Marrying Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy) (8 page)

BOOK: Marrying Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)
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o nothing and I can’t imagine that I would enjoy it!” I sit up, uncomfortable with the topic. Jackson sits up and shuffles closer to me, brushing my hair off my neck and kissing me there before whispering in my ear,

“I’d make sure you did!”
His gravelly voice is full of promise and my body defies my mind as the heat between my legs radiates. “No pressure though beautiful, I get plenty of pleasure from here!”

s he speaks he slides his right hand across the top of my thigh and between my legs, once he feels that I’m wet he inhales and pushes a finger inside me,

Come here!”


We’ve been in The Lakes a couple of nights now and its bliss. Rosie is more relaxed than she’s been in weeks and she’s started sleeping through the night again.

I wanted to get up early and go walking this morning but she looked so peaceful and gorgeous when I looked at her asleep this morning that I couldn’t bear to wake her. I left a not
e telling her where I’d gone and came out for some fresh air; she’s probably been doing too much anyway. Her leg isn’t fully healed yet.

All around the cottage where we’re staying there are green field
s and hills, I’ve been walking for about an hour when I look up and really take in the views. I can look down over the village and I truly feel peaceful. I decide to sit for a bit.

Since we arrived,
Rosie and I have done a good job of ignoring what’s waiting for us when we get home but the fact is that as of tomorrow it’s June and that means that Sasha’s baby is due in just three weeks. Sasha’s baby, I can’t even bring myself to say that it’s mine.

I feel panic wash over
me; I do not want this child. I know that makes me sound like a bastard. I got the girl pregnant and I should stand by her, but how can I? Rosie is the woman I should be having a child with but that was taken away from us. Maybe that’s my fault but it doesn’t make it fair.

I think about how it’s going to work. Is Rosie going to really be right by my side, supporting my child despite her hatred towards its mother? I can’t imagine the strength it would take to do it, to go through it all. I dread the moment that she realises
that it’s all too much and runs for the hills, I hope to god it never happens, but I think it will. I couldn’t do it.

I head back to the cottage and as I approach I see
Rosie reading on the garden swing on the terrace. My heart beats faster at the sight of her, I can’t lose her.


Once Rosie is dressed, we head out in the car up to Hill Top, the home of Beatrix Potter. I knew that Rosie would love it here but I hadn’t anticipated her childlike excitement as we explored. There’s a sparkle in her eyes and a smile constantly stretched across her face. She’s adorable. 

We head for a late lunch at the Tower Bank Arms and then make our way back to the cottage. Rosie is still playful and I love this version of her, I haven’t seen it since before the accident.

We cook a simple but completely satisfying dinner of gammon, egg and chips and sit on the duvet in front of the fire to play cards. We’ve had a great day but despite my best efforts, I can’t help worrying what will happen when we get home.

“What’s wrong? You’ve not been yourself today!” Rosie has noticed and it worries me, I
really don’t want this to ruin our last couple of nights here.

“Nothing babe, I’m
Just tired.” I try to brush it off but she just frowns at me.

“Right then,” She puts her cards down, “
Let’s talk about it. You’re worried about going home aren’t you?”

I scratch the back of my head and laugh,

“Are you psychic now?”

“No Jackson, but
I’m worried too.” she moves across the floor to sit in my lap, “We have two more nights of blissful isolation and then we have to go home and face the music. Of course I’m worried. But we just don’t know what the future holds so why worry, we’ll take each day as it comes. And hey, we get to go to the ballet soon!”

She smiles and kisses my cheek, her arms are wrapped around my neck and I
can’t resist her.

“You’re right,
let’s not ruin this. You stink; I think you need a shower!” I wink and stand with her in my arms. She laughs as I carry her to the bathroom.


Jackson turns on the shower and I’m almost shivering with anticipation. He turns and raises his t-shirt up over his head and off, he’s incredibly sexy and he knows I love his body. I watch as he undoes the buttons on his jeans and pushes them and his boxers down before stepping out of them.

Naked Jackson…my favourite thing in the world!

Jackson steps toward me and I am melting. Right now I’d probably let him do anything that he wants to me, and I’m more than ready for it!

He leans in to kiss me and I feel his hands slide into my yoga pants to caress and squeeze my backside

“Mmm!” I groan into him and feel him smile a
gainst my lips as he pulls me tight to him, letting me know that he’s ready for me.

Jackson kneels
in front of me and pulls down my trousers and French knickers in one before standing and pulling the hem of my vest upward, forcing me to raise my arms as he removes it. I’m glad that I’m not wearing a bra because I don’t want to wait a second longer.

He picks me up and
I wrap my legs around him as he steps into the shower and pushes me back against the cold tiles, kissing me passionately. His tongue rolls over mine as his hands support my backside. I feel his fingers move closer to my back entrance and my heart starts to beat a bit faster. He must sense the panic in me as he stops.

“Let me wash you!”

I unwrap my legs and stand as Jackson reaches for the shower gel. He squeezes a little into his hands and tells me to turn around.

He starts at my neck and shoulders, working out some of the tension I felt moments ago. He works his way down my back and sides and round the front to slide his soapy hands across my stomach and briefly down between my legs. I can feel his erection
proudly nudging at my backside, twitching as he runs his hands over my body.

Jackson turns me to face him a
nd cups my face in his hands. As he moves in to kiss me he slides his hands down my throat and across my waiting breasts. My nipples are hard and eager to be touched. He obliges, circling his palms and then fingers over them before sliding his left hand down my side and round to my backside, while his right makes its way back between my legs.

