Marked (Marked #3) (2 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: Marked (Marked #3)
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An annoyed Martinez ran a hand through his short black hair. “Ms. Owens, it isn’t that simple, ma’am. We aren’t the enemy.”

“Yet, you come into my room without permission, and he,” she spat while pointing a dainty finger at a now uncomfortable-looking Gulver, “acts as if we are the criminals. And don’t for a moment think that I haven’t noticed the way he looks at my boyfriend.” At the end of her rant, Bitty was clutching her side, her face showing the distress she was in.

“Enough!” I growled, body partially covering hers from their line of sight. “You’ve upset her.”

“How do you know he isn’t involved? I’ve seen what his type can do,” Gulver mumbled low, just not low enough to not be heard by the two of us.

“How do I know you aren’t a crooked cop?” Maya retorted while trying to stand up. This shit was getting out of hand, and quick.

“Detective Martinez,” I called his name, drawing away his attention from my glaring girlfriend. “Come back in an hour. She needs to shower and eat. Once she is settled, I will call you at whatever number you leave with me.”

“Done. We—”

“No.” Martinez was taken aback by the animosity in my tone. Enough of this bullshit. “He isn’t allowed back until he learns a modicum of professionalism. What he is doing is called both antagonizing and profiling…I know my rights.” Nodding, Martinez walked up to me and handed me a small card with his information on it.

Then, he turned toward my Bitty and smiled down at her. “I’m truly sorry that this is how our first meeting went. I know that I speak for both my partner and myself when I say we are very happy to see you awake and doing well.”

“I’ll call you once she is done.”

Nodding, he turned toward his partner and waved him forward. Just as Gulver had put his hand on the handle, it was pushed open by Maya’s flustered daytime nurse, Miranda. She’d been amazing in her care for my girl. Easily in her fifties and with a bit of grey hair, she was a little plump and sassy—funny and a hard-ass at once. Perfect to handle my Bitty.

“What’s going on in here?” Her eyes traveled from my girl’s angry red face, to mine, and then finally toward the cops who stood to her left. Angry, and with her hand on her hip, she spoke again. “Why’s my patient’s blood pressure through the roof?” The question was directed toward them. “Answer me.”




“They were just leaving.”

Miranda eyed them with annoyance clear on her face. “I believe I told you that she wouldn’t be ready to speak with you until after she was given the all clear. What part of ‘head trauma’ and ‘is under strict orders to not be upset in any way,’ did you not understand?”

Gulver stepped forward, palms up, while he spoke to her. “It’s important that we speak to the victim of the crime as soon as they are conscious. So much information is still fresh—”

“Knock it off, Detective. You and I both know the procedure…not my first merry-go-round. If the doctor or I say that you need to wait, you wait until the patient is physically and mentally prepared to do so. Their well-being should be top priority.”

“We understand, but she has—”

“She,” Maya sneered at them, hand clutching mine in a tight grip, “is right here, and would appreciate it if you would stop speaking about her as if she has no say in the matter.” The machine beside her beeped, and all eyes inside the room shifted. Her blood pressure was rising, and rapidly.

Fuck this.
“We will speak to you after I get her cleaned up and she has eaten, and not a second sooner. Janice and Brian won’t disappear while she takes care of her needs.”

“So you know who attacked her? How?” Again, Gulver with his shit. He’s more than lucky to have that badge protecting him.

“For fuck’s sake,” Maya growled out in warning, pushing against the hand I had on her shoulder keeping her in place. “I told him the second I woke up…now get out!”

“Ms. Owens—” This time Martinez stepped forward. Done. They’d pushed my girl too far and I was ready to deck the motherfucker, consequences be damned. His eyes met mine and widened, my ire growing with each second that passed.

Before I could move or say another word, Maya’s nurse stepped in. “Leave, or I will report you for harassing my patient and her fiancé.”

“We’re just trying to do our jobs.”

“I’m sorry,” Martinez interjected, voice contrite. “We never meant for this to escalate or upset Ms. Owens. Talan,” he called out, and I nodded, “please call me when she’s ready. Let’s go.” With that, he turned and pulled a now quiet Gulver toward the door. Without another word the two exited the room, leaving us alone with her nurse.

“Assholes couldn’t wait a few hours,” Miranda mumbled and I laughed, breaking a bit of the tension inside the hospital room. Craziness followed me everywhere.

“Agreed.” Turning toward my girl, I leaned down until we were at eye level. This was the perfect example of a moment where my anger had to be tamed and her needs put first. “Can you try and calm down for me? Breathe in and out. I’m here, and I’m not leaving.” Bitty gifted me one of her pretty smiles. “Good girl.” And then I got an eye roll and a weak slap on the arm.

“Honey, you are screwed,” came from Miranda over by the two monitors next to the bed, watching as the numbers of Maya’s blood pressure began to drop. My own anxiousness seemed to evaporate as Maya calmed down.

“Who’s ‘honey’?” I had to ask. Curiosity was a bitch.

“Applies to the both of you.” She snickered and continued to write her reading on Maya’s chart. Women.

“Hey, Miranda?” Maya called out after a few minutes of silence, gaining her attention. “Can you unplug me from the machines? I want to get cleaned up.”

“Maya, I told you—”

“I won’t let anything happen to her.” At my interjection she huffed, but after a few speculative minutes, she nodded.

“Get me fired, and you’ll be maintaining me for the rest of my life.”

I waved her on. “Duly noted.”

“You two are adorable yet sickeningly sweet. How’s that even possible?”

