Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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He was shit at hiding his feelings for Adelaide when she was around. Sooner or later, Trigger would find out for sure, and shit was gonna hit the fan in a big way.

He’d already threatened to put a bullet in my VP, and that was only when he’d
something was going on with Stone and Adelaide.

What would he do when he found out it was for real?


The soft click of the door woke me. At first, I was confused as to where I was, but I quickly heard the soft snore coming from the couch across the room. Ryder was still there with me. Turned out he wasn’t much of a watch dog after all.

The noise from the club filtered into the room, along with the light from the hallway. A tall, broad form filled the doorway, frightening me enough to cower. Until I realized who it was.


“Christ!” he growled, advancing toward a sleeping Ryder. “Good use you were, ya bastard.” He nudged Ryder’s leg with his foot but nothing happened, so he tried shoving at his arm. Still nothing. “What the fuck, Ryder,” he grumbled, before smacking the man in the head. “Get. Up,” Marek ordered.

That time, Ryder shifted awake, assuming a fighting stance because he had no idea where he was. I couldn’t help it; I laughed, the sound so soft I didn’t think either of them heard me. But Marek did, because he turned toward me.

The room was still bathed in darkness so I couldn’t make out his expression, but I knew he was staring intently at me. My body just sensed it. Ryder rose off the couch and clumsily walked from the room, mumbling under his breath the entire time.

After closing the door, Marek flicked on a side light and instantly blinded me. I brought my hands up to my face to shield my eyes, allowing myself time to adjust to the brightness.

“I’m gonna take a shower,” he announced, throwing his cut on the chair before grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. Spreading my fingers over my eyes so I could see what he was doing, I inhaled a quick breath at the sight of his naked chest. Intricate designs wrapped around both arms, drifting over his shoulders and disappearing behind his back. A skull was inked in the center of his chest, flames shooting out from both sides, a large sword slicing through the middle of it. I’d seen that same design on the back of his cut, leading me to believe it was his club’s emblem. Images of dark and light traced down his sides, the designs foreign to me because I was too far away to inspect them in any detail.

He was a walking work of art, and I’d never seen anything so beautiful before in my entire life. I’d seen men with tattoos before, but none that exuded such raw beauty like his.

His sun-kissed skin brought the artwork to life. Every twitch of his hard muscles moved the images, entrancing me the longer I watched him flit around the room. Before he said another word, he disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the running water and counted the minutes before he was standing before me again.

Is he going to sleep in here? Will he take the couch, or does he expect to sleep in the bed with me?
My worry kept me occupied while the clock mocked me, time moving slow but fast all at the same time.

The bathroom door flung open and the steam from the shower billowed into the room, looking more like smog it was so heavy.

Marek sauntered into the room, and what I saw made me gasp out loud.

He was completely naked.

He busied himself running a towel through his wet hair, the fabric covering part of his face so he couldn’t see me gawking at him. Maybe he forgot for a brief moment he wasn’t alone. Or maybe he didn’t. Maybe it was his way of telling me I didn’t affect him, or his actions. He would continue to live his life just like he had, not caring at all that I was now involved.

Tossing the towel on the floor, an action which immediately irritated me since I liked the bedroom to be a place which was nice and neat, he stalked toward the bed.

Oh, my God! Is he going to get into bed with me naked? Does he expect to have sex? Is he going to force me?

I hadn’t even realized my expression had changed, but it apparently had because he stopped walking and stood still. I couldn’t help myself; even in my frightened state, I blatantly admired his body. He was extremely fit, not an ounce of fat anywhere on him. His hardened muscles enticed me to touch, but I didn’t dare. Running my eyes slowly down the length of him, I eventually came to the most intimate part of his body. Defined lower abdominal muscles in the form of a V encouraged my gaze to sink lower. It was then I saw all of him. His cock was flaccid . . . and very large. But the more my gaze tickled him, the more his body reacted, his thickness hardening right in front of me.

I licked my lips, both fear and desire dueling inside. When my eyes finally made their way back up to his face, my skin prickled at the way he watched me. A curl of his lip told me he liked the way I appreciated him.

My face flushed a bright red, my embarrassment at being caught ogling him beyond devastating.

“Are you done now, or do you wanna keep lookin’?”

I had no idea what to do or even say, so the only thing that came out of my mouth was a barely audible apology. “I’m sorry.”

