Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (71 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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He clenched his jaw at the warm, wet sensation on the most sensitive part of his body.

“Tastes salty…like the ocean,” Kaylee murmured, looking up at him instead of over at her friend who was still recording everything. Solar met her gaze and found he couldn’t look away. Gods she was lovely with those big eyes and her lush lips parted and eager to taste him. The top she was wearing barely contained her full breasts and he could see how her nipples were tenting the thin material, letting him know she was as affected by this act as he was.

Staring at her, he felt caught in a trance. Unable to think or speak. Unable to do anything but look at her and feel her small hands cradling his shaft. After an endless moment, a pink blush stained her high cheekbones and she dropped her eyes.

“Again,” Lyra instructed. “Pump his shaft to make more come out and suck on the head, Kaylee. You must harvest it fresh for it to be effective.”

“All…all right.” Kaylee didn’t seem nearly so hesitant now. Wrapping her slim fingers around his throbbing shaft, she began to stroke him up and down. Then she sucked the head of his cock between her lips and he felt her warm, wet tongue lapping at him, swirling around and around as though she didn’t want to miss a drop.

Solar groaned and fought not to jerk against the metal plasti-steel manacles that held him in place. He didn’t want to look down and see the erotic sight but he couldn’t help it. Her head bobbing up and down as she licked and sucked his cock, her lush pink lips ovaled around his shaft…the sight was darkly exciting, even though he was a slave unable to escape her attentions.

“That’s enough,” Lyra said, hiding the recording device behind her back just as Solar was certain he was about to come. “You don’t want to harvest
much or you’ll end up with a mouthful of seed.”

“Oh. All right.” Kaylee sat back and wiped her mouth primly on the back of her hand.

“And everyone knows where the seed does the most good is in your
Lyra continued, her eyes glittering with some secret glee.

* * *

“In your…you don’t mean I should actually let him
I mean, you wouldn’t—would you?” Kaylee stammered.

“No of course not.
wouldn’t because he’s not
slave,” Lyra said seriously. “A Havoc male’s seed and nectar must be devoted to only one female in order to remain effective. So it has to be you.”

“But…I can’t let a male penetrate me! That’s shameful and wrong and…and…” Kaylee was blushing at the very thought, especially when she remembered how she’d been imagining this very thing just a little while ago. “I just
she ended in a low voice. “What would people say? I’d be an outcast—a pariah!”

“No one has to know,” Lyra said smoothly. “You think your Aunt Jamelda told anyone she kept a Havoc slave and milked his shaft with her pussy nightly to harvest his seed and keep herself young?”

“I’m not at all sure that she did that,” Kaylee protested. Although she
wonder. Maybe the male-dom porn she’d found in her aunt’s private stash was there for a reason. Maybe it was kind of a tutorial—a how-to guide that her aunt had purchased to teach her how to harvest a male’s seed.

Still, the idea of harvesting her own slave’s seed in that way made her feel hot and tingly all over. She hadn’t minded licking him and tasting his nectar. In fact she’d rather enjoyed it, even though she knew it was wrong. But could she actually allow him to
her like that?

He’s too big,
she thought, looking down at the long, thick shaft which was standing up straight and hard against his flat belly.
I could never fit all that inside me.

“You don’t have to put it all in,” Lyra said, as if reading her mind. “Just put the head of his shaft inside you—that should do.”

“I…don’t know if I should.” Kaylee bit her lip. But deep down inside, she knew she
to. Wanted to feel that hot, silky flesh against her own, wanted to know what it felt like to be penetrated by such a large male, just once.

“You definitely should,” Lyra said sternly. “Let him know who’s mistress—show him you control his body.”

Kaylee didn’t know about that but she
want to try what she’d seen on the porn vids.

“All right,” she said at last. “Maybe…just the tip.”

“Just the tip,” Lyra repeated reassuringly. “But Kaylee, I have to make a call. You don’t mind if I step out a minute, do you?”

“No…” Kaylee wasn’t even looking at her friend anymore. “No, of course not,” she murmured.

"Good--don't let me stop you. Go on and harvest his seed." Lyra walked toward the door of the dungeon but Kaylee barely saw her leave--she was too busy taking her friend's suggestion.

