Marked (The Recruits: Book One) (11 page)

BOOK: Marked (The Recruits: Book One)
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“And what a delight it is,” Jake called out behind her.

She shrieked and took off, grateful the garden wasn’t overlooked by other houses as she tore down the patio’s steps. Her bare feet encountered grass, but even as she veered towards the wild flowers, she knew she wouldn’t make it.

She was right.

He pounced on her and she landed face first on the ground, the shock robbing her of breath for an instant. She laid dazed on her stomach, her knees which had taken the brunt of her fall aching and pulsing with heat.

“Gotcha,” he whispered in her ear, his erection hard against her butt.

She couldn’t help it, she started giggling. He drew back on his knees and stared down at her, looking perplexed as she fought to turn and lie down on her back.

She was still laughing when he finally shook his head and said, “What’s so funny?”
Faye looked up at him and grinned. “You are.”
“I am?”

She watched the corners of his lips twitch and smiled even more. “That was fun.” She stretched her limbs, then moved onto her elbows to stare down at herself. “I can’t believe I’m lying outside naked, with dirt on my knees…and feet!”

“And tits.”

Faye’s attention turned to her chest. “There’s no dirt on my breasts. What are you talking about?”

“Isn’t there?” he murmured, taking one in his hand. He thumbed the nipple and watched it redden, before leaning down and claiming it with his mouth. He sucked on the hardened nub then bit on it, the sharp pain bringing moisture to her core.

“Ohh.” Her eyes closed, her head fell back. Actually, her whole body fell back. Jake followed the movement, settling on top of her, his legs on the outside of hers. “More. Please,” she found herself asking, waiting for him to switch to her other nipple. Unable to wait quietly, she slid her right hand between them and grabbed his cock. He’d undressed at one point during the chase, and his body was amazingly hot pressed against hers.

He growled something but she didn’t understand. She guessed though that he wanted her to play with his balls. After all those weeks together, having sex every day, she’d begun to know what he liked. His sack was definitely his Achilles’ heel. Cupping it with her palm, she let her fingers drift over his scrotum, teasing. Her touch hardened when he retaliated by stopping his caresses, her breasts now aching in the cool night air. She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, his expression unreadable. “Jake?”

He leaned up and kissed her. She forgot what she’d been doing, her arms looping around his neck as the caress deepened. His tongue was unlike anything she’d ever felt. It could be sweet and tender one second, then rough the next. His kisses were just like him, with so many facets she wondered if she’d ever know them all. “Don’t move,” he said when he pulled back minutes later.

She watched as he prowled around her on all fours, and it was only when he moved into position that she understood. His cock appeared in front of her eyes, his balls swinging over her nose. She had always detested this position. She always refused 69s, but her Master hadn’t even asked her. He’d just taken. And when his agile tongue delved between her inner lips, she realized that maybe she just hadn’t tried it with the right man before.


Chapter Nineteen: Outdoors Delight


Faye’s mouth encircled one of his balls, teasing him with her tongue before she sucked on the skin. Hard. Between that and her fingers gripping his cock, Jake was in heaven. He nearly forgot he was supposed to be pleasuring her at the same time, her clit standing at attention all but begging him for one more touch. One more lick.

He had to make her stop before he blew all over her, but it was so fucking good… “Baby, we should–” His sentence ended on a groan when she switched and took his other ball in her mouth, raking the sensitive skin with her teeth. “Fuck, Faye!”

She giggled. She fucking giggled while he was slowly losing control of his body. And himself. He reared up, intent on getting off of her and telling her off for not listening to him, but it was too late. Her nails dug into his cock, the pain too much for him to ignore. He bucked but she held him by the balls. Quite literally as it was. One more suck on his sack and he was coming, thick cum shooting everywhere.

It was only when he looked down, seconds later, that he realized she’d directed his spray to her breasts. He should have been angry, but he couldn’t manage to rouse himself long enough to care. She’d pleasured him like no other woman had before. She’d only thought about him, of what he liked, what he preferred. He was so damn glad he’d Marked her, he thought…and not for the first time.


