Marketplace of the Marvelous (56 page)

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Stillman, Benjamin, 195

Stone, William, 162

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 6, 95, 104

streptomycin, 250

subluxations, 221–22, 223

sulfonamides, 250

The Surgeons Store-House
(Scultetus), 211

Swazey, George W., 136

sweating used by Samuel Thomson, 31

sweat lodges, 86

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 56–57, 187

Swedish massage, 1

Sweet, Benoni, 212–13

Sweet, Job, 212–13

sycosis, 124

syphilis, 124

systemic lupus erythematosus, 134

tartar emetic, 189

Temkin, Owsei, 266

Tennyson, Alfred (Lord), 88

TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), 230

Thacher, James, 14

thalidomide, 252

Thomson, Cyrus, 36

Thomson, John, 33, 36

Thomson, Samuel, 16,
, 23–51; books published by, 39–41; centralized business of, 38–39; charisma and leadership of, 260; democratic rhetoric of, 33, 34–35, 40; dysentery treatment of, 34; early life of, 25, 27–28; and homeopathy, 131; as itinerant healer, 28–29; lawsuits against, 43–44; on limitations of traditional medicine, 27–28, 29; on lobelia, 24, 25, 27, 30–31; patenting by, 37–38, 49–50; and patent medicine, 188; personal control over system by, 39; phrenological examination of, 50–51; poetry of, 23–24, 32, 37; publicity and advertising by, 38; start of medical career of, 27–28; successful approaches used by, 48–50; Thomsonism after death of, 46–48; yellow fever remedy of, 29–30


Thomsonian principles, schools founded on, 46–48

Thomsonian Recorder
, 41, 44, 46

Thomsonian school of medicine, 45, 46–47

Thomsonism, 23–51; agents of, 37, 38–39; basis for, 24–25; cold and heat in, 30–31; after death of Samuel Thomson, 46–48; drive to reform, 46; elemental composition of body in, 30; Friendly Botanic Societies of, 36–37; herbs and plants used in, 30–31; immediate treatment effects of, 33–34; and medical licensing laws, 36–37; natural ingredients in, 49; number of followers of, 41; and patent medicine, 188; prepayment system (“Family Rights”) of, 35–36, 38–39, 50; regular medicine's view of, 34, 43–44; self-treatment in, 35; simple instructions of, 32–33; on single cure for all diseases, 30; six core medicines of, 31–32; and social reform movements, 34–35; sweating and purging in, 31; used by regular doctors, 42–43, 44–45; women practitioners of, 41–42; women's health in, 42

Ticknor, Caleb, 16

toxins, flushing of, 111

Trall, Russell Thacher, 87, 89–90, 102, 108

tranquilizers, 252

transcendentalism, 133

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), 230

A Treatise on the Materia Medica
(Cullen), 117

Trine, Ralph Waldo, 179

Trowbridge, John Townsend, 106

tuberculosis and manual manipulation, 211

Tucker, Henry H., 200

Turner, Robert, 212

Twain, Mark,
; on homeopathy, 142; on hydropathy, 95, 100; on medical bureaucracy, 251; on osteopathy, 233–34; on phrenology, 4–6, 74–75

twentieth century: antibiotics in, 258; chiropractic in, 224, 232, 234; fall and rise of alternative medicine, 253–54; homeopathy in, 118, 136, 143; hydropathy in, 109; medical advances in, 250–51; medical bureaucracy in, 251; medical specialization in, 232; osteopathy in, 231, 237; patent medicine in, 194, 203, 206, 207; phrenology in, 78; public health in, 245–46; strengths of irregular medicine in, 262–63; trust in doctors in, 18; women in medicine in, 249, 250

unconscious mental state, 158–60, 171

Universal Chiropractors' Association, 227

University of Michigan, 142

University of Philadelphia, 243

unorthodox medicine, 2, 3

utopian communities, 11–12

vaccines, 44, 118–19, 246, 251

Van Buren, Martin, 95

Vegetable Compound, 188, 190–92, 201, 206

venesection, 7

vis medicatrix naturae
, 9, 217, 264

vitalist system: chiropractic as, 221; homeopathy as, 122–23; mesmerism as, 149, 150; Thomsonism as, 30

vocational guidance based on phrenology, 70

Warner, Charles, 234

Warren, John, 60, 77

Washington, George, 161

Washington Homeopathic Medical Society, 20

water cure.

Water-Cure Journal
, 81, 83, 90–91, 92, 103

water drinking, 84, 85, 105, 111

Waterhouse, Benjamin, 44

“Water University,” 85

Watson, James, 251

Webster, Daniel, 71–72

Weed, Samuel, 221

Weil, Andrew, 256

Wells, Charlotte Fowler, 64, 66, 67, 68

Wells, Samuel, 64

Wesley, John, 10, 87, 230

Wesselhoeft, Conrad, 134, 135

Wesselhoeft, Robert, 94–96, 98–99, 106, 107, 134

wet-dress cure, 96–97

wet-sheet cure, 96, 104

Wharton, John, 36

white pond lily, 31

Whitman, Walt, 71, 73–74, 99

Wilson, James, 85, 88, 105, 110

Wilson, Jane, 220

Wisconsin Medical Institute, 206

Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, 204

witch hazel, 31

Witmer, Daniel, 37

WOC radio station, 226

women: as alternate healers, 10; in chiropractic, 224; in homeopathy, 129, 132–33, 135–38, 143; in hydropathy, 97, 103–4; in irregular medicine, 19–20, 249–50; in mesmerism, 165–66; in osteopathy, 218; in patent medicine, 191–92, 197–98; in phrenology, 66; in regular medicine, 18–19, 102–3, 248–49; as Thomsonian practitioners, 41–42

women's health: homeopathy and, 136; hydropathy and, 83–84, 103; patent medicine and, 188, 191, 192–93, 197–98

Women's Homeopathic Medical Club of Philadelphia, 137

Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 19

women's rights, phrenology and, 66, 68

wonder drugs, 251–52

worms, hydropathy for, 98–99

Young, Brigham, 100

Beacon Press

Boston, Massachusetts

Beacon Press books

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the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

© 2014 by Erika Janik

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Janik, Erika.

Marketplace of the marvelous : the strange origins of modern medicine / by Erika Janik.

    pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-8070-2208-5 (cloth) —ISBN 978-0-8070-2209-2 (ebook) 1. Alternative medicine—History. 2. Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric—History. 3. Medicine—Specialties and specialists—History. 4. Medicine—History. I. Title.

R733.J33 2014

610—dc23                        2013023296

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