“Thank you, Miranda…now unplug me, woman.” Bitty ignored her, choosing instead to focus her attention toward the matter at hand.

“You heard the patient.” Had to add my two cents.

“Impatient little… You both better behave.”

After her nurse left with a few admonishments about proper hospital etiquette, I pecked my girl’s lips and stood up. Looking down at her, I was once again hit with just how tiny my Bitty was. Sure, she was curvy. Had an amazing ass and the perfect-sized tits, but in stature, she was small. Petite. Delicate.

The bruising over her temple stood out against her tan skin. Dark and angry. Everything my girl wasn’t. To think that someone would hurt her… Fuck! I needed to stop that train of thought before the anger I fought with daily consumed me.

She needed me.

More than ever, Bitty needed me.

“Give me five minutes to set things up,” I informed her, the tips of my fingers running down her cheek until I cupped her jaw. “Don’t move.”

At my admonishment, Maya rolled her eyes while holding her pinky up to me. “Promise.” And then, she pushed herself off the bed to reach me. There was that look in her eye, the one that told me just how much pain she was in. Fucking gutted me. Because to her, I was worth it.

My kisses.

My touch.

Our love.

I met her halfway and pressed my lips to hers. Urgent. Desperation so intense hit me from all angles. She moaned as my fingers wove themselves into her hair and massaged her scalp, soft touches helping to soothe her.

Maya arched into me, the movement sudden and hurtful. “Fuck,” she whimpered out, and I froze.

“Don’t move.” Her hands, which had been in my hair, tugged hard, keeping me from pulling away as I should have. Insane, defenseless when it came to her, I nodded against her lips and kissed her slowly. This girl drove me insane, but I understood. We fed off each other. Yearned for the closeness.

I would never—and could never—deny her.

“Look at me, baby.” Gorgeous grey eyes opened and met mine. In them I saw her love for me, and my heart raced. “I love you.” Lips parted, and her breath became my own. Fed my lungs what was vital for me to live. “Have since the day you walked into my shop all sass and bark. Fucking bowled me over with your beauty, but it was your heart that stole mine. Please don’t ever return it; it’s yours. Just like you will always fucking be mine.”

Because that was what I did; I lived for—and because of—her.

“You own me, Talan. No one will ever take me away.”

One more peck on the lips, and then I pushed off the bed, walked over to Maya’s bag on the floor, and picked it up.

Bitty was very particular about which products she used. She’d hate anything the hospital would provide, so like a good boyfriend, and because I refused to leave her side, I had Esther buy her everything she would need.

Not that she complained. This had meant free access to my credit card and shopping for her best friend. My only request was that she did it quickly, and that she treated herself to something for all the help.
Esther had readily agreed, and my Bitty had been thrilled to have things that reminded her of home.

Our home. The one we would share until we were old and grey. Cranky fuckers fighting over the remote control and which show we’d watch. The same home where she would slap my hand each time I copped a feel of her ass.

“Growing old will be fun with this chick,” I muttered
once inside the bathroom because I was no fool. Maya remembered everything and made me pay for it later.

Turning the shower on, I adjusted the temperature knob and let the hot water warm the room.

Shampoo and conditioners—yes, more than one bottle—were placed inside the small shower niche, a tiny alcove that barely contained the three bottles. Not that she could use them due to her stitches, but it made her feel more at ease. To have them just in case.

Next, I placed her Victoria’s Secret lotion and body mist on the shelf above the toilet, hair brush and comb next to them, and then her toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. Face wash and other crap that I didn’t understand stayed inside the small carry-on Esther bought.

Christ, do women need a lot of shit.

Shaking my head, I walked out and gingerly picked her up and off the bed. “Come on, pretty girl, let’s get you cleaned up.”

“Thank God.” Maya sighed and leaned her head on my chest, nuzzling and taking in a deep inhale of my scent. I kissed the top of her head before placing her on her feet. Too cute.

“Let’s get you naked.” Giggles rang out of the small room as I lecherously waggled my eyebrows while removing her hospital gown. Warmed my fucking heart to hear her so carefree. Then, that laughter died—gone, just as fast as it had arrived.

“Bitty, what…” The small mirror above the sink. Motherfuck. “Baby, it’s just bruising. It’ll all go away in time.” No reaction. Instead, her eyes stood transfixed on the small piece-of-shit object that hung on the wall. Linda and Mathew had been dead set on not letting her see the bruising that had developed on over half her face. It was the wrong call. Told them as much.


Watery eyes stared back at her reflection. “Oh my God.”  Three words. The pitch in her tone was even and resolute, as if she had no more fight left in her.

Cupping her jaw, I turned her sad face toward my own. “Stop it.”

“Talan, look at what she—”

“You are beautiful.” Her beauty was more than just superficial; my Bitty had a heart of gold.

A long sigh escaped her, and she looked down. “It’s not the bruising that hurts me, Talan. It’s seeing what she did—reliving it all over again.”

“Fuck her.”

“How can I forget? Dammit, look at me!”

“When did I ever tell you to forget?”

“It was implied.” An annoyed huff which ended with her hand on her hip followed.
Stubborn fucking woman. How could she even think that?

“I’d never be so insensitive as to say that. Maya, I said fuck her…everything she stands for, not what she did and will pay for with blood.”

Her face softened at that, and the hand on her hip fell beside her. “You promised me.”

“Let’s get you cleaned up before the water turns cold.” Maya pursed her lips but didn’t argue. With a soft touch, I pulled her lace panties down and threw them inside the small waste container in the room. Those wouldn’t be needed.

Nothing she wore inside this place would be coming home with us.

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