Mason: Inked Reapers MC (11 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Mason: Inked Reapers MC
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              Whatever kept those guys out on the road all day must have been really serious. When Sting and his guys walked through the door of the club that night, they all looked pissed and ready to fight. I wasn't in the mood, so I kept to the bar and helped Jessica sling beer and whiskey. 


              Jayson managed to leave me alone while the guys were gone. I’d gotten a solid five hours of sleep before Jessica woke me up. The longer they were gone, the more I worried for Mason. The two clubs hated each other. Even if the cartel made them play nice, how long would it last?  What were they up to? I knew enough to know I didn’t want the details, but I needed to know Mason got home in one piece.


              Sting left the guys at the bar and headed to Jayson’s room. If his scowl was any indication, I’d say they all had a pretty shitty day. “Just keep the liquor flowing. Most of these guys are gonna suffer whiskey dick pretty soon, just keep it coming, sweetheart.” Jessica ran a hand over my back. I nodded. That would suit me fine. 


              “Lucy, bring a couple of beers back to Jayson and Sting,” Lucas called out to me as he walked through the lounge. 


              I found them in the meeting room, Sting’s face red and Jayson looking as cool as ever. “I did what you said, tried everything. I couldn’t fucking shake them.” Sting threw a chair back from the table and plopped down in it. “Fucking Day wouldn’t give me an inch after he saw those fucking troopers on the road. What the fuck were they doing out there anyway? Today was just a trial.” He grabbed the beer I handed him and chugged it, not stopping until the bottle was empty.


              Jayson eyed me when I put another bottle on the table for Sting, then put one down next to him. “Hey, sweet thing.” He reached his hand out and gave my ass a pinch. 


              “Knock it off, Jayson.” I swatted his hand away.


              “What? You don’t like me anymore?”


              “Anymore?” I laughed. His eyes narrowed, and the thin lips I could see under his thick mustache curled.


              “You know, Lucy. I was gonna talk with you in private. But, we’re family.” He waved to his brother, who looked pretty confused at the change in topic.


              “I’m gonna forgive your debt.” He held up a hand before I could react. “I’m gonna make you my old lady. And my old lady don’t need to pay her way.” 


              I nearly dropped the tray I balanced in my palm. “What?” The air left my chest with that one word. “Why would I ever agree to that? You don’t like me.”
              “Like you? What does that have to do with it?  I don’t even know you. It doesn't matter though, You see, as my old lady, you’ll be whatever I want you to be. If I want you to be a little housewife, that’s what you’ll be. If I want you to keep being my slut, that's what you’ll be. See?” He looked up at me from his chair, his eyes not showing an ounce of care or compassion.


              “Jayson. I have plans,” I started to say, ignoring the snort that came from Sting. “I’m going to go to school. Be a nurse. Do something with myself.” I spoke, but it wasn't’ for him. It was for me. Reminding myself why I was standing up to him at that moment. Trying to make him see reason.


              “You can still go to school. I’ll let you get your nurse’s hat. Lucas had a good point. We could use someone around here with medical training. Save the boys from having to go to the ER every time they split their fucking noses open.” 


              “How much more do I owe?” I avoided the topic at hand. I need time. An escape.


              “Not sure. A lot.” 


              “Why me?” I whispered the question. I wasn't’ even sure I was asking him or the universe in general. When my mom got sick, I didn’t pity myself. I didn’t blame any super being for what happened. I took control of the situation and handled it. When I ran out of money from paying mom’s bills and lost my job because the store closed down, I didn’t mope about it. I picked up my shit and moved on. Now, though…now I wanted to fucking know why this was happening to me.


              “Because you’re here. And I won’t lie, Lucy, you’re hot.” Jayson ran his fingers over my stomach, over the tight knit dress I wore. I felt nothing but repulsion at the touch. Not the electricity and fire I felt when Mason’s fingers did the same thing.


              “There are a lot of hot girls out there. One who would want to be with you, with the club,” I pointed out. I tried to keep the tremble from my voice, but I could still hear it. Sting just looked on as though the entire conversation was entertaining. A sitcom instead of my death sentence.


              “Yeah, all a bunch of whores and silly girls. You have spitfire.” He wrapped his hand around my hip and gave me a little shake. “No. It’s you. The only good thing to come out of that bitch Kerri bringing you here.”


