Marissa & Mr. White: (Sexy Contemporary Romance) (8 page)

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"Hey! What the hell are you doing, man?" Mr. Upton
screams out.

I turn my head just in time to find Mr. White grabbing Ted by
his arm and bending it behind his back.

I jump from my seat. "Mr. White! It's okay." My
heart races.

"You like touching women against their will? Huh,
punk?" Mr. White pushes Ted's face down until he’s cheek to cheek with the
bar top. His face turns red with the weight of Mr. White's hand.

"Let me go, man. I wasn't touching her against her

"Oh so now you're lying to me." He bends Ted's arm
even more. "It looked to me like she didn’t want your hands on her,

"Mr. White, please let's just go.” I place my hand on his
shoulder. “Please, Mr. White." He doesn't acknowledge me.

"Did she
push your hand away?”

“Mr. White, you’re hurting him.”

“Did she
push your hand away?” He crushes Ted’s
face into the bar top again. Ted screams in pain.

"Austin, stop!" Mr. White cut his eyes to me. I
wasn’t sure those words had in fact come from my mouth. I’ve never raised my
voice that high before. I take my hand from his shoulder. "Let's go,” I

If I Had It My Way


Mr. White finally releases Ted’s arm. All eyes are focused in
our direction. Not one person dared to come to Ted's rescue. Mr. White steps
back. His chest heaves up and down. Ted sits on the bar stool massaging his arm
with his head down. My boss gives him a final look of warning before grabbing
me by the hand. I snatch my purse from the bar just as he's pulling me away.
I'm practically running to keep up with his quick, long strides. We storm out
of the hotel and straight into the parking lot.

He releases my hand once we are near his car. “Get in.”

I stare at him as he makes his way to the driver’s side. I
can’t speak. I can barely breathe. I’ve never been in a fight nor have I been
so close to one before. I open the car door and take my place in the
passenger’s seat. I don’t close the door. Mr. White drops heavily into the
driver’s seat. He tears his tie from around his neck then bangs the steering
wheel a few times with his fist.

I want to console him but I don’t know what to do. I’ve never
had to calm a man down before. What do you say to someone that wants to rip a
guy’s arm off for touching you inappropriately?

A low grunt interrupts my thoughts. “What?”

Mr. White looks over at me. His eyes darkened with anger. “I’m
sorry for losing my temper in front of you like that.”

“It’s okay. I totally understand why you did that. Thank you
for stepping in.”

“Do you need me to take you home?”

I shake my head. “I drove.” I pause for a moment. “Are you


I give a small smile. “Okay.” I turn to get out of the car but
Mr. White catches my arm. I look down at his hand. He slowly caresses my skin
with his thumb. Tingles instantly run the length of my body. I know I shouldn’t
be turned on by him at this very moment. I know that my panties should not be
wet right now. But I am and they are. I find the courage to look into his eyes.
Calmness has replaced the anger that was there just moments ago.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Yes, Mr. White, I’m fine.”

His gaze roams over my face as if searching for assurance that
I’m telling the truth. He slowly takes his hand away.

“See you on Monday,” I say then exit the car.





My boss has been flooding my thoughts all day yesterday and
all night. The way he put Ted in his place frightened me and turned me on all
at the same time. I didn’t tell Bianca what happened when we talked yesterday.
For some reason I just want to keep this between my boss and I. I can’t look
too deep into his actions. I’m sure he would’ve done that for any girl that he
thought was being harassed by a drunken jerkoff like Ted. I’m just glad that he
was there to protect me.

I step off the elevators at eleven o’clock. Mr. White emailed
me yesterday afternoon and told me that I could come in late today. His way of
apologizing for the events that took place at the hotel bar. I say hello to Josie
and Denise before heading to my cubicle. Mr. White is sitting in his office. I
put my belongings down at my desk and turn on my computer. I need to let my
little girl fantasies about my boss go. But the way that he’d caressed my arm
yesterday. And the way that he’d looked at me. I admit I was extremely turned
on and could have imagined the lust in his eyes. My desire to be wanted by him
could have clouded my judgment of his actions. Maybe it wasn’t a passionate
caress but more of a soothing caress. Like a grown up would give a child when
they are scared or hurt. Does it matter one way or the other? He’s my boss. He
signs my paychecks. He’s off-limits.

