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Authors: Arabella Quinn

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The Billionaire's Son 2 : Masquerade



Arabella Quinn



The Billionaire's Son 2 : Masquerade

Copyright © 2012 by Arabella Quinn

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.




The Billionaire's Son 2 : Masquerade



I placed the last file of papers back into the box. Another box cleared and still not a hint of any impropriety with any of Jackson Vaughn’s companies. I rubbed my weary eyes and sat back in the swivel chair. I had been reviewing the files for hours non-stop today; in fact I had thrown myself into my work for the past four weeks now. Working long hours with little to no breaks on this case was finally catching up to me.

I knew what I had been avoiding. Prior to the disastrous scene with Derek, Vaughn’s playboy son, in the cabana, I had set up the perfect routine. I had been working hard, but enjoying the luxurious amenities at one of Vaughn’s private residences, as Jackson had so generously offered. Now, every morning I went straight to my temporary office at the estate and crept out late every night. I didn’t walk the grounds, make chit-chat with the staff, or use the pool as I had in the past. All because of that arrogant bastard, Derek.

One day after my usual swim, I had showered in the cabana only to find my clothes and towel gone missing. I was left completely nude and wondering what to do when Derek Vaughn and two women entered the pool area and started having sex. Despite my initial disgust, I found myself watching their hedonistic display. Unfortunately, I enjoyed myself a little too much, and got busted. Derek had walked in on me nude, and had called me out for spying on him. Before I was able to escape the encounter, I had been spanked by the egotistical prick, and he had ended up bringing me to the most intense orgasm of my life before I had run off mortified.

I shuddered thinking about the incident. It was the most humiliating moment of my life. And yet, I thought about it every day since. When I thought about it, my pussy would tighten with desire. When I dreamed about Derek, as I often did, I would awaken filled with forbidden thoughts. I couldn’t get the man out of my head. I hated him, no doubt. But I could no longer deny to myself how much I lusted after him. My head was much smarter than my body – I would stay clear of Derek, and I would not have to worry.
Now why did that smart decision leave me feeling so empty?

I jumped in my seat as a sharp knock sounded at the door. “Ms. Collins, are you in there?”

“Yes, come on in.” I smoothed down my blouse as the door opened. It was Marcy, one of the house staff. “Hi, Marcy. I haven’t seen you in quite a while.”

Marcy nodded her agreement. “Well, you have been working so hard. I miss our little chats. Mr. Vaughn has asked for you. He wanted to meet you in the library if you were still here. Can I tell him you will be joining him?”

My heart started pounding furiously in my chest. “Derek wants to see me?”

“Derek? No, not Derek. Mr. Vaughn, uh, Jackson…”

I felt my cheeks bloom. “Of course, yes. Jackson. Yes, please tell Mr. Vaughn I’ll be joining him right away. Thanks Marcy.”

I definitely had to shake Derek from my mind. I needed a clear head when I met Jackson Vaughn, my billionaire employer, for the first time. I wished I had been wearing something more professional, but I hadn’t even known Vaughn was in town, let alone at this estate. The linen shorts and white blouse would have to do.

I checked my hair and makeup in a mirror and headed out toward the library. I knocked firmly on the door before entering. Jackson Vaughn stood as I entered and moved forward to take my hand in greeting. Jackson was as tall and handsome as his son. He looked to be in excellent physical shape for a man his age. His dark wavy hair, just graying at the temples, and his shrewd gray eyes looked just like his son’s. Where his son was pure sex appeal, Jackson Vaughn was quiet and assured sophistication.

“Well, Ms. Collins, it’s nice to finally meet you. I hope everyone has been looking after you while you’ve been here? Can I offer you a drink?” Jackson was refreshing his own drink.

I wasn’t sure what types of drinks etiquette demanded in this situation, so I declined. “Please, you can call me Julia.”

“Ah, and likewise, please call me Jackson. I hope you haven’t been over-working yourself, Julia. Marcy was just reprimanding me. She accused me of keeping you locked up here - a virtual prisoner.” Jackson motioned for me to sit while he sipped at his drink.

I dismissed the charge with a wave of the hand. “I enjoy my job immensely. I’m afraid that I can become very single-minded when I’m trying to get to the bottom of a case. And unfortunately, I haven’t been able to catch any leads yet in this investigation. Without my team, it’s going to take much longer…”

Jackson brushed aside my words. “I fully understand how long this might take, but the discretion is invaluable to me. However, I am troubled to hear that Marcy was correct. I don’t want you to burn out working such long hours.”