She had to get the stool she’d used to manacle the Havoc’s hands in order to reach him and the whole time she was positioning herself against him, she was blushing and trembling. She could feel his eyes on her, watching her as she pressed against him but she didn’t dare look at him, didn’t dare meet that green and gold gaze again.

Finally she was right up against him, belly to belly so that she could feel the coarse hair of his body scratching against her delicate flesh. His warm, spicy scent surrounded her making her feel faint with desire. Goddess, she shouldn’t want to do this but she really,
did. She wanted to feel him inside her, even if it was just a little bit.

Biting her lip, she raised the too short skirt and slipped her panties to one side. With her other hand, she grasped his still hard shaft and brought it between her legs. She was pleased to see that he was leaking more nectar and she licked her lips, remembering its salty taste. Trembling with some need she barely understood, she spread her thighs and rubbed the broad head of his shaft against her pussy.

As the head of his shaft parted her pussy lips and slipped inside her wet folds, she heard a low groan from the Havoc slave. The sound made her look up inadvertently and she found herself caught in his jewel-like eyes.

The green and gold depths seemed endless and she couldn’t help the moan that caught in her throat as she felt his hot flesh rub over her sensitive little clit. Heart pounding, she moved him lower, letting the thick shaft slide just to the entrance of her pussy where she could feel him almost pressing into her.

“Careful, little mistress,” he murmured in a deep, growling voice that seemed to do strange things to her insides. “You’re tight—don’t hurt yourself on my thickness.”

“Oh!” His voice seemed to break some spell she’d been under and Kaylee pulled back abruptly, shame and confusion overwhelming her.

Oh my Goddess—what’s wrong with me? What am I doing?

Had she
been about to let a male penetrate her? Had she really been going to impale herself on his thick shaft, to let him enter her pussy? Why would she do such a shameful thing?

Lyra told me too—it’s her fault!
She looked around for her friend but she was nowhere to be seen. Kaylee vaguely remembered hearing the door shut while she was pressing her slave’s shaft against her pussy but that had been a little while ago. Surely Lyra must be done with her call by now—where had she gone?

“Lyra?” She smoothed down her skirt and jumped off the stool, peering around the dim dungeon. “Lyra, where are you?”

“She’s gone. And it looks like she’s taken the remote to this damn pain collar with her,” the Havoc slave said in that same, deep growling voice that had so startled her. “And look at this—
has triggered the emergency lock release.”

There was a sharp
sound and when Kaylee turned around, she saw that his hands had been released from the stiff plasti-steel manacles. He took a step towards her, his eyes glowing in the dim light and Kaylee felt a scream rising in her throat.

Her new slave was free and he was coming for her.


Chapter Four

“Oh my Goddess! Stay away from me!” Kaylee backed away from him, her eyes as wide as saucers. Solar ripped off the damn pain collar and dropped it on the floor. Then he stalked towards her. Not because he wanted to physically hurt her—as angry as he was, he would never attack a female. But he
want to give her a good scare and a taste of her own medicine.

“Leave me alone!” Kaylee pleaded, still backing away. She somehow fetched up against the padded red leather door and fumbled for the door-open switch on the panel beside it. Nothing happened.

“I think it’s locked,” Solar said mildly, still coming towards her. “Your friend is gone and I believe she took the remote and the key with her.”

“Lyra wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t leave me alone with a dangerous slave,” she protested.

“Who says I’m dangerous?” Solar bared his teeth in a ferocious grin that made her shrink back against the door. “Didn’t you hear that damn slaver claiming I’ve been ‘well trained in the art of pleasure?’”

“I…I…” Kaylee looked at him wide-eyed. “He…he
say that.”

“Which is why I’m going to show you some of my training right

Leaning down, he scooped her up and threw her over one shoulder. Kaylee gasped and struggled, beating against his broad back with her little fists which didn’t deter Solar one bit. She’d chained him up like an animal—tortured and molested him. Now he was going to let her see how it felt to be the one wearing the manacles.

He took her to the big silver X and stood her on the stool she’d used to rub herself against him. Kaylee fought and sobbed as he took one of her wrists and reached for the manacles.

“No—no, you can’t! Please…please don’t hurt me!” she begged brokenly.

