Read Master Me Online

Authors: Trina Lane,Lisabet Sarai,Elizabeth Coldwell

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

Master Me (11 page)

BOOK: Master Me
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“Please,” she begged.

“Please what?”

Her hands grasped his back, but his strength prevented their bodies from colliding the way she wanted. “I need to come.”

“Not yet.”

Elaina whimpered.

“Before I allow us to go any further there is one very important ground rule we need to establish.”

“Now?” Elaina exclaimed.

His denial actually made her angry. So many times she’d never even come close to having an orgasm, and now, when it was barely a breath away, this man was denying it. It made her frustrated. It made her almost furious.

“You get me all worked up. You make me actually want you, want what you say you can give me. You bring me this close, only to say ‘stop.’ What are you, some kind of sadist? Or wait, maybe you’re like a teenage virgin. All talk and no show.”

Derrick tightened his hand in Elaina’s hair a fraction. “Silence.”

Derrick’s voice hadn’t risen above a whisper, but the fury that had been churning inside her arrested with the single word. His dark eyes above her, which moments ago had been slumberous with desire, now burned with intensity.

“First of all, I denied you your orgasm not to deprive you of your pleasure, only prolong it. When I let you come, it will consume every part of you. The siren of your scream will echo across my island, and I’ll be the only one to witness such a beautiful sight. Secondly, before we get any deeper, we need to establish your safe word. Do you know what that is?”

Elaina swallowed hard. The image of her back arched high, head thrown back in ecstasy as Derrick made her come over and over again burned in her mind. She could feel the scream buried inside her and knew he was right. Elaina knew that this man would, for the first time in her life, make her experience a mind-blowing orgasm, and despite her recent lack of inhibition, she appreciated that he desired to share the experience between only the two of them.

“Safeword? That’s like the magic word, right? I say it and all games stop.”

“That’s right. No matter what we are doing. The moment that word crosses your lips, it all stops. I could be spanking you, have you trussed in silken ropes or be shoving my cock deep inside you, and time will stand still. So what’s it to be?”

Elaina was still stuck on the image of her tied up in ropes. Did he mean tied to a bed, a chair, or, oh god, she’d seen images on the Internet of women suspended from ceiling held prisoner by intricate webs of rope. Surely he didn’t mean—

What am I supposed to be thinking of again? Oh right safe word
. “Um…penguin?”

Derrick chuckled. “Penguin it is.”

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Two
* * * *

Derrick led Elaina out onto the dance floor. He pulled her into his arms and swayed to the soft melodies coming from hidden speakers. It was peaceful now, but once a week this quiet open-air cantina turned into a raging night club with all the lights and loud music one would expect to find on Duval Street in Key West.

Elaina felt so good in his arms. He hadn’t realised when she’d been sitting at the bar just how tall she was. When upright, the top of her head came to his chin, which was something he’d never experienced with a playmate. Elaina’s reactions to his directives at the bar had launched his desire to Master her to uncharted heights. The scent of her arousal floating up to greet him had nearly done him in. His cock had throbbed with the need to plunge deep inside her, hard. Elaina’s whole body had opened to him, begging for his mastery. She’d been only moments away from splintering the air with her cry of completion, and as much as he’d wanted to experience that song, he knew the longer he could keep her on the edge, the harder she would fall. The more she’d crave what only he could give her. The more he would crave to give it to her. In that, he would become her slave.

Where these intense feelings were coming from, he didn’t know. He’d played with countless women over the years, both before and after opening this resort. He’d only known of Elaina’s existence for a couple of weeks and met her a mere hour ago, but something deep inside told him this woman was different.

He didn’t know if he was ready to trust in a relationship again. Carolyn had burned him good, and despite knowing, logically, that all women wouldn’t stampede across his heart, it was difficult to believe, to accept, to allow any vulnerability to the fairer sex. It was no hardship to Master them with a firm hand and commanding voice. His body, his psyche demanded control as much as Elaina’s demanded submission, but trust was a two-way street and he was firmly hogging both lanes.

