Mating Thomas Brac Pack (3 page)

BOOK: Mating Thomas Brac Pack
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Chapter Five

Tyler found himself back on Thomas’s doorstep the very next evening. He had rerented his apartment for another month and put in his vacation time at work. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with Thomas, getting to know the man.

His mate fascinated him.
The man’s laugh made Tyler’s damn heart smile. The guy’s gorgeous eyes sang to Tyler’s soul. And oh, gods, he had it bad.
He knocked on the door, ready to take Thomas to the diner. His mate had mentioned that he loved barbeque, and Tyler planned on having a full rack tonight. Of course, he would order Thomas some as well.
He was a wolf shifter, after all. He could probably polish off two racks.
Tyler smiled widely when Thomas answered the door, and then his smile slid from his face. Not only did Thomas’s blue eyes hold fear, but Tyler could smell it coming off of his mate in waves.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as his eyes darted past his mate, trying to see inside the house.
Thomas held the door firmly in his hand, barely letting Tyler see inside. His knuckles were grasping the doorframe so tightly that they were turning white.
“Nothing,” Thomas answered quickly. A little too quickly in Tyler’s opinion.
He raked Thomas with his eyes, seeing no bruising or blood. He didn’t scent any blood either, but the offending scent of fear was strong around his mate.
“Then can I come in?” Tyler asked, taking a step closer to his mate, feeling the all-consuming need to protect that man from whatever had Thomas so afraid.
“Now is not a good time, Tyler. I think it best if we don’t see each other again.”
Tyler felt his pulse quicken at his mate’s words. He wanted to take Thomas in his arms and show the man what being mated was all about. He wanted to reassert his claim on his mate. His cock hardened as Tyler felt his canines trying to punch through his gums.
And then he took a step back, seeing his mate’s eyes darting to the side, silently warning Tyler that someone was in the house, possibly right behind the door, listening, watching.
As badly as Tyler wanted to slam the door open and tear into the asshole stupid enough to fuck with his mate, Tyler knew he had to play it cool. What if the person had a gun on his mate?
Tyler couldn’t risk the chance that Thomas could be hurt.
“If that’s the decision you have come to.” The words tasted like acid on his tongue, but he had to make the person in Thomas’s house think that Tyler truly believed Thomas was kicking him to the curb.
“I think that it’s best for both of us, Tyler.”
Tyler could see the unshed tears in Thomas’s eyes, and his heart felt like it was being wrenched from his chest. He knew his mate didn’t mean the words he was speaking, but to hear them made his wolf howl in pain.
“Maybe we could have coffee sometime,” he said as he took a step back, forcing his face to look dejected.
“Maybe,” Thomas agreed, a slight hitch in his voice.
As badly as it hurt for Tyler to walk away, and as much as he feared leaving his mate in the hands of whoever was in the house with Thomas, Tyler stepped down the three wooden steps.
He walked to his truck and slid inside. Only Tyler didn’t drive home. He drove about half a mile down the road and then pulled over onto the soft shoulder of the road. Climbing out, he glanced around to make sure no one was in sight, and then stripped his clothes off and shifted.

* * * *

Thomas closed the door, feeling as if his life had just walked off of the porch and driven away. It was a strange feeling considering he had just met Tyler, but Thomas felt a deep loss as he turned around to face Reginald.