I walk to Mr. White’s office. He’s sitting at his desk reading
over a file. Could I really have anything more than just a working relationship
with a man like that? Is it possible to have a romantic relationship with
someone that you work with? Especially if he’s your boss? Mr. White runs his
fingers through his hair. A tiny shiver rolls up my spine. If I had it my way,
it would be him that’s giving me mind-blowing orgasms not some stranger at a
club. I shake my head. There is something about this man that makes me crave
him. Unfortunately, he’s untouchable.

I knock on the door. “Mr. White?”

He looks up at me. “Miss Riley, good morning.” A pleased grin
spreads across his face.

“Good morning, sir. I wanted to see if you needed for me to
get you some coffee.”

“I’ve had some already. But I do need for you to do something
else for me before you get too busy with work.”


He motions for me to come closer. “I need to get a present for
someone.” He takes out his wallet then hands me a credit card.

It’s his personal credit card. “What type of present do you
need, sir?”

“I need a nice dress.”

A dress?

“There’s this shop called Ulna’s Boutique. It’s about three
blocks from here. Are you familiar with it?”

I’ve passed by that store countless times since I’ve worked
for Trentini & White but never got passed the window front. I don’t like
torturing myself by going into stores to browse around knowing I can’t afford
anything in the there. Not even a wallet. “Yes, I’m familiar with Ulna’s.”

“Good. I need a nice black or white cocktail dress. She’s about
your size. So try it on. I trust your judgment when it comes to style. Why
don’t you do that for me now?”

“Okay. What’s your price range?”

“Don’t worry about the cost. I just want the best that they

Wow. This woman must be extremely special. Although I’ve never
heard him mention a girlfriend. Not that we’ve had many personal conversations.
Why wouldn’t he have a girlfriend? Besides, if he was interested in me I doubt
he would send me dress shopping for someone else unless he made it crystal
clear that the person being shopped for was a relative or close friend. All I
got was,
she’s about your size.
Now I’m even more convinced that
yesterday meant nothing more than a nice guy coming to the rescue of a good
girl being mistreated by a scumbag.



The door chimes as I enter Ulna’s Boutique. Everything is so
tidy and elegant looking. Ulna’s is definitely not a place to spend your time
when you’re living from paycheck to paycheck like I am. Mmm. It even

“How can I help you, Madam?” A slim gentleman with dark curls
and a French accent steps from behind the counter.

“Hi, I’m looking for a nice cocktail dress, size 2, in black
or white.”

“Certainly. I can pull a few pieces for you.”

I follow behind him as he sashays over to a rack of dresses.
He pulls a few pieces for me but they aren’t my style. I laugh to myself. As if
I have a real style.

“Can I see that one?” I point at the black and white strapless

“Ahh, yes this is a beauty. You will definitely make a true
statement with this dress. It’s a drama piece.” He puts the dress up to my
body. “I just adore the way you have this crisp white circle here that’s
flawlessly place on this black fabric. It’s modern and chic.”

I look down at the dress. My fingers outline the black rose
belt. “This is gorgeous. Can I try it on?”

The gentleman leads me to the fitting room. I tear my clothes
off then carefully slip into the beautiful dress. One bonus off the rip is the
side zipper. I always struggle with dresses that have the zipper in the back.
I’m sure whoever this girl is will appreciate that small detail as well.

The fabric clings to my body as if the designer had me in mind
when he was creating this beauty. It stops just at my knees. I take a few steps
forward then I squat as if I’m about to take a seat. The material is very
comfortable. Great wiggle room. Who knows, he might be taking her dancing. I stand
in front of the mirror. I like how one side is black and the other side is
white. And the back. Wow. I run my hand over my backside. It accentuates the
little butt that I do have so nicely. I smile at my reflection. I could get
used to looking like this.

