Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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“Samuel wants ye to meet the pack.” I told her. “We plan to take ye out tomorrow.”

I let her stroke the worry lines on my forehead away. The wolf sighed in contentment.

“I dinnae want to expose ye, Brenna. Tis not safe. We are not…” I struggled to explain. “We are not safe.”

She kept touching me. Her fingers traced my brows.

I shut my eyes, realizing then how on edge I’d been for the last few hours, waiting for her to accept or banish me. Her fingers soothed across my brow and cheeks, tracing gentle lines down to my chest. Every muscle in my body relaxed.

The wolf slept.


The next day, I helped her dress in her one remaining gunna, along with thick leather boots. “Samuel has requested ye dine with the pack. You’re to stay close to me or him at all times, and keep yer eyes lowered.”

I checked the torc around her neck. “This marks ye as ours,” I told her, “but there are limits to its protection.”

Her fingers stroked the silver collar, and I felt a surge of protective pride. I kissed her, then gripped her wrist. “Come, lass.”

I led her out of the cave, pausing in the entrance.

“Remember the rules, now. Dinnae look any of the pack in the eye. The wolf considers it a challenge.”

Her brow wrinkled.

“I’m serious, lass. Tis a grave offense. Keep yer eyes down and keep close to me.”

She frowned but stepped closer, her eyes trained on the rock at my feet.

“Good lass.”

I fought my own wariness as we stepped into the clearing. Samuel had ordered all the pack to remain as men for this trial visit. Our wolf forms reminded her of her attack. So a score of men stared as they caught Brenna’s scent. The other dozen would be hunting, or on patrol.

Brenna started to look up, and I softly reminded her, “Eyes.”

As we moved out into the open, her heart beat faster, and her scent tinged with nervousness, which only made the men stare longer. The only thing more enticing than a beautiful, trembling woman was her fear. It screamed ‘prey.’

Brenna’s frightened scent tasted delicious. At this rate, I doubted we’d reach the center of the clearing before a Berserker tried to take a bite out of her.

Gripping her wrist, I drew her closer.

“Calm yerself, lass,” I ordered quietly. “I willnae let harm come to ye.” I glared at the others over her head. A few men ducked their head in submission.

Samuel entered the clearing, naked but for a loincloth. As his gaze swept the gathering, the rest of the warriors took care to show no interest in the Alpha’s woman. They went back to tending the fire, readying a great spit for the meat, or sharpening weapons. All except Fergus who remained a wolf who tucked his head as Brenna and I passed him. If Brenna recognized the wolf with reddish brown fur as the young red head male who’d rushed at her, she made no sign.

Samuel motioned us over to where he sat on a great rock like a king on a throne. I laid a pelt at his feet and bade Brenna sit beside him. Leaning forward, he rested a hand on the back of her neck.

Once the meat was roasted, I offered Samuel the best portion. He carved with his knife and hand fed our beloved bit by bit. Her cheeks pinked enticingly, but she did not refuse any of his offerings.

Either Samuel or I touched her often, trying to keep a hand on her at all times. Claiming her. Showing the pack she could behave.

She kept her eyes lowered, even when the warriors started one of their favorite games, throwing their axes at a log Wulfgar had dragged up the mountain. Siebold made Fergus, the smallest and weakest of the pack, collect the axes. Samuel allowed this show of dominance, though he watched carefully.

In wolf form, Fergus carried the axe back and set it at Siebold’s feet. He trotted back to the target when the very axe he’d returned sliced by him, nearly catching his tail.

Fergus yipped and ran.

Siebold laughed until a small metal tipped spear sliced his shoulder. Outraged he looked for the thrower. Wulfgar stood with arms folded, glowering. Siebold was fourth in pack hierarchy, and not for lack of trying to be third. Wulfgar had bested the blond warrior more than once.

Gritting his teeth, Siebold pulled the spearhead from his flesh. Blood spurted down his bare muscles. He didn’t take his eyes off Wulfgar’s.

