Marriage Of Convenience: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story

BOOK: Marriage Of Convenience: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story
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Of Convenience
A marriage of convenience, the love of a lifetime

A complete
story with no cliff hanger, brought to you by best selling author
Cher Etan.

is facing losing it all.

grandfather has given him an ultimatum:

Marry and
be in a stable relationship by the time you're 30, or lose out on
your inheritance.

just one problem; the women Jonathon has so far associated himself
with are less than marriage material, and would probably cause more
issues in the long run than they're worth.

So when he
'bumps into' Leila on the way to a benefit she's organizing, he soon
decides she's the perfect woman for the deal.

caring and attractive, and not the kind of woman who would get greedy
and take him for all he's worth.

But how
will Leila, a woman who's been heartbroken in the past, feel about
marrying for convenience?

And when
Jonathon's granddad realizes his grandson's marrying a woman of color
on an average salary, how will he react?

Find out
in this touching romance story by best selling romance author Cher

Suitable for over 18s only due to sexual scenes so hot you'll need an
ice shower.

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Books By Cher Etan

Cher Etan

Chapter 1

Leila followed the
wheelchair, in which her mother sat, down to radiology preoccupied
with the details of how they were going to get through this. There
was some sort of problem with insurance and the term ‘pre-existing
condition’ was being bandied about with disconcerting
frequency. The cost of this test alone, if not covered was going to
wipe out at least a quarter of her savings. She tried to school her
delicate features when she saw her mother glance back at her. No
doubt she realized the seriousness of their situation but still Leila
didn’t want her to worry. They’d get through this
somehow, the money would be found or insurance would pay. What they
would not do was despair.


Her mother retired
directly after they came home from the hospital, too tired to even
attempt to pretend to keep her eyes open. She had an oxygen mask with
her that they’d been given at the hospital for her use. The
difficulty she had breathing seemed to get worse with each day. Leila
knew she hated it. Raychelle Masters was a vibrant, energetic woman
who hadn’t let her weak chest stop her from working a day in
her life. That was probably why she had to practically collapse at
work for her to acknowledge there was a problem. Leila had been
called at work by her mother’s supervisor and informed that her
mother had been rushed to hospital. She had dropped everything and
rushed to Emory University Hospital where her mother was. They told
her they’d had to resuscitate her because she stopped breathing
at some point. It was a miracle she was well enough to come home at
the end of the day. Well, not well enough…but she’d
refused to be admitted and what with the insurance people playing
games, the doctors hadn’t insisted too hard.

Leila slumped on the
chair and let out a breath, trying not to think too hard. There
wasn’t much she could do tonight anyway, except make sure her
mother got through it. The loud astringent tones of Shenaynay telling
her to pick up her damned phone startled her quite badly. She frowned
at it, making a mental note to beat her cousin Sheila over the head
the next time she saw her. Obviously she’d been tampering with
Leila’s cell phone again.

She picked it up,
seeing it was actually Sheila calling…she hesitated, not
having the energy to deal with her drama. Not today.

she asked as she picked up at last.

what twisted your knickers today?” Sheila replied.

Leila sighed, she
really did not have the time. “What do you want Shay?”
she asked.

my mama asked me to call to ask how
mama is doing. Sorry to disturb you and what not but she insisted.”

Leila took a deep
breath; there was suddenly a lump in her throat. She tried to get
words out but they couldn’t seem to get past the lump.

Sheila prompted.

Leila tried again to
get the words out but the lump was blocking her passage completely.

then, give me thirty minutes, I’ll be right there,”
Sheila said in a completely different tone.

Leila tried to tell her
not to be stupid; she had class the next day, it was late – too
dangerous for her to be out on the street alone; but again, no words
came out. And then it was too late, Sheila had hung up.

There was a knock on
the door exactly twenty eight minutes later; Sheila was coming from
one street over where she lived with her parents and little brother
Peter. She was a decade younger than Leila and in university but
seeing as their families were close, they tended to act more like
sisters and the age difference was easy to overlook.

Sheila said as soon as Leila opened the door.

