Read Mastered By The Mavericks Online

Authors: Angel Payne

Tags: #Military, #Romance, #Fiction

Mastered By The Mavericks (23 page)

BOOK: Mastered By The Mavericks
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“Bite your gorgeous clit?” He responded as if inquiring if she wanted catsup with
her fries. “Why yes,
ma chatte
. I did. And it was delicious. Thank you. I liked it so much, I may just take another


“Excellent idea.” Though Rhett’s voice was a drawl, he cupped the side of her face
with opposite intent, forcing it up toward him. “And this time, I’m going to watch
every effect it has on our darling girl.”

His promise short-circuited her logic. Rebel’s teeth, closing in on her
, truly wasn’t the most pleasant sensation—but getting to hear more of that rasp in
Rhett’s tone, coarse and sexy with arousal…what would she do for that?

Like she had a choice in the matter.


Which, clearly, she did not.

Rebel chuckled as he dug in again, gently teething the flesh along one side of her
pussy then the other, before trailing inward with shorter, sharper bites. Brynn’s
buttocks clenched, trying to fight the strange combination of stimulation and pain,
but the man commanded her to compliance by grabbing her cheeks harder, followed by
a reprimanding grunt.

Rhett backed up his friend’s intent, pulling the T-shirt from her eyes so she confronted
the rebuke in his eyes. “Hold still, sweetheart.” He twisted his fingertips into her

She blinked, vision distorted by the sudden light. “I’m trying!”

He softly kissed her lips—but then gritted against them, “Not enough.”

“Damn it!”

.” He coiled her hair tighter. “Why are you fighting it so much? Fighting us?”

She didn’t know what to say. His query alone tossed up her logic worse than a first-night
bartender mixing a perfect Manhattan. His tone, snowdrift gentle, was accompanied
by the scorch of his torque on her scalp—a conflict that should’ve been troubling
at the least. But it wasn’t. Not at all. In actuality, the confinement made her feel…safe.
Even a little…treasured. Which had her sympathizing with the damn bartender all over

“I—” Okay, it was a start. But his expectant scowl repeated his message.
Not enough
. “Because I’m confused,” she finally confessed. And did they have to be taking this
, with Rebel continuing to nip at her in so many amazing places down

Until…he didn’t. And started the biting thing again.

The biting thing.

That was going to be followed by the sucking thing. Then the licking thing.

Which now, didn’t make the biting thing so bad anymore.

she was so mixed up.

“Why?” Rhett asked it with his North Sea eyes, roaming them across her face as if
the fate of freaking nations awaited in her answer—as Rebel continued to spiral the
incredible heat in her sex. This was so unreal, she almost couldn’t believe it was

A new pinch from Rebel’s teeth reminded her that really wasn’t the case.

A new,

“Aaahhhh!” She exploded the air with the scream, but concentrated on controlling her
struggles through it. But why?
the hell was she struggling so much to please them, when she didn’t want all this?
When she should’ve been ordering them to cut her down, set her free, and stop digging
their teeth into the most tender tissues of her body? Confusion. Yep. That pretty
much pegged it. “Be—because he’s hurting me, okay?”

One side of Rhett’s mouth turned up—another “reward” that wasn’t supposed to feel
so damn good. “That’s honest,” he praised. “Thank you.”

“And that does
help me.” It was cranky, probably dancing near some Dom line of his, but she didn’t
care. Not that he let her know at all, continuing to regard her with Perry Mason calm.

“Because you’re still confused?”

Brilliant deduction, counselor.
“Because it’s
And pain shouldn’t also feel so—”

“Feel so…what?”

She huffed. Like that was going to get her out of this. Averting her eyes, or even
trying to, was out of the question. Rhett vised her chin between two fingers, ensuring
she knew that as one really unalterable fact.
Demon Viking.
Rebel was the man’s evil accomplice, spreading tingles down her whole left leg thanks
to his savoring growl against her inner thigh.

“So…good,” she finally rasped.

Rebel gave her another growl. This time, the right leg got some sugar.

