking scene.”

She couldn't help batting her lashes at him. “Now that's mighty tempting, cowboy.” She gave him one last kiss before pushing free of his arms. “But I really do have an obligation to save Grace from shock.”

He turned her into his arms. Against her temple he growled, “It's gotten so bad, I actually found myself praying for rain this morning, just so our fearless leader might be persuaded to head back to the ranch. I figured somewhere between here and there I could get you alone.”

She touched a hand to his cheek. “There's always tomorrow.”

“Another day?” He groaned. “Woman, you've got a very mean streak in you.”

Her smile was quick and dangerous. “So I'm told.”

As she started away he bent to pick up the bottle that had slid from her hands. “Don't forget this.”

She glanced back, then burst into laughter. “I guess that kiss had my mind a little more muddled than I thought.”

“Care to try again?”

She caught the fierce look in his eyes and shook her head. “One more and I'd never be able to leave.” She took the bottle from his hands and sprinted up the hill, leaving him staring after her with a look of naked hunger.


Late in the afternoon the clouds returned, completely obliterating the sun.

Grace lowered her camera and glanced at Matt and Vanessa. “Why didn't one of you mention that storm coming in?”

“I didn't want to bother you.” Matt was busy loading her discarded equipment into his saddlebags. “That brooding sky should make for some impressive pictures.”

“Until it opens up,” Grace remarked drily. She snapped off a few shots of the angry sky before removing the camera from around her neck and placing it in a waterproof case.

Vanessa hurried over to help her pack up the rest of her cameras and lenses.

When they had everything stowed in their backpacks, Matt secured them behind the saddle, and the three of them turned toward their base camp, while keeping an eye on the storm clouds.

They paused at the top of a meadow and caught sight of Frank's truck parked alongside Grace's.

“Oh, Frankie's come to join us.” The radiant smile on Grace's face said more than her words. She quickened her pace, and Matt was left to lead his mount more slowly, with Vanessa by his side.

He turned to Vanessa with a smug smile. “My prayers have been answered.”

“You wanted another storm?”

He shrugged. “I just wanted anything that would give us an excuse to leave here and slip away by ourselves. Are you game?”

She smiled, and it was answer enough.

By the time they reached the trucks, Grace and Frank were locked in a tender embrace.

Grace stepped back a little, to touch a hand to her husband's cheek. “Is something wrong back at the ranch, or did you just miss me?”

He gave her a smile that banished all the dark clouds. “I always miss you, Gracie Girl. And there's nothing wrong. I just wanted you here in my arms.”

Then he glanced over at Matt holding his horse's reins, as a jagged sliver of lightning streaked the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder. “Storm's rolling in fast.”

“I noticed.” Matt crossed the distance between them to hug his grandfather.

Frank tugged on a lock of his wife's hair. “You find a herd?”

“I did. Not the big one, but this one had a mare ready to foal, and I caught it all on film.”

“I'm glad, my girl. Does that mean you're ready to head home, or do you need more time up here?”

She shook her head. “I have all the pictures I need for now. And with that storm, your timing couldn't be better.”

He nodded. “If we play our cards right, we ought to get back to the ranch in time for supper.” He turned to Matt. “How about I drive Gracie in my truck, and you and Nessa can ride in Gracie's?”

“That'll work.” Matt tied his horse behind Frank's truck. “You mind hauling Beau?”

“Not at all. But why don't you take him?” Before Matt could answer, Frank got busy stashing his wife's camera equipment in the backseat of his truck. “Let's get out of here, before we get blown away. We'll celebrate a successful trip with one of Yancy's fancy chicken dinners.”

Matt's tone was deliberately bland. “You might want to eat without us.”

Frank sent him an assessing look. “You're staying here?”

Matt gave a negligent shrug of his shoulders. “I thought I'd check on that old range shack along the way. But you don't have to worry about us. If the storm gets too rough, at least we'll have shelter.”

“Sure thing.” Frank looked at Matt's horse. “I'll see old Beau gets an extra portion of feed tonight.”

“Thanks, Grandpop.”

Frank glanced beyond his grandson to the young woman standing quietly to one side. “I guess this is good-bye then. We'll see you back at the ranch, Nessa.”

She merely nodded.

Grace hurried over to hug her. “I'm so glad you came with me, Nessa. I've never had a better companion.”

“Thank you so much. I've fallen in love with your mustangs. You'll never know what this time in the hills has meant to me.”

“I think I do.” Grace gave the young woman a final hug before turning away and climbing into the passenger side of the truck.

Frank put the vehicle in gear and, with Beau trotting along behind, they started across the meadow. He watched the young couple in his rearview mirror before turning to his wife. “Did you know that was coming?”

Grace's voice was warm with laughter. “The story about needing to check on the range shack?”

He chuckled. “Then you're not buying it either?”

“Not a word of it.” She laced her fingers with his. “I'm not sure they're even aware of how much their eyes reveal. But Frankie, those two are head over heels. And tumbling faster every minute.”

He squeezed her hand and put a foot on the brake. “Want to go back and rain on their parade?”

