Mate Is Right, M/M Paranormal Gay Romance (Book 3) (Win an Alpha) (3 page)

BOOK: Mate Is Right, M/M Paranormal Gay Romance (Book 3) (Win an Alpha)
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No, if Gary had to be really honest with himself, it was his own personal fears talking.

Hadn’t Dylan demanded he stopped thinking of himself in terms of the negative?

Where would Gary find another Alpha, who didn’t give a damn about his flaws and imperfections?

Dylan wanted him bad and so did he, but why did trust come so hard to Gary?

Well, it was about time Gary disposed of that old self. In with the new.

“Alpha,” he whispered, not believing he was about to say the next three little words. “Make me yours.”


* * * *


Dylan had such a sweet little thing, such a tasty morsel on his lap.

How did he ever get so lucky?

Hearing Gary utter those words he longed to hear opened something inside him, the heart he kept locked away until the right man came along. He wanted to flip Gary on his hands and knees and take him right there and then, but Dylan controlled himself.

The passionate rutting could come later. Gary required a little more delicacy and besides, Dylan wanted to enjoy tasting him.

“Command me, Alpha. Tell me what to do. Please.”

Jesus. Dylan’s dick was so hard and ready. It would be easy to breach Gary’s hole and hear the lovely cries of the Omega as he pleaded for more.

Control yourself. You’re the Alpha here.

Gary was making it hard though, simply sitting naked on his lap while Dylan remained clothed.

“Since you begged so nicely, I’ll bite. Undo my tie and offer it to me,” Dylan ordered.

Nodding, Gary worked his tie until the silken fabric was in his hands. The Omega handled it reverently, like a treasure. Christ. This would really be the ultimate test of his control.

“What do you want me to do with that, pup?” Dylan asked.

Gary bit, looking dead serious, as if he was terrified of failing a test that never existed in the first place. Dylan’s Omega clearly had trust issues, but Dylan was patient. He’d show his needy and insecure pup he meant every word. When Dylan announced they were mates, Gary hardly believed the words.

The sexy Omega really thought Dylan did this kind of thing often.

Gary hesitated. Dylan took over and began looping the fabric around Gary’s wrist. The silk blue tie looked amazing on Gary’s pale skin.

“Tell me, pup, have you ever been bound by a five-thousand dollar tie?”

Gary shivered. Dylan kissed him again, because he could and wanted to.

“Look at you, like a present all for me.” Dylan began making a path of kisses down Gary’s throat. He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking until the bud hardened. Moving to the right one, Dylan bit down, loving the sound of Gary’s cry. Damn, but the Omega was so responsive it drove him up the wall. Learning Gary was a virgin was an unexpected plus. Dylan would make sure he was careful. He’d ease Gary into sex and once they overcame that barrier...God, he had plenty to teach the eager Omega. Dirty things. Perverse things.

His Omega. Dylan couldn’t get enough of hearing those words.

Dylan pulled his mouth away from Gary’s nipple, admiring his handiwork. “Perfect. How’s your little dick, baby?”

He gave Gary’s prick a squeeze, making Gary groan. Props to the Omega for lasting this long.

“I want you to touch yourself for me, Gary. Do it now.”

Cheeks red, Gary used his bound hands to fondle his own cock. The sight made Dylan growl in approval.
Such an erotic image to behold.

Dylan began shrugging off his blazer and undoing the buttons of his shirt. Gary paused as Dylan began to unveil more skin. The look of appreciation on the Omega’s face when Dylan revealed his toned body made him smile.

Gary was so easy to read, to please. They would have such a fucking wild ride together. Dylan couldn’t imagine anyone more perfect for him “Did I say you could stop, pup?”

Gary shook his head and began pumping his dick again. The Omega blinked when Dylan pulled out his cell phone and began videotaping them.

“W-what are you doing?”

“This is for us to watch together later. I want to preserve our first moment together,” Dylan said.

He put the phone to the side and kept the video rolling. To appease Gary, he gave the Omega a kiss and Gary seemed less nervous. Dylan took over, beginning to glide his hand up and down Gary’s dick. Gary looped his bound hands around Dylan’s neck, panting, meeting his gaze.

“You like my hand on your dick, Omega?” Dylan asked, amused.

“Very much, Alpha.”

“You’ve been such a good boy. Beg me the privilege of coming.”

“Please, Alpha!”

“Such a compliant little firecracker.” Dylan swiped away Gary’s pre-cum and gave Gary’s tip a pinch. “Come for me then, Omega. Do it now.”

With a cry, Gary came hard and fast, unloading his seed all over Dylan’s hand and spilling some over his ribs and abs. The sight of Gary coming undone did wonders to his own cock. Seeing Gary recovering and looking at the bulge in his trousers, Dylan grinned.

