Marked (The Recruits: Book One) (2 page)

BOOK: Marked (The Recruits: Book One)
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Jake replied, as if he’d already sorted it all out in his mind. “We could swap.”
“Swap?” she repeated.
“Yeah, swap partners. It’s quite common in some circles.”
“It is? But…No, hold on! Chris is gay!”
Chris chuckled. “Baby, I’m not gay. I’m bisexual.”
“You are?”
“Yes. Haven’t we talked about this before?” he asked, his expression innocent.

She was sure they hadn’t. And shoot, what had they meant by swapping? Did that mean Chris would have fun with Sofia, while her and…and Jake would have sex? “I–” she cut herself off when she noticed the way her roommate’s eyes had lit up. He was hard, that was plain to see. His eyes were already eating Sofia up, probably imagining what he could do to her.
Would he hate her if she said no, when he obviously wanted this badly? Had he been waiting for this moment for a long time, yearning for Sofia in silence?

As if sensing her turmoil, Chris moved towards her. “It’s your decision, baby. It won’t change anything between us. You know that, right?”

She looked up at his earnest face and took a deep breath. He’d told her the one thing she couldn’t resist, the one thing that would make the balance tip in his favor. Nodding, she said, “Okay then.”

Chapter Two: Red and Creamy


By tomorrow evening, it would be over. Repeating the mantra to herself, Faye walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. She could hear it echo around the sprawling mansion, footsteps answering the shrill sound. Closer and closer until the door opened and Jake was standing right in front of her. He was dressed casually…well, casually for him. His shirt was rolled up his strong forearms, but it was obviously high quality cotton and crease–free. His khakis were sharply pressed, only the bump at his groin messing up with the clean lines.
. Faye’s eyes widened at the sight. He was already hard?

“Hey, baby. Come on in. I was waiting for you.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, closing the door behind her with his foot. She jumped at the sound of her freedom slipping away.

. What was she thinking? She wasn’t going to be tortured! She was here to have fun. She was going to have sex with her friend and neighbor, the man who’d featured in countless fantasies over the past few months. He was just so damn hot, she hadn’t been able to help herself. It hadn’t helped that Sofia had a loose tongue and had told her exactly how good a lover he was. In detail. Each time they’d had sex, which was far too often, she’d told her new friend all about it.

Trying to forget about those conversations, she breathed out and turned, only to be immediately assailed by his mouth. She should have known he wouldn’t be very patient. She should have expected it, and yet her first reaction had been to grab his shoulders and push him away.

She hadn’t kissed a man in months, and it felt odd to have a strange tongue inside her mouth. His technique was different to what she was used to too…a lot more forceful. Hands found her butt, pulling her tight against him. She looped her arms around his neck and held on, swept away by his obvious enjoyment. He growled in her throat, sucking on her tongue as if he was dying of thirst. As if he wanted nothing more than to push her against the front door and have his way with her. He did pull back however, and she blinked at the abrupt stop.
, she mouthed to herself, his lips were lethal!

“I want you so fucking bad,” he murmured, his eyes finding hers. “Can we go upstairs straight away?”

She nodded, unable to speak. Her legs felt rubbery, her pussy drenched. She hadn’t wanted to admit it earlier, but she was aroused. She felt bad about it, thinking of her friend and how she shouldn’t really feel this way towards her boyfriend. Then she remembered Sofia was having sex with Chris probably right at that second, and decided to forget about them for the time being. Pushing away the dark thoughts, she followed Jake as he hurried up the staircase. He stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway, opening it with a flourish and letting her step inside first. She stopped short at what greeted her.


She’d never been in this room, and yet she’d heard about it from Sofia. It was a play room; there was just no other way to describe it. There was a daybed, large enough to be comfortable for two people lying on it. A sturdy chair. A widescreen TV and a collection of DVDs. Shelves lined with boxes of… She walked closer and felt herself start to blush.
. Cock rings, vibes, plugs. Anything and everything under the sun. “Did you rob a sex shop?”

Jake chuckled behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist and stopping right beneath her breasts. “I like toys. I know you do too.”