“Please, Jackson, don’t even worry about it. I know my limits.” I spoke confidently, trying to assure him of my commitment.

Suddenly a warm smile broke out on his face. “I’ve just the thing! You could use a fun evening to break up the boring work. My wife is hosting a charity masquerade ball this Saturday. That’s why we’re in town, in fact. I’d like you to come as my guest.”

I felt butterflies dance in my stomach. Crunching numbers was a safety zone for me. Fancy parties hosted by fabulously rich people were way out of my league. “Oh, that’s not necessary at all. I’m not even sure…”

Jackson cut me off. “I’m not even going to let you refuse! These things are always quite amusing and the ladies just love dressing up in costume. Plus, tons of money is raised for a good cause – this is one of our most successful events every year.”

How in the world was I going to get out of this one? “Costume? I don’t think I could come up with anything suitable on such short notice.”

Jackson laughed. “Don’t think you can get out of it that easily. Marcy will find something for you. We have closets full of garments for all these events. My wife loves dragging me to this stuff. It’s settled then. I will have a car come around to your residence at 8:45 on Saturday to pick you up. And Julia, make sure you save a dance for me.”

I stood to leave, still searching for a way to back out. Nothing came to mind. I departed leaving Jackson looking pleased with his idea. I felt like Cinderella going to the fancy ball. And of course, I was wondering if Derek would be there.




Derek grabbed another champagne flute from a passing waiter and downed it quickly. The night stretched interminably before him. He had come to the silly masquerade for his mother’s sake alone. He figured he would make the best of the situation and find some high society girls or bored housewives to spice up his post-party plans. But instead, he had brushed off all the eager women who had made advances toward him. His mood had grown increasingly dark as he watched his father, the perfect host, playing up to all the beautiful women nipping at his heels. And his mother, ever the graceful lady, was too busy enjoying her night to even notice.

Disgusted, Derek looked away from his father. Ever since the night nearly six months ago when he stumbled upon his father’s dark secret, he could not bear the sight of the man. Derek watched his father laughing enthusiastically with a group of young ladies. Derek fancied he could see a gleam of malice in the man’s eye, appearing even from behind the leather mask that he wore.

Derek swore under his breath. The crowd of ostentatiously dressed people in elaborate masks was leaving him cold. He recalled the previous year’s ball, when decadence and over-indulgence had led him to a wild night of sexual debauchery. Tonight, he just wasn’t in the mood.

He was thinking about sneaking out of the party when his eyes wandered over to his father, always the center of the crowd. Jackson was dancing with a stunning young woman. They danced so beautifully together that the crowd started forming a loose circle around them, giving them the floor. Derek’s eyes narrowed watching the hypocrite. Jackson was the envy of every man and fantasy of every woman at the party.
If they only knew.

The music drew to a close and the couple stopped. The woman belatedly seemed to realize the crowd had been watching them when they received a warm round of applause. She curtsied quite low, her perfect breasts threatening to spill from the elaborate dress she was wearing. She smiled quite bashfully, before Jackson gallantly took her hand and led her from the dance floor. Young men vying for her attention immediately swarmed around her.

Derek couldn’t peel his eyes from the woman. There was something familiar about this woman, but he couldn’t quite place it. He tried to imagine what she would look like without the feathered mask covering most of her face, without her hair piled elaborately on her head, and without the ornate ball gown covering her delectable curves. It was driving him crazy; he was sure that he knew her.




I took the glass of wine from the handsome young man, smiling my thanks. I was having a wonderful time receiving the attention of the group of men surrounding me, each jockeying for position. Although my dress felt way too tight and squished my breasts mercilessly to shockingly display them, I felt very free and empowered wearing the costume. I looked nothing like my normal self. The masks at the party leant an air of elegance and mystery, which I found very stimulating. A few glasses of wine and I was practically giddy with excitement. I really did feel like Cinderella at the ball.

I was nervous when I had first entered. Jackson and his wife were greeting the guests as they entered, and it was obvious that Jackson did not even recognize me. I leaned in to whisper to him my identity and even his suave elegance could not hide his approval at my transformation. He introduced me to his wife and then reminded me that I had promised him a dance.