Rhett relaxed his hold and widened his grin. It was the opening she’d needed to jerk
away but God, did he have to tilt his head into the sunlight that way, firing the
rays through the tips of his hair, turning his eyes into azure crystals? She couldn’t
look away if Moses himself appeared to part the waters of the lake.

“That was also honest,” he said. “And really stunning, sweetheart.”

His approval, piled on top of his beauty, was the undoing she didn’t want to disguise.
“Thank you,” she murmured.

“Now what else?” he urged. “How else does it feel? Tell us about now. What do you
feel right

Her lungs filled with a long breath. What did she
? Okay, so interpreting feelings was what she did for a living—even kinky ones from
time to time—but she wasn’t on the clock right now, damn it. Weren’t they all just
here for, as the man himself would say in that half-and-half accent, a little snog
and shag? An escapist fuck?

She tensed again, resisting the harder push at her composure.

But as Rebel eased his tongue in, soothing his abuse of her clit with soft, wet strokes
interspersed with teasing, masterful flicks, her muscles softened. Her defenses dropped.
Heat suffused her once more, though the flood was really different than the first.
This heat had energy. Urgency.

“It’s warm,” she finally rasped. “
warm. Like how everything feels after I’ve had a tough rehearsal, only…”


At that moment, Rebel shifted his tongue again…tucking just beneath her hood.

“Yes!” She choked it out as her womb convulsed, and new arousal sluiced through every
inch of her sex. “Ohhhh…yes.” Oh,
. Again, he hit the spot that sent shockwaves clear down to her knees. “B-better,”
she stammered. “

“That’s our good girl.” Rhett crooned it before devouring her mouth in a deep, hard
kiss. At the same time, Rebel greedily sucked the fresh juices from her trembling
tunnel. Her senses spun. Her mind whirled. The only way she recognized “up” was due
to the zip tie chain over her head.

How life could change, when all the rules were shattered.

How amazing one body could feel, when all its boundaries were stripped.

And holy hell, they weren’t even done. Her confession revved their attention to new
realms of intensity, turning their moans into sounds of savagery, transforming their
tongues into living creatures in their own right. Both men licked and sucked and adored
her, Rebel at her clit and Rhett at her neck, until the sounds crawling from her own
throat were just as harsh, hungry, needy—

Until those moans broke into screams.

In the moments when the duo locked gazes, traded grins, and sank their teeth into

Moments like now.

! Ohhh, shit!”

Rhett’s sensual snarl curled into her ear as he rubbed a thumb across the nipple he’d
just pulled taut between his teeth. “Enjoying the ride, peach?”

She forced a hard swallow, wetting her dry throat. “You two are driving me crazy,
if that’s what you mean.”

“Hmmm.” Rebel planted a kiss to her mound while lifting a shit-eating smirk. “Yeah.
That’s what we mean.”

He gave her no room for a comeback, gliding his lips back down into the tender flesh
that now all but screamed for his touch. Perfectly synched, Rhett scooted around and
circled her nipples with languorous licks.

. She suddenly recognized it as a huge misnomer on her part. It fell pitifully short
of the tempest they’d really unleashed in her blood, across her skin, inside the deepest
corners of her sex. She was debilitated by their bondage, drugged by their lust…but
at the same time, never more awake, alert,

No. Not
at all.

It was magic. And fire. And need. The furnace in her sex intensified. The flames in
her blood turned white-hot. Her body trembled from scalp to soles, tripling the torment
of remaining still for them—especially as Rhett cupped both her breasts, pulling out
her aching, taut nipples and declaring, “Look at this, Moon. Look how hard you’ve
made our little girl’s tits.”

After a heated glance up, followed by a rough, approving groan, Reb stabbed his tongue
higher against her sex.

“Ohhhh, God!” she moaned.

,” Rhett growled. “Give it to her, Moon. Fuck her with your tongue, man.”

Rebel didn’t waste a second on hesitation. A small scream, then a bigger one, erupted
from Brynna as her walls clamped down on his probing tongue. She wanted more. Needed
more. Contracted her pelvic muscles to make her pussy pull him deeper inside.

As her knees turned to mush, she sagged. Rhett supported her from behind, one arm
around her waist, his other hand sliding forward, gripping her inner thigh.

