Mate Her (12 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

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lifted her hand and curled it around his bicep, and then reached out to touch
both of his brothers.
had the same expression on their faces, one that probably mirrored his own.
was finally here with them, and theirs, and there was
nothing anyone or anything could do that would change that fact. They would die
for her, fight for her, and once they had a family they would truly be one.



months later

“It’s time,”
said on
a groan and clutched her swollen belly. It was nine months since she had first
been with Brawn,
, and
and for all the danger that lay right outside this cave, she had never felt
more protected than she did with them.

“You want to be in the sleeping chamber or the
bathing module?”
asked, and for the first
time since she had been attacked by that flying beast when she first arrived,
he looked genuinely worried about her.

She smiled, hoping to relieve his strain, because
she was scared, too, but anticipated this as well. “I’m okay, and I think right
now the sleeping chamber would be better.” She had never given birth before,
didn’t know what to expect give the fact one of these brothers was the father
of her baby. Carrying a child that was half human and half Hades had her
thinking up many different scenarios on how this would play out. Would the baby
be too big to deliver naturally? Her men were massively tall and muscular, and
if her child took after them it would obviously be larger than a human sized

Another contraction slammed into her, and she closed
her eyes and gritted her teeth. The pain was like nothing she had ever felt

“I can give you something to help ease the pain,”
said from a few feet away. He looked just as stressed
, and she smiled wider. “Maybe the pain has
gone to her head, brother? She’s gone mad.”
walked over before crouching in front of her. He reached out and pushed hair
away from her face. “Do you want something to ease the pain,

She shook her head and closed her eyes as another
contraction moved through her. “I’m okay. I can do this without anything.” She
prayed she could at least.

“I hope Brawn comes back before you have the baby,
because he will be pissed if he misses it,”
said and leaned in to kiss her on the crown of the head. He stood and walked
over to the entrance of the cave. Brawn had left early this morning to gather
some food, but he had been gone nearly half the day already and she knew she
would have this baby soon.

“He’ll be here,”
said and kept his focus on her. “Come
let’s get to
the sleeping chamber.”
helped her stand, and as
they made their way toward the room she stopped and clutched at her stomach.

“Oh God.”
She looked down, saw the clear fluid dripping on the floor, and looked at
. “The baby is
coming really, really soon.” She may not have ever had a child before, but she
had seen enough watching the few women in the camps she had been living with to
know that once the water broke the baby would be making an appearance soon.

In seconds flat, she was in the room the four of
them shared. The worry that came from
was so tangible that it seeped into her and made this
situation even more uncomfortable.
the bed by placing clean material on it, and
helped her onto it. Sweat covered her forehead, and with each passing
contraction they grew stronger and closer together.

“Where the fuck is Brawn?”
seemed to mutter to himself.

For the next several moments she focused on
breathing through her mouth and exhaling through her nose. “I have to push.”
She closed her eyes and rested her head on the bed. She wanted all three of her
men here to experience this with her. Breathing out slowly, she opened her
eyes, and as if she’d conjured Brawn with her thoughts and needs he rushed into
the bedroom.

“It’s time,” he stated, and glanced around. “I could
sense it when I got close to the cave, and then once I was inside it was like
something pulled me forward.”

She didn’t know what he was talking about, but
assumed it was something that only a Hades male felt with their superior
senses. Blood covered him, and his hands and chest dripped with the red and
black stuff. He took a step forward.

“Stay back, Brawn. You’re filthy,”
growled out and went to stand at the end of the bed
between her thighs.

Brawn stopped, looked down at himself to see all the
blood, and then growled out as if he were frustrated.

pushed her shift up, and another powerful contraction went through her. On
instinct she pushed. With every contraction she did this until she was
exhausted and barely able to control her breathing.

“That’s it,
said softly.

“You’re doing so well.”
ran a rag over her forehead.

The excitement in the room was a living entity, and
she actually felt it more strongly than the pain that moved through her right
now. She glanced at the entryway, expecting to see Brawn, but there was only
empty space. Another contraction slammed into her, and she closed her eyes and
tightened her hold on the sheets beneath her.
ran some gel between her thighs, and she knew it would aid in stretching her
and allowing the baby to pass through easily.

“Almost there, baby,”
said, and when the discomfort passed she saw Brawn standing at the end of the
bed, behind
, and looking scared and
vulnerable. The blood and gore were cleaned off of him, and when she reached
out for him he was by her side seconds later. With
on one side holding her hand and placing a rag on her head, Brawn on the other
side whispering encouraging words to her, and
helping her to deliver her first child, she felt this renewed sense of

“One more push,
, and
the little one will be here,”
said with pride
in his voice.

She gave it her all, and as soon as she felt the
baby come out, and heard that tiny little cry, tears sprang forth.
cleaned the little body, wiped it off with warm
water, and then held him up to show his brothers. Her son was tiny, but with
lightly tinted red skin, a thatch of black hair on his little head, and a cry
that shook the walls. When
handed him to her,
she saw the black wing outline on his tiny back. She held him to her chest and
stroked those lines. Her son calmed instantly.

“He’s mine.”

She looked at Brawn. “You can tell?” Again, it had
to be a Hades thing.

Brawn nodded and rubbed her son’s back. “I can smell
me on
can sense that it is my blood that runs
through his veins.”

She thought maybe there would be jealousy from
over the fact
her first child was not one of theirs, but they came over and looked genuinely
happy. Her little boy was, after all, theirs as well. She pulled the baby back,
looked into his tiny face, and smiled wider. His flesh was a light shade of red,
a mixture of both hers and the Hades line.

“I think we should name him a proper Hades title,”
said proudly. “He should be called

She glanced at
he spoke. “Little warrior.” She translated into English, and smiled down at her

ran a finger over the baby’s head.

She looked at her son once more.

She tested the name out, and her grin
widened. “I think it matches him perfectly.” She looked among her three men,
and felt the love she had for each of them fill her.

Brawn kissed her on the head,
stroked the side of her face, and
rubbed her
leg. How strange to go from running for her life, to being with these three
alien warriors, and now holding her very first child. The world was a
frightening and strange place, but things most definitely tended to work out in
the end as long as there was hope. And the little person she held in her arms
right now, and the men she had given her heart to, were proof of that.


The End




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