* * * *



They were lying side by side, naked and yet uncaring, as they looked at the infinite skyline above them. Stars were appearing, stars that looked suspiciously bright to Faye, unused to seeing them without a town’s lights masking it all. This was peaceful, she decided, the most peaceful she’d felt in weeks. The most peaceful she’d felt with Jake…ever. Turning to her side, she snuggled against his broad chest and laid her right hand on his stomach.

His hand lifted to smooth down her hair, his face pensive as he laid there with his ankles crossed. A faint breeze brushed over their sweaty bodies, goosebumps appearing in its wake. It shook him awake and he said, “We should get back inside.”

“I know,” she replied, but didn’t make a move.

He didn’t either, and so they stayed like this, silence stretching between them. It wasn’t unpleasant however. It was almost as if they didn’t have to talk to understand they needed this moment in their lives. Today was a start for the both of them: for Faye in her new surroundings, and for Jake in his new role as Mated First Man.

“Jake?” He grunted something unintelligible in reply. “What will I do all day long? I can’t just stay in the house. I’m not made to be a housewife, you know.”

“Sofia will be there.”
“True.” She paused. “And she’s really nice, but…I need something to do. Can I find a job, do you think?”
He frowned. “I don’t know, Faye. I’m not sure that my Mate should work. It wouldn’t be the right image.”
“What did the previous Mate do?”

“She took care of her children. She made sure everyone in the community was happy. She visited other families, other mates. I don’t know. My mother was always busy, it seemed like.”

“Your mother?” She moved onto her elbow so she could look at his face. “Your mother was the previous Mate? So, that means your dad was the previous First Man, right?”

He nodded. “It’s a position you inherit. Hence why I need to prove myself all the time.”

Why hadn’t he told her all that before? “That’s a lot of pressure.”

He shrugged and sat up. “I’m used to it. Okay, enough talking. Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered, his hands already grabbing hers to pull her up.

She went with it willingly, her pussy still pulsing from his earlier caresses. She hadn’t come yet, and she needed it. And yet, she couldn’t help but think that he was using sex to shut her up. Again. There were things he’d left unsaid all these weeks, things she was sure she should know. She should really be stopping him, force him to talk to her.

Her fingers curled into the soft grass when he palmed her butt and widened her stance. Her legs opened just enough for him to settle in between them. A callused fingertip traced her cleft, the touch lingering on her rose, the puckered skin crinkling in reaction. Faye moaned and wriggled her hips, silently asking for more. She forgot about what she’d been thinking, letting him win once more.


“What do you want, pet?” Jake murmured, his attention focused on her.
“Fuck me. Please, Jake, just fuck me.”
“What if I want to do something else first?”
Her head lowered, her eyes closing as his finger drew down and bumped into her clit. “Anything, Master.”
“I can do anything?” he asked, as if her confirmation mattered. They both knew she would never deny him.
“Yes, Master. Please?”


* * * *


Jake’s cock hardened at the sight of his Mate offering herself to him.

perfect for him. She might not be like his past conquests, the models and professional groupies he’d gone for, to the despair of his parents; but she was his. He remembered his father’s last speech to him: how he had to start looking deep inside him for what he really wanted in life; how he would need to raise up to the challenge of his succession, knowing people would be waiting for him to fall at every hurdle. And here he was. He’d finally arrived, the Mate he’d been looking for with him. Now all he had to do was get Chris to find someone for Sofia, and he’d have the family he’d been missing.

He blinked, brought back to the present by Faye’s moans. She was rocking her ass back and forth, fucking herself on his fingers, the ones he hadn’t realized he’d moved. He hooked them against her inner wall, finding that elusive spot that usually made her scream in no time flat. True to herself, she began panting, her breasts swaying underneath her. He couldn’t resist such a sight. He replaced his fingers with his cock, and took her to heaven and back, his groans ringing loudly in the darkened garden.


