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Authors: Robert A. Caro

Master of the Senate (244 page)

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“The Senate bill”:
Cohen to Johnson, Aug. 13, Box 290, JSP.
“I don’t think”:
Acheson to Johnson, Aug. 13, Box 408, JSP; Rovere, “Letter from Washington,”
The New Yorker
, Aug. 31.
“It took”:
“Purists and Progress,”
New Republic
, Aug. 12.
“It is one”:
Eleanor Roosevelt, “My Day,”
, Aug. 6.
“If you think”:
, Aug. 30

Roger Wilkins,
, July 4, 1990.
“So great”:
King, quoted in
, Sec. IV, Jan. 17, 1988.
“Led them into voting booths”:
, p. xxi.

Johnson’s speech:
, 85/1, pp. 13897, 13898.
“When at last”:
Political Education
, p. 147.
Description of East Texas parade; McPherson’s reaction:
Political Education
, pp. 154–55.

42 Three More Years

Evans and Novak,
LBJ: Exercise
, p. 196.
“You know”:
Rowe to Johnson, Dec. 4, 1958, Box 32, LBJA SN.

Clark letter:
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, p. 494.
McNamara demanded:
, April 9, 1949.
Proxmire and Muskie attitude; “until”:
Proxmire, Muskie interviews.
A “chickenshit”:
Baker, quoted in Steinberg, p. 495.
“Might as well”:
Ralph K. Huitt, “The Morse Committee Assignment Controversy: A Study on Senate Norms,”
, June 1957, pp. 313–29.
“Like Wayne and Paul”:
Ralph K. Huitt, “The Outsider in the Senate: An Alternative Role,”
, Sept. 1961, p. 569; Shuman interview.
“Never been”:
, Feb. 23;
, Feb. 24, 1959; Steinberg, p. 496.
Proxmire’s attacks:
, Feb. 24, March 1, 10, April 13, May 29, 30, 1959; Byrd,
, Vol. I, pp. 620–21.

“Fairy godmother”:
Johnson, quoted in Steinberg,
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, p. 496.
Delegated to Mansfield:
Evans and Novak, p. 199.

Democratic caucuses:
“Minutes of the Senate Democratic Conference, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1958, Room 201, Senate Office Building,”
Minutes of the U.S. Senate Democratic Conference
, ed. Donald A. Ritchie, Washington: GPO, 1998, pp. 505–72 (cited hereafter as “Conference Minutes”).
Sapless Branch
, p. 12.
Clark resolution:
Conference Minutes, p. 515.
“The more senior”:
Clark, p. 12.
Would be happy:
Conference Minutes, p. 518.
“The end”:
Clark, p. 12.
51 to 12 vote:
Conference Minutes, p. 535.
Proxmire, quoted in Steinberg,
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, p. 497.
“David and Goliath”:
Public Affairs Institute, “Washington Window,” March 13, 1959.
“Bravest bull”:
, p. 405.

“The success”:
U.S. Senate
, p. 178.
“Seven-room spread”:
Chicago Tribune
, Dec. 21, 1958.
Taj Mahal descriptions:
Office of Senate Curator, Lyndon Baines Johnson Room, S. Pub. 105–60; “The Lyndon Baines Johnson Room, Remarks for the Secretary of the Senate,” Senate Historical Office; Miller,
, p. 217; Steinberg,
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, pp. 505–06; Fleeson,
, Jan. 7, 1959; Busby, Gonella, Reedy, Shuman, Sidey, Steele, Tames interviews.
“Marbled city”:
Hugh Sidey, “Eye on the Oval Office,”
, Aug. 26, 1985.
“On entering”:
On and Off
, p. 214.
“That huge”; “monument”:
Steele to Williamson, Jan. 30, 1959, SP.
Lone Star
, p. 540.
Tames interview.

Mansfield, quoted in Gonella interview.
“His children”:
Gonella interview.
“You know”:
Johnson, quoted in Steele to Williamson, Nov. 12, 1958, SP.
Steele to Williamson-III, March 4, 1958, SP.
Bernstein interview.
Evans and Novak, p. 102.

Instructing Reedy:
Steele to Williamson-XIV, March 4, 1958, SP; Reedy interview.
“Hoisted”; “Without rival”:
“Sense and Sensitivity,”
, March 17, 1958.
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, pp. 483–84.
“Who is”:
Stewart Alsop, “Lyndon Johnson: How Does He Do It?”
, Jan. 24, 1959.

