MASON (Second Chance Novels Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: MASON (Second Chance Novels Book 2)
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I drive her to a five-star restaurant and my date looks at me in quiet awe. I kiss her knuckles as we walk to our candle-lit table. Shelby fits in perfectly here. She's the picture of class and beauty. She may be a computer nerd, but tonight she's a celebrity. Already I'm feeling a stronger bond.

"This is amazing," she says in a quiet voice. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I tell her with a deliberately-soft smile. "I wanted you to have a special evening. You deserve it. Between my job and the project, I haven't spent enough time with you."

Her eyes betray how much that fact bothers her, but she's letting those frustrations fall away. "This means a lot," she nods. I want to kick my own ass for neglecting her.

I spend the entire dinner putting her first, showing her how important she is to me, and allowing her to shine the way she deserves. By the time we share a dessert, Shelby is relaxed and looking at me in a way that gets to me. She's feeling strong emotion tonight. I pay the bill with a thank-you to the waiter and help Shelby from her chair. She leans up and kisses me on the cheek with a thank-you of her own.

When we finally arrive back to my house, I lead her to my room which is decorated with more roses.


I get behind her and wrap her up in my arms. Seductive kisses on our neck help me work on our connection. Romance is difficult for me, to be honest, but tonight I'll use the concept to put things right with Shelby. I pull her hair aside and run my lips softly along her ear. I skim my fingertips from her shoulder to her wrist and she sighs. She obviously appreciates the romance along with all the hot and playful.

"You are so beautiful," I whisper across her ear. "I'm lucky to have you here with me."

She turns herself around to reach her arms around my neck. She looks at me with a soft, smoldering smile right before she pushes herself up on her toes. I hold her tight while she kisses me deeply. I slowly lower the zipper down her back and squeeze her ass gently while I'm down there. With a deep, sexy look, Shelby takes one step back, allowing her dress to pool on the floor.

Holy shit. She's in black lace panties and thigh-highs…and no bra to wrestle her out of. I take a deep breath as I look at her. "So damn sexy…"

I push my suit coat off and Shelby deals with my tie. Between the two of us, I'm down to my skivvies in moments. She drags her hand across my abs before pushing my boxers down. I pick her up sharply and she wraps her legs around me so I can walk her to my bed. The sheets swish softly as I lay her down and crawl over her. I drag her panties down with my teeth, and she starts to reach for her sexy black stilettos.

"Leave them on," I breath across her thigh, placing small kisses up her hip until I reach her breasts. I push and lick strongly with my tongue and she's moaning in no time. I continue my way up to her neck, making sure she feels nothing but pleasure and dedication from me tonight. Her silk-covered legs wrap around me and her heels drag along my lower back. That is one sexy-ass sensation.

I tease for a while, but I know this isn't the connection she needs tonight. She needs more from me than this, so I do my best to mesh hot with romantic, only interrupting to reach for a condom. I kiss her neck and get myself right between her legs. She looks me in the eye and pulls my body into her. I groan a heavy breath the moment I'm inside of her.

I keep my heavy, romantic pace and whisper to her again. "You are beautiful, Shelby," I tell her. "You feel so good…"

She breathes heavily beneath me, moaning more and more often as our pace increases. She murmurs words to me, as well. I move with her slow and strong, bringing us to the brink together and connecting us the way she needs. The more I focus, the more I offer her. She's truly beautiful when she comes.

I smile, knowing this evening has been exactly what I designed it to be. She got what she needed from me. We're solid again, regardless of what's going on in the rest of the world. I remove myself from her body and settle to her side. Those silky hose beckon my fingers to her slender legs. With soft attention, my hands carefully remove her shoes and toss them to the floor.

Shelby snuggles against me and I kiss her hair. Tonight is a victory all the way around.

Aside from my night with Shelby, my week is standard. I bartend like always. Dig and I ignore what happened between us the other night. We strategize and surveil, all while Simms and Miller are sweating at work. They're making Dig's life hell in the mean time, and I see her toying with that same strand of hair more often. She shuts me down any time I mention anything other than our next move. She assures me IA is working our side and should have something by Monday. She can handle it. And there's that control I'm losing. I trust her, but I can't help worrying about her.

