Mark Me (7 page)

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Authors: Shawn Bailey

Tags: #mm

BOOK: Mark Me
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Eli’s tongue snaked out and plunged into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around Dimitri’s neck and kissed him passionately.

“You really want this?” Dimitri asked once he caught his breath.

“Yes,” Eli said, spreading his legs. “Take me over the edge.” Dimitri entered him again, plunging deeply as Eli clung to him.

Eli’s nails scratched his back as their passions intensified.

Dimitri moved his tongue in and out of Eli’s mouth, savoring the sweetness as their bodies got to know each other.

Eli cried out against his lips as he came. He made pitiful little helpless sounds that made Dimitri love him even more.

His body finally gave up the ghost and the nectar gushed from his dick as Eli continued to tremble beneath him. They lay spent in each other’s arms basking in the afterglow.

Chapter Five

Eli walked around in a daze the next week, avoiding his parents and trying to practice for the recital. Swimming practice had ended, which left him free time to spend with Dimitri. They’d sneak up to Dimitri’s apartment for a quickie during lunch. Greer and Jose would look at him with humor as he stumbled downstairs to leave with swollen lips and with Dimitri practically clinging to him. Dimitri would give him one quick kiss, slap him on his bottom and send him away.

Justin called and invited him to an impromptu barbecue over at his parents’ home. Eli didn’t want to accept because he still had so much to do, but he hadn’t seen his friends in a while. He drove over even though Justin lived down the street.

The entire gang was there, including Trey, who he really didn’t want to see. Holly had cut her hair. It looked pretty. And Henry had shed his dreadlocks for twists.

“Where you been?” Henry asked as they tossed a football in the backyard.

“Busy,” Eli replied.

“When are you moving into your apartment?”

“In a couple of days,” Eli lied, catching the football and tossing it back to Henry. He’d moved in yesterday but didn’t want to tell him.

“Do you need any help?”

“No, I’m cool. The furniture has arrived and I’ve moved most of the heavy stuff already.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Eli said. He hadn’t told them where his apartment was located. He’d planned to. Now he didn’t think it was such a good idea since Dimitri had promised to come over for sleepovers when he could.

Trey and Justin joined them and before long they were all hot and sweaty from the game. Eli removed his shirt to cool off.

“Ooh, what is that?” Henry asked, pointing to Eli’s chest. “It looks like a passion mark.”

That got Trey and Justin’s attention. They walked their nosey butts over to examine him.

“No wonder we haven’t seen him in awhile,” Trey said. “He’s been humping some chick.”

Holly walked over with a can of soda. “What are you three staring at?”

Eli tried to get his shirt on.

“Eli’s sporting a big purple passion mark,” Trey told her.

“What? Where?” Holly asked.

“On his chest,” Justin said.

“You guys are ridiculous,” Eli said, pulling his shirt down. “It’s nothing.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Holly asked.

“No,” Eli said. He’d just blown any chance to be with Holly now.

“A boyfriend?” Trey teased.

Eli glared at him but didn’t answer.

Mr. Marshall called them over for burgers, ending the conversation.

Trey smirked at him.

Eli just rolled his eyes and followed his other friends over to the picnic table. His cell phone rang about two hours later after they had eaten and were lounging around the pool. It was Dimitri. “Hello?”

“Hello, gorgeous. What are you doing?”

“I’m visiting a friend,” Eli replied. “His parents invited me over to a barbecue.”

“His?” Dimitri asked.

“My friend Justin.”

“Oh, the one with the skull and crossbones tattoo.”


“Are you going to be there long?”

“No,” Eli said, realizing that his friends were eavesdropping on his conversation.

“Is the bed set up at your new place?”


“And are the parents still out of town?”

“Yes.” He smiled. Dimitri was so silly.

“I’ll meet you there around seven. I’m bringing dinner.”

“Great,” Eli said. “See you then.”

“He’s making a date,” Henry said.

Eli disconnected the call. “No, I’m joining a friend for violin practice.”

“That geek, Randall?” Trey asked.

Eli sighed. Trey leaving for the Marine Corps couldn’t have happened at a better time.

* * * *

Dimitri looked around the area as he got out of his car. Eli’s new apartment was about three blocks from the university, in a quaint, old New Orleans neighborhood. The building appeared to be a newly constructed model, surrounded by lush landscaping and crape myrtle trees. He walked up to the white, wrought iron gate and pressed the button.


“It’s me, gorgeous.” Just the sound of Eli’s voice made his heart flutter.

