Read Mason: Inked Reapers MC Online

Authors: Heather West

Mason: Inked Reapers MC (21 page)

BOOK: Mason: Inked Reapers MC
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              “See, you still haven’t learned patience.” He pinched my clit then moved his hand, leaving it still wanting and now alone.


              Both hands pulled my ass cheeks apart, leaving my body completely exposed to him. Only a month ago, I would have felt my face flush with fire at the idea of him seeing my ass and pussy open to him, now, all I could think about was him filling me with his cock.


              “Do you want me to fuck you slow?” The tremor in his voice betrayed him. He had as much trouble as I did with slow and gentle. He wanted it rough, fast, hard. But I had disobeyed him. I had made him search for me. I had ignored him. I needed to earn it.


              “I want you, Mason. I just want you.” I whispered. His expression softened, but the determination to make me say it didn’t falter. “I want you to fuck me hard.” I hit the right target, his grin nearly lit up the room.


              “Such a filthy mouth.” He winked at me, then looked down to where our bodies were touching. In a heartbeat, he penetrated me, leaving me breathless from the long awaited fullness. He sunk all the way in, until his balls pushed against my ass. My cheeks were still spread wide with his hands; he’s able to go in further this way, I think. I felt so wonderfully stretched.


              “Fuck, I forgot how tight you were,” he growled, leaning over me and pulling my hair to get me to look back at him. The movement sucked him in even further; how much farther could he go before he split me in two? “I need to move, baby. Are you ready?”


              He held still, letting me adjust to his size, but I wanted him to move, too. I nodded. “Yes, Mason. Yes. It feels too good to stop.”


              “Missed me, did you?” he said, and slowly started moving again. Withdrawing almost all the way out before pushing back in, agonizingly slow in his thrusts. How much more torture was he going to dish out?


              “Yes. So much.” Tears pricked my eyes. It wasn’t the physical pain of lusting after him, or his cock slowly stretching me, it was the idea that I almost threw him away. He didn't have to come after me, he could have said to hell with me and left me up in the cabin. He didn’t though. He came for me. He didn’t let me run. He didn’t let me go. “I’m sorry, Mason. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you enough.”


              His eyes lit up with my words. Letting go of my ass he reached over and wiped the tear that slipped out of my control and down my cheek. “There it is, that’s what I needed.”


              Small thrusts at first, Mason took me. Gripping my waist he allowed me a few inches of his cock before pulling back, letting me get used to him in that position. He thrusted in steady strokes, sliding in and out, making me feel every inch of him.


              Everything he gave me, I had no choice but to accept. He controlled the moment, and taking his time, not giving me the hard fucking I want so badly, was his way of making sure I understood that. “Who does this body belong to, Lucy?” He trailed his fingertips down my spine before grabbing onto my ass cheek.


              “You, Mason.”


              The next moment, he pulled out, nearly to the tip, then drove full force into me, nearly knocking me off my knees and flat onto my face. His fingers tightened around my waist, for a second I worried about bruising, but then he moved again and my mind reeled with the sensation of his dick stroking me so deep and hard.


              I wanted to face him, to stare at his face while he took me so forcefully, but he had other ideas. He reached beneath me, again finding my clit. “So, slippery,” he murmured against my neck before sinking his teeth into me. I gasped at the sharpness of it, but another hot rush of sensations ran to my very core. He bit me again, sucking my skin into his mouth while he continued to plow hard into me.


              I wiggled beneath him, all of the sensations at one time overwhelming my mind. The pressure building in my body increased with each lick, bite and stroke he gave me. “Oh, god!” I screamed out, looking back at him. “Please. I have to come. I’m going to come.”


              “Go ahead, baby. Come all over my cock,” he growled in my ear, the heat of his breath on my skin adding to the other layers of sensations. Mason groaned as my entire body shook with my orgasm exploding. My pussy spasmed around his dick, but he didn’t stop moving, he fucked me even harder, driving out every last bit of my orgasm. My throat tightened, my chest heaved, I needed to scream, to help relieve the pressure in some other way, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. The intense waves of my orgasm rushed over me a second time when he shifted his hips and rubbed my clit harder and faster. I couldn’t take in air, I couldn't scream, my body was at his mercy, coming hard around his cock.


              “That’s a good girl.” He kissed my neck, where he had surely left teeth marks only moments before. “Ride it down, baby.” He slowed his thrusts, but didn’t stop until my muscles relaxed, completely spent from riding the orgasm.


              “I can’t hold back anymore,” he whispered, still making small movements.


