Read Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Online

Authors: Gwen Knight,Michelle Fox

Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance
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Chapter 11

“Are you going to tell me what exactly happened tonight?”

The sound of Ethen’s voice resonating through the car startled me. It was the first either of us had spoken since we’d left the restaurant. I shot him a quick glance, then turned back to the window. “Nothing I can’t handle,” I said.

“Did he proposition you?” His words vibrated with rage.

“No.” More like threatened me. And Tessa. And hell, everything. Now more than ever, I knew Alexei would never relent. He was hoping for our failure if only to sink his teeth into Tessa. But why wait? If he wanted her, why not take her? Why put her—and subsequently, me—through this charade? Was it all a game to him?

“You’re frightened,” Ethen pressed.

Terrified, but I couldn’t admit that aloud. I raked a hand through my hair, feeling the waves settle against my shoulders, and sighed. Tessa and I were completely over our heads, and a large part of me yearned to contact my father. But I’d made a promise, one I refused to break. Tessa might have broken my trust, but I wouldn’t do the same to her. As much as I loathed and distrusted the vampire, Alexei had affirmed the money would suffice. All that remained was for me to fulfill the contract with Ethen, get the money, and pay off Alexei. Afterward, nothing else mattered. I would be free from this responsibility, Tessa would be safe, and Ethen never needed to learn the truth.

Exhausted, I leaned my head back against the seat.

Ethen pulled up in front of the gate and parked the car, but rather than open the door, he turned and gave me his full attention. “Winter. What’s wrong? You’re distressed.”

“Sniffed that out, did you?” I asked, my voice cold.

His expression flattened, the blue in his eyes burning in the darkness. “If you don’t wish to discuss this, fine, but—”

“I don’t,” I interrupted. What the hell would I say?

Frustration tightened his jaw. After a moment’s pause, he opened the door and slid out of the car.

I dropped my head back against the seat once more. I was fucking everything up. Ethen only wanted to help; I understood that. But there wasn’t much I could tell him, not without admitting everything. And even though he had a right to know, I couldn’t muster the words, couldn’t bring myself to disappoint him. Best he never found out.

My door swung open, and Ethen waited, his hand waiting outside the car. Annoyed with me, and he still maintained his manners. Why couldn’t Tessa have found a vampire like him instead of that rat bastard, Alexei?

Our fingers touched, and a jolt of desire shot through my chest.

Nothing was ever easy. Of course, Tessa had involved herself with a jackass like Alexei. And, of course, I was attracted to the vampire whose money would bail her out. Because that was how the world worked. One slap in the face after another.

I climbed out of the vehicle and trailed after him into the garden. My mood already morose, this time I didn’t pause to stroke the petals.

Once we reached the stoop, Ethen turned and faced me with a resolved expression. “If you don’t wish to stay here, I will not hold you to the contract.”

Baffled, I stared up at him, memorizing his fierce countenance in the moonlight. “What?”

“You clearly aren’t enjoying yourself. I have no wish to force my presence on you. I know I’m not the most…” He sighed and dragged his fingers through his hair. “I know I have my flaws and that most, if not all, of the courtesans fear me. But I’m not cruel. If you don’t want to be here, I give you leave.”


“I will contact Madam da Silva, and—”


He blinked, his mouth snapping shut.

I climbed the first step of his porch and stared him in the eye. “I don’t want to leave.”

His lips parted with the intent to speak but instead, I threaded my fingers through his soft hair and brought our mouths together in a passionate kiss. Our
kiss. The moment our tongues touched, colors grew sharper and the air sweeter, as though I’d taken my first fresh breath, and all because of his touch.

I melted into him, my arms sliding around his neck as I held him close. I’d never felt anything this powerful with anyone else—not that I had much experience. Still, my entire body came alive for him. Without question. There was something about Ethen that heated my blood and made me quiver.

Breathless, he broke away from our kiss and met my gaze. “Amelia…”

That was what I wanted to hear. No more Winter, not from him, never again. It was insane that I could feel like this for someone I’d met three nights ago. Yet, here we were, clinging to one another on a darkened stoop, stealing passionate kisses beneath the ivory moonlight.

He pushed the mussed waves of hair back from my face. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

I was. Our future was unknown, and I suspected darkness hovered on the precipice, but for the first time, I
what I wanted. Nothing else mattered. Not right now. Nodding, I closed the distance between us and brushed my lips against his. “I’m sure.”

Lust flashed through Ethen’s eyes. His nostrils flared before he released a deep, rumbling growl and claimed my mouth in another searing kiss. Every stroke of his tongue kindled within me a desire I’d never known, nor thought possible.

“Inside,” he commanded in a deep voice.

The door behind us slammed open, seemingly of its own volition. With a gasp, I whirled around only to find the entryway clear and empty. Not a soul other than us.

Ethen’s hands found my waist and he guided me inside. “Apologies,” he rumbled near my ear. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“You did that? Opened the door?”

“Part of being a vampire,” he said before turning me and pinning me against the wall. His mouth found the soft skin beneath my ear, and he nibbled his way down my throat.

It was the first I’d ever heard of a vampire moving things with his mind. I wanted to question him about this power, but he took that moment to rake his fangs against my skin. I shuddered against him, my knees weakening as my mind returned to the night before. Memories flooded me, and I found myself eager to experience it all over again.

“Not yet,” he murmured, as though sensing the direction of my thoughts. “Blood is like a fine wine. The more I pleasure you, the sweeter you’ll taste. I intend to savor every last drop.”

Drawing back, he slid down the length of my body until he knelt at my feet. Much like our first night together, his hands delved beneath my dress and removed my shoes. Afterward, I expected him to rise. Instead, he gripped my dress with both hands, and, with a devilish grin, split the material like the Red Sea.