“What to return me the favor, pup?”

“Gladly, Alpha.”




Chapter Four


Dylan helped Gary to his knees, delighted when Gary leaned over and licked his cum off his skin.
Such a good pup
. Dylan thought he ought to reward him soon.

“I haven’t done anything like this. Tell me if I’m doing something wrong,” Gary said.

The Omega looked up at him with those amazingly sincere puppy brown eyes of his. God. Dylan could eat this pup right up. During his climb to the top of the business world, Dylan had done things he hadn’t been proud of. Calling himself a good man was a joke. He didn’t deserve such a sweet pup like Gary, but Dylan never backed away from a challenge.

Besides, no man could walk away from his soul mate. That would be a crime.

Gary wrapped his fingers at Dylan’s base and leaned forward. Taking command, Dylan threaded his fingers into Gary’s hair and nudged his prick between Gary’s lips. Gary’s pink tongue darted out to lick away the pre-cum on his tip.

“That’s good. Swirl your tongue a little. Good. Go on, pup.”

Gary’s curiosity and hunger to please made Dylan hard in seconds. Finally, Gary took his dick into his mouth. The Omega gagged at first, but soon got used to the size of him. With confidence, Gary bobbed his head up and down. The Omega looked like he thoroughly enjoyed sucking Dylan’s dick. What a refreshing change to see a lover who didn’t act like giving head was a chore.

“Good, pup. I’m taking over now.”

Nodding, Gary opened his mouth wider so Dylan could fuck his hole. Starting slow, Dylan picked up speed, imagining it was Gary’s virgin hole he was breaching. Christ. The image was so vivid in his head Gary knew he wouldn’t last long. With a growl, he came, about to pull his prick away, but Gary latched on, mouth sucking hard. Much to Dylan’s approval, the Omega took every last drop of his seed.

Once done, Dylan pulled away. Gary sat back on his heels. The limo unexpectedly swerved to the side but Dylan caught Gary before he injured himself. The driver’s apologetic voice came through the speakers.

“Are you hurt?” Dylan asked, sitting Gary back beside him.

Gary shook his head.

“We’ll continue this in my apartment.” Seeing Gary’s worried look, Dylan tugged him close and gave him a quick kiss. “Don’t worry, you did good, pup.”

Relieved, Gary nodded. “That’s good to hear.”

“Let’s get dressed,” Dylan suggested. Once dressed, he asked Gary a couple of personal questions, eager to know more about his mate. Judging from Gary’s story, he guessed the Omega had been overlooked for most of his life. If only Dylan met Gary earlier, he’d help disperse those useless fears.

“You’re special, one hell of a guy, Gary. Don’t let anyone let you think differently. More importantly, you’re mine,” Dylan said firmly. “You don’t need to think about things like that anymore. You’re perfect the way you are.”

Dylan swore he’d spend the rest of his life proving to Gary he was sexy and a man worth loving. The limo arrived in front of Dylan’s apartment building. The driver held the door open and Dylan offered a hand to Gary, who clasped his fingers, grip firm. Good.

“Wow, you live here?” Gary looked impressed by the high-rise building.

“One of my properties, but this is my favorite, the one I come home to,” Dylan explained.

They walked inside the lobby. Dylan slotted his key card in the elevator, which would take them to the penthouse suite. With his perfect hair, clothes and excellent sense of style, Gary could fit right into Dylan’s world. Plus, it was endearing Gary didn’t seem to give a care about his wealth.

The doors opened to the top floor, which only held a single unit—his, but Dylan wouldn’t mention to Gary his family owned the building. Dylan nodded to one of his personal bodyguards, who opened the front door for him.

“Oh, I love the flooring,” Gary murmured.

“Admire the tiles later. Are you hungry?”

Hearing Gary’s stomach growl, Dylan smiled and nodded. “Me too. Takeout? Bartollini’s?”

Gary looked relieved. “Oh good, you don’t mind pizza?”

“Love them. Relax, Gary. I’m not going to bite.”

Dylan fixed Gary a drink and gave him a tour of the apartment while they waited for the delivery. Gary seemed to relax around him and started to open up more. Well, they were a long way from getting to know each other, but this was a good start.

Once the pizza arrived, they traded childhood stories and awful dates. Dylan realized what felt different about Gary. The Omega had a certain quality about him that made him easy to talk to and Dylan felt completely at ease with Gary, like he didn’t need to worry about Gary harboring ill will or calculating intentions. After pizza, they had dessert, practically decimating Dylan’s tub of cookies and cream.