              My mind cleared and I nodded. “Then don’t.” It was all he needed. I heard his breath hitch as he quickened his pace, increased his thrusts. Again his fingers dug into my flesh as he pulled my ass toward him and thrust forward. The animalistic fucking was even harder than before, the sound of flesh slapping flesh bounced off the walls of the small bedroom. A thin layer of sweat began to build on my back. My pussy tightened, I could feel another orgasm building, but he was too close to his end.


              “Fuck!” He pushed all the way into me, his balls hitting my clit. His entire body shuddered, and I knew he’d been whisked away in his own release. He leaned forward, resting his head on my back.


              Several minutes later, he still breathed heavy on my back, and I tried to catch my own. “When I found out you left town, I never felt so worried.” With a grunt, he slid out of me and rolled to my side. I moved to mine as well, and pushed up on my elbow so I could look at him better.             


              “I didn’t mean to worry you. I thought I was doing what was best, for us both.” I scooted down on the bed, and rested my head on his chest. His shirt was still on, but no leather. “Where’s your vest?” I leaned back up to ask him. I realized then he hadn’t been wearing it when he got off his bike either.


              “My cut? I didn’t bring it.” He pulled me back down to his chest. “Don’t distract me.” He gave me a playful swat to my hip. “Jayson is looking for you. If I was able to find you, he will, too. We need to leave this place, go further north or east.”


              “What about Tick?”


              “There’s been some shit going on that he’ll need to stick around for a bit to see through. He wants us to take Massy with us, though, get her to safer ground. Then, once the shit storm passes, we’ll figure something out.” He touched my face with his finger.


              “What about your mother? He threatened your mom.”


              “Mom’s fine. I called her this morning. She and Tick’s ma go on a small vacation every year, they left yesterday.” He pulled me closer, holding my face in his hands. His face changed, his eyes grew serious. “Promise me you won’t run again. No more hiding. Say it. Promise me.”


              How could I ever think to run away from him again?


              “I promise, Mason. No more running.”


              “That’s my girl.” He pulled me down, kissing me hard. “Now. What do you have for food in this place?”











              I watched her sleep from the doorway of the bedroom. The morning sunlight already began to creep into the room, almost shining right on her. After staying up most of the night reinstituting who owned that luscious body of hers, she needed more rest. I wanted to get on the road, put more distance between us and the MCs, but it could wait another hour.


              Finding her had been like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I knew where she was, Jessica had given me the address and directions, but I wasn’t stupid enough to think I’d get to her before Jayson. He may have had someone tailing her who would have easily been able to follow her all the way to the cabin. The woman had no sense when it came to surviving within the MC world.


              Seeing that rusted car sitting in front of the cabin had eased some of the ache in my chest, but when she peeked out from the curtains, the little look of shock in her face had finally put to rest my worst fear that I’d be finding her bloody body in the cabin. The woman brought out my protective side in the strongest way. Maybe because she’d been so selfless taking care of her mom all those years. Maybe because when she looked at me with those large brown eyes, I wanted to be sure they never looked at me with sadness or worry again.


              I’d never felt much for any girls I’d ever been with. No strings, that’s how I liked my women. Being with Lucy changed something about that. Made all that fucking and leaving seem so meaningless and wasteful. Fighting against the feelings she stirred up in me wasn’t working. Having left my cut behind, a symbol that I was on my way out, proved that. Never would I have thought to leave my MC, even with Marcus being such an asshole. But Lucy didn’t belong there, it wasn’t her world, and I didn’t want it to be. She had such a pure warmth to her, I wouldn’t be the one to tarnish that.


              I knew she ran off because she didn’t want me to give up the life for her, she thought I wouldn’t want to, that I’d be miserable outside the club. Two months ago, that might have been true. But with her in my life, anywhere would be home. As long as I had her in my life, in my bed, everything would be fine.


              Leaving her to rest a bit longer, I went out on the front porch to give Tick a call.


              “You find her?”


              “No hello?” I laughed.


              “Marcus has been banging on everyone’s door, searching you out, and Jayson’s doing the same lookin’ for her.”


              “Marcus made it pretty clear he’d be happy to see my ass walking out the door.” I kicked some dirt from the porch.


              “Yeah, well. This shit with Julio and Bernardo is getting fucking messy. Lucas came by the diner last night while I was out with Massy. He’s taking over for Jayson.”


              A rebellion in the Disciples? “How’s that gonna go?”


              “Fuck if I know. He just told me that once Julio buries his brother, he’s heading up here. He doesn’t give a shit about Marcus, he wants Lucas to run things. If Marcus won’t play along with that, then Marcus will be out, too.”