I take a peek at the price tag. Wow. Five hundred bucks. Oh
well. In Mr. White’s world I’m pretty sure that’s coming out on the cheap end.
Cheap or not. This is the one that made my mouth water. So I’m getting it.

After admiring myself for a few more minutes I finally pay for
the dress then head back to the office. Mr. White’s door is close when I
return. I knock.


I walk inside with the large black bag dangling from my hand.
He stands as I walk closer to him. “Here you go, sir.” He takes the bag from my
hand and puts it into his coat closet. “And your card.” I place the card on his
desk then take a few steps back.

“Thank you, Miss Riley.”

“You’re welcome.” I turn to leave his office.

“Miss Riley?”

I pause in my tracks. “Yes?” I turn to face him, waiting for
his command. For some bizarre reason the desire for him to command me to come
and sit in his lap and give him a deep passionate kiss builds up inside of me.

“I’ll take some coffee now.”

I smile to hide my disappointment. But of course.

Marissa & Mr. White




The week flies by in a blur. Mr. White has kept me busy with
the planning of Blondie’s…excuse me…
party. I must admit that
although this Executive Assistant job is demanding I’m actually enjoying it.
This position has confirmed that this is definitely the career path I would
like to continue to pursue. If things continue to go well and I get hired on
after my ninety-day probationary period, I will go back to school next fall.
The possibility of that happening uplifts my spirits. My mom would be very
proud to know that I’m going to finish school and get my degree. She was always
a stickler on finishing what we start, no matter how big or small the task. It
broke her heart when I had to quit school to take care of her but she’s my mom.
There was no question that her well-being came first. School will always be
here. Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for those that we love.

I shake the sad thought from my mind. I have no time to allow
myself to get depressed about something that I can’t change. Besides, my mom
wouldn’t want me to be sad. Tonight I’m supposed to go to Club Masquerade with
Bianca. That’s enough right there to keep me in great spirits for the rest of
the work day. I’m looking forward to seeing the guy in white again. It’s weird.
I actually missed him. Well may be not him per se but I do miss the things that
he did to my body. Mmm. Yes, that’s what it is. I miss the kisses, the
caresses, the nibbles, and the way he makes my body melt underneath his touch.
I smile to myself as I walk up to Mr. White’s office. I knock on the door.


“Mr. White, I just wanted to let you know that I’m about to
take my lunch break.”

“Okay. But first, I need to give you something.”

I walk all the way into his office. “Okay.”

He stands from his desk then walks over to his coat closet. He
takes out the black shopping bag that I gave him yesterday from Ulna’s. Oh no.
Please don’t tell me the girl didn’t like the dress. I bite down on my bottom
lip anticipating the chew out that I know is coming my way.

He hands the bag to me. “I need you tonight for an important
client meeting & you need to wear this dress.”

I’m sure confusion is written all over my face. “You need me
to wear
dress?” I take the bag from his hand.

“Yes, I need you to wear this dress. I will pick you up from
your home at eight o’clock tonight. Please be ready.” He sits in his computer

I’m frozen in place. Not only do I not understand why he has
me wearing someone else’s dress, but he’s also just asked me to go with him to
a client’s meeting on the night that I’m supposed to go with Bianca to Club

“Is there a problem, Miss Riley?”

I clear my throat. "This is just very last minute. Do you
really need me for this meeting?"

His eyes seem to darken as he stares into mine. "Yes, I
need you."

The way his words drip off his tongue makes me moist between
my thighs. “Okay.”



