Mastery (66 page)

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Authors: Robert Greene

Tags: #Motivational & Inspirational, #Success, #Personal Growth, #Azizex666, #Self-Help

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Milwaukee Art Museum, 86, 222
mirror experiment, 211–12
mirror neurons, 7–8, 59, 104, 134, 146
missionaries, 71–72, 161, 298
mitt work, 39, 119–20, 294–95
(Melville), 179
molecular biology, 197–98
Mona Lisa
(Leonardo), 292–93
money, 42, 65–68
monkeys, 210–11
Montesquiou, Count de, 255
Morris, Robert, 88, 232–34
in architecture, 84–87, 220
in art, 291–92
Mozart, Anna Maria, 169–73
Mozart, Leopold, 36–37, 38, 169–73
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 10, 15, 274, 171, 172, 175, 182, 279
Creative-Active Phase of, 169–74, 178
genius of, 90, 169–70, 178
parental control of, 169–73
rebellion of, 36–37
second transformation and, 169–75
multitasking, dangers of, 60
Murphy, William H., 82
Naïve Perspective, 135–38
naïveté, 129–31, 165, 202
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 25, 107, 236, 239
NASA, 85, 220
National Public Radio, 162
natural powers, 219–24
natural selection, 188
nature, 21–22, 24, 25, 51, 95–96, 210, 305, 309
navigation, Caroline Islanders’ mastery of, 270–73
Negative Capability, 175, 265
as source of creative power, 182–84
negative cues, 194
neoteny, 74
Netscape, 88, 231–32
neurobiotics, 35, 111
neurons, 60–61
mirror, 7–8, 59
neuroscience, 33, 211–13, 229–30, 268
Newton, Isaac, 187, 274–75
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 17, 304, 311
Norman Conquest, 249, 251
Norris, Isaac, 132–33
observation, 7, 15, 58
as basis for literature, 160, 251, 254–55
in creative thinking, 52, 274
deep, 56–58
of Leonardo, 22–23
of mentors, 106–7
nonjudgmental, 183
opinion vs., 183
of rules and procedures, 57
social, 130–31, 136, 137–40, 152
as step toward mastery, 273
verification of, 188–89
and visual thinking, 198
obsession, in Creative Task, 179–80
obstetrics, 147–49
Oceania, 270
Olympic Sculpture Park, 243–44
open field, as Creative-Active strategy, 224–28
opera, 37, 171–75, 178, 179, 200
Operation Desert Storm, 286–88
optical illusions, 210–11
Original Mind, 175–77
Ortega y Gasset, José, 25
ostinato rigore,
achieving mastery through submission to, 298–304
fear of, 303
Pacquiao, Manny, mentoring of, 120–22, 296
Page, Larry, anomalies recognized by, 193–94
pain, brain in, 212
Pantheon, 85
examining of, 193–94, 245
as impediment to creativity, 227
Paradise Lost
(Milton), 69
accepting, 65
critical, 38, 49
defying of, 37, 38, 50–51
exploitation by, 36–37, 169–73
guidance from, 54
idealization of, 134–35
influence of, 11, 32, 33, 49–51, 251–52
mentors as reflection of, 107–8, 112
as obstacles, 36–38
Parker, Charlie “Bird,” 31, 206, 208
passion, as element of mastery, 11
passive aggression, as Deadly Reality, 141, 145
in observation, 57
pitfalls of, 13–14
Pasteur, Louis, 185
patience, 43, 62, 179, 223, 224
Penfeld, Wilder, 210
penicillin, 185
periodic table, 197
persistence, 3, 114–15, 121, 123
as art form, 155
crafting of, 152–56
perspective, altering of, 191–96
Pestalozzi, Johann, 274
phantom limb paralysis, 211–12
phantom limb syndrome, 33, 210–12
Philip II, king of Macedonia, 106
philosopher’s stone, 4
mentors compared to, 104
phonograph, 186
piano, 116
Pierce, William, 266
Pindar, 29
Pirahã, 72–74, 161–63, 298–303
Planck, Max, 189
Pleasures and Days
(Proust), 251–52
poetry, 79–80
Polanyi, Michael, 123
political behavior, politicking, 15, 54–55
avoidance of, 164–65
in court, 23, 159–60
money and, 212
in work environment, 57, 129–30, 135, 152, 156–57
Franklin’s career in, 132–33
French, 239
Pons, Timothy, 210–11
