Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1)
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Chapter 3



The injections began the next day, two a day every day. Dr. Stanley and Dr. Jones administered the injections themselves. They trusted nobody else with the formula that Stanley had developed. The babies fought the injections but they seemed to respond. They all grew at a healthy rate and none showed signs of illness ever. It was remarkable, Stanley had thought to himself that his drug mixture was appearing to in fact work in its abilities to prevent illness; however, unfortunately, the testing of their ability to regenerate or self-heal, however, was not as successful, since none showed any physical ability to heal any faster than a normal child. The ability to prevent childhood illness was not the outcome the ‘Management’ was after; however, they felt it was progress and progress was enough to keep the program going. Weekly updates were necessary along with weekly blood draws. These poor children was all Stanley could hear in his head, but he knew that they knew no better. They only knew a life of needles, physical tests, and training. They couldn’t think it was bad or wrong or that they didn’t have a normal life. Stanley tried to bring a small sense of normal to them. He would read stories to them at bedtime and would sneak in toys for them to play with under the disguise as ‘learning tools’ to improve their education. He bonded with Marie the most. She had nightmares regularly and he would always be there to cradle her and rock her back to sleep. She was his daughter in every sense of the word and he cared more about her than any of them.  As they grew, they grew only stronger both physically and mentally, but by the age of ten, problems started to show.

“They are growing up quite nicely don’t you agree?” Jones said with a smile to Stanley.

“Yes, but I am worried about the three smallest,” Stanley replied as Bruce entered the walkway.              

“Gentlemen are you enjoying watching the children? I say it’s a bit creepy to just stand here watching them ‘play’,” Bruce said with a smile.

Stanley gazed back down to the nine of them on the floor of the training facility. Stanley couldn’t take his eyes off his sweet Marie with her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was hard to look away from; she was playing with Tommy, the smallest of the boys, as always.

“They are inseparable those two. It’s kind of cute,” Jones said with a smile.

“Not really, they aren’t supposed to make friends, they are supposed to form a team, not pair up. The only time ‘play’ is appropriate is when the training demands it. They are my project too,” Bruce replied crossing his arms. Stanley just kept looking at them.


“Marie, come play with us,” Michael called to Marie as she sat on the floor with Tommy playing cards.

“Ok, come on, Tommy let’s go,” Marie said to him as she started to get up placing the cards on the floor.

“No, not Tommy, he can’t keep up,” Samuel called out standing next to Michael.

“Agreed. So Tommy.” Austin added.

“Come on, let him join in. He makes the rest of us look good.” Justin chimed in with a smile.

“You’re all mean. He can play too!” Marie yelled back at them.

“Guys, I don’t really want to play anyway; you go ahead,” Tommy replied straightening his glasses and picking up the cards Marie had put down.

“I’m not playing unless Tommy plays too,” Marie said flipping her blonde pony tail, crossing her arms, and sitting back down on the floor next to Tommy.

“Marie, please, we need one more. If Tommy plays we will be an odd number and we can only do relay races with an even number. Scott is in an assessments so Tommy would have nobody to race against anyway,” Michael replied.

“Then, by your logic, Sam doesn’t get to play since he’s Scott’s twin, no Scott no Sam. They should have to race each other,” Marie said, sticking out her tongue at the boys.

Tommy laughed.

“No, your logic doesn’t follow. Scott is on my team. That’s why Tommy doesn’t get to play,” Samuel replied crossing his arms.

“Marie, my team will be short if you don’t play. Please,” Michael pleaded again.

“Go play with them,” Tommy said quietly to Marie.

“No I will not play. They always do this. This is all you, Sam, you always pick on him. You’re a jerk and Scott’s not any good either but you let him play all the time,” Marie said shaking her finger.              

“Don’t talk about Scott like that!” Samuel yelled back at Marie.

“If you can pick on Tommy, I can pick on Scott.” Marie said, standing up with a smile.

Samuel’s face turned red as he walked towards Marie, “I’m going to punch you,” he yelled at her.

Michael stepped between them, “Stop. You are not going to punch her, we are just not going to play that’s all.” Michael said calmly to Samuel.

“You’re lucky Mike’s here or you would get it.” Samuel replied, turning and walking out of the room.

Michael turned and looked at Marie and Tommy. “Thanks for ruining today, Tommy.” Michael said frustrated and walked out of the room.

“I’m sorry,” Tommy let out in a whisper hanging his head.