She stilled. “Who told you that?”

“Chris,” he whispered in her ear. “He said you ordered them online. So, what’s your favorite, baby?”

She licked her lips, wondering how her roommate even knew about those. And why the hell had he told Jake about her purchases? “Uh, I don’t know.”

“Oh no, Faye, that won’t do.” Warm palms drifted up her shirt, opening each button slowly until it parted. A rumble echoed in his chest as her breasts were revealed. “Tell me, baby. What’s your favorite toy?” he repeated as he took the shirt off of her. His chest once more pressed against her back, he traced her lace bra with soft fingers. “So fucking nice. I know what my fave toy for you is gonna be.”

She tilted her head back. “What’s that?”

With a smirk, he leaned forward and grabbed a box on the upper shelf. Moving so he stood in front of her, he said, “Take off your bra.”

Faye jerked. “Now?”

“Yes.” He put the box in his back pocket, as he waited for her to do his bidding.

She gulped. “Right.” Before she could lose courage, she opened the back clasp and drew the straps down her shoulders, her breasts coming to rest on her chest. She winced at the sight but didn’t have time to protest. Jake had already grabbed the bra and sent it flying to the opposite side of the room.

He moved to his knees in front of her, his hands weighing her breasts with apparent relish. “Oh, baby, they’re amazing. So soft and round and… Oh yeah.” He levelled his face with them and took one nipple into his mouth, biting on it until the surrounding skin crinkled. Then he did it all over again to the other one.

She clasped the back of his head and held on, feeling a sudden urge to rub her thighs together. “Jake!”

“I’m going to fuck your amazing tits, baby. I’m going to cover them with my cum,” he said, his voice husky. “And then, I’ll get you naked and I’ll eat your pussy until you scream out my name.”


He laughed. “Are you getting wet, Faye?” Her eyes as wide as saucers, she nodded. “Perfect,” he praised her, standing up and pulling the box out of his pocket. He opened it and showed her its content.

“What is it?” Faye asked, her lips dry.

“Nipple clamps. I’ve had this image of you in my head ever since we met. Your tits on display, the clamps tight around your engorged nipples.”

“Oh…” She licked her lips. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Yes, but it’s a good hurt. Trust me, okay?” She nodded almost immediately, making him smile. “Good girl. Tell me if it gets too much.” And with that, he got the toy ready while she stood there fidgeting. He slid the bar down so the clamps opened, the black rubber at their ends looking scary. She watched him as concentration made him frown. He lowered his head, taking one nipple into his warm mouth. The suction movement made her skin crinkle, then harden. He growled deep in his throat before doing the same to her other nipple.

Minutes later, she was swaying on her feet, her hands clasping the back of his head. It looked like he couldn’t get enough of her breasts, her nipples aching from all the pulling, the biting and the sucking.

She barely noticed when he moved the first clamp into position. That didn’t last long however. Her body froze, her breath hitching when he pulled the bar back into place, the tweezer–like apparatus squeezing her nipple until it darkened to a deep red. “Oh God.”

“All right?” Jake’s fingers flitted over the distended nub, the faint touch too much too soon. She drew back and would have whirled around if he hadn’t grabbed her shoulders. His head lowered, his mouth finding hers once again. His kiss was more this time: more passion, more heat. Her legs were trembling when he drew back, his eyes dark as he stared down at her. “I’m going to do the second one now. Take a deep breath,” he advised as he grabbed the metal chain linking the two clamps.

She watched him do it this time. His hands were gentle but assured as he opened the two prongs and drew them wide enough so they fit around her nipple. He took it in his mouth for one very hot second, leaving it wet and invitingly hard. She was expecting the pain, her thighs clenching even before the clamp squeezed tight. Tighter. “Oh God,” she repeated, her voice hoarse.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Jake’s loud groan. “You look amazing. Just like I’d imagined you.” He palmed his cock through his pants, unable to stop himself from thumbing his tip. Moisture trickled out, wetting the cotton.

