Marrying Mari (31 page)

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Authors: Elyse Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Marrying Mari
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“Yes, ma’am,” Gabe flashed his widest smile, this time without the ferocity, and Mari nearly chuckled at the stunned look on her mother’s face.

“Well, then. I can see myself out, thank you,” Anna said. She stopped in the door and looked back. “

As soon as she was gone, Gabe pulled Mari into his arms. “Sugar, you okay?” He looked at Ethan over Mari’s head. “What did you do?”

Ethan frowned at him, then looked at his watch. “I’ve got to run. You’re staying here with her, right?”

“Sure, but where are you going?” Gabe asked.

“Business,” Ethan replied shortly.

Gabe let go of Mari and stepped in front of his friend and business partner. “Business? After that?”

Ethan glanced at her, smiled briefly. “You’re all right here with Gabriel, aren’t you? He won’t leave you.”

“Where are you going?” she asked, alerted by the look on his face.

“Business, I said.” He skirted Gabriel and headed for the foyer. Mari followed, with Gabriel right behind her.

Surprisingly, Ethan pulled a set of keys out of the box on the foyer table.

“Didn’t Eli drive you this morning?” Gabriel asked.


“Did he drive you here?” Gabe persisted.

Ethan stood at the elevator. “Why?” he asked in a hard voice.

For an answer, Gabriel pulled out his cell and pressed a button. “Eli.”

Ethan slammed a hand against the elevator frame, and Gabe disconnected. The elevator doors opened, but Ethan didn’t get in.

“Yes, he drove me here. But perhaps, for once, I want to drive myself.”

Mari looked at Ethan, then Gabriel. “Ethan, tell us what happened. What did you do?”

“You said Donovan was in your office. What did he want?” Gabe angled in front of Ethan.

Ethan took a deep breath. “He came to give us an ultimatum. He told me that the Trust wouldn’t accept our choice of Mari as mate. That her status as a non-Colony resident with a non-Colony father was a violation of the bylaws. That you and I were required by our agreement to mate a woman who lived on-site and had full Colony blood. He knew we would understand, because the purity of the Colony’s future was at stake. Basically a variation he said on Saturday.”

“Son of a bitch.” Gabriel’s voice was hard and cold.

“There’s more. He knew we would agree because we’re good sons who don’t want to cause our families more pain than we already have by pursuing this particular woman. That we understand our duty as Colony members.” Ethan slammed the wall again as Gabriel paced. “You should have seen the smug look on his face too.”

“You said it was an ultimatum.” Gabriel stopped and looked at him. “What was his threat?”

Ethan glanced at Mari, then Gabriel. “That we would be fined heavily. That a portion of our outside holdings would be taken over by the Colony. That I would be demoted at the bank and that he would become my direct supervisor on every future decision I make, business and personal.”

“Stupid son of a bitch!”

“And that when we moved back into the Colony after our mating, while you and I would of course still be welcome everywhere, Mari would not. Only on a limited basis. Of course, he pointed out, that wouldn’t necessarily be a completely terrible turn of events. For you and me. And perhaps if we were certain about going forward with Mari, this plan would simply enable her to care for the children more adequately. Twenty-four seven, like a good mother. But he very smugly informed me that the children might not be true Colony members after all, subject to all the privileges of that membership. That would have to be decided later, if the three of us behaved.”

“I can’t believe he had the nerve,” Gabe said grimly.

Mari stared at Ethan with her hands over her mouth. “You can’t—”

Ethan took her in his arms, “Listen to me. What he said is not true. Regardless of your father’s status, you are a full member of the Colony because of Anna’s birth status. Legally, there isn’t even a case on their side. Which means that Gabriel and I would not be violating any agreement by mating with you. As if we cared.”

Gabriel snarled, “No shit.” He continued to pace in the small space, looking something like a caged lion, Ethan thought. His anger thrummed inside his chest.

Mari pushed out of his arms. “You can’t cause all that trouble by mating with me. I don’t understand it all, but—but we should just live together. Then we can have everything we want.”

