Marked for Pleasure [Blood Bond] (5 page)

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She faced him now, nibbling her lower lip as she looked up at him. “I’m sorry. It’s really none of my business.”

He reached out and held her shoulders, the safest part of her body, or so he thought. The simple connection tore through him with the power of a freight train. His fucking incisors pricked his tongue, and he tasted his own blood pool in his mouth.

“It’s okay,” he said after swallowing. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

She closed her eyes briefly as if savoring his touch as much as he was. He remembered when he’d given her a massage, those erotic and bonding memories assailing him. Joseph wanted to feel her, kiss her, taste her. Just a little bit, just enough to stave off his craving. He also wanted her on his bed, only a few feet away, naked and willing. Her arousal hit his senses at the same time Francis entered the room. Joseph dropped his hands from her shoulders and stepped back.

“It’s getting late. Have you gotten the shots you needed?” asked Francis.

“This was the last room. I’m all set. Thank you.” She slipped her camera back into the shoulder case.

When Francis stepped to the side, she took the cue and left the room.

By the time she left the house, Joseph was fuming. Yes, he needed Francis to be his voice of reason, but he didn’t need to be such an asshole about it. Once Joseph had realized his feelings for Heidi weren’t one-sided, he was more tempted to sample the girl. What harm would one night cause? They were moving away anyway. God knew they’d had countless women under their roof for more than a casual encounter. Why did Heidi have to be so different?

“You’re fucking up, Joseph.” Francis began flicking off the main lights once the iron gates closed, signaling the agent was off the property. “You can’t even keep your cock in check for two minutes. I think moving back home is exactly what you need.”

“Maybe you need to get off my case about this. So what if I want to fuck her? My choice of bedmates never bothered you before. When push comes to shove, I can control my baser needs, brother.”

“We’ll see.”

* * * *

Heidi parked her car on the side of the road. Darkness had settled over the town when she’d been in the DeVille house. She needed a few minutes to collect her thoughts before she went home. She’d promised herself to keep professional, and she had, for the most part. But inside she’d been a quivering mess, only a breath away from throwing herself at Joseph. The way he looked at her with those dark, narrowed eyes did wicked things to her body. After years of yearning, it appeared he was still interested, but the mixed signals were driving her nuts.

Francis was a head case. When he entered a room, she could swear a cold chill followed. He was no less tall, dark, and handsome than the other two, but his personality was guarded. She had the oddest urge to gain his approval, to submit to him. Normally, she’d want nothing to do with such a cold-hearted jerk, but Francis changed all the rules. There was something unidentifiable just beneath the surface of his flawless skin. She wanted to uncover his secrets, to witness him have a moment of weakness.

Again, she mentally scolded herself for thinking beyond her purpose. She had to sell the DeVille estate, earn her commission and status in the world of real estate, and get the hell out of her parents’ basement. Heidi didn’t want to be trapped in a small town for the rest of her life. She knew her father was hoping for her to marry a well-to-do local man and bear his brood of children. Running around barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen was not her idea of a future. The life she wanted was passing her by. The mere idea of throwing out all her dreams for fuck-me eyes and broad shoulders was utterly ridiculous.

As the minutes ticked by, Heidi finally began to build her resolve. When one of the brothers wasn’t breathing down her neck, it was easier to think, easier to resist. She started up her car, the cones of light illuminating the asphalt ahead, and returned home.

She slipped in through the separate entrance of the bungalow, unwilling to talk with her mother about her great success. The house wasn’t even sold, a buyer not in sight, so celebrating was premature. This weekend she’d have an open house in hopes of arousing some interest in the mansion. She knew it wouldn’t be an easy turnover. There wasn’t exactly a gaggle of billionaires in their little town looking for an eight-bedroom monstrosity. Just the monthly utility bills would be more than the average blue-collar worker earned in months. She wouldn’t give up easily, though. Heidi had something to prove to her parents, the men at the office, the DeVilles, and herself.

Rather than turn on the lights in her room, she lit two vanilla-scented candles. She’d enjoyed the intimacy of the candlelit foyer earlier. It was magical, lulling her into peaceful submission. She wanted to re-create that atmosphere, to recapture even a hint of what she’d felt with Joseph. As she slipped out of her dress, she examined her figure in the mirror. God, it was good to know one of the DeVilles was, indeed, attracted to her. But she couldn’t help but want all three to desire her in the same way.

She smoothed her hands over her bare breasts and down her stomach to her neatly shaved pussy. Just thinking about those men had her clit swollen and sensitive. Heidi moaned and then sighed. Her vibrator was on its last leg, loud as a freaking lawn mower, and her parents were watching late-night television right above her on low volume.

She crawled into her bed, her very empty bed, and tried to think of anything but the men less than a mile away.

Chapter Four

“Open your mouth, lover.” Joseph tugged on the chains which held her arms above her head. When she opened as demanded, he ran the pad of his thumb along her fangs teasingly. If she dared to try and take from him, she’d suffer the punishment, and he’d enjoy administering it. Her lips were swollen, her eyes hooded. She loved every depraved minute in their dark lair. “Good girl.”

Christian was at the other end of the room, taking what he needed from the neck of the young human they’d invited to their home days earlier. It was amazing how many women were eager to sample the BDSM lifestyle. Others fantasized about vampires, thanks to the overexposure of the entertainment industry, and craved to play the victim. The DeVilles could fulfill all those needs while satisfying their hunger.