It was as if he was waiting to banter with me, his response so quick his deep voice actually startled me. “Don’t apologize, sweetheart. Look all you want. I’m your husband now, so it’s your right.” Pulling the covers back, he added, “Just like it’s now my right to look at you.”

Scrambling toward the head of the bed, I gripped the covers tighter and watched him carefully while he situated himself on top of the mattress. He never made a move to grab me or to cover his nakedness, too busy basking in my uncertainty.

The longest minute passed between us before I finally broke the silence. “Are . . . Are you going to . . . ?” My ragged breaths stopped my voice altogether.

“Am I going to what?” he asked, raking his teeth over his bottom lip.

I swallowed hard, the sound piercing my ears and accelerating my panic. “Are you going to rape me?”

“Well, considering you’re now my wife, isn’t it your duty to give it up?” He chuckled, the sound both enticing and disarming.

“I-I . . . can’t . . .” I stuttered.

Hopping off the bed, he grabbed a hunter-green T-shirt and some dark, loose-fitted jeans from his chest of drawers and quickly put them on. Pulling on his cut, he moved to the side of the bed I was lying on and leaned down so close his lips hovered above mine.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Sully. When we finally do have sex,
be the one begging
for it.” I balked at his audacity and the sheer madness of his statement. But I never said anything, too stunned to come back with a retort.

Walking across the room, he turned the handle on the door and pulled it open. Turning his head to the side, he gave me his parting words. “I’m gonna lock the door from the outside, but just in case you get creative in trying to escape, I always have a few men on duty walking around the compound.” His voice became deeper all of a sudden. “Keeping out those we want
. . . and holding on to those we want

The last thing I saw was his back as he disappeared from the room, indeed locking me in with my own thoughts and fears.


Hot breath kissed my cheek.

Fingers trailed over my collarbone, latching around my neck before I could even open my eyes.

“You little cunt! Did you not think I’d find you?” the enraged voice seethed. “And here you are, in
bed.” His grip tightened, cutting off any chance I had of taking breath into my starved lungs. “Did you let him fuck you?” Stars flashed behind my lids. “I bet you liked it too, you whore.”

He straddled the bed, his thighs pinning my arms in place so I couldn’t move. Opening my eyes, I saw Vex sitting on top of me, a large, sharp blade held in his free hand. His green eyes were darker than I’d ever seen them before, his square jaw ticking in an uncontrollable rage.

I tried to shake my head, but his grip was so tight I couldn’t move. I tried to struggle underneath him, but he was no match for me.

I was completely immobilized.

I couldn’t breathe to scream.

I couldn’t move to escape.

I was going to die without the chance to defend myself—not that it would do much good anyway.

Just when I was falling into blackness from lack of air, he took his hand away from my throat, and sat back as if he was fascinated with what he’d done. I instantly started sucking in air and coughing uncontrollably. But I didn’t scream. I couldn’t. My throat burned from the pressure, bile threatening to spew forth if I wasn’t able to control my response soon.

While I struggled with the scene unfolding in front of me, I dared to look up at his face, and what I saw had me closing my lids a few times just to refocus.

After the third time of opening and closing my eyes, I came to rest on the image of the man above me.

It was Marek, but he spoke with Vex’s voice, his tone not as deep as my captor’s.

“You’re going to die now, Sully,” he threatened, the blade glinting off the single beam of moonlight filtering in the room.

I tried again to scream but my vocal cords were paralyzed, my own body betraying me in my desperate time of need.

It was mere seconds before the sharp tip of the blade ripped open my skin, tearing through my chest and puncturing my heart. He pushed all of his weight down on the weapon, practically slicing me in two.

When he retracted the knife, he licked my blood from the metal, smiling insanely while he prepared to stab me again.

It was then that I found my voice and I let loose like never before, wailing loud enough for anyone to hear me. I prayed someone would come and save me, but the only person who showed up was my mother. She was standing in the corner of the room, bathed in white light, her arms outstretched to welcome me. I knew in that moment that I would be taking my final breaths, my pierced heart taking its final beats. My mother had been dead for years, and she was there to usher me home.

But I wasn’t ready.

I fought it. I screamed and cried and begged for him to let me go.

His arms came down on my shoulders and he started shaking me. “Sully,” he called out, his voice hard and unyielding. “Sully,” he said once more. “Wake up,” I heard, warm breath tickling my lips while my brain tried to understand what was going on.

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