Gabriel froze. “Like hell!”

Ethan forced himself to stay calm. “Not everything. Don’t you want to mate with us? Live with us as our third, have our children?”

“Of course I do!”

“Then don’t worry.” Ethan vowed and punched the button for the elevator again. The doors opened and Ethan got on.

Gabriel and Mari got on too. Ethan frowned again, but punched the button for the garage level. The doors closed.

Gabe asked, “How are you going to fix all this? Because I know that look. You’ve got some plan.”

“I already fixed Donovan. I told him…well, first I told him that you and I would sue him if he violated our agreement, which was actually a legal contract. Then I said he could countersue us, but told him that we’d be suing him in state court, since this is a financial dispute involving external property and monies, which would in turn require the state and possibly federal authorities to receive an audit from the Colony as well as opening the door to publicity. Since you’re such a high profile guy with your restaurant and club.”

“That’s good,” Gabriel agreed.

“Mm, thanks. Then I told him I was stepping down from the bank’s leadership, effective immediately, which would undoubtedly have a negative effect on the bank’s financial stability due to my high profile as CEO, which would be worse when I sued him and the Trust for their violation of my employment contract. Fucking idiot. As if I care more about that damn job than Mari.” The doors opened and Ethan headed for the black SUV parked against the far wall. “And advised him to read up on the legal details of my contract, our agreement, and the Colony’s membership and inheritance rules all the way back to the 1640s and most especially the documentation Okuni gave us from the Colony records.” Ethan beeped the bar for the driver’s door, but Gabriel stepped in front of him again. Mari followed and watched.

“Good secondary point. Did Donovan back down?” Gabriel studied his friend.

“I don’t know. I didn’t stay to find out. Mrs. W called about Mari.”

“So where are you going now?” Gabe asked.

Ethan opened his mouth and stopped. “To take care of the rest of it.”

“Which is?”

Ethan glanced at Mari, then Gabriel. “Tony came to see me this afternoon.”

Gabriel leaned against the door and folded his arms. “Did he?”

“Apparently he had an explanation of sorts for Peter, and Donovan.”

“And my mother?”

Ethan nodded. Mari slipped her hand in his. “What was his explanation, Ethan?”

“He said he’d heard Allison talking to someone Saturday night. Jackie’s mother,” he added for Gabriel. “He thinks she may have taken Mother’s concern the wrong way.”

“Concern about me?”

“What did she say?” Gabe asked levelly, staring at Ethan.

Ethan just shook his head. “I’m going to talk to Allison. Get it straight.”

Gabriel stood up. “I’ll drive. No,” he said, forestalling Ethan’s protest, “we’re going with you, Mari and me. You’re my partner and best friend. You’ve already stood up for us today. We just told Mari’s mother that we’d protect her, that we’re a triad. Let’s start acting like one. I’ll drive.” Gabe held out his hand for the keys.

Ethan paused, then dropped them in the taller man’s hand. “Thanks.” He helped Mari into the back and strapped himself into the front passenger seat. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

The ride upstate was quiet. Traffic was light at midday on a Wednesday, and too quickly for Mari they were inside the Colony gates, headed for Ethan’s family home.

It was nearly dark by the time they arrived, and the big white house looked welcoming, with light spilling from every window.

Gabriel shut off the engine. As Mari started to unbuckle her seat belt, Ethan said, “I’m going in alone.”

She froze. “What? Why?”

Ethan stared at the house. “I think I’ll get more answers if you aren’t there. And I don’t want to leave you out here by yourself.”

She looked at Gabriel, then back at Ethan. “I don’t like you facing them by yourself.”

Ethan turned to look at her. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes, of course.” She frowned and crossed her arms.

“How about you?” Ethan said to his friend.

Gabe shook his head. “You know I do. But I feel as if I should have your back, man.”

