Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (3 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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Even if she just touched the tip of his ear, or stroked over his shoulder, sparks would flare between them and…

Fuck, his swelling cock was stealing the blood-flow from his brain.  He intended to stick with his promise of no sex tonight.  There was no point in making it harder.


“Just agree to return it,” he said.

The rebellious look in her lovely, sky-blue eyes faded.  “Really?”

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out one of the special poker chips.  Not the black and red one she’d shown up with, but one of the all black ones with his logo in metallic gold.  A token he gave to only a favored few.

He held it out to her and, hesitantly, she stepped toward him again and took it.

“Bring the dress back here tomorrow and show that to the concierge.”

She gazed at it, then at him.  “Thank you.”

Whether or not she brought back the dress was unimportant.  It had been all about the challenge.

He picked it up  and handed it to her.  She took it, then held it by the shoulders.  The black fabric, shapeless without her beautiful body giving it form, hung from her hands.  Her gaze flickered to his and she seemed to actually hope he’d turn around.

He had to stifle a laugh.  After seeing her practically naked, and even feeling the softness just below her panty line, she was actually embarrassed to have him watch her put the dress

She compressed her lips, then lowered the dress and stepped into it.

He watched as the slinky fabric glided up her long legs, then over her hips.  She slid her hand into one short sleeve and drew it over her shoulder, then the other.

“Here, I’ll zip you up.”

“It’s okay.”

He stepped behind her, ignoring her mild protest, and found the zipper tag, then glided it upward.  Watching the opening of the dress close.  And with it, his view of her lovely, creamy skin.

As soon as it reached the top, she stepped away.

She turned and stuck out her hand.

“Thank you, Mr. Danner.”

Was she kidding?

He gazed at her hand, then enveloped it in his own.

“Your welcome, Ms. Bell.”

Then she hurried to the elevator.  Once inside, she turned and stared at him, her eyes filled with uncertainty as the elevator doors closed.

He chuckled. 
She’ll be back.

* * *

Jacquie walked into the hotel lobby, the dress neatly folded in a box she carried under her arm.  Taped closed, so it wouldn’t accidentally come open in the hands of the hotel staff.  She didn’t want anyone to know she’d shed her dress for Mr. Danner last night.

Not that they would from her bringing him a dress today, but who knew?  Maybe this was a regular occurrence with him.

Embarrassment still tugged at her.  How had she let herself get into that position?  And it hadn’t even gotten her the opportunity to plead her brother-in-law’s case with him.

She still couldn’t understand how Jon, who was an accountant at Danner Industries—or, at least,
been—could have been so careless.  Letting his so-called friend use his laptop.  The guy had found Jon’s security access codes and used them to transfer money from one of the business accounts.  There was no way to prove it, and the theft was traced back to Jon’s account, so now Jon was up on charges.

She walked to the concierge desk and a tall, uniformed man smiled.

“May I help you?” he asked.

“Uh… yes, thank you.”  She pulled the black and gold poker chip from her purse.  Looking at it she wondered, just as she had last night, if it was inlaid with real gold.  “I’m supposed to show you this,” she said holding up the chip, “and give you this to return to Mr. Danner in…”  She hesitated.  She’d almost said 2403, then realized she didn’t know the number of the room he’d taken her to after they’d left the poker game.

“Yes, miss.  The penthouse.  He’s waiting for you.”  He handed her a keycard.  “Go to the first elevator and swipe this in the special slot on the panel.  The elevator will take you straight there.”

She shook her head.  “No, thank you.”  She placed the flat box on the desk.  “I’m just returning this.”  She started to step back, then glanced at the poker chip hesitantly.  Should she return that, too?

The phone on the concierge’s desk rang and he glanced down, then picked it up.

“Yes, sir.  She’s here.”  The man glanced at her.  “Yes, of course, sir.”  He offered her the phone.  “It’s for you.”

She frowned, but took it reluctantly.  “Hello?”

“Miss Bell,”  Mr. Danner said on the other end.  “Good evening.”

“Uh… hi.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to turn down my invitation to come up after I so graciously allowed you to borrow the dress.”

“I don’t need to come up.  I can leave it right here.”

“But isn’t it your responsibility to return it to me, rather than leaving it in someone else’s hands?”

She squeezed the poker chip in her palm.  “Why do you care if I just leave it?”

“Because I’d like to see you again.”

The silky, smoothness of his deep voice curled through her, triggering a heat that had barely lowered to simmer since last night.  She had thought of him all night long.  Had dreamed of him pressing her down on the bed and his muscular body covering hers, then him taking her with confidence.  Slowly, and with an authority that made her body sing.

She’d woken up sweaty and wanting.

God, he wanted to see her again.  And she wanted to see him.

All of him.  His hard masculine body totally naked.

What would it be like with a man like him?  Dominating and powerful?

His big cock driving into her.  Intense desire swamped her senses.

“Are you coming, Miss Bell?”

She started at his voice in her ear.

“I… uh… okay.”

She handed the phone to the concierge and picked up the keycard from the glossy desk, then turned and started to walk toward the elevators.

About halfway there, she realized the concierge had hurried to catch up to her.  When she glanced over her shoulder, she realized he was carrying the box with her dress in it.  Damn it, she’d left it on the desk.

When they arrived at the elevators, a staff member was holding the door for her.  The concierge handed her the box and smiled as he pulled out a keycard of his own and swiped it.

