Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (15 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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As Noah spanked her, arousing her to a fever pitch of need, Ty thrust his fingers inside her pussy, driving her toward orgasm.  She was lost, flying in a whirlwind of need and lust.  Something shifted and her mind floated, drifting along a tide of warmth and love.  She loved them.  Every muscle relaxed and she gave herself over to the sensations.

She was intensely aware of Noah’s fingers as he generously slicked her tight channel with lube.  Ty had added two more fingers inside her pussy and she was driven toward the edge.

“Open your eyes,” Ty demanded, and she focused on his face.  He stared at her, his beautiful blue eyes glittering with need and desire.  “Come for me, Tasha.  Go over that cliff.”

She cried out, her muscles squeezing his insistent fingers, the release making her nipples tingle.  She kept her gaze on Ty’s face, watching his reaction, revelling in his absolute absorption in her response.

“Again,” Noah said in a low tone.

Ty pinched her clit and Noah reached around to explore her breasts, his fingers mimicking Ty’s motions.  She jerked and strained against the restraints, her body out of her control and entirely in theirs.  She exploded again, this orgasm even more intense than the last.

As she let go, flying into a million pieces, Noah pushed the head of his cock past the tight ring of her ass.  Ty slid his fingers out of her pussy, dripping with her response.  He licked one finger, then offered the rest to Noah, who seemed to savor the taste of her.

Ty gripped her chin and made her look at him.  “Rough and hard, Noah.  She’ll like it.  You say “Persimmon”” if you can’t take it, Tasha.”

“Yes, Master,” she said, and was surprised that her voice cracked.

Ty lifted her legs and Noah shifted to slide further inside her ass.  The pain made her gasp and she tried to breathe.  Noah held very still and she leaned back into him.  He kissed her lips gently, regardless of Ty’s comment.  Then he stared at her for a long time and she smiled.

“I trust you, Master.  I do.”  She knew he was worried about hurting her, because she knew Noah now.  He loved her.  He loved Ty.  And they were claiming her as theirs.  The pain shimmered and changed, filling her, transforming her.

“Oh baby, you feel so good,” Noah said as he thrust deeper, now balls-deep in her ass.  She squirmed and shifted, partly to escape and partly to increase the friction that aroused her.

As she adjusted to Noah’s cock, Ty slid inside her pussy, his gaze locked on hers, his hands gripping the flesh of her butt.  He pulled her ass cheeks wide, allowing Noah to fill her completely.

In perfect accord, as if they’d choreographed it, Noah and Ty began to claim her, thrusting inside her in absolute harmony.  She was caught in a whirlwind, dangling from the steel bar, helpless to their desire and glad to be so.  Every nerve was on fire.  Every touch set off a cascade of sensation that made her brain a muddy soup.

They whispered encouragement and love in her ear but she barely heard their words over the roar of her impending orgasm.  But loud and clear, she heard Ty demand she let go and soak his cock.

The release that swept through her was almost painful.  She came and came hard, her screams only spurring Noah and Ty to thrust faster and faster.  Noah let go first, the hot spurt of his release extending her convulsions.  Then Ty came inside her, his head dropping back and his shout ringing in her ears.

It was perfect, sweaty, intense and terrifying.  And so worth every single moment of uncertainty and pain that had come before.

She trembled and shook in the aftermath.  Noah released the cuffs and Ty caught her in his arms.  They laid her across their laps on a loveseat that was part of the rich furnishings in the dungeon.

Both men, together, stroked her, cleaned her and loved her as they all strengthened the circle that indicated a future bound by their connection.  She cried and they kissed away her tears.  She thought about that moment when she’d landed at the Baltimore airport ready to do battle, to take Ty away from Noah.  She sent up a silent prayer of thanks that she had been unsuccessful, that Noah had found a way to love her and that Ty had found a way to be with them both.

Even as her pulse slowed and their murmurs quieted, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy.  But the good stuff never was.  As she surrendered to the two men she loved, she knew it would all be worth it.


Chapter Six

Spring had come to Baltimore and it was the perfect day for Noah’s planned guerrilla suspension scene.  It was early, only six in the morning, but the air wasn’t too frigid.  Ty glanced at Tasha and they shared a secret smile.  They had cooked up a surprise for Noah and Ty hoped it would be the spectacular show they’d envisioned.

The City Hall building was a beautiful site in Baltimore and this ambitious plan to suspend Tasha from one of the flagpoles in front was risky.  Ty couldn’t blame Noah for the desire to suspend Tasha there.  The building’s stately beauty would complement Tasha’s in a way that would be artistic and stunning.

“Ty, do you need to set up for your shot?”  Noah rechecked his carbonaires and ran the rope through his long fingers, looking for any last-minute flaws.

Ty watched him through his camera lens, focusing on Noah’s hands and the sure way he handled his equipment.  “I think I’ve got it.”

The air was crisp but not too cold as Tasha stripped to her bra and underwear.  As Noah slowly began to wrap the rope around Tasha’s torso, Ty snapped pictures and marveled at the way she responded instantly to the constriction of the rope.  Of course, he knew he did the same when he was the center of Noah’s focus.

Noah had required that Tasha put her hair up in a tight circular bun so it stayed out of the way, and Ty had a clear view of her face as her eyes glazed over and her lips parted.  Noah’s rope harness was a complicated set of knots and ties that were punctuated by low murmurs and loving touches.

Ty signaled to his car and his surprise stepped out.  Angela was his new assistant and would be a big part of the plan. Without breaking Noah’s concentration, Ty handed the camera to Angela and stripped off his clothes.