Sofia has also spent the week reaching out to various precinct chiefs across the city, but only those with good reputations. She may need allies as we go forward, so she fosters those relationships early. She's a hell of a smart cop.

By Thursday's shift at the bar, I'm rolling through the investigation in my head as always, and Ledger comes in to do some financial work for a while. He stops for a quick hello before heading into the office.

"Mason," he calls over. I nod and meet him at the end of the bar.

"I need to get out of the house this weekend. I think Cam needs me to quit hovering, and Shelby promised to hover for me. I'm sure she won't be as bad as I am. Will you be my excuse? We haven't been camping in months."

I consider this for a moment. The investigation could use a weekend off, too. Cam and Shelby could use some girl time. Dig needs to spend some time with her family. All of that aside, I could definitely use some outdoor time to clear my head, which in spite of all my efforts is still a mess. Focusing on my regular routine this week hasn't helped at all. Even my superb evening with Shelby changed very little for me.

I send a quick text to Dig, and surprisingly enough she agrees that time at home would be well spent. She and nearly all her entire Italian family all live in the same enormous house. Dig has her own place in what used to be a carriage house, but she takes her meals in her family's dining room. Her family is tight. I haven't met them yet, but the very concept makes me smile.

I pack minimal gear Friday morning and stop at the store for provisions before heading to Ledger's house. A few steps on the sidewalk and I'm hit in the face by a sickly-sweet happy vibe. These two are something else.

"You ready yet?" I ask as I let myself into their house. "Hey Cam."

"Hi," she says with a genuine, easy smile. She seems back to the old Cam. The fallout from Garrett will last a long time, but she's stronger than anyone would have guessed.

"How are classes going?"

"Good," she nods warmly. "It's nice to be back…to be doing something real again."

I can't help myself. I walk over and pick her up in a big bear hug. "I'm happy for you."


"Hey!" Ledger barks with a smile. "Off my woman."

I chuckle and drop her so fast she stumbles. Cam laughs and Ledger shakes his head at my typical antics. "Jackass."

"At least I'm a jackass who's ready to go camping. Can you say the same?"

"Camp-ready, yes. The jackass part? I'll leave that to you."

I grin as Cam gives him a kiss goodbye. Then she turns to me. "Don't worry. Shelby and I will hang out while you're gone and spend a lot of time talking about the two of you."

"Awesome." I hope my sarcasm came across thickly.

Cam laughs and kisses Ledger one more time. I leave so I don't have to watch. Passionate doesn't adequately describe the two of them. I'm happy they found that intensity in each other, but I don't want to be anywhere near it. By the time I have my bag and equipment out of my truck, Ledger's rearranging his gear to make room in his Jeep. He double checks the lashings over the kayaks and seems to be ready.

"I brought enough climbing gear for two, my friend," I say with a grin. Ledger matches my smile. He soaks up the adventure every time we're out. Since he never had the chance to do anything fun when he was a kid, he's ready to make up for lost time. That works for me. I have someone to chase the adrenaline with. I have to keep things fairly tame with this newbie, but it's great to be out either way. When I need to hit it hard, I go solo.

"Climbing? Nice," he says with a genuine smile as he walks to the driver's seat. Not a moment later we're driving the two hours to a national park that has a few decent 30-foot rock faces and beginner-level bouldering areas. I know a good spot for camp I've used a few times before. With the weather so perfect, I didn't bother with a tent.

"Yeah, I think you'll like it," I say. "If you're into it we'll get you some of your own gear. You can tackle bigger faces simply by having the right climbing shoes. So how's Cam doing? She smiled pretty easily, but I know she's had practice at putting on a good face."

"Yeah," he shakes his head. "She still tries that with me sometimes, but I call her out. There's simply no sense in it. But she's doing a lot better either way, especially now that she's back in school. That's always been her choice. Living out her own goals has brought out a whole new side of her."