“It seems you are quite the heartbreaker, Thomas.”
Thomas balled his fists at his sides, suppressing the urge to knock the smug bastard on his jaw. The only thing stopping him was the small handgun in Reginald’s hand. If it weren’t for the gun, Thomas would have swung the door wide and let Tyler kick Reginald’s sorry ass.
“Why are you doing this? We’ve only had one lousy date.”
“I wouldn’t have called it lousy,” Reginald snapped as if he were offended. “I thought we had a great time.”
“All you talked about was yourself, your work, and how much you loved traveling around the world. No man can sit through something like that without wanting to barf from pure boredom.”
Reginald’s face pulled back in a mask of rage. “What would you have discussed, Thomas? Those wayward children that are only going to end up hiring someone like me to defend them when they start their life of crime?”
“That’s not fair,” Thomas defended. “Just because most of them had a rough beginning doesn’t mean they will end up criminals.”
“You are wasting your life on those mongrels. You should be by my side, traveling with me and showing just how grateful you are that I wish to be with you.”
“As your arm candy?” Thomas growled the question.
“It’s a much better option than giving your time to people who will only throw away their lives. I’ve chosen you as my partner in life, Thomas. You should be thrilled by that offer.”
Gods, Thomas wanted to smack the guy just for being so goddamn self-important. Reginald acted as if the sun rose and set for him.
And the man wasn’t even that damn cute.
Thomas usually didn’t go off of looks alone, but after meeting Tyler, he knew no one else would do for him. Tyler was everything Thomas had been looking for. They had talked into the wee hours of the morning after Tyler bit the shit out of him.
He found Tyler intriguing, down-toearth, funny, smart, witty, and fucking gorgeous. But the man wasn’t stuck on his looks. He had actually blushed when Thomas gave him a few compliments as they talked. The man was playful, goodnatured, and could kiss like a god.
There was no way he was giving that up for someone like Reginald.
He just had to figure a way out of this. Thomas prayed Tyler caught the look he was trying to pass to the man without Reginald catching on. Tyler had looked so downtrodden when he stepped away from Thomas that he feared the man believed the lies Thomas had told him on the porch.
“Pack what you want to take with you, Thomas. My flight leaves in a few hours, and I plan on having you at my side in Barbados.”
Thomas would rather sit at the diner with Tyler and eat ribs. He didn’t want to travel to exotic places and be treated like Reginald’s boy toy. If he was going to travel anywhere, he wanted to be at Tyler’s side. At least he knew Tyler would treat Thomas as his equal.
“I’m not going with you, Reginald.”
He was pretty damn scared of what the man was going to do with the gun, but Thomas would rather be shot than kidnapped and dragged away from his wolf.
He shivered in repulsion thinking about Reginald touching him.
Reginald took a step closer, his eyes narrowing to tiny slits. “You’ll do what you are told or pay the consequences, boy.”
“Boy?” Thomas choked out the word. “Do you know how old I am?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Reginald said haughtily. “You’ll be my boy when we are together.”
“Like hell,” Thomas growled. “I’m no one’s
“You—” Reginald stopped talking when a low growling sound could be heard.
Thomas turned to see a wolf slowly walking from the kitchen, his head low, his teeth bared.
He prayed like hell that it was Tyler, because if that wolf wasn’t Tyler, he had worse things to worry about than Reginald’s gun.
Like really, really sharp teeth.
“What the hell?” Reginald asked as he took a step back. “You have a pet wolf?”
Sounded good to him. “I do. So if you don’t get out of here, I’m going to order him to bite you on your pompous ass.”
Tyler—gods, he prayed it was Tyler— turned his head, cocking it at Thomas.
Thomas just shrugged. Maybe it was below a wolf shifter for someone to yell
sic him
, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“How dare you,” Reginald snarled. “Do you know who I am?”
Thomas chuckled despite the gun pointed at him and the wolf moving slowly toward him, placing his body between Thomas and the gun.
“Someone who is starting to wear on my nerves,” Thomas replied.
“Lower your gun.”
Thomas’s head snapped to the side to see Detective Lewis Keating standing in the kitchen doorway.
What the hell?
Who else was going to show up at this party? But Thomas was happy as fuck to see the man.
“Or what?” Reginald asked. “Do you know who I am, what family I come from?”
Thomas was getting really tired of hearing Reginald ask that question. Apparently whatever family he had come from hadn’t taught Reginald about rejection. The man wasn’t taking it so well.
“Someone that is going to jail,” Detective Keating answered. “Now drop your weapon before I open up your fucking chest.”
Wow, Thomas was impressed and scared shitless at the same time. He spotted Detective Keating’s partner, Detective Jones, standing off to the side, his gun raised and pointed directly at Reginald’s head.
Thomas so didn’t want a gunfight in his living room. He was scared someone was going to get hurt—other than Reginald, because at this point Thomas didn’t care if the man was standing when this ended.
Reginald glanced at the detective and then over at Thomas, his face a mask of fury as he slowly lowered the gun to the floor and then kicked it away.
Relief flooded Thomas as the detectives hurried across the room, carefully, though, and cuffed Reginald.
