Mated To The Devil (13 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Mated To The Devil
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“Well, for one, he didn’t call Jacques the son of the devil and demand I get him exorcised.”

Remy coughed, a sound that turned into a choke. “Excuse me? Did I hear you right?”

She sighed. “My parents are very religious. Actually, that makes them sound normal when in truth they’re fanatics.”

“You did mention they didn’t handle the news of your pregnancy well.”

“Apparently I had nothing on the whore of Babylon,” she tried to reply with a bright smile. The pain still lingered deep inside at their reaction. She’d thought once the baby was born, perhaps they’d find some small token of forgiveness if not for her then at least their grandson. They took one look at his dark skin and flipped out. The names they’d called her precious angel. . . .

Mina never spoke to them again.

“While not one of my shining moments, there was nothing wrong with what we did,” he said quietly. He’d come up behind her while she mused and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“A part of me knows that, but twenty years of religious indoctrination makes it hard to shake.”

“Do you still pray?”

“Every day,” she admitted. “Even though for a while, I didn’t think God bothered to listen.”

“What changed your mind?” The hands on her shoulders massaged the tense muscles, and she couldn’t help her head lolling at the easing pleasure his touch brought.

“The birth of our son. I held him in my arms and looked into his eyes and knew nothing that beautiful could exist without the Lord’s blessing.”

Remy turned her so that she faced him. A glimmer of gold in his eyes captivated her. “We are all God’s children,” he replied. “Human or Lycan.”

“You believe in God?”

“Yes, and I know he loves us, no matter how we were born.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, a fleeting caress that stole her breath. Again, he teased her with a light touch of his mouth, and she trembled, wanting more, but at the same time fearing it.

He stepped back from her, the slow simmer in his eyes now a full-blown, fiery glow. “Goodnight, Mina.”

Touching fingers to her tingling lips, she fled before she begged him to finish what he started. Begged him to lead her down the path of temptation—and pleasure—again.

Chapter Twelve

After leaving Mina, a task harder than expected when everything in him urged him to follow, he decided to give Dean a shout. Left behind to see if trouble returned, Dean currently babysat Mina’s building and apartment, keeping a circumspect eye.

His best friend since second grade answered on the second ring. “Miss me?” Dean teased.

“Like a dog misses a burr. How’s it going in the big city?”

“It’s pretty fucking quiet. All people do around here is go to work and come home. The place is depressing.”

“No sign of those thugs returning or anyone casing the joint?”

“Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Although, if I’m lucky, I might end up dead. Of boredom.”

Remy chuckled. “Poor guy. I almost feel sorry for you. What about the area pack? Were they able to shed any light on the kidnappers? Identify if they were local or outsiders?”

“With no one left behind to question and not a single witness who’ll admit anything, they’ve got nothing to go on. I gave them a description of the van and the dickheads, but the vehicle turned up abandoned, stolen only a few hours before the attack according to police reports. As for the men, no one recognizes the description. One thing’s for sure, while they weren’t military, they did seem fairly well-trained.”

A partial relief, because the last thing the pack needed was for the government or some other military agency hunting them. But at the same time, it was worrisome. Military or not, hired hands meant someone out there specifically targeted Mina and his son. The question was, would they keep searching for another attempt? Or had they fled far enough to make whoever hunted them lose interest?

Until he knew the answer to that question, a close eye on his new family wouldn’t hurt.

“So how long do you want me to stay here?” Dean asked.

“A few days at least. We need to make sure you won’t be followed when we pull you back.”

“She’s not coming back, is she? I mean, not because there’s anything wrong with this place that a remodel wouldn’t fix. The joint is a fucking hole.”

Great. Just what Remy needed to hear, more evidence of how he’d failed his woman. “She isn’t going back.” Even if she didn’t know it yet.

“You want me to pack some of her stuff up? You know, pictures and books and shit.”

“If you don’t mind and if you can do it on the down low. We don’t want to attract any attention.”

“Duh. So, how did it go? Your boy looks to be quite the youngster. He’ll be a shit-disturber when he grows up, just like his old man.”