“Don’t you apologize for anything, they are mean and no fun. I don’t want to play with them anyway.” Marie said to him touching his hands that were folded on his lap.

“You should hang with them not me, they are more like you. You are strong and fast and I suck,” Tommy said still hanging his head.

“I will hang out with my friends and that is all and you are my best friend,” Marie said with a smile.

Tommy lifted his head and smiled back.

Jones watched the interactions unfold as he was walking down the stairs. He approached Tommy from behind. “Tommy, you’re up,” Jones said              

“Good luck, you’ll do great,” Marie said leaning in and giving Tommy a kiss on the cheek.              

Tommy smiled and got up and went with Jones.

“I don’t like it. She is too close with him,” Bruce said to Stanley as they were still standing on the walkway watching.

“She’s just a little girl. She has a natural desire to bond to other people,” Stanley replied.

“Well how well will your little girl handle it when Tommy doesn’t survive the first mission because he is not up to the level necessary?” Bruce questioned firmly.

A guard approached them on the walkway with papers. “Both Chris and Scott failed. They are too far behind the others. They are going to begin testing Thomas now,” the guard reported.

Bruce shook his head as he read the papers. “This is a major problem. If Chris and Scott failed there is no way possible Tommy will pass. This is going to have to be brought up with everyone else,” Bruce said to Stanley.

“I know,” Stanley said grasping the railing tightly and staring at Marie who was still on the training floor playing with her bo, twirling it between her fingers and pretending to fight an invisible foe. “I know” Stanley repeated.

“I’ll call everyone together for tomorrow. We will have Tommy’s results back by then.” Bruce replied walking away.

Chapter 4



The management met the following morning in Ivan’s office as usual.

“We have a problem,” Bruce addressed the group. “A very serious problem.” Bruce looked at Stanley. “Three of the boys are not living up the expectations; in fact they are far behind the progress of their peers,” Bruce said placing the failure physical assessments of Chris, Scott, and Tommy on Ivan’s desk.

“And why the fuck is this? This makes no sense considering two of them are identical,” Henry inquired.

“They have received the same injections as their peers. It must be their training.” Stanley replied.

Kenneth stood up, “Or maybe they are just losers!” he yelled at Stanley.

“Wow, is that a technical term, or

did you just come up with that yourself?” Stanley replied sarcastically.

“That’s enough. It is odd that

since two of them are identical twins, why one would be up to par and the other sub-par,” Ivan questioned.

“I can’t explain it, it may be a

variation in their physical environment or their aptitude to trainings. It is a very fascinating abnormality,” Stanley replied 

“I would say we have a very simple problem with a very simple solution,” Frederick calmly added.

“And what would that be?” Bruce asked.

“We have a few bad apples. They will never be fresh.” Frederick smiled, “So it’s simple: we toss out the bad apples.” Frederick was still smiling.

“Are you suggesting we kill them?” Stanley exclaimed.

“Yes, if they are dragging down the others.” Frederick looked at Bruce and Kenneth. “How are the performances of their peers?” Frederick asked.

“They are all meeting our expectations, mastering of multiple weapons each of them. Michael has actually exceeded our expectations. He is their leader. They follow Michael. Physically, they are far more advanced than the three that are failing,” Bruce replied.

“We have the potential to see a major breakthrough with the abnormality between just the twins. They are developing completely differently and at different rates; they barely look identical anymore. This could be huge. Also, we were only judging physical abilities, we were not taking into account intellectual abilities. The formula could be improving the three that remain in a different way.” Stanley pleaded.

“We are not here to play the twin game. We are here to make soldiers. I don’t care what they look like as long as they perform and those three are not performing in the arena we need them to,” Bruce replied.

“And what about the girl?” Frederick asked.

“Her name is Marie,” Stanley interjected.

Bruce ignored Stanley. “She is progressing and holding her own; she shows a softness towards the boys, tends to almost mother them a bit especially our three under performers. The rest try to bully her for protecting the weaker boys, but Michael protects her,” Bruce replied.

“Well, isn’t that fucking cute.” Henry said sarcastically. “So all in favor of dumping our dead weight?” Henry asked. Everyone raised their hands with the exception of Stanley and Ivan. Everyone looked to Ivan for the final say so.

Ivan nodded his head looking to Frederick, “Dispose of them,” he said calmly.

Frederick smiled. “Gladly,” he said with a salute. “Go get them. I will get the truck ready,” Frederick ordered to Stanley.