I pull open my chest drawer and take out a pair of thongs. I
slide the black lace material up my thighs. I don’t really like to wear thongs.
I’m always tempted to pull the wedgie out of my butt but then I remember that
it’s supposed to be there. If Bianca were here she’d probably tell me not to
wear any panties at all. Speaking of Bianca, she almost blew a fuse when I told
her that I had to cancel going to Club Masquerade with her tonight. It took a
few hours for me to get over my disappointment in not being able to see my
mystery man tonight but my job does come first. Being my boss’ personal
“escort” is what I signed up for, apparently, when I decided to be Mr. White's

I slip into the dress that I'd purchased from Ulna's. I assume
I'll be going back to Ulna's on Monday to pick out another dress. I'm sure Mr.
White won't give this one to whomever he’d bought it for initially. I pull up
the side zipper then do a three-sixty in my full-length mirror. I smile at my
reflection. This is one of the most expensive dresses that I’ve ever worn. Time
for a selfie. Who knows when this will ever happen again? I take out my cell
phone and snap a few pics.

Once I’m done playing fashion model, I go to my dresser and
open the ornate gold colored jewelry box that’s been in my family for three
generations. I don’t wear a lot of jewelry but the ones I do wear have special
memories attached. My mom gave the diamond studs I’m wearing tonight to me on
my sixteenth birthday. My first ever diamonds. I haven’t worn these earrings
since before my mother died.

I take my paddle brush and sweep my hair to one side then
secure it in place with a few bobby pins. I want to keep my hair down but I
also want to show off my earrings. I check the time. Mr. White should be
arriving in a few minutes. I put on the final touches then grab my purse and
heels. Before I turn off the light I stare across the hall at the dark bedroom
that once belonged to my mother. My eyes prickle with tears. I touch the
milestone pendant on my neck. My fingertips trace over her name. She’s here
with me. I smile then click off the light switch.

I push my feet into my heels just as Mr. White pulls up to my
house. I don’t give him time to walk up my driveway to greet me. I take slow,
even steps toward his car. He meets me at the passenger’s side dressed in all
black with a stark white silk tie and matching pocket square. I inhale then, slowly,
exhale through my nose. The sight of him standing there in his suit with that
arrogant smirk on his face makes me yearn for his touch. I approach the opened
car door. “Good evening, Mr. White.” Thankfully my voice doesn’t give way to
the flutters bouncing around in my tummy.

“Miss Riley.” His critical gaze covers every inch of me as he
takes my hand. But tonight I don’t need his approval. I know I look good. A
confident smile spreads across my face as I lower myself into the car. Once I’m
tucked safely inside, he closes the door.

“So where are we going?” I ask once we pull off.

“To my place.”

“To your place? You needed me to get dressed up to go to your

He looks over at me. “Miss Riley, do you remember on your
first day working for me that I said when I give directions I expect it to be
done with no questions?”

“Yes, sir, I remember you saying that.”

He turns his attention back to the road ahead. “Well this is
one of those times.”

Touché. “May I ask how long do you think this meeting is going
to take? Oh…I forgot to bring my tape recorder.”

“Miss Riley, the meeting is going to take however long it
needs to take to get what needs to be done, done. And you won’t need your tape
recorder for this.”

I shake my head. This is going to be a long night.

We ride in silence the twenty minutes to his apartment. We
park the car in the garage. This time I don’t wait for him to open my door. I
step out onto the concrete. I don’t know where this newfound confidence has
come from but I like it. Mr. White’s disapproving stare tells me that he’s
disappointed that I didn’t wait for him to open my door. I pretend not to
notice and instead dust the imaginary lint from my dress. He walks a few steps
ahead of me. We enter the elevator and he presses the button for the
twenty-fifth floor. The silver doors close. My body feels heavy as the elevator
ascends. Mr. White stands several inches away from me. I’m tempted to grab hold
of his arm but I hold onto the railing instead. I inhale deeply and a hint of
his cologne fills my nostrils. He stares above our heads at the glowing numbers
as we climb to the twenty-fifth floor.  I swallow hard as the elevator dings.
I’m riddled with anticipation. Other than Richard, I’ve never been in the home
of a man that I’m attracted to even though I know it doesn’t mean anything with
Mr. White. If I didn’t work for him I’m sure I wouldn’t be stepping foot into
his home. Even still, that doesn’t stop the hard, quick pulse in my throat.