“Don't even think about it.” She patted his shoulder. “Though it would be great fun to see their faces if we showed up to spoil all their plans.”

He paused for a moment more before leaning over to kiss her mouth. “Okay. I'll go along with whatever you say. But only because if I turned back now, I'd ruin my carefully planned night alone with you, Gracie Girl. I have to say, that bed's been awfully empty without you.”

He turned on the radio, and the two of them began humming along with Barbara Mandrell and the old country-and-western tune about sleeping single in a double bed. That had them both laughing out loud as Frank carefully navigated the rolling hills and meadows that spread out before them, leading them home.

att watched his grandfather's truck until it dipped below a ridge.

When he turned, Vanessa was staring at him with a puzzled look. “You need to check out a range shack?”

“Yeah.” He circled the truck and opened the passenger door, helping Vanessa inside before walking to the driver's side, climbing in, and putting the vehicle in gear.

“Is it nearby?”

He seemed to be deep in thought. “What?”

“The range shack.”

“Oh.” The corners of his lips curved slightly. “It's a fair distance, but it was the best I could come up with on such short notice.”

She removed her wide-brimmed hat and shook her hair. “You're not making any sense.”

“I know. That's what you do to me.”

She was grinning. “Now this is all my fault?”

“You bet. If you weren't wearing those sexy shorts and that second skin you call a tank top, I'd have probably had enough self-control to head home. But now, having been forced to spend the day looking at you, I'm barely holding it together.”

“Ah.” She said the word on a sigh as the truth dawned. “This is all just an excuse to get me alone.”

“Now you're thinking.” He shot her a dangerous smile. “Alone and naked.”

“Couldn't you have come up with something a bit more believable than checking out a range shack?”

“Do you object?”

“Not at all, cowboy. Although I do object to having to drive a fair distance.”

“We could always stop right here.”

She glanced at the black, swirling clouds overhead. “Not on your life. I want shelter from this soon-to-hit storm, and I want it as fast as possible.”

“Yes, ma'am.” He floored the accelerator and the two of them were laughing like children as they flew up ridges and down gullies until, at last, they caught sight of a cabin looming in the distance.

She turned to him with a look of surprise. “Isn't this the same cabin where we first met?”

“It is.”

“Well, aren't you the clever one.”

“Yes, ma'am. I am. Or at least I try to be, as I said, on short notice.”

He pulled up beside the cabin and helped her from the truck. Before they could take a single step his arms were around her, dragging her close in a fierce embrace. “I know we should get inside, but this can't wait.”

His hungry mouth found hers and nearly devoured her.

She responded with equal hunger, her arms around his neck, holding on to him like a lifeline as a wicked wind blew up and buffeted them with such force it nearly blew them apart.

They were so caught up in the kiss, they were startled when the sky opened up and they were hit with a drenching rain.

Matt lifted his head, struggling to get his bearings. “Sorry. Looks like we didn't beat the storm after all. My key…” He fumbled in his pocket before turning toward the door, all the while keeping his arm firmly around Vanessa to shield her.

As he struggled to unlock the cabin door, she put a hand over his. “Let me help.”

“Or we could just stand out here and try that kiss again.”

“Not until you get me out of this rain.”

Laughing, they turned the lock and stumbled inside.

“Oh yeah. This is better.” He backed her against the closed door before pressing his body to hers and taking her mouth in a kiss so filled with desperate need it had her head spinning.

She kissed him back, pouring herself into it, impatient for more, until they were both struggling for breath.

“I need to…” He stripped away her tank, revealing a tiny nude silk bra that had his eyes narrowing. “Oh, lady, you do know how to get my blood hot.”

“You're welcome.” Her lips curved as she reached for the buttons of his shirt.

As it dropped to the floor she ran her hands up his arms, across his shoulders, and down his chest, making little humming sounds as she did. “You have the most amazing body.”

“Why, thank you for noticing, ma'am. It's all yours. Do with me what you want.”

She gave a tortured laugh. “That's really generous of you.”

“Anything for my lady.” He shucked his boots and jeans and dragged her close, pressing hot, wet kisses to the sensitive hollow between her neck and shoulder.

She arched her neck, loving the feel of his clever mouth on her flesh. But when he moved lower, down her throat, then lower still, to take one erect nipple into his mouth, all she could do was sigh and clutch blindly at his waist.

As he moved from one breast to the other, the pleasure continued building until it became so intense, she whispered, “Matt. Please. I don't think I can wait.”

“Now I'm ‘Matt' instead of ‘cowboy.'”

“I thought that would get your attention faster.”

“You have my complete attention, Nessa.” He tugged away her shorts and the tiny nude bikini beneath.

For the space of a heartbeat, all he could do was stare. “God, you're incredible. I can't wait to get my hands on you.”

And he did. Touching her everywhere. With teeth and tongue and fingertips he took her on a wild, dizzying roller-coaster ride that had her writhing with frantic need and trembling for more.

“Matt…” When she touched him as he was touching her, she could feel the raw passion blazing through him.

The moment her hands came in contact with him, he pressed her back against the rough door and kissed her until they were both struggling for breath.