“You do. I don’t think this will take long. If it’s just some misunderstanding, I’ll come back and get you, we can sit down and talk through how to deal with the people who are causing trouble. If not—” He broke off, drew a breath. “If not, I don’t know what.”

Gabriel nodded and settled back in his seat. “It’s your show.”

Ethan shoved open the door and climbed out.

Mari rolled down her window and studied him anxiously. He looked grim and stern. “Ethan!” When he looked at her, she gestured him closer, then grabbed his jacket and tugged him down. “I love you,” she said softly and kissed him on the mouth.

His hands came up to frame and hold her face as he returned the kiss, taking all she gave, willingly. He pulled away and stared at her. He glanced over her shoulder. “Keep her in the car.” Gabe nodded, and he released her and headed for the house.

They both watched him pause for a second and then pull open the big front door. He stepped in and closed it behind him.

“We should have gone in with him,” Mari said fretfully.

“Come on up here, to the front, sweetheart,” Gabe replied, never looking away from the house.

Mari squeezed into the front. Gabriel took her hand. “Unlike you and me, Ethan’s never been disappointed in his parents. He’s right when he said the other night that no one’s ever denied him. And he should be the most arrogant asshole in the world. But he’s not, never has been. A large part of that is because his family’s been solid, dependable. Like I said, the perfect family. He’s decided but they’ve supported him. If Allison is the one who has been doing this, behind Ethan’s back when he told her he wanted you, it’ll be a first. And, well, Ethan’s right. He’ll find it out more easily without us in there. If Nathaniel is part of it, too…just be ready for anything, because Ethan’s likely to come out of there with some heavy reaction.”

They sat, waiting in silence.

After several minutes, she said in a small voice, “He didn’t come out.”

“Nope.” He agreed grimly. He sat, on edge, watching for his friend. He kept an eye on the rearview mirror too, just in case.

“What if Allison, what if they’re right? About me, I mean, and the trouble it would cause both of you if we mated?” Her voice was tense.

Gabe looked at her. She was watching the door. “Hey, listen to me. No one can convince him mating with you is a bad idea. You heard him. He’s already given Donovan his own ultimatum. Ethan can have any job he wants, but the bank will lose a lot of money if he walks out on them. Primarily because Ethan has the touch. If he leaves, there’s no one as good. And the Board knows it.” Gabriel shrugged his shoulders. “And we’ll both pull our accounts. Ethan will handle his family. And we, the three of us, will deal with everything else.” He smiled at her. “What trouble? Bananarama stops coming into Crave? I see Angelica and Robert less? Those are perks, sugar.” He looked past her. “Uh-oh. Heads up. Here he comes. And it looks bad.” Gabriel turned back to her. “Follow my lead, okay? Stay close.”

He got out of the driver’s door and helped Mari out after him. She stood by his side as Ethan headed quickly toward the car, not looking at them. When he was about ten feet away, she saw his face. He looked furious and devastated.

“Dammit,” she whispered, and evaded Gabe’s arm to run to him. She flung her arms around Ethan and buried her head in his neck. “Dammit, dammit, dammit,” she continued to whisper, unaware she was doing so.

Ethan’s arms came around her, holding her to him in a steely clasp. He pressed his face against her hair.

Gabe’s chest tightened. He looked up as the door opened wide, leaving a path of golden light on the darkening porch and steps. The outer lights flashed on, and Ethan’s family spilled out, Allison in the lead. Ethan’s mother was dressed as usual in a cashmere twinset, skirt and boots. She was followed by Nathaniel, Irene and Tony. When she saw Mariella, Allison stopped on the top step.

Irene brushed by her. “Ethan, come back in the house. Gabriel, Mari, please come in and let’s talk.”

“No.” Ethan straightened and looked at Gabriel. “Everything’s been said.”

“Ethan!” Allison spoke sharply. “Come inside now.” Her voice was a command. “Irene, Tony, inside the house.”

“Not without Ethan, Mother,” Irene flashed. “Not without Mari and Gabriel.” Tony stood behind his parents and watched.

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