“Apartment 3B,” Eli told him.

He heard a buzzer and then a click. Dimitri opened the gate and stepped into a courtyard. “Wow, this is nice.” He’d always wanted a garden. He remembered his grandmother having one when he was a child. He spent hours out in the yard of her Treme Street home, helping her pull weeds and water flowers. On other days, he’d mowed her lawn while she sat in a swing and watched him. His reward for doing a good job would be a glass of mint tea or a punch-flavored frozen cup. Those were some of his fondest memories, and he remembered thinking he’d love to share such experiences with his kids. Dimitri sighed.
So never going to happen

He took the elevator up to the third floor and searched for apartment 3B. He found Eli leaning in the door waiting for him, looking angelical, wearing a white T-shirt and matching shorts.

Dimitri etched the delightful sight into his memory. Being in love made even the smallest things pleasurable.

“Please remove your shoes.”

Dimitri looked down. First he noticed ten perfect toes, and then two shapely calves, followed by light crème-colored carpet. “You’ll have to hold this first,” he said, handing Eli a bag containing their dinner. He took off his shoes, stepped inside and kissed Eli. Instead of meeting the usual resistance, Eli stood still and allowed the affection.

“Hmm, you’re in a good mood.”

“You’re here,” Eli said, closing the door and leading him through the pristine apartment. For an eighteen year old, Eli really had it going on. He had a fancy car, a scholarship to a prestigious college, and a beautiful, energy-efficient, two-bedroom apartment.
Am I insane?

This kid is way out of my league

Eli led him to the kitchen and placed the food on a white marble countertop, next to bright-red, small appliances.

Dimitri opened the stainless steel refrigerator and found it stocked with food and a six-pack of his favorite beer.
. Eli had thought enough about him to get someone to purchase it just for him.

“Let me give you the grand tour.”

Dimitri nodded. He’d follow Eli to the end of the earth if he had to. But at the moment he enjoyed the tour of the living room with its formal French provincial furnishing. No doubt his mother had a hand in the selection. Like the kitchen, the living room had that new, never-been-used smell.

Eli’s violin rested on a stand in his den-turned-music room. On the walls were pictures of famous violinists and one of Eli and his friend Randall. Dimitri studied the picture. Both young men wore white suits and it appeared to be taken at some music hall. They looked happy together. He grimaced, not liking what he saw or the way it made him feel. Jealousy had never been his thing.

Eli led him out of the room and up the stairs, first to the guest bedroom and finally into his. Dimitri eyed the king-sized maple bed, and winked at Eli who blushed profusely. He drew his attention away from his lover to check out the matching dresser and chest of drawers.

Dimitri opened the double closet doors. Except for a couple pairs of dress pants and two suits, everything else was jeans and T-shirts.

He also had too many shoes for a young man. “I’m going to miss those preppy boy outfits,” he teased.

“I can’t go to college looking like a dweeb,” Eli said, heading toward the master bathroom.

Dimitri followed him in and stared at the bathtub big enough for two. The beige, brown, and green color scheme matched the master bedroom. Little cakes of rose-scented soap rested in a white porcelain dish on the back of the toilet seat. Dimitri spied two toothbrushes.

“You do live here alone, don’t you?”

Eli nodded. “I picked up another one just in case I got an overnight guest.”

“Ooh, I like a man with high expectations.” Dimitri eyed the tub again, noticing the bottle of lavender-scented bubble bath. “I haven’t had a bubble bath since I was a kid. Do you mind?”

“What about dinner?” Eli asked.

“I think I saw a fancy microwave in the kitchen,” Dimitri said, turning on the water and filling the tub with a capful of the lavender liquid. He removed his shirt and Eli looked away with an impish smile. “Strip, preppy,” Dimitri ordered. “I need someone to wash my back.”

Chapter Six

Regardless of what he thought, sex in a bathtub didn’t hold a candle to sex in a brand new bed. They’d given the bathtub the old college try, but Dimitri’s cock kept slipping out of him and porcelain, though pretty, was hell on the knees. Dimitri just gave up, hauled him out of the tub and carried him into the master bedroom. Moments later Dimitri had found Eli’s new stash of condoms and fruit-flavored gel he’d hidden and was now on his knees, licking the pineapple-flavored lube off Eli’s greased-up pubic area.

Eli groaned. He felt like a sticky mess and he couldn’t do anything but lay there since Dimitri had tied his arms to the headboard with two of Eli’s expensive silk ties.

