Read Matched Online

Authors: Angela Graham,S.E. Hall

Matched (45 page)

BOOK: Matched
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It keeps going until my heart clenches at a clip of him saving her from the tub, whisking her into his jeep, and—
oh my
God—peeking in at her asleep and adjusting her blanket. They installed cameras in his bungalow! Did he even know?

“Told ya,” Cruz whispers in my ear as the song ends and the lights flick back on.

And there stands Adam in the flesh, looking bold and sensuous in an all-black suit and red tie.

“Miranda,” he says, walking toward her end of the bleachers.

“Adam,” she says. Her tone is unexpectedly cold.

“I’m afraid they’re onto us.” He smirks. I didn’t know his face did that.

“Fuck you,” she bites, standing and making her way down. She’s ready to leave, but he’s quicker, shifting to block her.

“That would be more than I deserve, but I won’t say no.”

She must’ve heard me snicker, because she cuts me a scathing glare.

“You made it very clear you wanted nothing to do with me,” she replies, turning her focus back on Adam. “I accepted that, and moved on. You don’t get to show up now and act all knight-in-shining-armor for ratings. Now move!”

She shoves at his chest, but he grabs her hand and kisses it.

“I believe what I said was, ‘If it were another time and different circumstances, things could be different.’ It’s another time now, beautiful—and far different circumstances. I’m no longer affiliated with my father’s network. I’m here solely as a guest…for you. That video—I signed off rights, so you could see.

“It’s you. Always has been. I rearranged everything I needed to in order to be everything you deserve. And now I’m here—and you’re leaving with me.”

I glance over at Callie. Her cheeks are as tear-streaked as mine, and we share a smile. “I never doubted him for a minute,” I whisper, and Cruz laughs quietly, tugging me closer to kiss my hair.

“If that’s the story you’re going with, I’ll never say a word,” he replies.

Adam tilts his head, and a dazzling smile breaks through Miranda’s weakening defenses. “Now, finish your show, and I’ll be waiting right over there.” Adam points to the wings.

“We’ll see.” Miranda shrugs.

“We certainly will, very soon.” He hooks a hand around her neck and pulls her into a clash of their mouths that would definitely spike ratings…on, like, the XXX channel.

Tom clears his throat awkwardly before speaking up. “Okay, thank you Adam. And while Miranda takes her seat, let’s recap.” Miranda’s expression is torn and completely dazed when she sits, and Adam walks back to the shadows.

Tom continues. “Our soulmates, in order of elimination, were Dana and Dalton, Ivy and Wyatt, Rachel and Peyton, Callie and Oakley, Harlow and Court, Nadia and Jensen, and Miranda and Cruz. Our winners were…Emma and Miles!

“The money earned, both in the main bank and individually, totaled over $200,000. Many of you ended up with hefty sums for your individual charities, but the main bank all went to one. And Oakley Abrams’ football team, the North Bay Ravens, were generous enough to add to the pot. So I’m happy to announce that $500,000 was paid to the Alport Syndrome Research and Cure Foundation!”

For the first time, we all applaud as one. And as a different screen comes down, Cruz wraps both his arms around me.

“Joining us via satellite, everyone say hello to Emma and Court!” Tom announces.

“Hey everybody!” Emma greets us with her beautiful smile and a wave, from her spot in a hospital bed…with Court in one right beside her.

I inhale through my mouth in loud gulps since no air can get through my stuffy nose, my chest heaving with happy sobs. Miranda quickly—and very dexterously, I might add—crab-crawls backward up a few bleachers and leans into me. Cruz adjusts to put a hand on her, too.

“Hi, Em-Emma,” Callie manages through a broken sob.

“Hey there, Em, Court. Y’all good?” Cruz asks.

“Doin’ great. We miss bein’ there with you guys, but my lil’ darlin’ here needed some time to recover.”

“You too, man,” Cruz tells Court. “You too.”

I have so many questions, but I can’t stop wiping away tears so I can see her and find my voice.

Toms helps me out, which is a first. “Cruz, it seems some things have changed. You appear on…dare I say
terms with the man seemingly smitten with your sister.”

“Well, he had to give her a kidney first, but yeah, it’s cool.” Cruz chuckles, and I gasp along with everyone.


My head pops up when I hear her sweet little voice. “Yeah, Em?”

“I found my perfect match.”

Epilogue: Six Months Later

“I vow to spend every day I’m given at your side—laughing, living, and loving you. I’m better, happier, and only whole with you; my rock. With this ring, I thee wed.”

