March (Calendar Girl #3) (12 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: March (Calendar Girl #3)
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“No way! I’ve heard of him. He currently holds the highest batting average and most runs for the year!”

Millie giggled. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s a looker. Young Irish lad is your age, tall, and built to please a woman.”

Thinking back to the last game I watched him in, I couldn’t agree more. Even then I might have spent some extra time rewinding the DVR to view his backside in those tight, white pants more than once.

“This is amazing. But why would he need an escort?”

“Something about having a woman on his arm makes him seem more committed to the team and his image. His publicist thinks having a girlfriend for the first month of the season will take the pressure off, show advertisers he’s a loyal type guy.”

I cringed and pursed my lips. “Whatever. I’m thrilled. This is going to be fantastic! Send over the details for my flight and such. I should arrive early. I need to get all the beauty stuff done in advance.”

“I’ll book you in a hotel for the three days you’re there prior to being with Mr. Murphy. One that has a fully loaded salon and spa. You deserve some downtime, to help you get your head in the game.”

“Ha-ha, very funny. Sounds good. Thanks, Aunt Millie.”

“Anything for my girl. Talk soon, doll-face.”





“You look stunning, Mia.” Tony hugged me close when both Hector and I arrived. Hector tensed next to me, a nervous energy pouring off him in waves.

“Thank you. We missed you today.” I said trying to express just how much.

Tony licked his lips and looked at Hector. Not so much looked as traced every inch of the Latino, his eyes filled with the intensity one has only for the person they love. Hector looked down and shook his head, a wide grin splitting across his face. “Hector,” Tony said softly. “Perfection,
,” he whispered close enough for only the two of us to hear.

“You look so good it hurts me,” Hector said to Tony, clapping him on the back and bringing him into a manly hug. They held on for a touch longer than hetero men would, stood closer too, but not long enough to cause suspicion amongst the rest of the patrons milling about.

Mona Fasano spied us from across the room. Something was different about the way she approached me. Colder in a way I’d not felt from her since we’d met. She hugged me, but it wasn’t genuine. She did the same to Hector. His eyebrows narrowed over her shoulder at mine. I shrugged. With Mona Fasano, a person never knew what was cooking. She was a mystery to me.

“Son, there are people you must schmooze. I have decided we should do the cookbook. Let’s connect with the powers that be.”

Tony laughed and both Hector and I took joy in it. The man had been so stressed all week that this was the first time since we’d all gone out together that he seemed more like himself. Somehow at ease in his skin.

“Okay Ma, I’ll be there momentarily.” Again, Mona looked at me then at Hector and shook her head sighing. Then she was off, grumbling something under her breath.

“What’s with her?” I asked.

“She’s unhappy.”

“That’s obvious. Care to share with the rest of class?”

“Not particularly. All will be revealed soon. How about you both get a drink and mingle. There is a place up front I’d like you both when we do opening announcements. Okay? Promise me you’ll be up front with the family.”

Hector’s voice went low and he leaned forward so only the two of them were in earshot aside from me. “Baby, whatever you need tonight. You know that. I’m here for you.”

“Forever?” Tony asked conspiratorially. It was really starting to wig me out. Tonight was off, though Tony was acting more at ease than he’d ever been. Was it because he was going to announce that he was getting married to the public? Was it the food line expanding? The cookbook and TV deals under negotiations? All of that sounded like more work and more stress, not less. And Tony was acting like everything this evening was peaches and cream. Then there was his mother who was clearly grumpy for an unknown reason and directing it at Hector and me.

“Always, you know that.” Hector promised. “We’ll be up front. Now, go do your thing and know…I am so proud of you.”

Tony’s arm came out and caressed Hector’s hand. A couple people caught the movement, but he moved away before I could say anything.

“Tony’s acting strange, right?” I asked Hector as his guy made it to a group of people in fancy dresses and suits.

“Yeah, something is up for sure, but he hasn’t shared with me. That’s not surprising though. Tony usually works through his demons and then lays them out for me. Usually, right before he’s going to make his move. So whatever it is, he seems to be feeling better about it. Must have come to some decision about the business that’s making him more like his old self.”

“Touching you in front of others is more like his old self? His mother shooting daggers at us?”

“Yeah, neither of those things is normal. Not much we can do about it. Let’s get a drink, find Angie, and see what’s cooking.”

We spent the next thirty minutes getting champagne, chatting it up with the rest of Tony’s family and overall enjoying ourselves. A loud voice came over the speaker. “Can I have the crowd gather around?” said Tony standing at the podium.

“That’s our cue.” Hector led me to the front of the mini platform area to a table where family stood.

Tony stood on the stage in a pristine light grey suit. His frame was wider than the podium and his hands engulfed the microphone. The crowd went quiet and everyone gathered around and focused on Tony.

“I wanted to start by thanking you all for being here. The expansion of the Fasano name into the frozen foods sector was a dream of my father’s, Joseph Anthony Fasano. He ran his company with fairness, pride, and loyalty to the brand. With my mother and my sisters, we, too, will continue that legacy through this new venture by ensuring our product is good quality, family-friendly, and affordable. Something we have always committed to.”

The crowd clapped and a few whistles could be heard. “Thank you. Now the brand is considering a few additional ventures. One, Ma Fasano’s cookbook.” A roar of applause rang out. “Another is the TV show on the home cooking channel.” Crowd went crazy. “The cooking show will be a Fasano Family adventure. My mother, my sisters and my life partner will be a part of the new show.”