              I looked at Sting at the mention of Kerri’s name, hoping for some reaction. He looked almost bored. She was his girlfriend! He killed her, and he barely recognized her fucking name.


              “I don't know…” I stepped back, letting his hand drop from my hip.  How does one gently let down the president of the club?


              “Well. Let me put it this way.” His eyes darkened as he watched my retreat. “If you say no, your debt will never be paid off. You’ll be the official club Mama. We haven't’ had one of those in a while.” He shot a grin to Sting, who laughed.


              “Fuck, that girl was tough. Took a train every week, that one.” He nodded as he reminisced.


              “A train?” I shot a worried glance between them. 


              “Yeah. A train. Every member—”


              “No. Stop. Never mind. I know what you mean.” I took a deep breath.


              “You think about it. I’ll give you ’til tomorrow.” Jayson waved his hand at me. “Now go. I have work to do. There won't be anyone at your door tonight.  You’re closed for business, Lucy. But deny me what I want, and that door will never close again. Got it?”


              I nodded, suddenly mute, and headed for the door. I needed space. And time. And a way out of the nightmare that had become my life.


              “And Lucy.” His voice struck a nerve in me. “If you see Mason Day again, so much as look in his direction, I’ll fucking kill him. Do you understand me? And his mother, too.”


              I didn’t react. I didn’t have the capacity to at that moment. So many threats in such a small amount of time. I walked out of the room in silence. The tray I was carrying clattered on the bar when I dropped it, and then I walked through the crowded lounge and headed for my room.  Jessica called out to me, but I didn’t care. I needed to get away. I knew Jayson wouldn't let me leave the compound, so I buried myself in my room.








              I had to get a message to Mason. He had been so determined the last time we talked. There had to be a way to get a message to him to drop the idea. To forget me. I was dead weight at this point. Jayson didn’t let anyone touch me after he dropped his idea on me, he kept his word on that. He even didn't come to me either.


              Putting all my hopes into one basket, I dressed and headed out the door. I left a message that I was getting breakfast. Jayson didn’t respond, so I took that as a go ahead. I’d conveniently left out where I’d be getting breakfast from. Mason had been at the diner the last time I ran into him outside the club. I hoped to hell he was there now.


              The sun blared into my car, heating up the already humid space, and again I promised to get the air conditioner fixed before full on summer hit. The clubhouse had been empty, the guys still sleeping off their drinks from the night before, so no one seemed to be tailing me. I doubted Jayson thought I’d try to see Mason so soon after his threat to kill him. If I was lucky, Mason would be at the diner with that friend of his. Then I could get him to help me talk sense into him.


              Luck was on my side for once. I saw his bike as I pulled into the lot and sighed with relief.


He sat with Tick in a corner booth, and immediately he caught my stare. I could see the tension build in his muscles and immediately he looked out the window to see who was with me. I shook my head as I walked over toward him, sliding into a chair at the table next to him.


              “Sit here.” He slid over in his seat, but again I shook my head and picked up the menu.


              “I can’t. I just came to tell you, Jayson is serious. You have to stay away from me. And whatever your deal is with the club—they aren’t honoring it. I don’t know any details other than they are trying to shake you guys loose.”


              “We already knew that, darlin’.” Tick’s thick voice answered me. I blushed. Of course they already knew that.


              “Good. I just wanted to tell you that. You have to stay away. Please.” The rev of an engine caught  my attention and I looked out the window. Sting. Fuck. What was he doing? “Just stay.” I ran for the bathrooms. He was alone. He was probably just picking up some bagels. I’d wait him out.


              I heard Mason call my name. But I didn't hear him move. He followed me into the bathroom, shoving the door closed and bolting the lock. “You’re going to get yourself fucking killed.” I shoved his chest.











              “What are you talking about? What’s going on?” Seeing her walk into the diner had made my morning—until she sat down and opened her mouth.


              She shoved her hair behind her ear and wiped her eyes. Had she been crying? “Jayson said if he caught me so much as looking at you, he’d kill you.”


              “I can take care of myself,” I assured her, reaching out to her.


              She slapped my hands away and took a shaky breath. “And your mom.” 