“There you go, miss.  It’ll take you straight into the penthouse.”

She nodded her thanks.  The man must think she was an idiot.

Or maybe he was used to moony-eyed women going all gaga where Mr. Danner was concerned.

She tried to calm herself as the elevator counted off the floors on her way up to his suite, where he waited for her.

Her hand tightened around the poker chip, very aware of the edges pressing into her flesh.

She’d actually slept with it under her pillow last night.  Dreaming of romantic escapades with a wealthy, handsome stranger.

Actually, more like erotic, throw-me-down-and-fuck-me-hard-and-fast dreams.

She sucked in a breath, her arm rigid around the dress box.

The doors whooshed open and she stepped out, glancing around the elegant penthouse.  The cream-colored carpets were set aflame from the blazing light of the sunset outside the window.

“Miss Bell.  Nice to see you again.”

She glanced at Mr. Danner standing on the other side of the sizable room, wearing a dark gray suit and dark teal tie.  His gaze took in her simple, fitted dress.  Floral, with a longer hemline than what she’d worn last night.  It wasn’t revealing or sexy like last night’s attire, but the cut of the dress did show off her figure to her advantage.

She hadn’t thought she’d be seeing him again, but she’d still carefully considered what she wore.  Not wanting to give off the sexy vibe she had last night, but she still wanted to look attractive.

Now he was appreciatively taking in her appearance.

“You look very nice.  That dress suits you.”

“Thank you.  I don’t intend to lose this one to you.”

He chuckled.  “All right.  If we wager anything tonight, it won’t be the dress.”

“I’m not here to play poker.”

“I know.  And that’s not why I invited you.  But there are many things we can play.”

He moved toward her, like a panther stalking its prey.

Her anxiety grew as he approached, along with her awareness of him.  Big.  Masculine.


“Like cat and mouse?” she asked as he grew near, sending her skin prickling as the hairs of her arms stood on end.  “I don’t intend to stay, Mr. Danner.”

“Even if I make you a proposition?”

if you make me a proposition.”

She held out the box to him.  He took it from her and set it on the entryway table beside them.

“Why did you bet me for the dress anyway?” she asked.

He raised an eyebrow.  “Besides the obvious reason of being able to see what was underneath?”

Her cheeks heated.  “Is that the only reason?”

He grinned.  “Actually, it was a bet.  That I could get you out of your dress within twenty minutes.”

Her eyes widened.  “With who?”

“One of the my regular players.  He texted me when he saw us leave together.”

“And he just took your word for it?”

“No, I sent him a picture.”

Oh, God.  Her chest tightened as he pulled out his phone and swiped across the screen.  He’d shown others semi-naked pictures of her?

“Don’t worry,” he said in a soft tone.  “I would never embarrass you like that.”

Then he showed her the photo.  It was of her dress lying on the table with the poker chips.

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

He shrugged.  “You’re very easy to read.”

“Well, that’s a really good reason for me not to play poker with you again.”  She turned and started toward the elevator.

“Wait, I do have a proposition for you.”

The elevator doors opened and a bellman pushed a cart into the suite.  A wonderful aroma wafted from the silver covered plates.  Jacquie watched as he rolled it to one end of the dining table.

“Would you like me to set up the table, Mr. Danner?”

“No, thank you.”

The man quickly and quietly walked back to the elevator.

“I won’t keep you from your dinner,” she said as she turned again to follow the bellman.

“You mean our dinner.”

She hesitated.  “You’re inviting me to eat with you?”

If she stayed, she could bring up her brother-in-law’s situation.

But what more would he expect from her?  Memories of stripping off her dress in front of him last night... of him touching her... reminded her how quickly things could get out of control with him.

This man liked to play games.  And he was very good at them.

The bellman had been holding the elevator for her, but at her hesitation, Mr. Danner gestured and the man let the doors close.

He pressed his hand to the small of her back and guided her toward the table.

“You like lobster bisque?”

She glanced at him in surprise.  “It’s my favorite.”  Then she wondered if his question had actually been a statement.

He pulled out a chair nearest the end of the table and she sat down.  He took the silver covers off two bowls and set one in front of her.  Then he opened the wine bottle on the tray and poured her a glass of white wine.

It was so strange sitting here being served by the handsome, and insanely wealthy, Mr. Danner.

He sat down across from her.  She tasted her soup.  It was the best bisque she’d ever had.  She ate a few more spoonfuls, then sipped some wine, summoning the courage to start the difficult conversation.

“There was something I was hoping to discuss with you,” she said.

“Yes, so you said yesterday.”  He glanced at her.  “But not over dinner.”

“Afterward?” she asked hopefully.

He smiled.  “I’m hoping we’ll be otherwise occupied after dinner.”

She frowned.  “I don’t know what you think of me, Mr. Danner, but—”

“Call me Race.”

“Um... okay.  Race.  But... well, if you think we’re going to...”  She flattened her hand on her chest.  “That I’m going to...”

“Exactly what do you think I’m going to suggest, Miss Bell?”

“Jacquie,” she said, then pursed her lips.  “Well, I assumed... I mean...”


Now she felt a little foolish.  This extremely handsome, sexy billionaire could have any woman he wanted.

“That you were going to suggest we have sex.”  She toyed with the napkin on her lap.  “I’m sorry.  That was silly of me.”

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