Derrick’s erection pressed against her as they danced. The firmness dug into her stomach with their bodies plastered together. He felt huge, and she was both nervous and excited to see his cock in its full, bare glory. Performing rough calculations in her head, she knew him to be quite a bit larger than Mike. Hell, quite a bit larger than any man she’d slept with. Would she be able to take him? Would her pussy stretch to accommodate his width? How much of his length would she be able to swallow? Was it even possible to fit something that big inside her ass?

“What are you thinking about so hard, Elaina?”

Yeah, like I’m going to tell you that
. “Nothing,” she squeaked.

“Honesty, is a key to our arrangement. When I ask you a question I expect a truthful answer. Now…what were you thinking about?”

She knew her cheeks must be turning bright red with embarrassment. Hopefully, the shadows in the bar disguised the reaction. “Your cock,” she whispered.

“What about it?” Derrick spun Elaina around so her back was plastered to his chest. He captured her hips in his grasp and ground his against her. He bent his head and whispered in her ear, “What about my cock? It’s hard for you. It wants to fill every opening of your body. I’m not a small man in any respect, but don’t worry, before I slip my cock inside you, you’ll be so primed your body will open like a magnificent flower. I’ll thrust inside you with more power than you’ve ever known and you’ll love every second of it. Your juices will flood from your body, and your mind with splinter with ecstasy.”

“Derrick,” she gasped.

“Put your arms around my neck,” he ordered.

Elaina opened her eyes to find the entire bar had emptied. Where had everyone gone? There was no bartender or patrons. It was as if they’d all vanished into thin air, leaving only her and Derrick in this bubble of time.

Derrick’s large hand moved lazily down from her stomach where he’d been holding her, pressing her body tightly against his. Long fingers inched up the material of her skirt to her waist. Warm tropical air blew across the saturated lace of her panties. Her head fell back to land on Derrick’s broad shoulder. Without any coercion her stance spread, opening herself to the experience. The fingers moved to her inner thigh, leaving a trail of fire as they closed in on her aching pussy. She couldn’t prevent a soft whimper from escaping. He adjusted her position, and with deliberately slow movements, lowered his head to place an open-mouthed kiss against her lips. His tongue insistently pressed inside. She greeted its slick warmth with her own.

The kiss was soft and steamy with just the right amount of pressure. Elaina opened every part of her to Derrick’s control. She became his puppet to master and loved every second of it. Finally, she’d found a man who could demand her response without force.

Derrick fisted the thin material of her thong and ripped the protective barrier, baring her pussy lips to the world. One more hard pull and the string at her hip caved to his demands, the material floating to the ground at their feet. Elaina gasped at the possessive move, but couldn’t spare a second thought for the loss of lingerie because she wanted his touch so desperately. She knew the opening of her pussy gaped, the ripples of flesh slick and greedy for his touch. One long finger ran through her thick cream, and Elaina trembled, unable to bite back a moan of pleasure. The extremity’s thick length dipped inside her vagina, but not nearly deep enough. When Derrick pulled the invading digit out she tried to tighten her muscles to keep him inside. A stinging slap by the palm of his other hand on her fleshy mound startled her.

“What did I say? You’re mine. I decide what to do with your body, not you.”

Shivers raced from head to toe, both from the pleasure and anticipation. Elaina had never expected to respond to a physical touch such as Derrick’s little punishment, but there was no denying the spark of need it ignited deep within her. His finger slipped inside her again, while his thumb pressed against the knot of her engorged clit. She tried not to move, not to make demands of his touch, but her body spoke a language of its own. Her hips arched and thrashed, alternately seeking more first from the finger buried deep inside her then from the iron heat of Derrick’s cock.

Another finger slid inside, and her muscles burned with the delicious invasion. The thumb circling and pressing against her clit made her crazy. The two fingers tickled the tissues high inside her—smooth, forceful plunges designed to bring her to the edge of insanity.

“Damn you’re tight. You’re burning my fingers alive, and I can’t imagine how it’s going to feel when I finally get my cock inside you.”

“Yes! In me. Please,” she cried.

“Not yet. You’re not ready. You haven’t earned my cock.”