              “Jesus. Out of the cartel crap?”


              “No, out. Julio is backing Lucas, taking over the Reapers and pulling them into the Disciples.”


              “What the fuck? He can’t do that shit. This isn’t his business.”


              “Running his shit is his business, and having two clubs fighting for his attention isn’t working for him. Dude, he fucking took out his brother and his mistress.”


              “She gave him access to Bernardo, that’s all that was.”


              “Yeah, I figure the same thing.” Tick shouted something in the background to Massy. “You coming down to get my girl? She’s getting on my last nerve.”


              “She feeling okay?”


              “Other than a sore ass, she’s fine.” I could imagine the shit-eating grin on his face when he made that boast. He would never harm Massy, if she sat tender it was because she’d wanted it that way. “She’s just getting antsy waiting for everything to go down. I shoulda sent her with our moms, she woulda been safe.”


              “From Marcus maybe, but those two hens woulda pecked her to death.” I laughed.


              “Mom loves her, especially now that she’s giving her a grandkid, and got the noose around my neck.” No matter how derogatory Tick made marriage sound, I’d never seen the son of a bitch so damn happy. “You found your girl?”


              “Yeah. I found her. She’s fine.” I looked back at the cabin, through the window. Lucy stood in the kitchen drinking a bottle of water. The white tank top she wore barely covered her flat stomach, and her purple panties hid nothing from my view. Since when did she wear thongs?


“We’ll swing down this afternoon if Massy’s ready.”


              “She’ll be ready.” Tick took a deep breath, letting it out slow into the phone. “Your girl better be worth all this shit.”


              I kept my eyes glued to Lucy while she pulled her hair into a pony tail. The tank lifted up, almost showing the swell of her breasts. “Yeah. She is. See you this afternoon.” I didn’t wait for a reply before I hung up.


              Lucy stood in front of the fridge, holding the door open, searching for breakfast. I hadn’t thought about eating, at least not about food. I slid up behind her at the fridge, wrapping my arms around her waist. She didn’t even jump.


              “How’d your phone call go?” she asked without looking back at me.


              “Good. You gonna make us breakfast?” I nuzzled the soft base of her neck, basking in her morning scent. Sex and sleep.


              “Well, I’m not as stocked up as I thought I was. We have cereal or cereal on the menu.” Grabbing the milk, she shut the door.


              “We can stop on the road.” I took the milk from her. There wasn’t enough for even one of us to have breakfast. If I hadn’t gotten to her, how long would she have gone before she ran out of food? That car of hers might have made up the mountain the first time, but I didn’t give it any credit to make it a second.


              “Where are we going?” She stepped out of my grasp and turned to lean against the counter.


              “After we pick up Massy, I’m taking the two of you up north. There’s a cottage that belongs to Massy’s grandmother. We should be okay tucked up there for a while. We’ll pick up provisions on the way. Tick will join us later when this all settles down.”


              “I’ve never asked you about club business, but I’m asking now. What’s going on? Are you in danger from more than just Jayson and Marcus?” The little wrinkle in her brow tugged at me.


              “Both of the clubs have been working with the cartel for a while now. We had to make the truce in order to do business with them because Bernardo, the one running shit for the Mexicans, didn’t want a turf war. Since then, both Marcus and Jayson have been trying to trip the other into doing something stupid, make the Cartel believe the other wasn’t honoring the truce. Julio—Bernardo’s brother—had some other grand plans. He got both of the MCs to try and take out Bernardo. Tick and I were the decoy, making Bernardo’s wife think we were taking out Bernardo so she could be with Julio, but Julio had the Disciples on standby taking out Bernardo and Carmella, his wife.”


              “Shit. Like a really bad soap opera.” She gave me a sly smile. “How do you keep up with who’s on your side and who’s not?”
              Good question. Marcus not doing shit about Jasper’s death played into everything, but I had no clue how. He seemed to be in the dark about Carmella being a target while we were down there. Tick didn’t think he knew about Lucas taking over both clubs. If he did, Marcus sure as hell wouldn’t be wasting time looking for me, he’d be hunting down Lucas.


              “I take good notes.” I tapped the side of my temple. “It’s all up here.”


              She rolled her eyes and gave a sexy laugh. “Whatever. Do I have time for a shower?”


              I looked at my phone. “You have exactly two minutes to get your naked ass in the shower. I’ll be there in three.”


              The pixie rolled her eyes again and sauntered past me, heading back to the room. I reached out and gave her ass a swat, enjoying the jiggle of her cheeks as she bounded down the hall and into the bathroom.


BOOK: Mason: Inked Reapers MC
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