              My blood ran cold. I dropped my hands back to my sides and let the sentence hang between us, refusing to grasp it just yet. “My mom?”


              “Yeah. He said he’d kill you both.”


              “Lucy, that fucker is a dead man,” I promised her. My teeth clenched so hard my jaw ached. Part of me wanted to rush back out into the diner and rip Sting’s throat out just for being related to that asshole.


              “No.” She took another deep breath. “I came down here because I need you to back off, okay? Everything’s fucked up and I don't want you or your mom to get hurt.” 


              I grabbed her, wrapping my hand around her neck and pulled her to my chest. My arms captured her before she could wiggle away and held her tight. “Baby.” I rested my chin on her head. “He’s not going to lay a finger on my mom. Or you. Ever again.”


              “There’s more.” I let up on my grasp enough for her to talk. “He’s taking me as his old lady.”


              “Fuck no.” I let her go and began to pace the room. Seeing as it was barely large enough for me to take more than three long strides I probably looked a bit more manic than I would have liked. “That’s not going to happen.”


              “He said it was either his old lady or the club’s Mama.” She said the words but I could see she didn’t fully understand them. Being the club’s Mama meant she belonged to all of them. Every member owned her and would do what they wanted with her. She’d service them any way they wanted.


              “Then we go to Jayson, and I’ll pay what you owe. You come back to my club and be my old lady until I can get the funds together to retire from the club. I’ve been with them long enough; as long as I leave in good standing we won't have any problems.” She was already shaking her head at me. I wanted to bend her over the sink and spank her disagreeable ass, then sink my dick so fast into her she screamed my name. It’d been forever since I touched her.


              “No. Doing that would only cause trouble between the two clubs, and I doubt you’d get your good standing badge if you did that.”


              I wanted to laugh over her terminology. This woman had no business in a MC clubhouse. She was right though. Marcus made it fucking clear I was to steer clear of her. But how the fuck was I supposed to do that now? It was bad enough when Jayson had toyed with the idea of making her an old lady, but that he’d proposed it? Threatened to turn her into the club’s maid and whore if she didn’t…it was different now.


              Before I could stop myself, but not that I would have, I grabbed her chin and captured her mouth under mine. Her lips trembled beneath my touch. When the kiss broke, and I looked down into her eyes, I was surprised to find her staring up at me with such sadness.


              “What is it? I promise you, he won’t touch you.” I pushed her hair from her face, letting my fingers drag across her skin and down her neck.


              “You can’t stop him. I can’t either.” There it was again. Sadness. For the moment she was right. My chest ached at the tension there, the helpless sensation of wanting to save and protect her, and being powerless to do it. It wouldn’t just mean being kicked from the club, it could mean our lives. Her life, my life—fuck, if Jayson was as crazed as he seemed, my mom could be in trouble, too.


              “Right now, let’s look at right now.” I kissed her again, her lips, her cheeks. “Just this minute. We’ll figure out the rest later.”


              Her hands pressed against my chest. “Sting is out there.” The reminder did not stifle the erection pressing against my zipper. Every second I was with Lucy was a second too long without touching her. I needed her, and right now, she needed me. I grasped her hands, pulling them up to my lips and pressing a kiss to both wrists.


              “Put these behind your back, and don’t let me see them again. Understood?” I moved her hands behind her and waited for her nod before I let go. “Good.” I kissed her collarbone, a kiss, a nip, a lick, making my way down to where little sundress we buttoned. “Fuck, I love these cotton dresses of yours.” I unbuttoned each button, kissing my way down. Pushing the fabric aside, I freed one breast. “Fuck.” I grinned at her while I lightly flicked her nipple with the tip of my tongue. I heard her hiss, felt her body tighten. Again I flicked, then bit, a little more pressure and she rewarded me with that delicious moan of hers. “Careful, not too loud,” I playfully chastised her as I moved over to the other breast. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, toying with the peak with my tongue and sucking hard. 


              She kept her moan low, but I still heard it, felt the vibration from it in her chest. “Fuck, your tits are gorgeous.” I licked her chin, catching her off guard while I continued to massage both breasts with my hands. “If we weren’t here, I’d stripe them.” Her eyes widened with that promise, and my cock pushed harder against the zipper of my jeans. “Would you like that? If I took my crop to your tits?”