“I vow to honor, protect, and worship you every day of my life—the life that only started when you chose me. Your beauty, your heart, your wisdom, your kindness…I thank God for each second you share them with me. In all the world, you are the rarest, most flawless of diamonds. I love you, and with this ring, I forever wed myself to you.”

Cruz catches my teary eyes and winks, blowing me a kiss.

Miles, ordained and grinning from ear to ear, says the words we’ve been waiting to hear. “By the power vested in me by the Republic of Seychelles, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride.”

I cry harder, and hear Cruz clapping with an “Attaboy!” as Adam dips Miranda back, kissing her slowly and lovingly.

When he raises her back up, her cheeks flushed and her smile as bright as you’d expect of a flawless diamond, I finally take a deep breath. My first wedding was planned and looks to be sealed without a hitch!

Oh, and one of my best friends is happily married, of course.

“Adam and Miranda, they dated, and I assume mated, ’cause they were always fated! Let’s celebrate!” Miles whoops. “Reception in the white tent just south down the shoreline.”

“Woo-hoo! Carry me to the fake champagne and dance floor, cowboy!” Emma squeals, jumping up to be caught instinctually by Court for a piggyback ride. Her bridesmaid dress is long and flowing, allowing her legs to wrap around him as he sets off.

Miranda comes to me, clasping both my hands in hers. “Thank you, Harlow—for the beautiful wedding, your undying faith in me and my happily ever after…and especially for being my best friend. I mean, besides Adam.” Her laughter highlights the joy in her tears. “I do wish Callie could’ve been here. It was sweet they sent a gift, but not the same.”

“That’s football life.” I roll my eyes, grateful for my new routine and schedule. “And you’re welcome, beautiful. Now go be with your husband.” I kiss her cheek.

As she returns to Adam’s waiting arms, he smiles my way and I return the expression. It’s an exchange of genuine cheerfulness between us, and it’s really wonderful.

Cruz is across the room, waiting impatiently in the same spot. He smirks, because he knows it’s my favorite, and crooks his finger at me…because he knows it’s
my favorite.

“You gonna give me a piggyback ride?” I ask, sashaying toward him. “Then I might think you’re the best man.”

“I’ve got something much better planned for you, gorgeous maid of honor. Right this way.” He weaves his fingers through mine and guides us in the opposite direction of the reception.

“Cruz, we have to give the speeches!”

“We have plenty of time, love. Adam’ll be busy consummating his marriage for a while, trust me. Now move that sweet ass before I throw it over my shoulder.” He pins me with a stare that clearly states, “I want you—now.”

“You consummate on the wedding

“Not Adam. I guarantee you he’s planning differently.” He tugs me closer and whispers, “I know
would be.”

I shiver at the suggestion, but still can’t imagine Miranda and Adam skipping out, even if only for a short while, to have sex—that is, until I catch them out of the corner of my eye and turn my head fully. My mouth drops at the sight of Adam carrying her into the small tent we’d set up for the bridal party to get ready in.

Now I understand why Adam requested the chaise lounge be added to it.

“Told you.” Cruz chuckles and I elbow him in the stomach, but he only laughs louder.

I pout, just to toy with his waning control. “Fine, but we’ve got to hurry.”

“I never hurry with you.” He kisses my hand he’s holding, drawing us deeper into the foliage that serves as a cove of sorts before turning to face me. “See anything you like?”

I glance over his shoulder and gasp. “A

“A hammock,” he hums, reaching behind me to slowly unzip my dress. His warm breath sizzles across the nape of my neck. “I love you, Harlow—love you more every day, if that’s even possible.” He slides the straps off my shoulders and gently pushes the dress down my body, letting it fall around my feet.

“Step out,” he groans, and I do. His eyes sweep over the length of me, standing in a simple white lace thong and matching bra. “I’m about to show you what a man does to the woman he loves.”

“Is that so?”

He nods, pulling me with him as he walks backward toward the hammock, a wicked grin curving his lips. He taunts me right back, taking an excruciating amount of time to loosen his tie and slip it over his head before he tosses it at me. “Wanna help?”

“No,” I whisper, biting my bottom lip. “I want to watch.” I saunter past him and lie in the hammock, propping both hands behind my head.

He turns around to face me and untucks his shirt with a rough tug, undoing the buttons slowly, one by one. “Anything else you want?”

I point at him, then crook the same finger for him to come closer.

“Me?” he teases with a raised brow, pointing at himself. “You sure that’s all? ’Cause I’d be more than happy to film it.”



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BOOK: Matched
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