His eyes were fixed on hers. “I thought I could be civilized, and show you all kinds of clever, seductive moves, but I can't wait. I need you now, Nessa. This minute.”

With her back to the rough door he lifted her off her feet.

“Yes.” The single word was torn from her dry throat. She could barely speak over the feelings that had completely taken over. “I need you, too. Now.” She wrapped herself around him and let her head drop back as he thrust into her.

Her body had become a mass of nerve endings. Raw. Sensitive. She could feel him in every pore. His hands, those wonderful, calloused, rough hands, moving over her. His mouth burning a trail of heat down her throat.

He began to move with agonizing, deliberate slowness, and with each thrust she was moving with him, desperate to find release.

His thundering heartbeat kept time with hers.

As his movements increased, she moved with him, climbing frantically upward, higher, then higher still.

She could feel him pulsing with that same need, and rockets began going off in her head.

Her heart racing, her breath hitching, she climbed up and up, moving with him until behind her closed lids, brilliant fireworks exploded.

At his shuddering response she opened her eyes to see herself reflected in his blue depths, and could feel her body, her mind, her heart exploding in a shattering climax.

She shattered into fiery pieces before drifting slowly to earth.


“Sorry.” Matt's face was buried in the hollow of her throat.

“Umm. For what?”

He knew he could die happy now. Or maybe he had. Maybe this was heaven. “I was rough.” He struggled to lift his head. He looked into Vanessa's eyes. “I really intended to get us to the bed.”

“There's always next time.”

His smile bloomed. “So you'll go for seconds?”

“Or thirds.” She managed to move enough to bring a hand to his cheek. “As long as you promise you'll do all that again.”

“Deal. In fact, I really wanted to do more. Lots more. But then I lost control.”

“Did you ever.”

“And it's all your fault. You and that sexy smile.”

“I thought it was my sexy shorts and tank.”

“Those, too.” He caught her by the shoulders. “You okay?”

“A little weak in the knees. Hold on to me.”

“Happy to. I'll never let you fall.”

“I know. That's one of the many things I lov—” she caught herself in time and said simply “—like about you.”

He lowered his head and took her mouth. “That was pretty amazing.”

“Yeah.” She heard the torrent of rain on the roof. “Did I imagine fireworks?”

“I thought I heard some. Saw bright lights, too.”

She nodded. “Exactly. That was some trick, cowboy.”

“Wait till you see what else I can do.”

“You going to show me?”

“You bet.” He scooped her up and carried her across the room to the bed. “This is a tight space, but then I don't think either of us will complain.”

“Not on your life. Now”—she wrapped her arms around his neck—“about those things you're going to show me…”

“Did anybody ever tell you you're a glutton, lady?”

“Hey. I've been on a starvation diet.”

“Me, too.” He nibbled her shoulder. “And now, if you don't mind, I'd like to feast—” he moved lower, and heard her little hum of pleasure “—on you.”


Vanessa stirred and felt the mattress sag seconds before she looked up to see Matt beside her, holding out a glass of red wine.

She shoved hair from her eyes and sat up. “I can't believe I dozed in the middle of the day.”

“Only for a few minutes. And only because you had some great exercise.” He handed her the wine and settled himself beside her in the narrow bunk. “It gave me time to haul in the supplies.”

Thunder boomed overhead, shaking the cabin. “It's still storming.”

“From the looks of things, it may rain all night.”

“Gee.” She shot him a sideways glance. “How original. A storm holding us captive in this cabin, far from civilization. Whatever will we do?”

He laughed and reached for a second glass of wine on the small night table beside the bed. “Don't you worry your head, little lady. We'll think of something. Especially since you're already naked and in my bed.”

“I figure I played hard to get long enough, cowboy.”

“Yes, you did. And nearly drove me around the bend, woman.”

“Now I'll make it easier. I'm all yours.”

He drew an arm around her. “I feel like I won the lottery.”

“Yeah. I'm feeling like a winner, myself.” She turned to him. “This wine is really good.”

“From a friend's vineyard.”

“They have vineyards in Montana?”

He smiled. “Italy. Last time I was there I toured his wife's family vineyard and they shipped me a couple of cases. I told Burke to haul some up here whenever they arrived at the ranch.”

“Italy. You do get around, don't you?”

“I do.” His tone lowered, deepened as he kissed the tip of her nose. “But right now, there's nowhere I'd rather be than here. With you.”

“I'm glad.” She set aside her wine and wrapped herself around him. “I hope you don't mind if I snuggle.”

He set his glass beside hers and gathered her firmly against him. “I think, Miss Kettering…” He felt the need rising again, and wondered how in the world he'd managed to wait so long for this woman. “I think snuggling is the perfect thing to do during a Montana thunderstorm. In fact, we should have tried this that first time we were up here.”

She was smiling, a lazy cat's smile. “It wouldn't have been at all professional of me to snuggle with a man I'd only just met.”

“I guess not. But it would have been a hell of lot more fun than discussing government regulations regarding wildlife.”

And then there were no words as they shut out the thunder, the lightning, the whole universe, and lost themselves in their newly discovered world of lovemaking.

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