I nod, thrilled that Cam, and therefore Ledger, are so much happier. We talk longer about her therapy and personal efforts. Ledger quietly tells me about her continuing nightmares and damn-near chokes up about how bad they are. From what he says, she curls up and quietly cries. No screaming, no anger, no fear. She simply wakes up broken. That's the only way he can describe it. The knowledge makes me want to resurrect Garret Masters so
can kill him this time. Even though Cam isn't mine to protect, I have a drive for delivering justice, especially to smug, power-hungry sons-of-bitches. One of those assholes destroyed my life, too, and I want to take them all down. If not for my project with Dig, I'd be going thoroughly crazy by now.

When we get to the tree-crowned end of the back service drive deep in the park, we carry our gear a few hundred yards in. The clearing I found last year is a perfect spot to camp. After setting up the fire ring, a few basic provisions and our sleeping bags, we're set. I'm not big for drinking outdoors, but I did bring one beer for each of us. Ledger grins and pulls out two cigars to go with them. I nod and reach for my lighter.

I fucking love this. Cold beer, good cigar, great friend, out in the open – this is exactly what I needed. This is pure relaxation and fun for me. Until Ledger opens his big-ass mouth.

"So what are you going to do about Shelby?" he asks after he takes a deep pull from his cigar.

My eyes shoot over to him. I refuse to engage in this with him.

"Come on, Mase. I'm worried about
in this. And I've seen it. Shelby's in love with you…and you like her. But then I saw you look at Dig when she came to talk to you Wednesday."

I sit in silence. The fire crackles. My beer is cold and I'm trying to relax. That's all I need to think about, but Ledger can't let the subject drop.

"It's going to affect all of us when this hits the fan. So like I said, what are you going to do about Shelby?"

"Shelby and I are solid, Ledge," I say with a degree of annoyance.

"If you truly believe that, you're an idiot."

"Fuck off."

"Not this time," he says plainly, with a hint of 'don't fuck with me' in his voice. "Sorry, Mason, but you seriously have to think about this. Shelby's going to have her heart broken, and soon. Cam will be pissed. We all hang out at the bar. Dig's been in a few times, and she gets along with everyone. It wouldn't surprise me if she becomes part of the crowd. How do you think this is going to play out?"

"You asshole," I nearly shout. "So
is why you suggested camping?"

"Part of it. When else could I have this conversation?"

"Ok, then think about
conversation: we're in the woods. Plenty of places to hide your body. Trust me, no one will ever find you."

Ledger smirks and drops the subject for a moment. In semi-awkward silence, I stoke the fire and he pulls out the steaks and gets a flat rock ready to serve as a searing-stone. I foil the potatoes and come up with every other excuse not to talk to him. Once the meal is cooking and our plates and drinks are ready, he opens his fucking mouth

"So what are you going to do about Shelby?"

"I'll tell you one last time. FUCK OFF," I say, now genuinely angry. I stub out the last bit of my cigar on a rock and then throw it hard into the woods. A cigar offers no satisfying weight or crash, so I pick up a rock and do the same thing. A hickory tree takes the brunt of my anger, but then my shoulders drop and I take another drink of beer. I'm pissed at myself, not Ledger. "I don't fucking know."

"Can I help?" Ledger asks genuinely.

"Should we hold hands and kumbaya while we share our feelings?"

"Now it's your turn to fuck off," he says with more anger than I expected. "Seriously, don't be such a jackass about this! Don't try to play the humor card with me, either. I know how full of shit you are with half of that. Be real for once. If you don't want Shelby anymore, then end it now."

"But I do want Shelby," I tell him. "Look, you know enough about my time in the Army to know that life was never simple…I was always on the edge. I'm
done with that
. I want stable, calm, and happy. That's my time with Shelby exactly. That's what I'm working toward.
my goal."

Ledger actually fucking laughs out loud.

"And what is so damn funny?" I grit out.

"Happiness with Shelby is your
? For someone so smart, you're dumber than shit."

BOOK: MASON (Second Chance Novels Book 2)
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