“This would be perfect if we had some whipped crème,” Dimitri said as he ran his tongue along the base of Eli’s cock.

“I’ll remember to add it to the grocery list,” Eli said. “Ooh, your tongue is lethal.” His cock disappeared into Dimitri’s mouth and came out covered in saliva. “You’re really freaky,” he teased as pleasure flowed through his body. He wanted so badly to touch Dimitri, or run his fingers through his spiky, blond hair, but the ties restrained him.

“Ah,” he moaned as Dimitri inched two pineapple-lubed fingers up his ass, while simultaneously sucking him dry. “Not being able to touch you is killing me.”

Dimitri chuckled at his pleas.

Eli rolled his hips, sending more of his length into Dimitri’s mouth. The fingers inched further inside his body, stimulating his prostate and totally weakening his defenses. His body trembled. If Dimitri kept this up, he wouldn’t last long.

Dimitri introduced a third finger into his ass.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” Eli moaned. “That feels so good.” Dimitri continued to eat him alive, sucking, stroking, nibbling, and probing him. He slid the fingers out slowly and then pushed them back in again.

Eli’s back arched as he struggled against the ties. He hated feeling so vulnerable and defenseless. He didn’t know how much more of the seduction he could take.

Dimitri sped up the process. Eli saw his head bobbing up and down and felt Dimitri’s fingers pushing in and out of him rapidly.

“I’m coming,” he shouted.

Dimitri’s head continued to bob up and down.

Eli exploded, sending his sperm deep into Dimitri’s throat.

Dimitri choked, but recovered quickly. He came up for air, licking his lips. “You taste like piña colada.” He swallowed again. “And what a gusher.”

“You’re so silly,” Eli said with a groan. He’d come so hard he felt like he broke something inside his stomach.

Dimitri climbed on top of him and untied the restraints.

“Get off me. You weigh a ton,” he lied. Dimitri had a nice, slim body. Eli rubbed his wrists to get the circulation going again.

Dimitri silenced his bitching by kissing him. His thick erection pressed into Eli’s tender stomach.

“Okay, I get the message. Less talking and more sucking. Do you want to be covered in cherry-flavored lube and devoured?”

“No,” Dimitri moaned, kissing Eli’s throat. “I’m way past the point of foreplay. I need to be inside of you.” Eli moaned too, swept away by Dimitri’s provocative words.

“Will you cherry-lube my ass?”

“Oh yeah,” Dimitri said, rising above him and gently turning him onto his stomach. “But first I need to wrap the wiener.” Eli heard the rustle of a condom package, followed by the popping of a top. Moments later his buttocks and anus were slick with lubrication. “I’m going to need another bath after this—Oh!” Dimitri slipped into him. “You could have at least given me time to finish my sentence.”

“No time for conversation,” Dimitri said as he ground into Eli’s backside. “Must concentrate.”

“Ouch,” Eli cried as Dimitri passionately humped him.

“I’m sorry, babe. I’m too excited.” He slowed his roll and then withdrew.

“What’s wrong?” Eli asked.

“I want to make love to you nice and slow.” He rolled Eli over on his back. “And I want to look into those eyes and kiss you.” He parted Eli’s thighs and slid between them.

Eli helped by spreading his legs and offering himself to Dimitri.

Dimitri sighed. “Oh Lord, you look delicious.” Eli blushed. “Love me,” he said breathlessly, staring directly into Dimitri’s eyes.

“Your wish is my command.” Dimitri lifted his buttocks and penetrated him. Once inside he lay down atop Eli and proceeded to kiss him.

Eli realized Dimitri liked to kiss him to express his affection and in the future he would try to be more cooperative.

Dimitri’s tongue entered his mouth.

“Umh!” Eli moaned against Dimitri’s lips. He tasted juicy and delicious like pineapple lube and he was working that tattooed body like a master. “Ah! That hit the spot.” Dimitri chuckled, pushed up on his hands and moved his hips in a circular motion. “Ah, you’re so tight. Ooh, shit. Work that ass.” Eli tried to help Dimitri out, but at the moment he couldn’t think straight. All of a sudden reality hit him.
I’m in love with Dimitri!
He shuddered passionately. Could he tell him how he felt? Was it too soon in their relationship? And if he did tell him, what would he do if Dimitri told him he loved him back? Eli knew it was a foolish thing to be thinking about during intercourse, but Dimitri had to know how he felt about him. It had to be love. How else could he explain laying spread eagle in his new bed with a tattooed egotist humping his butt?

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