A strangled scream left her throat with the next forceful thrust of his fingers. Her pussy clenched over the fingers buried inside her, quivering from Derrick’s possession. His other hand speared into the thin material of her camisole and roughly pinched the turgid nipple of her left breast, while this thumb simultaneously pressed hard against her clit. His lips covered hers and his tongue speared inside her mouth with greed. It was all she needed and Elaina went up in flames. Her climax washed over her, and Derrick released her mouth at the same time a cry split her lips. The sound echoed in the empty bar, drowning out the music and calls of the birds nesting in the trees only a few feet away. Sparks raced through her body, igniting nerve endings she never knew existed and burning away any previous conception of what an orgasm felt like.

* * * *

Elaina stood beneath the water of her outdoor shower, relishing in the hedonism of the tropical experience. The wide showerhead high above her head allowed the water to flow like rain from the sky. When she opened her eyes she was greeted with a magnificent ocean view. There were bamboo screens that could close off the area for those desiring more privacy, but Elaina had decided to just go with it. She could only see the barest evidence of her neighbours if she leant out over the balcony. The luxurious thatched-roof bungalows sat high in the treetops, and the lush foliage and tropical flowers nature provided acted as privacy screens. They reminded her of the tree houses from that movie,
Swiss Family Robinson,
when she was a kid, although far more luxurious. The fictional family didn’t exactly have king-sized beds, air conditioning and claw-foot tubs, now did they?

Elaina wrapped a thick towel around her and lounged in the Adirondack chair on her verandah. She closed her eyes, and let the sounds of the surf and faint calls of tropical birds soothe her. Her body still hummed from her experience with Derrick earlier. She’d been shocked when he’d sent her away without seeing to his needs, and when she’d tried to push the issue, he’d once again reminded her of their positions. Apparently seeing to her partner’s pleasure also came under his jurisdiction.

A knock on the door brought Elaina out of her peaceful daze. She crossed through the bedroom and slipped on the blue satin, knee-length robe she’d brought and peered out the exterior shuttered windows that surrounded the living room. A resort staff person stood outside the door with a garment bag over his arm. Elaina tightened the sash of her robe and opened the door.

“May I help you?”

“I have a delivery from Master Collins. He bids you to wear this when you join him in an hour at the restaurant.”

“An hour?” Elaina exclaimed.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Elaina accepted the bag and shoved the door closed on the staff person. She stared at the black vinyl and wondered what was inside. Belatedly, she realised how rude she’d been and opened the door only to find her front patio vacant. She’d have to remember to track the young man down and give him an extra large tip.

Carrying the bag into her bedroom, she laid it out across the high mattress. Her hands shook a little as she pulled down the zipper and spread the openings wide. It was silly, how nervous she was at seeing what Derrick would choose for her to wear. She hoped it would cover her more than the leather harness the woman in the bar earlier had worn. She squealed in delight when she uncovered a black leather miniskirt and emerald green top.

Elaina hurried through drying her hair and applying her makeup. She lifted the top from the garment bag to see the neckline, trying to determine how she should wear her hair. The lightweight fabric would plunge between her breasts in a loose cowl, and the back was nothing more than a decorative crossing gold chain and spaghetti tie. The metallic chains with their centre medallion shimmered in the low light of her bedroom. Elaina decided it needed to be shown off.

She scooped her hair up into a messy knot, letting a few of her dark mahogany tresses escape. She slid the top over her head and secured the strap behind her back. Next, she slipped on the skirt, but what had escaped her notice at first was that
was no ordinary mini. The front was divided into panels with two, three-inch wide rectangular sections cut completely away. The remaining edges were held together by two thin buckled straps. Except for the waistband, the fronts of her legs were almost bare. She turned to look at the back view in the full-length floor mirror. The Lycra material cupped her ass and the black leather continued at the bottom edge, the pleats causing it to flare out. In fact, if she were to bend over, the micro-mini skirt quite literally revealed all her secrets. She lifted the apparently empty bag and shook it upside down, hoping a pair of panties would fall out. When a tiny scrap of black landed on the white duvet, a rush of pent-up air escaped her lungs in gratitude.

BOOK: Master Me
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