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Authors: Allie Ritch

Mating Season (7 page)

BOOK: Mating Season
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Her tone was as cool as the snowdrifts, but Koll recognized that she was worried. He snagged her hand and pulled her closer.

"These were two men,” Gilby answered. “They looked a lot like you, Shila: really big with pale skin and brown eyes. Both of them had white hair, but one's was more yellow. Otherwise they could have been twins."

"Tartok and Cikuq.” Shila practically spat the names. When she turned to him, Koll saw her concern. “They've found me."

"Not yet.” It was Gilby who spoke.

She looked at him. “What do you mean?"

"While you're wintering here with me, you're a member of this village,” Koll explained. “That's why the people have accepted you. Otherwise, we stick to ourselves. None of us would help an outsider, not until we got to know him well enough to be sure he was trustworthy."

"Koll is right,” Gilby added. “Nobody told them anything. When they questioned me, I swore I could name every resident in the village and that they were the only ones who didn't belong. They just stared at me before they turned and left. Don't mind saying those two gave me a bad feeling. I'm glad they're gone. Dag said he saw them head south after they left our village. I'm just warning you in case they come back. You might want to stay out of sight for a while, stick close to the house."

"Thank you, Gilby.” Koll gave his friend's shoulder a quick squeeze. “We appreciate the warning."

"Anytime.” A grin popped out on the smaller man's face. “I'll be going now. Hope you can sleep tonight, what with all the beasts growling and bellowing around your house. I heard the most frightening noises while I was waiting outside your door."

Koll shot his hand out to swat him, but Gilby was too fast. He ducked in time and made a run for it. Koll had to settle for slamming the door shut behind the fleeing man.

Any humor he felt melted when he saw how tense Shila was.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 4

They'd found her. For weeks, Shila had sensed that the brothers were close, but she hadn't been able to pick up their scent. When there had been no sign of them, she'd dared to hope it was just her imagination. She couldn't believe they'd actually come into the village looking for her. If they'd tracked her this far, why weren't they at the door now?

The smell of sex, still fresh in the room, tickled her nose. Perhaps Koll was keeping her safe from Tartok and Cikuq. They'd been together so much his scent was all over her, masking hers. If that weren't enough, Greyfell had put his mark all around the house. While that wouldn't throw off the brothers in bear form, their noses weren't as acute when they were men. It sounded as if they hadn't risked coming too close to the village as frost bears.

They would be back, though. When they didn't pick up her trail to the south, they'd double back to her last known location. With spring approaching, those two would be even more determined to find her. And if they found her, they'd find Koll.

Shila turned to her mate and locked gazes with him. She'd come to love Koll, to dream of a future with him. Although it wasn't usual for a Child of Nanook to mate with a clawless villager, there was nothing in their laws to prevent it. Koll was strong and virile and kind in his way, and he made her happy. He satisfied the woman in her while still allowing the bear freedom. The thought of him in danger turned her stomach.

"I should not have brought this threat to your village,” she said.

Koll shook his head. “You should never have had to face them alone. I will deal with Tartok and Cikuq."

His assurance should have calmed her, but instead she flashed back to an image of her first mate, Imnek, torn apart and lying lifeless in the snow. One clawless man, no matter how brave and strong, could not hope to defeat two full-grown frost bears.

Shila did what she'd never allowed herself to do—certainly not with her people, who would have taken advantage of her weakness. She let him see her fear. “I can't lose you."

Koll had his arms around her in two long strides. He carried her over to the chair he'd occupied earlier and sat with her on his lap. There was nothing sexual about the position this time. Instead, she felt the comfort of his hands stroking her arms and back.

"You won't lose me,” he promised. “You think I underestimate these enemies, but I don't. I've seen how you change into a frost bear and know they can do the same."

"They're twice my size in bear form,” she told him. The males were always much bigger.

He accepted that with a nod. “In a straight challenge, I have no hope of defeating them, and you already told me they fight together."

His words were not reassuring her in the least.