Solar let her sob and beg while he got both hands manacled in position so that she was helpless just as he had been. Then he took her chin between his thumb and fingers gently and turned her to face him.

“Look at me, sweetheart,” he said gruffly. “Look at me, Kaylee.”

The sound of her name seemed to bring her back to herself and she quieted and stared at him silently with wide, wet eyes. The frightened look on her face made his heart squeeze like a fist in his chest and he almost relented and let her go. But then he reminded himself that no matter how sweet and innocent she looked, she was far from blameless.

She’d bought him at the market like some exotic pet, chained him in her dungeon and allowed her friend to use the damn pain collar on him until he felt like he was being fried alive. Then she’d touched and tasted him in intimate ways without his permission. Okay, so maybe that part hadn’t been so bad but still…she deserved to pay. And pay she would.

“Listen to me, Kaylee,” he said again. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You’re not? Oh, thank the Goddess!” She seemed about to dissolve into tears again so he continued quickly.

“I’m not going to hurt you. But I
going to make you pay. For
you’ve done to me since you bought me.”

“But…” She bit her lip. “But you’re a slave. And a
I mean I never would’ve—”

“Treated me like dirt—like an animal only good for beating and breeding—if I wasn't male?” he demanded. “I have news for you, sweetheart—males are people too and so are slaves. But speaking of slaves, I’m
one. I’m a freeborn Havoc. I wasn’t raised at the Carnal Houses and trained to lick your pussy—I navigate a star ship. Or at least I did until that slaver bastard and his buddies captured me and my captain and took us to the Flesh Bazaar.”

“So…you never were a slave?” she whispered.

“Never,’ he growled. “But even if I was, there’s no excuse for the way you treated me. And now you’re going to get some of that treatment back.”

Her eyes got even wider.

“What…what are you going to do to me?” she quavered.

Solar smiled and narrowed his eyes.

what you did to me.”

* * *

Oh my Goddess, this can’t be happening! It must be some kind of awful dream!

The thought ran over and over in her mind, stuck on a loop as her slave—well,
slave if you wanted to get technical since he was now apparently free—unbuttoned her blouse and bared her breasts.

“Mmm, very nice,” he murmured, cupping her full, bare mounds in his hands. “You have beautiful breasts,

,” Kaylee moaned as he ran his thumbs gently over the tight buds of her nipples, sending sparks of pleasure through her entire body. Goddess, this felt so…confusing. On one hand her body was responding to him as it never had to anyone else. On the other hand, he was a male and a slave—the lowest of the low and completely off limits. Yet she couldn’t stop the shiver of pleasure she felt when he pinched one nipple between his fingers and gave a gentle squeeze.

“Please what, Mistress?” he asked in a low, intense voice, looking into her eyes. “Tell me, have you ever had a male’s hands on you before?”

“Never,” Kaylee gasped, truthfully. “I…I…never!”

“Now you will,” he growled softly. “You know, these tight little nipples are as dark as berries. Makes me wonder what they
like.” Leaning forward, keeping his eyes locked with hers, he deliberately dragged the flat of his tongue over her hard little nub.

“Oh!” Kaylee gasped at the sensation of his hot, wet tongue on such a sensitive spot.

“You like that?” her former slave growled. “Well how about this?” Leaning forward again, he sucked her other nipple between his lips, taking as much into his mouth as he could at one time, making Kaylee moan and writhe at the intense pleasure. Goddess, she’d never felt like this before! She wasn’t a virgin—she’d had a few girlfriends in school. But the Havoc male was so big
She felt surrounded by him, by his big muscular body. And his mouth was so hot on her nipple.

He lashed the tender little bud with his tongue and then nipped her gently, sending sparks of pain and pleasure directly to her wet pussy. Oh Goddess, her pussy—was that going to be his next target?

As if in answer to her unspoken question, she felt his big, warm hand slide down her trembling belly to cup her quivering mound. Kaylee gasped as she felt the rough warmth of his palm against her sensitive skin through the thin silk panties she still wore. What was he going to do to her?

She didn’t have long to wonder.

The Havoc male released her nipple slowly, letting it slide from between his lips with a final sucking kiss. Then he looked into her eyes. Though she was standing on the stool, he was still much taller than her, so he was looking down and Kaylee was forced to look up. As before, she felt unable to break away from that wild, green-gold gaze.