Wulfgar growled in challenge.

Beside me Brenna gasped.

The spell was broken; Siebold glanced at our beloved, golden eyes bright.

I realized Brenna was staring at the blond warrior. I shoved her head down.

Still angry, Siebold took a step towards Brenna. Samuel was on his feet in an instant, with a roar that shook the mountain. Half the pack dropped to all fours, starting to shift. I pulled Brenna up with an arm secured around her neck. She gripped my forearm, her head turning to my chest, her eyes squeezed shut.

This was a verra bad idea.

Samuel snarled at the pack. If he lost control now—

Luck arrived in the form of a small red wolf. Fergus ran back into the gathering, barking news.

Intruder…at the foot of the mountain.

Tension, already high, rippled through the pack. As one the warriors rose. Those in human form grabbed weapons, those in wolf form waiting for their Alpha’s command.

“Wulfgar, Siebold, with me.” Samuel’s eyes glittered gold. I felt his fury, the beast pounding at the wall of control Samuel kept high at all times.

Samuel, perhaps I should go instead, I spoke along the brother bond. He turned his furious expression on me and I bowed my head at his show of power.

“Get her inside,” he ordered. Before the intruder catches her scent.

“Come, Brenna.” I cursed myself as I pulled her along. Her first time with the pack, and she gave challenge to Siebold, and then attracted an intruder? The excursion couldn’t have gone any worse.

At the mouth of the cave, Brenna tugged at my hand, forcing me to face her. She put a hand on my arm, face contorted with a worried expression.

“He’ll be alright lass. Save yer worry for any intruder.  They’ll face the Alpha’s wrath.” She nodded and accepted my kiss, though she still looked concerned. “Do ye truly believe Samuel will be hurt?” I teased gently. “Have a little more faith in your Berserker mates.” The word ‘mate’ rolled off my tongue before I could catch it.

We were halfway to our chambers when I heard something following us. I whirled and thrust Brenna behind me at the same time.

The little red wolf slinking after us whined in apology.

“Och, ‘tis only Fergus. ”

Fergus dropped a leather pouch at my feet.

“I thank ye,” I told the little wolf. Fergus gave a toothy grin and loped off. I opened and grinned at the small polished wooden object inside. “Finally, something good on this shite day.” Both Brenna and I needed a distraction, and now I had it.  I grabbed Brenna’s hand and tugged her to the bathing chamber to play with our new toy.


“Tell me, Brenna, what do ye think of this last visit to the pack?” I asked as soon as we reached the bathing pool.

She pressed her lips together. Her first sight of the pack, she’d almost run screaming off the mountain.

“Ye did well, up until the end when ye were staring at Siebold. Tell me truly: did you look him in the eye?”

Brenna crossed her arms in front of her before she nodded.

“I thought so. As much as I’d like to give that piker a good thrashing, rules are rules. Wulfgar or another wolf might let yer behavior pass, but Siebold will demand punishment.”

I ran a soothing hand down her stiff back.

“Dinnae be afraid. Ye learn our ways, soon enough.” I squeezed her bottom through her dress. “I dinnae want to warm yer bottom so soon after yer last spanking. But I have a little reminder for ye to keep our commands.” I stepped back. “Take off yer clothes.” I smacked her bottom to urge her along, and went and got supplies to shave her smooth.

Naked, Brenna took her place in front of me on the rock, lying back with her knees bent and feet flat on the stone.

I settled in, running a finger down her pink lower lips, enjoying the sight and feel of slight fuzz. Shaving her was usually my chore and delight, and she was used to it. Both Samuel and I enjoyed the feel of her silky skin.

“Legs wide apart,” I ordered, even though she’d already spread wide enough. With a sigh, she obeyed, waiting placidly for me to get on with it. She twisted her fingers together but other than that showed no sign of nervousness.

With great care I honed the blade. I took my time oiling her plump lips, running a thumb up and down until her breathing quickened. She shifted her bottom on the stone and I pinched her. “Be still, lass.”