“Straining”; “uneasy”:
Vantage Point
, p. 272.
“This is”:
Stennis to Russell, Oct. 17, 1957.
Symington’s insistence:
Symington to Russell, Oct. 5, 1957, J. General, Missile File, Box 403, RBRL.
calling Johnson; “so thorough”:
Steele to Williamson, March 4, 1958, SP.
“Has a lot”:
“Nov. 5, 1957—LD conversation with Senator Bridges in Concord, New Hampshire,” Box 40, LBJA CF.
“More or less”:
Russell to Marcy, Jan. 9, 1958, J. General, Missile File, Box 9, RBRL.

“Kept alive”:
U.S. Senate
, p. 182.
Weisl, Vance involvement:
McGillicuddy, Edwin Weisl Jr., Vance interviews.

“All the right”:
ACWD, Nov. 6, 1957, quoted in Ambrose,
, p. 430.
“No ‘guilty’”:
Minutes of Preparedness Subcommittee meeting, Nov. 22, 1957, SP, Box 405, quoted in Divine, ed.,
Johnson Years
, Vol. II, p. 222.
“Very much”:
“Oct. 21, 1957—LD conversation between Secy. Neil McElroy …and Sen. Johnson in Corpus Christi,” Box 433, JSP.
“If he”:
LBJ-Dulles telephone conversations, Oct. 31, Nov. 5, 1957, Dulles Papers, quoted in Dallek, p. 530.
“Will serve”; “hit the extreme”:
McConaughy to Williamson, Feb. 15, 1958, SP.
“This may”:
Reedy to Johnson, Oct. 17, 1957, Reedy: Memos, SP, Box 420, quoted in Divine, p. 219.
Busby, Reedy interviews.
“To elevate”:
Evans and Novak, p. 192.
U.S. Senate
, p. 183.

Reedy’s suggestion:
Reedy to Johnson, Nov. 23, 1957, Box 421, JSP.
Johnson’s rejection:
Busby, Reedy interviews. And Busby, at Johnson’s suggestion, then used the Pearl Harbor comparison in Johnson’s speeches.
“Comparable to Pearl Harbor”:
Press releases, undated, Preparedness Subcommittee, SP, Box 355.
“An even greater challenge”:
“Inquiry into Satellite and Missile Programs,” Hearings Before the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Committee on the Armed Forces, U.S.
, 85 Cong, 1st and 2nd Session (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1958), pp. 1–3.
“Our finest hour”; Alamo:
Divine, pp. 223, 224.

“A sense”:
Rowe to Johnson, Nov. 21, 1957, Box 421, JSP.
“This was”; “light”; Medaris announcement:
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, p. 482;
, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, 1958;
, Feb. 17, 1958;
, Jan. 17, 1958; Steele to Williamson, Jan. 10, Feb. 15, March 4-VIII; to Lunsden, Jan. 9, 1958, SP; BeLieu, McGillicuddy, Reedy, Steele interviews.

Eisenhower’s reassurances:
Ambrose, pp. 427–35.
Johnson’s statements:
Johnson, pp. 273–75.
“We have reached”:
Johnson, p. 275.
“Full mobilization”:
Johnson, quoted in Steinberg, p. 480.
“How long”; “Painted”:
Johnson, quoted in Steinberg, pp. 481, 480.
“Johnson speech to Democratic caucus, Jan. 7, 1958,” Statements file, JSP.
“In retrospect”:
U.S. Senate
, p. 184.

“In a week”:
“Lyndon Johnson Has the Ball,”
, Jan. 20, 1958.

“I believe”:
Rowe to Johnson, Feb. 5, 1958, Box 32, LBJA SN.
“Just plain”:
U.S. Senate
, p. 185;
, p. 13; Reedy OH, interview.
“Would actually”:
Evans and Novak, p. 193.
“Did not bother”:
, pp. 12, 13.
“Some of the staff”:
U.S. Senate
, p. 186.
, p. 13.

NASA bills:
Divine, pp. 226–28.
“A textbook”:
Evans and Novak, p. 191.