As if he sensed that, he chucked her under the chin. “That's why I don't plan to fight fair."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll do whatever it takes to kill them. We both know they'll come back, and I refuse to look over my shoulder forever. You will never feel safe until they're dead. You need to feel safe.” Koll rested his palm against her lower belly. “I can't replace the twins you lost, Shila, but I want to give you new babes to love. Our babes. Come spring, I want to marry you and plant my seed in your womb."

There were tears in her eyes now. For once, Shila didn't try to fight them.

"I wasn't going to tell you that yet.” He cleared his throat, but he didn't lower his gaze.

"I'm glad you did,” she said. “You really want children with me?"

His answering grin turned her inside out. “You'll make a great mama bear."

Although he didn't usually talk much, Koll always said just the right thing. Hugging him close, Shila let herself grieve for the past, for the loss of her unborn children and what she'd thought her life would be. Her mate held her and petted her in comfort.

When her tears finally dried, she felt more complete than she had in a long time. She also felt her hate for the Suinnak brothers morph into cold, calculated rage. Koll was right. Her life would never be her own until those two were put down.

"We will kill Tartok and Cikuq,” she announced.

This wasn't about revenge; this was survival. Deep inside, where the bear hibernated within her woman's body, the predator in her growled in anticipation.

Without another word, Koll kissed her and carried her to the bed. When he stripped her clothes from her and laid her down, she assumed he was ready to make love again. She always marveled at how quickly he recovered. It was flattering.

He wasn't looking for sex now, though. Once they were both naked and under the covers, Koll wrapped his arms around her and snuggled her so her head rested near his heart. The steady beat beneath her ear made her feel loved and protected. She wasn't alone anymore. Neither of them was.

Closing her eyes, Shila fell asleep in her lover's embrace.

The next morning, Shila woke before Koll and took the opportunity to study him while he slept. Every line and plane of his face was familiar to her now, as was the dark morning stubble along his jaw and chin. His lips—so skilled at kissing her all over her body—were slightly parted. He was also snoring.

She grinned at the thunderous sound. Grumpy bears made less racket, and they were conscious. Of course she wasn't about to criticize. Koll had informed her that she was a loud snorer too.

Although Shila was still snuggled against him, his arm had dropped and was now pinned beneath her head and shoulder. The bed furs had been yanked askew sometime during the night, exposing one side of his muscular chest. Her blood heated at just that peek of bare skin.

In that moment, she fell in love with Koll all over again. She wanted him, and she wanted to give to him. Flashing back to last night, she knew what pleasure he'd enjoy.

Very slowly, she eased her weight off his arm and slipped lower beneath the covers. He didn't stir, so she continued a slow crawl toward the foot of the bed until she was completely beneath the furs. It was dark under the blanket, but her eyesight was good. She lay between his legs and found what she was looking for.

Although his cock was sleeping too, it wasn't hard to awaken that part of him. Shila started out with soft licks along its wrinkled length until his shaft rose with a hard stretch. Once it was up, she popped his cock into her mouth and sucked the head.

Koll's snoring abruptly halted. He moaned, but she didn't think he'd fully woken up yet.

Bobbing her head, she stroked his cock with her tongue and lips, engulfing as much of him as she could. The scent of his arousal deepened. Trapped as she was beneath the blanket, she inhaled his thickening musk until she was almost giddy. A splash of precum hit her throat, causing her pussy to gush in empathy.

Suddenly, the blanket was thrown back and hands engulfed her head. All of him was finally awake.

"Shila.” The way he sighed her name made her shiver. “I'm going to come like this."

She sucked him deep and hummed. That was exactly what she wanted. When she glanced up the length of his beautiful body, she let him see the hunger in her gaze.

He narrowed his eyes. “I'm not coming alone."

Shila respected a good stealth attack. Koll moved so quickly she didn't have time to react. He snagged her leg and hauled her around so she straddled him backward. Since she didn't release his cock, this caused her mouth to spin around the head. His cry of pleasure was gratifying. Since she was currently positioned over his face instead of his hips, she was curious to see how he planned to mount her.