A grin cracked his lips. “Jacques is a true wolf pup. You know, I never gave much thought before to the whole fatherhood thing, but I gotta say, just a few hours with him and it’s addictive. I just wish I hadn’t missed so much time.” There were so many things about his son he wanted to learn and teach.

“And his mother? She’s a cutie.”

“She’s mine.” Remy couldn’t help growling the possessive claim.

Dean laughed. “Ha. I see you’re still as hot for her now as you were a couple of years ago. Does she feel the same way?”

“Yes and no. She’s interested but claiming she’s not.”

“Well, what did you expect?”

For her to throw herself at him with no hesitation and accept him as her mate. Unrealistic of course, especially given her crash course into the Lycan world. Still, despite them having only spent a few hours together, the years he spent dreaming of her made it feel like he’d known her forever.

He and Dean spoke for a little while longer before hanging up. With the hour growing late, he headed for bed but couldn’t escape the questions and emotions churning through him. Sleep eluded Remy. How could he slumber when all he could think of was Mina? Closing his eyes just made her image appear more sharply in his mind and reminded him of how much he’d missed out these past few years. When he’d woken that morning, living life on autopilot, he’d never expected to find his mate again and certainly never would have imagined his son. Now that they were both here, ready to give him a chance, he didn’t want to fuck anything up. Not like he had in the past.

Was it any wonder his thoughts spun in wild circles? That he suddenly felt alive for the first time in what seemed like an eternity? Hope blossomed and spread, a wildfire of optimism of a future no longer so bleak. Or lonely.

But he needed to proceed with caution, especially where Mina was concerned. Fragile in heart, if feisty in spirit, she showed the hurt she’d suffered plainly upon her face. What he wouldn’t give to erase those lines, to ease her worry. It didn’t take a genius to see how much she longed to trust—and yet feared to. It made him ache in a way he couldn’t bear. He wanted to hold her in his arms, promise her the world, but he knew it would take time before she believed him. Before she put her faith in him.

It would happen, though. If there was one thing Remy could state with certainty, it was that he would never let Mina down again.

And that went triple for their son, reason number two for his sleepless state. He couldn’t wait to spend time with the boy and teach him the things his father taught him: hockey, fishing, climbing trees, running through the woods under a full moon. Pissing his name in the snow. Spitting without getting it on himself. He wanted to share more cookies with his son and see that bright smile and listen to his questions. He wanted to show him off to the whole town, hell, the whole world, and shout, “This is my son!”
My son.
What a wonderful feeling pride was.

A few days ago, he would have never imagined the depth of emotion having a child would create. A little person carrying some of his genes. A pup to carry on pack tradition. His responsibility.

And someone sought to harm him.

Who dared attack his son and mate? Protective instinct reared its head, a violent need to keep his family safe from those who would harm them.

Recalling the attack, an attack he should have prevented, made his beast rumble with discontent. Let them try and harm his family again. Let them come into his world and attempt it. He would tear them limb from limb. He’d chase them down and make them cry for their mothers. He’d teach them to not ever look at his son and mate again. He’d mete out his version of protection and justice. And he’d enjoy it.

With two reasons to live again, he would allow nothing to take it away. Ever.

* * * *

Early the following morning, the door to his room swung open and Remy instantly woke. He didn’t move a muscle, though, one inhalation all he needed to know who crept on silent feet into his space. He couldn’t help a grunt, however, when about forty pounds of excitement leapt on his chest, narrowly missing the family jewels.
Shit, that was close.
Pointy knees dug into his stomach.

He yawned but kept his eyes closed as he feigned sleepiness. “Who’s there?”

A giggle was the reply.

Pretending to snore earned him another chortle, the sweetest sound in the world. With a scramble of limbs that weren’t exactly careful about a father’s fragile equipment, further reinforcing his belief that perhaps he should wear a jock from now on, a warm body crawled under the covers and snuggled close.

Remy’s heart almost stopped. Slowly, like he would with a skittish animal, he brought his arm around to hug the wiry frame of his son, who let out a contented rumble. Damn, but he needed to do something about all the dust in the house. It was bothering his eyes quite a bit in the last twenty-four hours.