“Spread wider for him, sweetheart. I want to see the cunt you’re offering my friend.
Is it worthy of his kisses? Is it worthy of an orgasm for him?”

.” The words sprang up, feeling so natural, so good—because, she suddenly realized,
they came from a place deeper than just the places that throbbed physically for them.
“For both of you…Sirs.” She let her head fall back, searching for his gaze with her
own. “Please. Yes?”

His generous mouth curled up in a proud smile—lighting that same place in her spirit
with its brilliance. He didn’t falter the expression as he directed, “Shove it in
deep, Reb. Make her explode.”

He finished it by plunging his tongue into her mouth—coinciding with the first complete
stab of Rebel’s tongue. Holy
. She thought the man had been licking her as deep as possible before, but now conceded
that lashing as a warm-up the real assault. His teeth ground into her clit. His lips
damn near broke skin on her mound. His nose was so deep, he inhaled nothing but the
trembling tissues at the top of her pussy. Rhett didn’t relent, either. Her mouth
was prisoner to his, stretched wide by his relentless drive, her sighs tangling with
his eager groans.

It was so much.
So much.
Their scents in her nose. Their tongues in her holes. Their hands on her…
. Yet she craved more. Mewled and moaned for it. Writhed and strained for it. Soaked
up every drop of their consuming, conquering desire, reveling in in its power through
her veins and its command in her spirit, until her resistance gave way, giving over
in ultimate, exquisite surrender.

She came on a tidal wave of blinding heat and thoughtless rapture, her body seizing
as her mind left the building completely. The surge turned into a tsunami, consuming
the shores of her thoughts, her logic, even her sense of which way was up. She didn’t
care. Didn’t feel a damn thing beyond the pulses in her sex, the throbs beneath her
breasts, the thorough surrender to the strength and heat of her two incredible lovers,
keeping her safe as she drowned, over and over and over again…



Rhett kept kissing her, seeming to know she needed the release for returning slowly
to herself. It was a blessing and a curse. Huge parts of her longed to pull away as
an overwhelming sting burned the backs of her eyes. She could
cry on them; not after she’d been the one declaring she knew what big girl panties
were, as well as how to wear them.

After a few seconds to breathe deep and regroup, she was fine—

Until she wasn’t.

The tremors took over every inch of her body, annihilating her from the inside out.
Damn, damn,
She’d managed not to cry but lost it over everything else in her nervous system:
uncontrollable shakes that made no sense at all. She wasn’t even cold. What the hell?

“Shit.” Rebel shot to his feet, yanked the twist ties off the hook then curled her
arms against his chest. “Scissors?”

“Roger.” Rhett’s reply overlapped. It took him three seconds to slide the shears in
and snip the plastic loose. Rebel braced his legs wider, absorbing her sagging weight
in full.

“Brynna,” he reproved. “
Ma belle.
Why didn’t you tell us about the issue with your circulation?”

She lifted her head, unable to hold back a seductive grin.
Buh-bye, irksome shivers. Hello, pirate stud
. “What issue?” Oh hell, he was so much better to gaze at from this close, with that
stubbled jaw and stressed-out gaze. And God, his chest…despite concealment by the
dark T-shirt, it seemed broader, harder, more grip-worthy now than it’d been on the
plane, but she hadn’t been able to truly explore him then. Now, that opportunity waited
to be grabbed by the proverbial horns—with both hands. In light of how
just fondled
, this was damn near her right.

He was so perfect. Truly built like a pirate who’d been hoisting sails and slinging
rope. His pecs were like slabs of rock. His tattoo-covered arms visibly rippled beneath
her caresses. Best of all, he felt like he’d just walked in from the Caribbean sun.
So wonderfully warm…

“Wow.” She couldn’t help blurting it, though managed to dial back the syllable from
a roar to a rasp.
circulation was certainly working fine. Her arms finally free, she formed her body
tighter against his. Everything else was working just fine, too.
than fine.

And just like that, another shiver claimed her.

The one that made all the difference in the world.

BOOK: Mastered By The Mavericks
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