"I love that you're so tall.” Koll sounded as if he was muttering to himself. “Never done this before."

She would have asked what he meant if her mouth hadn't been full. Then she felt his tongue spear her pussy.

"Ah!” She yanked back to release a yowl of surprise. Surprise and rapture. That felt so good.

"Delicious,” he said with approval. Then he went back to feasting.

His morning stubble rasped the insides of her thighs and chafed her labia with a persistent scratch. As he continued to lap deep with his tongue, his rough chin brushed her clit, setting off a flurry of need inside her womb. The sensation made her scream.

Koll's cock bobbed when he chuckled, but he didn't stop eating her.

Shila's mind blanked under the onslaught. It took a full minute before she managed to get her mouth around his cock again. Then his laughter cut off when she sucked with renewed vigor.

His thighs were tense, but so were hers. They were both racing toward orgasm. The only question was who would get there first. When she slipped the tip of her tongue into his slit and tasted more of his essence, she thought for sure he'd break. He did, but only after he puckered his lips around her clit and sent her hurtling over the edge.

Their cries of release were muffled against each other's most sensitive flesh. Shila swallowed several times before she pulled her mouth free. When she swung around to kiss him, she could taste their combined flavors.

Koll cupped her breast in his large hand. “Tell me your fantasy. Tell me what you really want."

His callused palm rasped her already sensitive nipple, shooting pleasure from her breast to her core. She didn't have to think about her answer.

"I want you to make love to me. Make love to me the way you will when you get me pregnant."

Koll released her breasts and slid his hand up her neck to stroke her hair and the ribbon he'd tied in it. “There's no end to the positions I will take you in.” He rolled over her, using his weight to press her down into the bed. “But when I plant my seed, you will know what I feel for you. I will surround you with love. I'll drive it into you."

Although she thought she'd been prepared for his entry, the firm thrust of his cock still made her gasp. No matter how many times he took her, she'd never get used to the way he stretched her and tantalized her nerves.

He was right. She felt his love. His tenderness for her—always there—was now at the forefront. She felt it in the way he kissed her and caressed her breasts, in the way he angled his hips to maximize her pleasure. His love was in his strong arms as he propped himself on his elbows and in the massive cock he used to take her so deeply.

Shila keened as she thrust up to meet him. She swept her hands over his broad shoulders, enjoying his strength and sturdiness. Lower still, his back flexed as he thrust his pelvis, the driving force behind his stroking shaft. She hadn't seen him do it, but he must have tugged up the blanket. The fur rode across his moving buttocks.

"Please.” She was desperate for release, even though he'd just made her come with his mouth.

Koll didn't quicken his strokes. Instead, she felt him grind against her clit and swing his hips in a circle to screw his cock into her on every forward stroke. Shila screamed again, unable to keep silent. She'd never felt anything like it.

The rasp of his tongue and the suction of his lips at her pulse point heightened her already stimulated nerves. Her orgasm grew big and fat, well-fed by his steady attentions. When he lifted his head, he caught her wrists and pinned them above her. She was strong enough she should have been able to throw him off, but she didn't have the right leverage. Arousal roared through her body, kicking her higher.

He stared directly into her eyes as he rode her harder and faster. Gentle or rough, the emotion behind his gaze never changed. His love for her shone as clearly as the brightest star. With his hips canted just right, he kept hitting the most sensitive spot in her sheath. The orgasm stalking her was a ravenous beast.

"Come for me.” Koll grunted as he worked her with his tireless cock. “I will wait for your climax. I'll pump into you as long and hard as it takes until you orgasm. Only when your sweet pussy clasps my dick, begging me for more, will I give you my seed. Our children will be conceived in love and bliss, Shila. Nothing less. And when I do come, I'll thrust so deeply I'll touch your womb."

She shattered on his last words. Everything inside her drew up tight and locked on to him as convulsions racked her channel. The feel of his hands still pinning her set off a second explosion. She nearly crushed him with her legs as her pussy milked his cock with the sweetest pulls she'd ever felt.

BOOK: Mating Season
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