Chapter Twenty: When Boredom Strikes


Faye knew she had a problem when she found herself watching Sofia and considering asking her to join her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like when the other woman took part in their bedroom activities, especially as she always offered but never asked for anything back. She’d never thought she’d make love with another woman, but having her friend’s tongue on her pussy or breasts when Jake fucked her was just too amazing to say no to.

But here she was, so bored she was actually wondering what it would feel if she touched Sofia instead. How would it feel to caress her small breasts? To lick a pussy? Would she even like it?

Her wandering thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. She rose and waited patiently for another Immortal to show up in their den, knowing the conversation would bore her to tears. The person that came through the door was the prerequisite blonde with tanned skin, except for the fact he was male.

And male he sure was.
, Faye thought to herself. He looked like a giant Adonis! “Uhm, hi?”

He strode towards her with a wide smile, his joyful expression slipping a bit when his gaze fell on Jake’s Mark on her neck. “Good afternoon, my lady. My name is John and I am here to welcome you to our little town. It is a great pleasure to meet you.” He clasped her right hand in both of his and held her captive.

She blinked, taken aback by the intensity in his clear blue eyes. “That’s, uhm, very nice of you, John. But please, call me Faye.”

“Faye, such a lovely name. It really does suit you.” His eyes traced her curves and when he met her gaze again, he didn’t bother hiding the heat that had made itself known.

“Would you like something to drink?” Sofia popped up at their sides all of a sudden, her frantic gaze going from on to the other. “John?”

“No, my dear, I’m quite all right. So, Faye, how are you enjoying it here?”

“Oh, it’s fine.”

“Only fine? But my lady, that just won’t do! Please permit me to show you around town, so you’ll understand how lovely it is here. It has come to my attention that Jake hasn’t bothered, and you must be so very bored sitting here all day long…”

It was as if he was reading her mind, Faye thought. She didn’t know him but the prospect of going out was too good to pass up. “That would be delightful.” She realized she was starting to speak like him, then wondered how old he really was. That was a question Jake had refused to answer, just telling her he wasn’t that old. John, on the contrary, acted as if he’d been around for centuries. He had a European flair too, maybe even…British?

Before she could think more on this, he grabbed her hand once again and tugged her towards the front door. “Let us be off then!” Sofia called out after them but she didn’t get a chance to follow, the door banging shut behind them with a resolute sound. “See, it’s so sunny out today.” Faye nodded, letting him hook her arm around his. If he wanted to play the part of the Regency gentleman, she might as well let him. All he needed really was a cane on the other hand and some polished Hessians, and he’d be perfect for the part! “Faye? My lady?”

She snapped back to the present. “Yes, yes, of course. Uhm, do you think I should maybe get changed first?”

“Get changed?” he repeated, before taking in her ensemble.

She was only wearing a lightweight tunic that skimmed her frame and stopped mid–thigh, complete with a pair of black leggings that hugged her legs. It was comfortable and it looked all right, but it probably wasn’t stylish enough to wander around town. She was the First Man’s Mate after all. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and said, “I should go get changed.”

“No, dear, you look great as you are. I’ve always thought curves needed to be flaunted myself.” He grinned down at her and propelled her to the next block of houses.

. Shrugging inwardly, Faye let him lead her to wherever he wanted, just happy to be out of the house, with the sun shining down on her face.


* * * *


Oh, thank God
, Faye thought when she spotted Jake entering the coffee shop a good hour later. She was so bored, she’d nearly slid off her chair at least twice. John was very good–looking, but he lacked charisma. He kept talking and talking and talking, and she was to the point where she wasn’t even acting as if she was interested by what he was saying. She’d tried to leave but he hadn’t let her, and she was so conscious of her new role as First Mate–or whatever the official title was–that she hadn’t wanted to make a scene. She’d seen how other people treated John after all. He seemed to be pretty important in the community, and she was quite sure fleeing his presence would be a bad diplomatic move. But heck, was she relieved to see Jake stomping his way through the busy café.

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