We step off the elevator and walk two doors down to his
apartment. He opens the door then steps aside so that I may enter. I nod my
thanks to him then take my place inside the foyer. My eyes fill with wonderment
as I take in my surroundings. “You have a beautiful home, Mr. White.”

“Thank you. I can’t take the credit for it. My interior
designer, Marlie, is very good at what she does.” He closes the door. “This
way.” He ushers me into the living room. “What can I get you to drink?”

“Water is fine. Thank you.” I take a seat on the white leather
couch in front of a black coffee table. Modern and contemporary. I cock my head
to the side to read the titles of the three books on his coffee table.
and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill,
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
by Stephen Covey and
The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace
Wattles. Looks like reading these books definitely paid off for him.

“I hope you like seafood.” Mr. White sits a glass of water
onto a coaster on the coffee table.

“I do. Did you cook?” I smile.

“My personal chef, Armond, cooked. I am a true bachelor.” He
takes a seat beside me.

Bachelor? So does that mean he
have a
girlfriend? Why am I thinking about that anyway?

Mr. White takes a seat beside me on the sofa. We are knee to
knee. There’s a weird flip in my tummy.

“Are you comfortable?” he asks.

I nod.

“I’m not. I’m actually a little hot.” Mr. White takes off his
suit jacket then tosses it over the back of the couch. He begins to unbutton
his dress shirt and remove his tie. My pace quickens. He pulls the shirt off
his body. To my disappointment he has on a white t-shirt. “Ahh. That’s much
better.” He rests one arm on his leg as he picks up his glass of wine with the other.

I notice a black mark just below his shirtsleeve. Is that a
tattoo? Without permission, I pull his shirtsleeve up his arm and reveal more
of the tattoo. My eyes widen in disbelief.

He turns his attention to me. I can’t hide the reaction on my
face. He doesn’t say a word he just pulls his shirt over his head then turns
his back to me.

“Oh. My. Gosh.” I put my hand to my mouth. “Mr. White…I…”

He faces me. “Austin. Call me Austin.”

I nod since I’ve literally forgotten how to speak at this
point. He moves closer to me. His deep chocolate eyes stare at me intensely as
his hand glides across my knee and up the inside of my thigh. I gasp when he
tugs the fabric of my thong to the side. “Bringing back memories?“ he asks, just
before his mouth turns up into a sexy grin. He pushes two fingers inside me and
begins to work his magic. My body grinds against his hand. I bite down on my
lower lip. “This time you can call out my name,” he whispers in my ear.

A third finger enters me. I moan and wrap my fingers around the
wrist of his thrusting hand. Not to stop him but to slow him down. My body is
seconds from erupting. He grips the back of my neck. And I lose all my
strength. I’m his for the taking.

“I can’t hear you,” he whispers. His hand moves in and out
faster. My mouth hangs open as I take short breaths. We stare into each other’s
eyes. “I can’t hear you, Miss Riley,” he says louder now.

The sound of his groans mixed with the slapping of his hand
against my wetness fill the room bringing me to my peak. “Austin…” I breathe
out his name. My body shakes as a wave of pleasure washes over me. Spent, my
head falls against his chest. His rapid heartbeat echoes in my ear. He then
rubs his finger over the back of my neck, tracing my tattoo. I finally find the
strength to lift my head to meet his gaze.

He smiles. “Good girl.” He lowers his mouth to mine and kisses
me with such hunger bringing my mind back to the kiss we shared at Masquerade.

I break away from his kiss. I stare into his eyes as I hike up
my dress then straddle his lap before returning my mouth to his.

Tonight will
be a long night.


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Marissa & Mr. White

by Yolanda Allen


Copyright © 2014 Yolanda Allen
All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication
may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior
written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein. The
scanning, uploading, and/or distribution of this book via the internet or any
other means without the prior written consent of the author is illegal and
punishable by law. This book is a work of fiction. All characters are products
of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons are simply

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