Marie Antoinette (84 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

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Arneth & Flammermont, I, p. 290.

Prochaska, p. 17; Besenval, p. 181.

Hüe, p. 466; Ribeiro,
, p. 83.

Goncourt, p. 73.

Fleischmann, Appendix II, pp. 311–15.

Corti, p. 181.

Dormois, p. 98.

Bombelles, I, p. 196.

Ford, p. 140; Leviticus 16:10; George Foot Moore,
Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era
, New York, 1978, p. 55; James Frazer,
The Golden Bough: a study in magic and religion
, abridged edn, 1922, pp. 540–2, 565, 568–9, 577–87.

Morris, II, p. 602.

Dormois, p. 43.


A full bibliography of the life and times of Marie Antoinette is impractical for reasons of space. This is a list of the principal sources consulted and also gives details of books cited in brief in the Notes. The place of publication is London (English) and Paris (French) unless otherwise stated.


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le Politique de Marie-Antoinette
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