Stanley just hung his head. “Yes, sir” he replied quietly. Stanley slowly got up out of his chair and walked to the nursery. His heart was heavy but it had to be done. He couldn’t have unsuccessful subjects if he wanted to keep the program going.


As Stanley entered the nursery, Marie instantly caught his eye. She had grown into such a beautiful little girl. With her blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail, bright blue eyes glowing with the warmest smile, she lit up the room. They were all playing, just being children, so innocent of what their lives were about. They knew no different. They had no idea that all those training exercises weren’t normal, those injections weren’t normal, having no parents wasn’t normal.

He sighed, pointing his finger, “1, 2, 3 come with me please.” He couldn’t even bring himself to say their names, he knew they wouldn’t have them much longer so it made little difference if their names crossed his lips. The three boys got up and followed Stanley down the hallway, where Frederick was waiting at the exit.

Frederick opened the door. “Into the truck,” he ordered to Tommy, Chris, and Scott.

              Suddenly Marie came running down the hall, “Wait for me,” she yelled.

Stanley stepped in to stop her from boarding the truck with the others. “You can’t go with them,” Stanley told her.

“Oh, come now, I will take her along,” Frederick said with a smile.

“Fuck you!” Stanley yelled at him. Frederick just laughed as he climbed in to the truck.

“Where are they going?” Marie asked.

Stanley sighed. “Marie they aren’t coming back. They are going to a place where people don’t come back from.”

Marie’s eyes began to water up, “But why not? Why can’t they come back? They are my friends, they can’t go!” she cried.

Stanley felt her pain as he clung to her, “Marie, listen to me. Only the strong survive here, and they were not strong enough. You have to be the best, the strongest. It’s the only chance you have.” Stanley could feel tears start to roll down his cheek. As the truck pulled away Marie couldn’t hold back. She tried to run to the truck screaming for Tommy but the truck didn’t stop. Stanley grabbed her “You have to go back inside,” he ordered.

She wept, “I hate you! Why didn’t you stop them?” Marie ran back in, but Stanley couldn’t bring himself to follow her. He was too broken, he knew it, because he couldn’t protect any of them not even her.

              Marie ran straight to the nursery where the other boys remained in silence. They all sat on the floor. The nursery had become a hang out area for them. They played there, it was their only fun place but not today as they all were stunned into silence. They all knew the other boys weren’t coming back.

              “We have to stop them!” Marie cried as she ran into the room with tears streaming down her face, her blonde hair becoming wet from her tears.

              “There’s nothing we can do,” Austin replied holding his head.

              Samuel sat in complete silence, small tears falling from his brown eyes, but he wiped them away so nobody would see him cry. Marie continued to cry, since she didn’t care if they saw her. She fell into the corner of the room holding her knees to her chest and sobbing.

              “It’s not fair, it’s not fair,” she sobbed to herself. Michael moved to her side. He didn’t say a word but sat down next to her and placed his arm around her and held her close as she cried on his chest.

              Bruce entered the room and looked around, “It’s past lights out. Time to go to your rooms,” Bruce ordered. They all slowly started to get up except Marie and Michael. “That’s an order, get up.” Bruce said looking directly at Marie and Michael. Marie didn’t even hear him she was crying so hard. “Quit crying brat, you will live,” Bruce said moving towards Marie to pull her up.

              Michael instantly stood up and stood between Bruce and Marie, “Leave her alone!” Michael yelled at Bruce.

              “Standing up for your little crush? Not a good idea.” Bruce said leaning in to make eye contact with Michael. But Michael stood his ground.

              “The nursery is my territory,” Stanley interjected walking into the room. “Bruce, I make the rules and control what happens in the nursery, not you. I will deal with this.”

              Bruce stood up straight again, “Fair is fair; it is your territory,” Bruce replied to Stanley. “Expect your punishment tomorrow boy,” Bruce said looking straight at Michael.

              Michael didn’t flinch. Bruce turned and walked from the room. Stanley looked around at the devastated faces in front of him. They were all heartbroken but they refused to show it. “To bed for all of you, tomorrow will be a new day.” Stanley said as reassuringly as he could. They all barely acknowledged him as they started to move to the door. “Michael, I will take care of Marie. Go to bed.” Stanley said placing a hand on Michael’s shoulder and guiding him out of the room. Marie still sat in the corner of the room, but she had run out of tears as she sat silently staring at the floor. Stanley sat down next to her, but she inched away from him.              