Joseph ran his finger down the center of the vampiress’s chest, still encrusted from the dried wax he’d used on her earlier. She loved the pain he inflicted on her, the more the better. He watched her nipples pebble in response to his touch. With his other hand, he pulled the chains taut, stretching her arms higher. She groaned, licking her sharp incisors. Joseph wouldn’t be feeding her, he’d only take, as was their custom. Females of their race only lived off humans, unless they were mated. To share his blood would be sharing a piece of himself—his essence and power. Something he was unwilling to do.

Francis had always taught them to have no mercy, no pity. They represented a long lineage of ancient blood. It was a high standard to maintain. Their ancestors were the ones who unwittingly started myths, urban legends, and nightmares. When the first human was administered the life-saving drug which started it all, their unique abilities didn’t go unnoticed. They were called witches and devils, and every kind of story had been created around them over time.

Keeping vampire bloodlines pure, untainted by pure human blood, was becoming more difficult. Increasing numbers of males and females were mating with humans, falling victim to the weakness of emotion—of love. Christian called it adaption since humans outpopulated vampires more than ten to one. Joseph had always agreed with Francis—only fear was to be revered. Anything else was an Achilles’ heel.

The past five years, Joseph hadn’t been so sure.
That girl.
She had poisoned his thoughts, made him think with a conscience. Heidi Walsh should have been one of the women tied up in their basement, satisfying his every need. But he’d watched her from afar, never taking the step to claim what he wanted. She was too good for their games, too pure. According to vampire politics, not worthy as a mate. He shouldn’t care, but he did.

“More…” begged the vampire whore.

“Are you allowed to beg, my pet?” He dropped the chain, creating some slack in her binds. Joseph moved against her upright body, grabbed her ass in both hands, and pressed his swollen cock against her stomach.

“No, master. Forgive me.”

“Forgiveness? Since when do I offer such luxuries?” For some reason even his natural tendency to dominate and inflict pain was muted. He could only think of one thing.

Christian’s footsteps echoed on the cold concrete floor behind him. “Stop playing with your food, brother.” He listened to him walk up the stairs and then heard the heavy basement door thud closed behind him.

Joseph leaned down and licked one of the taut nipples in his reach. This woman did little for his libido, and his bloodlust had been sated when he drained her in the afternoon. That fucking Walsh girl continued to bring out his hunger.

He stepped back, disappearing into the shadows of the room. Now he’d sleep, and he hoped he’d be able to resist the little human tomorrow, for if he didn’t, he was no better than the vampires who’d betrayed their race.

* * * *

Heidi tossed and turned, her body on fire, throbbing and demanding. She cracked open her eyes, the room only lit by a lone candle that continued to burn long after she had fallen asleep. A man was over her, his wide shoulders blocking the pale ceiling from view. She should have screamed, wanted to, but her voice wouldn’t work. Sounds were muffled as if she were underwater. Even the faint ruffling of her covers sounded like ocean waves.

“Hush, Heidi.” He waved a hand over her face, and suddenly everything was okay. Her fears dissipated and her lingering desire grew strong. She tried to focus through the sleepy grogginess and dim lighting. It was Francis. She was sure of it.

“What are you doing in my room?”

“Your body gives you away, little one.” He slipped the blanket off her, letting it fall to the ground. “Very nice.”

Her stomach fluttered as he took in the sight of her nudity beneath him. Knowing he liked what he saw satisfied her like nothing else.

“Francis…” Of course this was a dream. Francis hated her, and she couldn’t imagine a hunky billionaire sneaking into any woman’s room at night. She’d have given herself freely if she were awake.

“You’re a problem for me, Heidi.” He leaned down and laid a kiss between her breasts. “You test my control.” Francis tucked his hands under her back as he continued his descent down her body. Every kiss and nip set her body afire, flames licking between her legs and spreading heat to her extremities.

She wondered why it was Francis starring in her erotic dream rather than Joseph or Christian, who’d both openly flirted with her. Maybe her subconscious craved his approval? She knew she had wanted a sample of the dark-haired Adonis ever since the first glance. He was the oldest, so mature and stoic and utterly tempting.

Heidi whimpered when he nearly reached her throbbing clit. This was what happened when she went to bed unfulfilled—her mind created wicked illusions. She couldn’t complain. His breath was hot against her sensitive folds. When his warm, wet mouth clamped over her pussy, she called out.

“That’s so good,” she cried. This was her first pseudosexual encounter. She’d allowed her childhood friend next door to kiss and touch her in the past, but that was the extent of it. Even her dreams had never been this graphic, this vivid.

“Tell me you want this,” he said, his hands now spreading her thighs wide.

“Yes, don’t stop.”

Francis began to suckle her clit, driving her mad with his lively tongue. The contact was electric. She arched into his face, overwhelmed by all the new sensations. Her vibrator had nothing on the skilled DeVille. He brought her to the brink and retreated, over and over again, as if sensing that precise moment she’d explode, only to avoid it.

He rose to his knees, looking down at her with the same serious expression. His gaze alone made her pussy moisten, so intense.

“You’re untouched,” he said matter-of-factly. Francis braced himself on one arm and moved his free hand between her open legs. He inserted one long finger into her cunt, a slow, gentle movement.

“Untouched,” he confirmed.

The fact she was inexperienced seemed to satisfy him, a barely audible growl coming from his chest. At twenty-six, her virginity was more of an embarrassment than something to be proud of. She wanted to feel him filling her, teaching her the ways of the flesh. “Fuck me.”

“Bad, bad little girl.” He kept his finger in place and used his thumb to expertly tease her clit. She was a goner. Every touch, breath, and look brought her closer and closer to the edge. Any minute and she’d fall off that point of no return and spasm around his digit. “Your body is ripe, but your mind is fragile.” He dropped down and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

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