“Made it clear”; “in later”:
, p. 13.
Little different:
Divine (pp. 227–28) notes that “over the next three years, the Space Council met on only rare occasions…. Johnson could not force the president to use the Space Council to give central guidance to the nation’s space program.” Also BeLieu, Reedy interviews.

U.S. Senate
, p. 187.

Rauh, “The Truth About Congress and the Court,”
The Progressive
, Nov. 1958.
Johnson, quoted in Mann, p. 232.
“Lyndon”; jumping to his feet:
McPherson, p. 133.
“Mr. President”; writing the names:
Mann, p. 233.
“You boys”:
McPherson, quoted in Mann, p. 233.
“If you want”:
Johnson, quoted in Evans and Novak, p. 166.
“I don’t know”; bringing Lewis, Reedy along:
Evans and Novak, p. 166; Lewis, Reedy interviews.
“In the course”:
Lewis interview.
“A display”:
Lewis, quoted in Mann, p. 234.
“Johnson always”; slapping his own cheeks:
Lewis interview.

Tactics the next day:
Evans and Novak, pp. 166–67; Mann, pp. 234–35; McPherson, p. 134.
“Could truthfully”:
Mann, p. 234.
1959 and 1960 civil rights bills:
Clark, pp. 13–14;Douglas, pp. 291–92; Evans and Novak, pp. 22–222; Fite, pp. 374, 375; Mann, pp. 239–61; Watson, pp. 415–26.
Rule 22 compromise:
Mann, pp. 239–41.
“News from NAACP,” Jan. 22, 1959, Box 408, JSP.
“Gone was”:
Mann, p. 258.
Johnson working with Rogers:
Rogers interview.
“Crumbs”; “Here is”:
Sap less Branch
, p. 14.

43. The Last Caucus

“Power is”:
Evans and Novak,
LBJ: Exercise
, p. 280.

“Probably hoping”; his plan:
, p. 243.
“Hang on to”; “The illusion”; “Would offend”; “He’s not”:
Humphrey OH.
“Asked if I”:
Mansfield, quoted in Steinberg,
Sam Johnson’s Boy
, p. 547.
Retaining the Taj:
Evans and Novak, p.
Retaining Baker:
“Mansfield put up no argument …when Johnson suggested he retain Bobby Baker as the secretary for the majority. Senators expected Bobby to carry out Lyndon’s orders in the next Congress, just as he had in the past (Steinberg, p. 547); Evans and Novak, p. 306.

“A buoyancy”:
Wheeling and Dealing
, pp. 133–34.
“Apprehensions”; “Brooding”:
Evans and Novak, p. 306.
“Having watched”:
Evans and Novak, pp. 308, 307.
Baker, p. 134.

Mansfield’s motion:
“Minutes of the Democratic Conference,” Jan. 3, 1961,
, p. 578.
“Can you imagine”:
, Vol. 1, p. 624.
Evans and Novak, p. 306.
Description of caucus:
, pp. 577–81; Baker,
Wheeling and Dealing
, pp. 135–36; Byrd, p. 624; Evans and Novak, pp. 306–08; Goldsmith,
, pp. 83–84; Humphrey, p. 243; Miller,
, pp. 275–76; Steinberg, pp. 547–48.
“Might as well”:
Gore, quoted in Miller, p. 276.
Other hands:
“The depth of the revolt against Mansfield’s motion …was discernible only in the” opposition of Anderson, Robertson and Johnston, Evans and Novak write on p. 307.
Wheeling and Dealing
, p. 136.
“Look ridiculous”:
Evans and Novak, p. 307.
“Ashen”; “no getting around”:
Baker, p. 135.
“We are creating”:
Monroney, quoted in Steinberg, p. 547.

Mansfield in favor:
, p. 578.
Resignation threat; “under”:
Wheeling and Dealing
, p. 135.
“Even though”:
Gore, quoted in Steinberg, p. 548.
“Wasn’t going to work”:
Goldsmith, p. 84.

“I was one”:
Humphrey OH.
“It fell”:
Humphrey, p. 243.

Not present at next three caucuses:
“Minutes of the Democratic Conference,” Jan. 4, 5, 10, 1961, pp. 581–88.
“The President has”:
Mansfield, “Minutes,” February 27, p. 588.
1963 caucuses:
“Minutes,” Jan. 9, Feb. 7, 1963; Muskie, Proxmire, Yarborough interviews.

BOOK: Master of the Senate
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