“I like a pup who can eat,” Dylan observed, making Gary blush.

The Omega put his spoon down, about to make a retort, but Dylan took that moment to close in and take Gary’s lips. The taste of Gary, mixed in with a little vanilla ice cream, flooded down his throat.

Dylan pulled away and dragged a finger down the line of Gary’s throat. The Omega shivered, looking at him with hungry eyes. “Let’s have dessert round two. Guess what’s on the menu.”

“Me?” Gary whispered.

“You,” Dylan agreed.

Gary’s cheeks turned red. “I liked it when you bound my hands.”

Dylan rose from the kitchen stool and held out a hand. Once Gary gripped his fingers, Dylan led him to the bedroom. After shutting the door behind them, Dylan nodded to Gary.

“Strip. I want you naked for me again.” Dylan pulled out his tie from his trouser pocket. “Blue looks fucking amazing on your skin. I doubt I’ll get sick of tying you up with thousand dollar ties.”


* * * *


Gary swallowed at those words. How could Dylan’s words easily make his body react this way? His trousers suddenly felt tight and he knew his hard-on poked through the fabric. No use hiding it. Back in the limo, a thrill went down Gary’s spine when he sat on the Alpha’s lap, naked. Despite the blackened widows, he felt exposed, excited. In Dylan’s bedroom, the atmosphere felt different, intimate.

“Are you going to make me repeat myself?” Dylan’s sharp voice made Gary blink.

With trembling fingers, he undressed for his Alpha.

“Slowly, pup. I want to enjoy the sight of you, of what’s mine.”

Dylan looked like he meant the words too. Naked once more, Gary stood in front of Dylan, still shy and awkward. The Alpha’s look of appreciation made everything worthwhile though.

“Lie on your back on the edge of the bed, pup.”

Gary didn’t know obeying the commands of a dominant Alpha felt so electrifying. He walked to the edge of the bed and lay down. Dylan walked to the side and took his arms. Gary shivered when Dylan pinned his hands above his head and looped the fabric across his wrists.

“Keep them there,” Dylan ordered.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“You please me a great deal, Gary. Will you take this for me?” Dylan trailed his fingers across the length of Gary’s stretched out body. Dylan continued, elaborating, “My cock inside that tight little ass of yours?”

“Oh, Alpha,” Gary murmured, incredibly aroused.

“I think that’s answer enough.”

Dylan undressed and Gary’s mouth watered as Dylan unveiled every inch of his chiseled body. He’d had a good look in the limo, but Gary couldn’t get enough. Despite everything that happened, it was still hard to believe he was here, bound and lying on Dylan’s bed, about to give this wonderfully dominant but unexpectedly sweet man his virginity.

Walking to the dresser by the bed, Dylan pulled out a tube of lube and something else. Gary’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of the plug. Noticing his reaction, Dylan walked up to him and patted his hair.

“This is to prepare you, pup. I’m not exactly small. Do you trust me?”

Gary nodded. “I do.”

He meant the words.

Dylan walked to the edge of the bed and uncapped the lube. Gary’s heartbeat thundered in his ears as Dylan lubed his fingers. Gary squirmed when Dylan parted his thighs and applied a generous amount inside his hole.

“Alpha, this is my first time,” Gary reminded him, his cheeks pink.

“Relax, pup. This will feel odd at first. I’ll use my fingers, okay? We’ll move on from there.”


Dylan pushed a digit inside his opening, Gary gasped when Dylan curled, reaching for a sensitive bundle of nerves.

“That feels so good, Alpha. Please do it again,” Gary begged.

Grinning, Dylan repeated the motion, and he whimpered. Dylan added a second finger in and began stretching him. Sensing he was ready, Dylan took his fingers out. Gary felt the smooth plastic head of the plug a second later. He tensed, but Dylan stroked the edges of his puckered hole.

“Relax, pup. I won’t hurt you, promise. I’ll make you feel good soon.”

Gary obeyed, and the plug went in smoothly. He felt full, strange, but soon thought of nothing else but Dylan once he blanketed Gary’s body with his. Warmth filled Gary. He kept his hands above his head like Dylan commanded, but it was a little hard, especially when Dylan started using his mouth. Offering his neck to the Alpha, Gary moaned when Dylan sucked on the tender line of flesh. It didn’t escape Gary this was the spot a dominant partner would place his mark on his mate. He shuddered, silently daring Dylan to do it. Dylan kissed him lower, using his own legs to keep Gary’s apart. Taking his left nipple into his mouth, Dylan sucked, making him gasp. Dylan gripped his shaft.

BOOK: Mate Is Right, M/M Paranormal Gay Romance (Book 3) (Win an Alpha)
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