Faye’s eyes focused on that wet spot. She couldn’t tear her gaze away, Jake using this opportunity to unsnap his pants and draw them down his legs. Muscled thighs emerged, sparsely covered by light brown hairs. Strong calves. Big feet. Her eyes went back up and widened at the sight of his erection.
, she mouthed to herself. That was one mean–looking dick!

“Kneel down on the daybed.”

She blinked back to the present at his voice. “What?” She was still staring at his impressive erection, wondering how it would feel to have it inside her.

“Kneel down,” he repeated as he pushed her into position. “I need to fuck those tits.”

She moved as ordered, all the while thinking he could have said that in a nicer way. She was used to making love however, and this was definitely fucking. She knelt down, her breasts wriggling with her movements, the clamps pinching. It was painful, yes, but she could feel how wet she was. It was strangely arousing, like someone squeezing her nipples for minutes on end.

She shivered as she watched Jake step closer. He’d taken his shirt off, his body naked in all its glory. She gulped at all that smooth skin, all those sculpted muscles. It was obvious he spent a lot of time in the gym; and while she’d thought once he was overly built, there was something about him… Her mind stopped short when she watched him palm his cock in his right hand. He moved until it laid between her breasts and under the chain, its leaking tip nearly bumping into her chin.
, she finally realized what he was going to do.

Big hands grabbed her breasts, pushing them on either side so they cuddled his cock. He breathed out and with a muffled curse, drew back. His hips rocked, his erection forcing a way upwards amidst all that soft flesh. The head of his cock bumped against her neck and she lowered her face, her mouth opening, her tongue finding a pearl of semen. She lapped it up, the taste of his cum strange but wildly arousing. She went back for more but he was already drawing back. He laughed at her disgruntled groan, his thumbs hitting the clamps and making pain radiate throughout her breasts. She gasped but he wasn’t finished. He was far from it actually.

“Cup your tits and hold them for me,” he ordered, his gaze never leaving her. She obeyed, juices wetting her panties. He pumped his cock between her breasts, stopping at every upward motion so she could lick or suck on his head. He began panting, his face a flushed red as he grasped his balls and tugged at them. With his free hand, he pulled on the link chain. Hard. Her nipples caught fire and she gasped, her hands automatically coming up to soothe them.

He grabbed her fingers and held them into place, forcing them to touch his cock, her breasts. His hips rocked. He grunted. His cock pulled back just before it spurted cum all over her exposed skin. He swore and looked down, a smirk playing on his lips when he saw her nipples, painfully red and now covered in his essence.


Chapter Two: One Lick, One Suck


Her breasts were killing her. If he’d told her it hurt even more when the clamps came off, she’d have hightailed it out of here before he’d even touched her. Lying on her side with her hands over her aching nipples, she ignored him as he moved around the room. It was only when he palmed her shoulder and forced her onto her back that she opened her eyes and stared at him. He sent her a quick smile before leaning down and dragging a wet towel over her chest. He wiped away his cum, his movements slow and deliberate. By the time he was finished, she was biting on her lower lip hard enough to draw blood.

“Your turn,” he growled as he knelt in front of her, stretching her legs out so they were dangling over the end of the daybed. He moved between them, his hands divesting her of her sandals before sliding upward.

She shivered at the ticklish sensation when they brushed her knees, but they didn’t stop. It was only when they crawled under her skirt, the material bunching up as they moved up…and up…that she started feeling faint. She wasn’t too sure about being naked in front of him. “Jake?”

“Yes, baby?” He looked up.
“I… I…” She licked her lips. “Are you sure about this?”
His eyes widened almost comically. “Are you freaking kidding? I’ve just come all over your tits, and now you want to stop?”
“No.” She shook her head. “It’s just… I don’t… I’m not sure I’ll be able to please you,” she added in a rush.

Silence met her words. It didn’t last long however. “Faye,” he said, his hands starting their upward motion once more. “I haven’t come like this in years. You were amazing. You’d never played with clamps before, but you didn’t complain. You let me play with your tits and I loved every second of it. I’m sure I’m gonna love whatever happens tonight. And you know what?” He looked up and she shook her head. “I can’t wait.” He smirked just as his fingers opened her up.

BOOK: Marked (The Recruits: Book One)
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