              “Yes, Mason.” She licked her bottom lip, her eyes watching as I kissed my way down her stomach, unbuttoning the last button and flipping the material to the side.


              “Such pretty panties.” I kissed her mound, right above where her clit was. The lacy purple panties did nothing to contain the scent of her arousal. Hooking one finger inside them, I dragged the material to the side, exposing her wet pussy for me. “Fuck. So pretty.” I growled. Her hands dug into my hair and for a moment I thought she was going to try and push me away, but she spread her legs further apart, giving me even better access. “Hands, Lucy. Don't make me tell you again.” Her fingers eased out my hair and she retook her position.


              I softly ran two fingertips over her folds, watching her hips press toward me, searching out my fingers to graze her clit. I wouldn’t. Not yet. Not until I was ready. “Mason.” Her thighs tensed as I dragged my nails down her labia then pulled them apart, exposing her beautiful, swollen clit.


              “What, Lucy? What do you want?” I spoke over her pussy, letting my breath warm her skin more than it already was. “Do you want this?” I swiped my tongue up her pussy, flicking her clit and then pulling back.


              “Aggh. Mason.” Her voice was ragged. I didn’t even try to suppress my grin.


              “Yeah? That’s what you wanted? Tell me, Lucy. Tell me what you want.”


              “Please, Mason. More.”


              I took her clit in my mouth and suckled the little nub. She gasped, her thighs tightening, but I wasn't finished with her just yet. She tasted wonderful, like something out of a memory, something that couldn’t be described.


Releasing her clit, I circled her entrance with two fingers, continuing to lick and nip at her.  My teeth dug into her thigh as I pushed my fingers inside. She was soaked. Her juices ran down my fingers, and her muscles clung to me as I began to fuck her with my fingers.




              “Not yet, babe.” I slid my fingers from her and stood back up, unzipping and pulling down my jeans. She watched me with hungry eyes, a plea resting on her lips. After managing to get the condom over my cock, I poised it at her entrance. “Lift your leg, babe.” I pulled her left leg up, hooking it over my waist, and slowly eased into her. Her eyes closed, and she put her head back. I didn’t force her to look at me, I let her have her moment as I pushed into her, filling her wet cunt with my cock. 


              She opened her eyes, tilted her chin down, and locked gazes with me. An intense shiver hit me at the sight of her beautiful brown eyes, and I pressed my lips to hers, pressing her against the wall of the bathroom. I plowed into her, slowly pulling back then driving into her again and again, while our lips locked, our tongues explored. Sugar. She tasted like sugar.


              “Fuck. This is never going to be enough.” I swore when I pulled back. “Hands, I want them on me, Lucy.” She nodded, and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me toward her. A growl filled the room, but I couldn’t tell if it came from her or me, and I didn’t really care. I only cared about her, that moment of possessing her. I reached between us, grazing her clit with my thumb, and she cried out. “Shhh, careful now.” I kissed her again. “Can you be quiet for me? Can you come on my cock, but keep that scream of yours in?” Her eyes widened but she nodded. “I know you can. You’re a good girl for me, come now, Lucy. Come.”


              The pad of my thumb circled her clit around and around, then pushed directly downward. Her fingers dug into my ass, I could feel her nails biting me as I drove into her again and again. Harder and faster, my hands on her hips holding her still while I fucked her so hard my own orgasm ripped through me. True to her word, she remained quiet. She muffled her cry by keeping her mouth closed and burying her face in my neck. I was not as quiet. I slammed my hand against the wall as the last pulsations of my orgasm faded. “Agh. Fuck.” 


              Our heavy breathing the only sound between us as we both slowly faded back to reality. I pulled her away from the wall and held her against my chest. I couldn’t look at her yet. I didn’t want to see her soft eyes looking up at me with worry over what was going to happen when we opened that door and walked out. I couldn’t keep her safe. Not yet. Not with the way things stood at that moment, and I didn't want to see the fear I couldn’t wipe away.


              She was mine. The revelation had come to me days ago, but not until that moment, holding her, feeling her heart racing against my chest, did I realize what that exactly meant. She wasn’t mine for the moment, she was mine forever.


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