I did not expect him to actually dance with me, but he did. He caused quite a stir amongst the ladies as he led me to the dance floor. I felt all eyes on me as I concentrated on not making a fool of myself. Luckily, I had danced for years as a girl, so I was quite light and quick on my feet. Jackson was an impeccable dance partner and soon he had me twirling around the dance floor.

I teased Jackson that he was disappointing the ladies by dancing with me. Charming as ever, he told me that they were just jealous because I was the beauty of the ball. I laughed and replied that they wouldn’t be so jealous if they only knew the real me. Jackson gave me a strange look and then spun me. I landed back in his arms and then he pulled me tight and whispered in my ear, “Let’s give them a little something to gossip about!” Jackson proceeded to twirl me around the floor and dip me outrageously. I knew that we were causing a scene, but I was caught up in the moment. The dancing, the music, the costumes and of course the wine were all weaving a magic spell on me.

I shook myself out of my reverie as I took another sip of wine. I laughed politely at one of the men’s jokes. I counted in my head. Seven! There were no less than seven men surrounding me, if I included the two on the periphery who were not quite as aggressive. The orchestra started playing again. The man to the right of me leaned in close to my ear to ask me to dance. I was having too much fun flirting with my fan club to break it up by dancing. I declined by feigning the need for rest.

I realized the man on my left was stroking the inside of my elbow lightly with his fingers. I was contemplating whether I should allow it to continue; when I felt a strong presence break into our little group. The tall muscular man who approached made the men surrounding me look like little boys. I looked into the piercing gray eyes visible through the mask and shivered. The black wavy hair, strong jaw line, sensual lips and broad shoulders could belong to only one man.
. I knew it was him even before he opened his mouth.

“Good evening. Would you care to dance?” An air of authority rang through his quiet words. Even the way the other men backed off when he approached hinted at his unmistakable power.

My heart was hammering in my chest. All the gaiety I was experiencing moments ago drained from my body. I was experiencing only one thing now: pure lust. The man that I had fantasized about constantly for the past month was now standing in front of me. I was so aware of him sexually that it hurt. My pussy throbbed with need as I stared into his eyes.

He extended his hand toward me and I took it automatically, as if I had no choice in the matter. He smiled lazily at me as his eyes slowly descended, burning a trail down my body. My stomach flip-flopped nervously as he stared at my barely contained breasts.

I felt his warm hand on my lower back as he guided me to the dance floor. He pulled me close in a fairly intimate grasp as our steps immediately fell into synch with the flowing music. My breasts were crushed up against his hard body. I saw him glance downward, still fascinated with the creamy flesh of my cleavage spilling out of the daring gown. I blushed as my nipples responded to his gaze, growing taut and hard. I hoped he couldn't see them through the silky fabric of my dress.

He smiled slowly, as if enjoying a secret, and then leaned in to whisper in my ear. His words caused little shivers to run down my spine. "Are you enjoying the evening?"

I smiled hesitantly, not sure if my identity was still a secret. "Yes, very much so."

"Well, you seem to have quite a number of admirers. I hope I didn't steal you away from any of them?"

His mouth so near to my sensitive ear was wreaking havoc on my control. My voice warbled slightly, "No, not at all. I am enjoying our dance."

His fingers caressed my arm, rubbing lightly. "Despite the disguise these masks afford, I am sure that we have not met before. I would never forget such a beautiful woman as yourself… or forget such an exquisite body." He punctuated his remark with a quick nibble to my ear lobe almost causing me to mis-step.

The pent up nervousness I felt in his presence evaporated as his words slowly sunk into my over-stimulated brain.
He hadn't recognized me!
And why would he? I looked completely different in this elaborate costume. He had only seen me for a brief few moments, more than a month earlier. While I had relived those moments every day since, he had probably forgotten the encounter as soon as he walked out the door and met up with his two blonde bimbos.

I would die of embarrassment if he knew who I was, but now I could enjoy this little secret. "No, I don't believe we have met."

He expertly guided me around the dance floor. "My name is Derek. And yours?"

He pulled slightly apart from me to look into my eyes. Heady with delight from his nearness and from the decadent atmosphere, I threw caution to the wind. "My name is Cynthia. But my friends call me Cindy." I giggled at my fabrication, based on my Cinderella analogy. If I only had until midnight, I was determined to enjoy every last minute of it.

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