As he stepped closer, Ty met Tasha’s glazed stare and she smiled.  Noah turned his head and the pleased surprise was gratifying.  Without words, Noah understood what Ty wanted and needed.

All the times that Noah had practiced his public displays of bondage, Ty had been in the background, the photographer who captured the moment.  Though Noah had bound and suspended Ty in private or at Master A’s house, this would be much more for both of them.

Without breaking eye contact, Noah began to bind Ty to Tasha, back to back.  On Tasha, he had outlined her bra-covered breasts with the rope, drawing attention to her curves.  On Ty, Noah doubled the rope, creating a harness vest that emphasized muscle and mass.  The contrast would make a great photo shoot, and Ty smiled.

The way Noah wrapped the strands around him, the way his hands were sure and confident, was enough to send Ty dropping down into that still, quiet place within.  He loved that place.  He knew Tasha was with him and that Noah would protect him.  As much as he loved being the protector too, he had missed this part of himself.

“I have to readjust some things for your weight.”  Noah’s voice penetrated the drifting fog in Ty’s mind.  “Are you okay?”

He nodded, barely on the planet.  Tasha murmured something low.  Her voice, too, wound its way inside him, tightening his groin and making the rope squeeze his testicles.

Noah chuckled.  “I knew you’d be bad, so I prepared.”

“Feels good,” Ty said.

For what seemed both like an eternity and only a split second, Noah was gone.  When he returned, he caressed Ty’s neck and kissed him.  Then he brushed his lips over Tasha’s.  “Ready?

Not that it mattered what they answered.  Noah and two others began to raise Ty and Tasha off the ground.  Bound together, they dangled like a Christmas ornament, their legs tangled together and their arms bound so close that Ty could thread his fingers through hers.

The wind was cold as they reached the top of the pole.  The flag that fluttered whipped and snapped.  Ty floated even as his vision processed the way the sun rose, cascading light across them.

“It’s beautiful,” Tasha breathed.

Ty’s heart was full and content.  His hands were intertwined with Tasha’s and the rope was a reminder of his Master’s hold.  He was safe and loved.  Even dangling high off the ground with only Noah’s bindings keeping him tethered, he knew he was secure.  Like Noah’s love, the rope would hold him yet free him.

The chaos below meant nothing.  How long they were there didn’t matter either.  He and Tasha didn’t speak much.  They didn’t need to.

When Noah began to lower them, Ty wanted to protest.  But he knew that the bindings would start to chafe and they needed to come down eventually.  It surprised him that only twenty minutes had passed.

Ty’s feet touched the ground and Noah’s warm hands made him moan.  “Master,” he whispered.

“What is it, love?” Noah asked in a husky tone.

“I love you.  With everything.  I trust you.”

Noah stroked his cheek, his dark gaze intense and glittering.  “I love you too.  You were stunning.  Amazing.”

As he unwrapped the rope, Noah murmured words of love to Tasha.  Even as Ty and Tasha’s arms were unbound, their hands remained locked.  Freed yet tied to each other.  Joined and entwined.  Loving and loved.

Tangled and bound forever.

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About Jennifer Leeland

I never considered myself a writer…

I loved Harlequin romances when I was little and used to sneak them from my mother’s bookshelf. But my father influenced me with Agatha Christie, Ngiao Marsh and Arthur Conan Doyle. I finally wrote my first completed novel in 2005 and never looked back.

It has been a fabulous journey. I have a special relationship with my characters, who both annoy me and inspire me. And yes, they talk to me. In the shower. In the car. When I’m trying to sleep. Many have asked me why I write erotic romance. Believe me, it would probably be easier to write something my mom could tell her friends about. But I love the emotion, the conflict, the possibilities contained in erotic romance. When I read, I want to indulge in fantasies. I hope I can do the same for others.

I live with a Redneck, who loves to brainstorm with me on occasion, and my two dirt faced Okie kids in the Northern California Boonies. I’ve published with Cobblestone Press, Liquid Silver Books, Loose-Id LLC., Samhain Publishing, and Whiskey Creek Press. I’m a moderator for the award winning writer’s forum Romance Divas where I’ve been a member since 2006.



Bastard of Arundale

By Jennifer Leeland

A war has begun between two opposing supernatural powers with the Arundale men caught in the middle. To win against his enemy, Lord Marcus Everrett has been forced to return to his childhood home and face the woman he refused to marry years earlier. He had thought their passion had died in the face of his mating another and the rejection of his past. But the moment they are together again, it’s clear the heat between them still burns. Yet, it will take another man to stoke the fire.

Simon Ormond only wants revenge for the death of his lover. To find passion with a witch and an Arundale wolf who will give him retribution is fortunate. Once he gets a taste of what could be, he must choose between his resignation for death and an unusual, complicated mating.

The lonely years that Mariann Perrin had spent after Marcus left her had left her hungry for the love denied her. But she has a task to do, given to her by the power she inherited. Now, just as she meets the two men who can fill her empty heart, dark forces move to destroy them. With one man welcoming death and the other still angry about the past, Mariann must find a way to lead them both to love or they may face their enemy and fail.

# # #


Her Secret

Secret Pleasures #3

Portia Da Costa

Jamie Lennox is the first man that Susannah ever loved, but now he’s different, dangerous and more devastatingly attractive than ever before. Their reunion is passionate and perverse, a thrilling exchange of power and pleasure. Can this lover from Susannah’s past become the master of her future?

A Note from Portia

I’m a British author, and as such, I use UK spelling and punctuation along with UK terminology and idioms. Enjoy!

Copyright 2015 Portia Da Costa

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

About The Author

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