Master of Punishment (5 page)

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Authors: Holly Carter

BOOK: Master of Punishment
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Six months later….



I walk through the old church with Barry the builder. He knows I want the fucking job finished yesterday but the bastard keeps fucking with me. I wipe my hands down my face as Barry goes over once a fucking gain what he thinks I want done.

“So the bar will go up against that wall while the dance floor will go over there.” He points to the far wall.

“I want the bar up against the back wall, and the dance floor over here.” I point to the left to indicate where I want the dance floor.

“But, you can’t…” I shut him the fuck up when I grab the plans out of his hands.

“I can do whatever the fuck I like. You either do as I say, or you fuck right off and I will get someone else in here that will listen to what I fucking want.” I slam the plans onto the table and pick up my glass of aged scotch.

sound of hammering and loud obnoxious voices fill the air and it pisses me the fuck off. I feel myself losing control. I need a fucking release and I need it soon. I think about calling America and getting that fucking bitch over here, but the last time she was in my bed… was the last fucking time. After Natasha things had gotten hard. I felt like I had let the one person who could truly love me go and I wasn’t sure If I would ever get that back. Arrow strolls through the construction space and whistles to himself. He makes his way over to me and picks the plans up off the table.

Hunter, I was thinking…” Arrow holds the plans in front of me and points to the bar. “We could put the dance floor there and the bar over in that corner.”

I lose my fucking shit and snatch the plans out of his hands too. I hear Barry laugh and I turn and shoot him a look that shut him the fuck up quick smart.

“When you pay your five million share Arrow, then you can help plan things. Until then, shut the fuck up and fill up my glass.” I hand him my empty glass and he takes it.

He cu
rses at me as he walks away. I give the plans back to Barry and he wonders over to his work crew to explain the way the design will be finished. They look to me then to the plans and I know they aren’t fucking happy about the change. If they would have listened to me in the first place they wouldn’t have had so many problems. This is why I need control… why I need to have everything in my capable hands. I need people to trust me, and turn to me when I know what is fucking best.

Arrow w
anders back and hands me my now full glass. He raises one of his own and we clink them together before raising the glasses to our lips. America walks across the floor and everyone’s eyes are suddenly on her. Her blonde hair flows, her long legs carry her with confidence. Arrow nudges me and before he can say something smart I tell him to back the fuck off. Her sleek black dress hugs her curves and for a moment, I think about taking her upstairs and flogging her stupid.

“Morning.” she says, placing her hands on her hips.

“Morning.” Arrow and I say in turn.

“You didn’t call me back, Hunter. Are you ignoring me?” America grabs the glass out of my hand and takes a long sip.

“Don’t ask a question you don’t want the answer to.” I snap back as I snatch the glass from her.

She shrugs and looks at Arrow. He stands there for a few moments before America indicates with a head tilt for him to piss off.

He hands her his glass, taps me on the back and walks across the floor. We both stand and watch him leave before we both turn to face each other.

“What do you want?” I ask, crossing my arms and standing tall.

“I have something to tell you, thought you might like to hear the latest.” America says, coming to stand beside me.

“Oh yeah, what?” This woman was always great for gossip if not anything else.

“Simon is back in town.”

I turn instantly and open my mouth to speak, but at the same time my cell vibrates in my pocket. Simon had left town shortly after our run in at the club so I had found out. Why the fuck was he back? I growl as I pull it out and see Sailor’s name flashing on the screen. I don’t want America to go anywhere so I tell her to wait while I take the call.


“Hunter, how’s the renovations?” Sailor says his voice odd.

“Coming along. What can I do you for?” I take a few steps away from America’s big fucking ears.

“I need your help.”

“Oh.” It’s not like him to ask for help; suddenly he has my full attention.

“I need you to help tame the beast.”

“The beast?” I laugh.


I laugh at Sailor’s frustration.

“You need my help huh, well, what do you want me to do?” I walk away from the jack hammer and drills. I can’t fucking think with all these things happening at once suddenly.

“I need to you make Kat a submissive….”

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