keys to mastery of, 10–17
mastery as ultimate, 1–17
power relationships, 57
practice, 11, 34, 58–62, 206, 246
achieving mastery through, 285–89, 296–97
as denigrated, 288–89
in intuition, 254
love of, 36, 38, 170–71, 296–97
moving toward resistance and pain in, 78–81
trusting in, 76–78
preverbal intelligence, 8, 59, 175, 196, 283
primal inclination strategy, 30–32
primal intelligence, 196–99
primal powers, achieving mastery through, 270–73
humans vs. other, 6–7, 134
visual development of, 6
printing press, 185, 215
programming, 87–90
prototypes, 190
Proust, Jeanne, 249, 251, 252, 253
Proust, Marcel, 15, 246
apprenticeship of, 253
bisexuality of, 251
charm of, 250
Creative Task of, 180
death of, 255
despair of, 252, 261
evolution to mastery of, 249–55, 260–61
frailty of, 249, 251, 252, 253
Life’s Task of, 250, 253
mastery achieved through time for, 260–61
setbacks for, 252
strangeness of, 250
psychology, 109–10
Ptolemy V, 237, 240
Quadricycle, 81
radioactivity, 193
radium, 30
Ramachandran, V. S., 15, 315
and fact of great yield, 210–14
mentoring of, 110–11
personal niche discovered by, 32–33, 35
strategic experimental guidelines for, 212
Ramses, pharaoh of Egypt, 240
rational thinking:
fusion of intuition and, 247–310
instinct vs., 4
intuition vs., 256–57
reality, return to, 267–69
rebellion strategy, 36–38, 111
rebelliousness, 180
creativity as, 203
recitatives, 174
recursion, 301–2
relativity, theories of, 66, 183, 198, 259, 278–79
Christianity; Sandemanians; Zen Buddhism
Rembrandt, Creative Task of, 180
apprenticeships in, 88
ideal of, 86, 309
interconnected knowledge in, 268
Resistance Practice, 80–81
Rhode Island School of Design, 88
Riebau, George, 96–97
rigidity, as Deadly Reality, 141, 142–43
risk taking, 83, 109, 181
Roach, Freddie, 15, 315–16
adaptation strategy of, 38–40
apprenticeship of, 67
mastery achieved through widened vision of, 294–98
mentoring of, 119–20
Pacquiao mentored by, 120–21
robotics, 34–36, 111, 228–30
Rodriguez, Cesar, Jr., 16, 316
in air combat, 286–87
Apprenticeship Phase of, 75–78
mastery achieved through practice by, 285–88
Romanticism, 305
Rommel, Erwin, 258–59
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 185
Rosetta stone, 236–41
Royal Institution, 97–100
Royal Society, 98, 101
Ruskin, John, 252–53, 260–61
safety bicycle, 215
St. Denis, Ruth, 224
salons, 250, 252
Salzburg, archbishop of, 172
Sandemanians, 95–96, 105
scale, sense of, 243
Schiller, Friedrich, synesthesia for, 198
Schoenberg, Arnold, 116–17
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 133–34
science, 95–101
creative thinking in, 98, 100, 101
intuition in, 257–58
sculpture, 153–56, 242–45
outdoor, 243
scurvy, 194
search engines, 193–94
seashells, 32
Seattle Cloud Cover
(Fernández), 243–44
seeing more (heightened intelligence), 256–57
in life sciences, 257–58
in warfare, 257–59
authentic voice as expression of, 209
being true to, 22, 24–25, 29, 42, 118–19, 310–11
body image in sense of, 213
creativity and, 179
detached view of, 55, 61, 63, 80, 155, 157–59
false, 310
mastery of, 54
as subject, 254
withholding of, 154–56
self-apprenticeship, 54–56, 66, 71, 89
mentoring vs., 105, 122–23
self-criticism, 61, 80, 81, 199, 297
as motivation, 223
self-discovery, 89
self-observation, 55, 61, 62
self-obsessiveness, as Deadly Reality, 141, 143–44
self-reliance, 123
Semmelweis, Ignaz, poor social intelligence of, 147–49
senses, 198–99
serendipity, 184–87
in the arts, 186
in discoveries, 185–86
serendipity (
notebook for cultivation of, 187–88
two steps to invite, 184–85
Ser Piero da Vinci, 22, 289
Seven Deadly Realities, 141–46

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