My laughter caught in my throat when he rose and suddenly hoisted me onto his hips. Then we were moving, faster than physically possible. The house blurred around us as he went, leaving me to cling to him for dear life, and him never pausing to open the doors.

Thanks to my last experience, I expected him to toss me onto the bed and have his way with me, but I should have known better. Ethen was far from a brute. He lowered me to my feet, his hands sliding down my body.

“You ruined the dress,” I said with a breathless chuckle.

“Worth it.”

With an arched brow, I slid my hands beneath his suit jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. “Except, now I can’t ever wear it for you again.” It wasn’t until the words left my mouth that I realized my mistake. “I mean…”

“Shh.” He dipped his head and caught my mouth.

Even though his hands were in my hair, the dress tore higher, the bodice splitting in half and the two pieces falling away from me.

“Show off,” I rasped.

Ethen leaned back and stared down at me with a mixture of hunger and adoration. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, his gaze taking in the sight of me nude.

“I’d like to say the same, but…” I leaned forward and caught his earlobe between my teeth. “You’ll need to get naked, first.” I made quick work of his shirt, eager to divest him of his clothing. It slid away from him, revealing his broad chest and tapered waist. I popped open his pants, then paused.

“Something wrong?” he murmured.

“Not in the least.”

I’d never undressed a man before. The first time, my partner had practically ripped off his own clothes in his hurry to sow his seed. This time, I wanted to take my time and enjoy the entire experience.

I slid his pants down before dipping my fingers beneath the band of his briefs, brushing against the rounded tip of his length. He sucked in a sharp breath, his pupils contracting to a near slit. It ignited within me a sense of female pride, to have him react so strongly to my touch. I wanted more. I wanted to explore, to enjoy the feel of his body.

Feeling brave, I grinned up at him as I freed him from the constraining material, then knelt before him.

“Amelia, I—”

I ignored his cautionary words and slid him into my mouth.

Ethen groaned, his fingers cradling the side of my head as I moved against him. The taste of him in my mouth was intoxicating. To hear his every catch of breath, to feel his hard length gliding in and out of my lips, to swirl my tongue around his shaft… I cupped him in my hand and sank a little deeper until I could go no further.

“Jesus,” he hissed.

I blinked open my eyes and gazed up at him, stunned by the blue fire burning in the depths of his eyes. Another vampiric power, perhaps? The unnatural glow?

“Amelia.” My name came out as a moan.

His hands curled around my arms, and he lifted me onto the bed. He nudged my thighs apart and settled between them before trailing a single finger down my body. “For tonight, you’re
. Mine to do with as I wish. Mine to taste, to tease, to pleasure… Mine to tame.”

My mouth went dry with his words, and heat bloomed in my stomach. He caught my wrists between his hands and pinned them above my head. Lost in his eyes, I barely noticed when something soft tightened around them. But when the knot cinched, I gasped and tipped my head back to find my hands restrained by silk ropes.

Holy crickets

“All right?” he murmured.

A hint of panic fluttered within me, but it was nothing compared to the fire in my blood. Who knew a little slip of material could turn me on? I eagerly nodded, then brushed my knee against the outside of his thigh.

“At any time, you can tug on the end, and the ties will open,” he informed me, his fingers grazing up my inner thigh.

My breath caught when he found my center. I was desperate for his touch, to recreate our results from last night. My stomach quivered with anticipation, my heart thundering in my chest, all from the promise of pleasure.

He leaned over and caught one of my nipples between his teeth. I gasped at the pressure, but it was a delicious sort of pain. It wasn’t until I felt his tongue dragging across my breast that I realized he’d bitten me. I glanced down to find beaded drops of blood clinging to my nipple and his lips. The sight ramped up my pulse. I’d never envisioned it this way—never imagined it could be so erotic.

“Mine to taste,” he repeated before dragging his mouth down over my stomach.

His fingers slid within me, and I gasped, my hips arching toward him.

“Mine to tease.” He moved lower, his head between my legs. “To pleasure.” His fingers parted me a second before his tongue found its mark.

I cried out and pulled on my restraints. I writhed beneath him, my hands clutching at the bonds that kept me fettered to the bed. His tongue delved within me in a long, slow lick that left me shaken. His next had me panting for air as I squirmed against him, my head digging into the pillows beneath me.

“To tame…” he finally said before unleashing his full talents on me.

“Ethen,” I gasped.

A now familiar heat spread through my stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut and sucked in a sharp breath, in an attempt to stave off the coming orgasm. I wanted this to last, to enjoy him as long as possible before this inevitably came to an end.

My breath turned jagged as every stroke of his tongue pushed me that much closer to the edge. But I wasn’t ready to leap. Not yet.

Ethen, however, had other plans. His mouth settled in just the right spot, and I shattered. A surprised cry spilled past my lips, and my hips bucked upward. I felt the moment his fangs sank into my thigh. My orgasm lengthened, the blissful fever dotting my skin in a light sheen of sweat.

His fingers slipped within me, rapidly spiraling me into a second orgasm.

Ethen retracted his fangs from my thigh and slid up my body, his knees nudging my legs open once again. Without a word, he leaned over and claimed my mouth in a drugging kiss seconds before sheathing himself within me in one swift movement.

I tore my mouth from his with a gasp. Yearning to touch him, I yanked on the tie and silently rejoiced when I gained my freedom. I grasped his head and brought his mouth back to mine. He started to move within me, too slowly for my liking. With a little growl of my own, I hooked my legs around his waist and rolled us until he was staring up at me with wide eyes from the flat of his back.

BOOK: Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance
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