In a voice more gruff than expected, he muttered, “Morning, little guy.”

“Mornin’, Dada.”

Yup. He’d run over to the hardware store and get a new furnace filter right after breakfast, he vowed, blinking at the stinging in his eyes. Maybe hire a maid, too, to get all those pesky dust mites up in the corners. He wouldn’t want his son to mistake a lack of clean air for unmanly tears. “What you up to?” Other than giving him the best morning surprise ever.

“Nuttin’. Mama’s still sleeping.”

“That’s good. She was pretty tired last night.”

“Uh-hunh.” Jacques mumbled in agreement and fell silent, snuggled into his side.

The moment of peace didn’t last for long. His door flew open the rest of the way. In stumbled a disheveled Mina, her eyes wide with panic and her hair wild.

“Remy! Come quick. Jacques isn’t in his bed. We have to find him!”

Their son popped his head up and with a mile-wide grin said, “Here I am, Mama.”

She clutched a hand to her chest, but Remy noted the relief in her eyes. “Naughty, muffin. You gave Mama a fright.”

Jacques giggled. “You were sleeping so I came to see Dada.”

“And was he sleeping?” she sternly asked.

“No.” Jacques said it with the innocent expression of an angel—up to no good. Remy bit back a smile.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, her chagrined gaze meeting his.

Remy’s lips twitched. “Why? I’m an early riser. Although if you’d like to join us for a snuggle, I can probably be persuaded to stay in bed a little while longer.” He patted the mattress beside him and grinned wider as her cheeks turned a brilliant pink.

“I think I’m going to go find some coffee,” she stammered. She turned to leave, her bulky housecoat hiding her from neck to toe.

“I’ll join you.” He rolled from the bed, his chest bare while his bottom half sported some loose track pants. He’d worn them in deference to Mina, just in case she came looking for him. As it turned out, he was glad he’d kept them on, given his morning visitor.

Mina whirled at his words, but he didn’t catch her expression until he turned around, Jacques dangling over his shoulder giggling. Remy puffed his chest out wider than a peacock when he caught her glazed eyes staring with rapt attention at his bare skin. At least he knew she still found him attractive.

“Shall we eat?” he drawled, glad his son hung down his back where he couldn’t see the growing hard-on he had for a now-speechless Mina. She swallowed hard, took a shuddering breath, and whipped around, almost running ahead of them down the stairs. Remy took his time, bouncing his son on his shoulder, letting his guileless presence cool his ardor just like a cold shower would.

The day was starting out bright and could only get better. Having already taken time off work to spend with his newfound mate and son, Remy enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, regaling them with stories of his childhood, stories his father added to. Laughter filled the kitchen, and the ease with which Mina and Jacques fit in made his heart warm.

Becoming a father overnight might have come as a surprise, but looking upon his son’s grinning countenance, Remy could honestly say he’d never received a better gift. And damn it all, if he didn’t want to show his boy off.

So he did. Forget letting his father take him to work. Remy wanted his son for himself. His dad could show him off another day.
I’m spending the day with my son and mate.

Transferring the booster seat from his father’s vehicle to the middle of the bench seat in his truck—a truck he’d have to look at trading in for something a little more family oriented, like an SUV, because no way was he driving a minivan—he bundled his mate and son into the cab for the drive into town. First stop, the local Walmart. Considering that Mina and Jacques had arrived with pretty much only the clothes on their backs and not much more, he thought she’d appreciate a chance to go shopping for items. It was what women loved, or so he’d noticed over the years.

Wrong choice. He’d misjudged the extent of his mate’s pride. Getting Mina to agree to let him spend his money on stuff for her and his son proved more complicated than expected.

As Jacques scampered ahead, weaving through the racks of clothes, she confronted Remy. “I can’t let you do this.” Lips pulled into a stubborn line and her arms crossed over her chest, she shook her head when he first stopped at the woman’s section and told her to grab anything that took her fancy.

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