“I’m a Spencer. You cannot do this to me!”
“Buddy, I don’t care if you are a Hilton. Holding someone hostage with a weapon is a criminal offense.”
“He’s a lawyer.” Thomas smirked.
“Then you should know all of the charges against you,” Detective Keating said as he began to read Reginald his rights and then Detective Jones hauled Reginald’s sorry ass out of Thomas’s house.
Good riddance.
Thomas gasped and stumbled back when the wolf changed into Tyler right before his very eyes. He had seen Tyler do that once already, but Thomas had been too busy running the first time it happened. It was still strange as hell, though.
“Thanks.” Tyler shook Detective Keating’s hand.
“Not a problem. But I need you to bring your mate down to the station for his statement the first chance you have.”
Thomas was staring at Tyler, and the man was naked! He wasn’t sure if he liked the fact that the detective was standing there talking to Thomas’s wolf as if Tyler were fully clothed. The man obviously knew about shifters, because he hadn’t batted an eye when Tyler changed back into his human form.
Thomas watched Detective Keating walk out his front door, a little stunned and dazed.
“Are you okay?” Tyler asked as he pulled Thomas into his arms.
Thomas looked up into Tyler’s pretty grey eyes, remembering all the awful things he had said to make Tyler go away.
“You didn’t believe any of what I said on the porch, did you?”
Tyler leaned forward and kissed Thomas’s neck. “I was a little confused at first, but I could smell your fear and knew something was wrong.”
“You could smell my fear?”
Oh hell.
What else could Tyler smell on him?
“I wanted to rip the bastard’s throat out, but was afraid he had a gun on you.” Tyler growled the words out from his clenched jaw.
“He did.”
“I know.” Tyler cupped Thomas’s face, their noses almost touching. “But I never want to hear you say those words to me again.”
“I didn’t want to say them,” he whispered as Tyler’s tongue played across Thomas’s lower lip. How was he supposed to think when Tyler was wreaking havoc in Thomas’s mind? He was starting to forget how to talk as Tyler slipped his tongue into Thomas’s mouth. Tyler’s tongue licked over Thomas’s, exploring his mouth as Thomas tightened his hands in Tyler’s hair.
Tyler guided Thomas to the couch, gently laying Thomas down as he moved between Thomas’s legs.
“I thought we were going for barbeque?” Thomas asked as he broke the kiss, pulling much-needed oxygen into his lungs.
“We are,” Tyler said as his tongue explored leisurely on Thomas’s neck, his hands gently skimming down Thomas’s body. “But I want my dessert first.”
Thomas’s hips hitched at Tyler’s words. He wanted to feel Tyler inside of him, reminding Thomas who he belonged to. He wanted to erase Reginald from his mind completely.
“Fuck me,” Thomas pleaded.
Tyler growled as he leaned back and began to help Thomas undress. “With pleasure.”
Once Thomas was naked, they each moved closer, both anxious to be together.
“I’m going to come in your hot, tight ass,” Tyler whispered into Thomas’s ear.
Thomas nearly came on the spot. “You can’t say that to me, Tyler!”
Tyler chuckled, as if he knew how close Thomas was to the edge already. “Then I’ll show you.” Thomas grabbed Tyler’s hand, guiding it down between Thomas’s spread legs to his tight little bud. He didn’t take his hand away until Thomas felt a light pressure from the tip of Tyler’s finger against his quivering hole.
“So tight,” Tyler murmured. Thomas grasped Tyler’s arm and held on as his ring of muscle squeezed down on the invasion. His head swam at the feeling of having any part of Tyler inside of him. With fingers buried in his ass, and his cock straining against the burning heat of Tyler’s body, Thomas swore he saw stars.
Tyler pulled all the way back out and pushed back in, fucking Thomas with his fingers for a few strokes.
“Tyler,” Thomas gasped.
“Right here, hon.”
“I want you inside of me,” Thomas whispered, feeling the swirling pressure begin to build inside his balls. With a growl Tyler removed his fingers to a soft whine of distress that was quickly replaced by mewls of encouragement as the broad head of Tyler’s arousal was pushed up against Thomas’s glistening and pulsating entrance.
“Oh, god!” Thomas shouted as Tyler thrust deeply inside of him.
Thomas tried to hold on, but had no leverage of his own and felt wanton as Tyler both took and gave what they needed so desperately.
“Tyler…oh my god…oh gods…fuck… Tyler…”
“That’s it, hon. Cry out for me.”
“Tyler…I’m going to come soon. Fuck me harder, please.”
Thomas got exactly what he was begging for. His legs were thrown back as Tyler tried to fuck him within an inch of his life.
Thomas gasped as he was raised and lowered over and over, relishing his lover’s strength and endurance. Tyler was mastering him, giving Thomas everything he could ever dream a lover could give.
His throbbing cock bobbed gracefully, the cool air sweeping around its heat, teasing Thomas further. Finally, one strong hand encircled him, slowly stroking the already-sensitive flesh. He cried out his lover’s name and he climaxed.
Thomas heard Tyler’s long, drawn-out moan, and then liquid heat filled his body as Tyler came inside him, coating the stillrippling channel with his seed.
Thomas felt drained. After everything that had happened this evening and after this bout of sex with Tyler, Thomas had absolutely no energy.
“Ribs. Tomorrow.” Thomas spoke the two words as he closed his eyes, feeling his lover, his mate, his life, wrap his body around Thomas’s as he drifted off to sleep.

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