              “How could you let them?” she blurted out as the tears began again.

              “I couldn’t do anything,” Stanley said reaching out and pulling Marie to him, holding her in his arms as he once did when she would have nightmares. “We still have each other,” he whispered to her as she clung to him and him to her. Stanley stood up, carrying her with him. “It’s time for bed, sweetie, I will read you a story,” Stanley said to her as he carried her out of the nursery to her bedroom. Michael was still up sitting in his bedroom doorway and watched Stanley as he carried Marie into her room, “Michael, it will be ok. Go lay down.” Michael nodded but didn’t move. He just sat there, his green eyes fixated on the floor in front of him. Stanley continued on into Marie’s room and placed her down gently in her steel framed bed. Stanley just gazed at her. She was already asleep. He tucked her in, pushing her blonde hair from her face. Stanley made his way out the door shutting it behind him. Stanley took a deep breath and pushed his own brown hair back. It had been a longer night then Stanley wanted. There was too much pain in that hallway. He looked to his right and saw that Michael was still in his doorway. Stanley couldn’t handle any more, “Goodnight Michael,” Stanley said to him trying to keep his composure. Michael nodded, but continued to look at the floor. Stanley made his way down the hallway and up the stairs back to his lab. He needed a drink to wash away what had just happened.


              Michael just sat in his doorway. He was struggling to process what had happened. They all looked to him to be the strong one but so did Tommy, Chris, and Scott and he could do nothing for them. Being the strong one was hard on him, he understood better than any of them what was going on, he had figured out their importance and he was determined to become the best. He wanted to help the others to understand, he knew he would have to lead them but that was a lot of his little ten year old mind. He felt a tear come to his eye and he quickly wiped it away. Feelings were weakness and he would show none of it even knowing he was the only one awake. Michael suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He was afraid of being seen out of bed so he quickly moved out of the doorway and against the wall to his right. Michael had his back against the wall as the feet came past his door. Michael peered around the corner to see who it was. It was Bruce. ‘What is he doing down here this late?’ Michael questioned to himself. Michael watched as Bruce approached Marie’s bedroom and looked around to see if anyone else was around before he entered her bedroom. “What is he doing?” Michael whispered to himself. Michael slowly moved out of his bedroom and down to Marie’s bedroom door. Bruce had not shut the door all the way when he went in and when Michael peeked in the cracked door, he saw Bruce approaching Marie’s bed. Michael held his breath. He was terrified. ‘Was Sir going to kill her?’ He thought to himself. Bruce reached out and touched Marie on the head, she stirred and opened her eyes and looked directly at Bruce.

“No, no, please not tonight.” She began to weep as she curled up in a ball.

“You don’t say no to me.” Bruce ordered and grabbed her by the arm and began to pull at her shirt.

Michael knew instantly what was happening and he couldn’t let it. Michael barged into the room. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do but he had to do something. Bruce heard him and let go of Marie, she fell back into her bed sobbing, grabbing her blanket for cover. Bruce looked almost nervous, something Michael had never seen before.

“What are you doing out of bed?” Bruce questioned walking towards Michael.

Michael stood tall, mustered his courage and spoke, “I saw what you were going to do and I will tell on you.” Michael said staring directly at Bruce.

“Oh really you will tell, tell who and tell them what?” Bruce questioned walking towards Michael.

“Anyone and everyone who will listen,” Michael replied. Bruce got close to Michael, “If you leave her alone from now on I will not tell anyone,” Michael said shifting his weight.

“Oh, so you’re setting up a bargain. Your silence for your girlfriend. You are getting good at getting what you want, aren’t you boy?” Bruce said with a laugh.

“Take it or leave it, your call Sir.” Michael heard the words come out of his mouth but couldn’t believe he was saying it.

Bruce smiled, “Ok, deal, boy, I like this take charge attitude of yours.” Bruce said, walking from the room, attempting to pat Michael on the back but Michael moved to avoid his touch.

Bruce repulsed him. He would never forget what he saw. Michael turned back to Marie who was curled up in her blanket crying. Michael rushed to her bed. “It’s ok I won’t let him hurt you anymore, I promise.” Michael let out trying to hide the tears running from his face. “If he ever touches you again I will kill him, I swear.” Michael said, the anger growing in his voice. Marie reached up and grabbed Michael and clung to him. “Stay by me you will be safe,” Michael whispered to her.         

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