I heard her huff above my head, and lowered mine to hide a grin. Her cunny flushed and her little nub perked up, ready for my attentions once my task was done.

When her cunny was smooth, I ran my oiled hands up her legs. She’d shaved them herself, earlier, and I enjoyed the silky skin, massaging and pressing a few kisses from ankle to knee.

Brenna spread her legs even wider as if inviting me to spend more time at her center. After shaving her I usually teased her to an orgasm or two.

Brenna look disappointed when I stood up and sat beside her.

“Ye did well. Almost done. Come lie across my lap, there’s a good lass.”

She moved with alacrity, no doubt expecting a reward.

I checked her lower lips. I played in her folds until I felt her quicken, then my fingers strayed higher, to the cleft of her bottom. I often squeezed and parted her cheeks and teased her lower hole. She allowed it, assuming I just enjoyed her bottom.

Today I would enjoy it even more. Today the little wooden plug lay beside her on a cloth, waiting its turn. Carved and polished to a sheen, it would look beautiful nestled between her bum cheeks. With enough oil, it would slip right into her back passage.

After a few minutes massaging her cheeks, I oiled the little wooden bulb and set the narrow end at her pucker.

Immediately she tensed.

“Shhh, easy. There’s a good lass.”

She squirmed and I swatted her bottom.

“Be still. Ye didna think I would let yer behavior earlier go unpunished? Whenever ye break the rules yer bottom pays the price one way or another. You’ll wear the plug now, and next time we go out among the pack. And one day, you’ll be stretched enough for me and Samuel to take ye together.”

“Deep breath, lass. This is a reminder for ye, and a reward for Samuel.”

And me,
I added silently.

With a little more uncomfortable twitching, she allowed me to plug her behind. My cock hardened at the sight of the wooden end seated well inside her. “Well done, Brenna.”

I checked her lower lips and held my fingers in front her face. “Just as I suspected. Ye liked that more than ye let on.”

She started struggling again, and I trapped her legs under one of mine. “Now for yer reward.”

My fingers rubbed her little nubbin until she squirmed and panted for a different reason. I brought her to the brink again and again, stopping before she went over. Each time I paused I twisted the plug, training her to get used to movement inside her sweet arse. From the way she gasped and jerked her hips, she didn’t altogether dislike it.

Finally I stroked her little nub. “Come, Brenna.”

When she’d shuddered to completion, I helped her up.

“Ye did well.” I said. “Ye please me.”

I turned her and checked the plug. The sight of the wood winking from between her cheeks made me hard. Seated deep inside her, it would stretch her bottom hole.

“You will wear this as a reminder that ye belong to us.” I gripped her bottom hard and smacked it before leaving her to clean up the shaving supplies.

“Soon Samuel will return. Until then perhaps we can find a way to spend the afternoon.”

I turned around just in time to see the plug sail into the water and disappear with a splash.

“Brenna.” I kept my tone stern, but just barely.

She faced me, chin high and arms crossed over her chest. Even naked and flushed from all our play, she looked proud as a queen.

I walked by her, smacking her bottom as I passed. She jumped but didn’t change her stance. “Naughty, naughty, lass. Now ye will be punished. Samuel will be back soon, and he’ll find ye with a bright red arse.”

A few minutes searching about the pool for the plug, and I gave up in disgust. Brenna backed away when I stalked from the water, but her few steps of retreat were no match for my burst of speed, and she was over my shoulder in a second. “Fergus carved that plug for ye. Do ye think he cannae make another?”

I carried her to our sleeping chamber and laid her on the dais. “Stay.”

In a moment I was back at her side, a long strip of cloth in my hand. I bound her hands and stretched them over her head, securing her at the base of the dais. We’d installed an iron ring in anticipation of an unruly prize. So far Brenna had proved to be compliant; there’d been no reason to shackle her.

BOOK: Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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