I’m burning up! I can feel the fire of my arousal right down into my feet. Ja
ckson is washing me, tenderly, the soap acting as a lubricant as he works his fingers over me, into me. From underneath, his fingers move backward. Skimming lightly over the part of me that I now know he wants to claim. He works his fingers back and forth, applying a pressure that relaxes me as the soothing strokes send ripples of pleasure all over my body.

Jackson directs me under the shower and the hot water only intensifies my arousal. Once the soap is gone
I’m pushed gently back against the cold tiles and Jackson kneels in front of me. My right leg is tapped and I lift it off the floor of the bath tub. Jackson instructs me to place it on the opposite rim of the bath and as I do he nips at my inner thigh.

Within seconds, two fingers are pushed inside me and I think I might collapse. I look down to see Jackson smile his mischievous smile before lowering his face between my legs. I feel his lips around my clitoris and he sucks gently as his tongue flicks across the swollen nub.

I can’t take much more. The circling of my clit is divine and Jackson is working my G-spot with his fingers inside me. I feel like I’m going to crumble on top of him as I rock downward onto his working mouth.

Jackson stops and looks up at me, removing his fingers and
telling me to turn around. I do willingly and place my hands on the tiles in an attempt at giving myself some support.

Deliberately slowly, Jackson pushes a finger and then another back inside me, slowly working them in and out, stretching and lubricating me ready for him. His left han
d comes from underneath to rub my clit as I feel him nip at my backside with his teeth before kissing the same spot.

He kisses his way toward the centre and I try to push my panic aside and enjoy the sensations. I feel another nip, this time a lot closer to my opening. His hands slow as I feel the soft wet of his tongue across my anus. Wow that’s nice!

I relax and Jackson circles with his tongue, working his hands again now and applying welcome pressure at regular intervals. He removes his fingers and slides his hands backwards, lubricating me as he stands behind me. I panic again, am I ready?

“Just fingers Rosie, we’ll go
slowly!” Jackson whispers in my ear and I think I’m going to burst. I realise for the first time that I want whatever he has to give.

Jackson positions himself at the familiar entrance and pushes inside me, g
ripping my hips and pulling me back onto him as he starts to thrust into me. Once he’s found his rhythm I feel his wet fingers slide down between the cheeks of my backside and start to circle my tense entrance. It feels nice, and as his other hand rubs my clit and I delight in the sensations of him pushing his rock hard length into me, I feel the pressure.

“That’s it baby!” H
e’s encouraging me as I feel him start to move his finger in and out of me.

h!” I can’t do anything but moan as I’m overloaded with pleasure. I’m aware of my surprise at the welcome invasion of my backside, “Jackson!”

I try to tell him that I’m close but I can’t form the necessary words. He seems to understand though as both hands start to work faster and his thrusts into me become harder.

I clench around him as the heat rises up my legs and I can’t stifle the screams as my intense orgasm washes over me. The pressure of his finger in the back of me is incredible and my mind is whirring with the possibilities of this new pleasure centre, I had no idea.


“You ok?” Jackson looks concerned as he rinses the conditioner from my hair,

“Yes, I’m good, very good!” I
giggle; I’m a little embarrassed by my reaction to something that I thought would be horrible. Jackson just smiles and kisses me on the forehead.

“Good. C
ome on you, bed!”


Chapter Seven



Since we’ve be
en back in London, our time in the Lakes seems a million years ago. We both had to get straight back to work and have been really tired, so quality time together has been hard. But going to bed every night next to Jackson and having him there when I wake up every morning is amazing.

Pippa hasn’t been around much as she’s been in Buxton with Ben a lot of the time
. It’s hard not having her around because now that we’re well into June I’m constantly aware that Sasha’s due date is close, she could really go into labour any day now and as much as I try not to, I can’t help but think about it.

the weather has been amazing for the past couple of weeks. I’ve been spending my days writing in St James’s Park or on our little balcony and getting settled into the new apartment. It’s getting there, we’ve both been really busy so it’s not quite ‘home’ yet, but it’s lovely all the same.

Jackson is getting quieter and quieter as each day passes. He doesn’
t want to have a baby with Sasha, but if he’s got to, then he doesn’t want to be a part time Dad. He’s worried that Sasha will stop him from seeing the baby if he doesn’t do what she wants him to. I just can’t believe that this is our life. One minute we’re on top of the world, and then we’re in hell, then back again. It’s exhausting.

Jackson is at the magazine today and I’m not ashamed to say that I am lying on my back on the grass of the park doing absolutely nothing. Rafe
has come to meet me for lunch and the midday sun is just too irresistible to head back to the apartment.

“I love British summer! When we have good weather
Britain is unbeatable!”  Rafe is lying next to me and seems blissfully happy in the sun. Sophie is looking after the café today and Matthew has meetings in Birmingham, so I have my brother to myself all afternoon.

“Do you fancy a pint RoRo? This weather is calling me to a beer garden!”

“Yeah we can do, just a couple though. I’m going out tonight, remember?”

“Oh yeah, the ballet! Are you looking forward to it?”

“Yeah I guess. Things have been a bit weird since we got back from the Lakes but I’m sure a date night will do us the world of good,” I’m not really that sure, “both of us are being consumed by the fact that the birth could be any day now, and it’s taking its toll.”

“Rosie, are you sure you can do this? I mean long term. You’re marrying Jackson,
but are you going to be able to watch as he brings this child up with Sasha? I know you agreed to stand by him, but when he’s posing with her for photos on birthdays, graduations, weddings, and you’re standing in the wings watching, are you going to be able to deal with that? I love Jackson but you need to make sure you’ve thought about this long term.”

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