“How did that feel?” he asked roughly, cupping her pussy more firmly in his hand. “Did it make you wet,

“I…I don’t know what you mean,” Kaylee whispered faintly.

“Oh no?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “I think you’re lying. I think you know
what I mean. But since you’re being fucking obtuse, I’ll spell it out for you. I think having a
touch you and suck on your nipples turns you on. Turns you on and makes your sweet little pussy wet. Am I right?”

“I…” Kaylee shifted on the small stool, feeling off balance in more than one way. “I don’t know,” she whispered at last. “I just…I mean, I shouldn’t…”

“Shouldn’t want a male’s touch? Shouldn’t want a male to
you?” he growled in that deep, rumbling voice that seemed to shake her entire body. In one swift move, he grasped the fragile silk panties and ripped them away, leaving her bare. Then he cupped her again, his palm pressing hard against her naked pussy.

want that,” Kaylee cried uncertainly. She rose up on her tiptoes for a moment, trying to get away from his touch but the position was too difficult to hold—too hard on her legs. Trembling, she lowered herself again and felt her swollen pussy lips spread as they pressed against his palm. Goddess, this was humiliating! And frightening. And yet…for some reason her clit was throbbing and her pussy felt hot and sensitive in his big hand. What was going on with her?

“You could’ve fooled me, sweetheart, the way you were rubbing against me earlier,” he remarked.

“I…I was just trying to…to harvest your nectar and your seed. Like Lyra told me to,” she protested.

“Mmm-hmm. So it had nothing to do with wanting to see how it might feel to have me inside you?” As he spoke, he parted her pussy lips and slipped two long, strong fingers into her swollen folds.

Kaylee moaned as she felt him caressing her slippery pussy, circling her aching clit as though he knew her body intimately—as though he knew exactly how to make her come.

“Please…” she whispered but she was no longer certain if she was begging him to stop or go on.

“Please what, sweetheart?” he murmured, his eyes half-lidded. “Please stop or please give you what you were after in the first place?”

“I…” Kaylee bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. “I
don’t know,”
she confessed.

“I do,” he growled softly. The two long fingers that were exploring her wet folds suddenly slipped down until they were teasing around the entrance to her pussy. “Spread your legs, little Mistress,” he commanded in a low voice. “Spread a little wider and let me penetrate you.”

Helpless to disobey his command, Kaylee moaned and parted her legs wider. Goddess, she’d never imagined she would ever take orders from a male but the Havoc wasn’t just any male. He was different from the subservient, cowering slaves and the quiet little males she’d seen in her home town. He was big and demanding and overwhelming and so much stronger than her. So much stronger that he could have torn her apart or taken her by force. But the fingers that slipped inside her were gentle, though his voice was still rough.

“It’s just as well you didn’t get more than the head of my shaft inside you,” he growled, pressing up against the end of her channel and making her moan. “You’re so fucking tight I might’ve split you in two.”

Kaylee bristled at his tone even as she quivered at the feel of his long fingers fucking gently into her. Now that he’d promised not to hurt her and he was touching her so tenderly, she found she’d lost a lot of her fear and apprehension of her former slave.

“I…I’m not afraid of you,” she whispered, raising her chin. “And…I only wanted to harvest your seed. That’s all.”

“Oh? Then why did you suck and lick my shaft?” He was pumping into her steadily now, fingerfucking her tight little pussy while he held her eyes with his. “And don’t say you were just trying to get my ‘nectar’ as your friend calls it. You
it—I saw it in your eyes.”

“I…” Kaylee moaned and shifted against the invading fingers. Goddess, had she ever felt so hot in her life before? So overwhelmed…so
She didn’t think so but the pleasure he was giving her made it hard to think much less talk.

The Havoc seemed to take her inability to speak for insolence, however, because he frowned and withdrew his fingers. Kaylee bit back a gasp and felt ashamed when she realized she
his touch.

But he wasn't done with her yet.

“Fine, if you won’t admit why you did what you did, you’re going to get a taste of your own medicine.”

Reaching up, he began unhooking her wrists from the restraints.

“What…what are you doing?” she whispered.

“Taking you someplace more comfortable.” His eyes blazed. “I want you completely spread open for me when I taste your pussy.”

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