Leila opened her mouth
to return the greeting but it just opened and closed like she was a
baby bird waiting for its mother to put a worm down its throat.
Before she knew it, she had collapsed against Sheila, her whole body
shaking with repressed sobs; all the time aware her mother was just
down the hall. And she slept very lightly.

baby,” Sheila said patting her on the back and sides and
anywhere else she could reach. “Shhh….shhh,” she
said even though Leila wasn’t technically making a sound.

Leila raised her head
to stare desperately at Sheila. “It's bad,” she
whispered. “It's really bad.”

Sheila stared
commiseratingly at her but didn’t say a word. What was there to
say after all? She just rubbed Leila’s arms and led her back
into the house, closing the door behind her.

get you in the bath,” she murmured leading Leila to her room.
“Have you eaten? How about I make you a nice chicken salad?”
she continued to murmur nonsense words at Leila who was clearly not
paying attention anyway. She got her undressed, as she ran the bath
with fragrant bath salts. Once the water was nice and hot and nearly
overflowing, she led Leila into the bath and sat her down, lighting
some scented candles and handing her a book.

just relax and catch up on your reading. I’ll be in the kitchen
making you some delish food okay?” she said soothingly as she

Leila lay back, reading
the book cover she’d been handed; “Between Death and
Heaven”, it said. Leila grimaced…not exactly what she
wanted to think about right now. She opened it anyway, to see how bad
it was. It began with a sex scene so maybe not as maudlin as she’d
thought. She lay back in the bubbles, uncaring if her hair got wet,
and lost herself in the story.


The chicken salad was
great, but the company was better. She tried to make Sheila go home
but she wouldn’t hear of it.

first class is at like…eleven o’ clock. I got plenty of
time to get home and get to class.”

but you don’t have to. Really.”

I know,” Sheila said with a smile, picking up Leila’s
phone casually.

no you don’t! I just finished redoing my audio profile so the
ringtone goes back to “Keep their heads ringing’ so you
are not going to fuck that up with your fucking Shaynaynay nonsense,”
Leila said snatching it back.

rocks,” Sheila protested.

you like two in the nineties? There’s no way you even remember
the original Martin,” Leila said.

first of all, I wasn’t two, second of all, I was a precocious
child,” Sheila said.

Leila laughed which is
what Sheila wanted. They watched a few episodes of the sitcom which
Leila had on DVD anyway, laughing at Shaynaynay and Martin’s
shenanigans before going to bed. Leila woke up almost every hour to
check on her mother so by morning she was still exhausted.

you should skip work today,” Sheila proposed bringing her

you kidding me? We have this huge charity event and guess who’s
the chief organizer. There is no way in hell I can miss another day
of work without serious repercussions.”

know what your problem is Leila?” Sheila said handing her some

sure you’ll tell me,” Leila’s answer was wry.

too conscientious,” Sheila said.

dear, I knew it was something serious like that. What is a girl to do
about it?”

off a little bit.”

take it under advisement.”

you go with the lawyer speak. You know I’m an Art Major right?”

know you pretend not to understand a lot of things,” Leila

Sheila laughed,


Leila arrived at the
offices of Venture-GRAD, a non-profit that gave scholarships to high
school and college students as well as provided support and
encouragement to ensure that as many students as possible finished
college. She went straight to the conference room where she was
scheduled to meet with vendors who were to participate in the charity
event she was organizing. She had three days to pull everything
together while worried sick about her mother, but luckily, most of
the work was done.

Her assistant came
hurrying toward her as she approached the conference room.

how are you? How is your mother?”

ill Martha, do we have the RSVP’s all in?” she asked
briskly, not wanting the lump to return to her throat.

except ten invitees have confirmed attendance. I’ll be calling
up those ten today and making a final push.”

good, Martha. Great. Are my vendors here?” she asked.

but one,” Martha said.

Leila lifted a brow in
lieu of asking who.

Smith called to notify us that he’d be running late,”
Martha informed her.

Leila nodded. “Okay
that’s fine,” she said walking into the conference room
where refreshments sat on the sideboard, every vendor had a cup of
coffee in front of them and a folder containing all the materials
necessary for the meeting. Martha was incredibly efficient as always.

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