Whoops, hollers, and applause drowned out the gasps from Hector and me. What the hell did he mean his mate? There was no way he was going to get me to stay on with him and help him snow over the American public.

“And that’s what brings me to my biggest announcement. You’ve heard it all professionally and, now, personally. I want to introduce the public to the person I love most in this world. The one who has been with me through everything life has thrown at me and never once left my side. My partner. My one true love. My fiancé…if he’ll have me.”

He’ll have me?
Oh shit. Holy mother of God.

Beside me Hector’s eyes were huge and filled to the brim with tears. They spilled over the moment Tony’s hand came out, reaching for him. “Hector Chavez. I love you, I’ll always love you. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. This business, my family name is nothing if you don’t share it with me.”

And that was when Tony got down on one knee and opened a red velvet box. A slim gold band was inside. “Be mine forever. Marry me. Legally. Take my name. Build a family with me.”

The entire room was dead silent. Not even a whisper could be heard.

“Get off the ground,” Hector pulled Tony up from his knees. “My man kneels for no one. He stands proud as I do for him. I’d be honored to marry you, to take the Fasano name.”

Tony smiled huge, pulled Hector to his side and turned to the audience. Pictures were flashing like crazy. The noise level reached a dull roar as the finality of what was taking place hit home. Anthony Fasano, boxer, businessman, family man, had just come out of the closet and asked his longtime boyfriend to marry him, take his name, and have babies with him.

Holy shitballs! This was an epic moment. I stood there and scanned every member of Tony’s family. Starting from the left side with Giavanna and her husband.

“Giavanna, do you accept Hector as my fiancé and as your future brother-in-law?”

She smiled wide and nodded. “Yes,” her voice sounded horse, but I could hear the emotion within it.

“Isabella, do you accept Hector as part of your family?”

“I do, always have. And I’m so happy for you,” she turned and sobbed into her husband’s neck.


He didn’t even have to finish. “Finally, you came clean,” she said and the crowd laughed. Tony held Hector close as tears streamed down his caramel-colored skin.

“Angie, Do you take Hector as an addition to your family?”

Instead of responding she jumped onto the stage and hugged them both. “I love you, I love you,” she said and kissed each of them on the mouth. Crazy Italian’s and their mouth kissing. Then she whispered something to each of them. Two pairs of eyes widened and Tony pulled back. He dropped to his knees pulled his sister in front of him and kissed her belly then placed his large hand over her stomach. The smile he held told everyone around what was happening.

I looked at Mona Fasano as she watched her children. Tears were leaking from her eyes so fast it was as if a faucet had been turned on.

“My sister’s going to have a baby. My sister has been trying for years and is going to have a baby!” Tony screamed to the crowd. Everyone clapped and whistled.

Angie got off the stage, ran over to her husband Rocko and flew into his arms. He caught her and spun her around.

“Ma,” Tony said into the microphone. “Do we have your blessing to make Hector an official part of the family? I know you wanted me to settle down with a good Catholic girl and have grandchildren, but that is not what will make me happy. Hector and I will have those babies, Ma, with a surrogate. We’ve already discussed it.” Hector nodded frantically. “I know this is hard for you to accept. Even when I told you early this week you knew this was coming. It’s always been Hector, Ma.”

Mona nodded and placed her hands over her mouth. The sobs shook her small frame. Tony came down from the platform, Hector close at his heels.

“I love you, Ma. But I love Hector, too. He’s my future and I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t live my life by someone else’s rules and sacrifice mine or Hector’s happiness. It’s not right.”

Mona pulled her son into her arms. “Oh you stupid, stupid boy. I would have understood with time. I understand
. I understand when someone is your whole world. That’s what your father was for me. If that’s what Hector is for you, then nothing anyone thinks or says should stop you from being together. I love you. She pulled back. Both of you.” She cupped Hector’s cheek.

“Now you really will be my boy even though you always have been, haven’t you?”

Hector’s tears fell once more and she wiped them away. “I want my boys to be happy.” Mona said pulling them both into a tight hug.

And that was that. The rest of the night was a celebration. Of Hector and Tony, and Angelina and Rocko finally getting the baby they so wanted. Talking to Angelina later in the evening, I found out that Tony went to each sister’s house this past week and told them individually that he was gay, that he was in love with Hector and was going to ask him to marry him. Apparently, the sisters had suspected all along, but had respected his privacy all these years and kept their opinions to themselves. Then when I came along none of them knew what to think.

Angelina had spent the week with Tony working around the clock to spin this new information into something that wouldn’t tarnish the Fasano name. The PR guru was spreading a “Love comes in all forms” campaign to deflect any naysayers about the restaurant, and the TV show was thrilled with the news. Said their target demographic just expanded. They’d have a different day of the week devoted to each of the five siblings and the mother alone. They were beyond excited about the concept and loved having a day where Tony and Hector cooked together to offer something new to the gay community.

Overall, love had won out against all odds and the family would end up being stronger for it.



The next morning bright and early, I dragged my stuff out to the elevator. I thought back to the night before. The evening had been beautiful, ending with everyone excited about the possibilities, the company doing better than ever, the Fasano family growing exponentially and the talk of new adventures aplenty. Tony had even come clean about my involvement but left out the part about me being an escort. Instead, he used the term friend. After a month of sharing life with these guys, that’s exactly what they were. My friends.

I set the note next to a fresh bottle of Jamison Irish Whiskey I’d picked up at the liquor store yesterday during my walk. I leaned forward and kissed the spot near my name and reread it once more.

Tony & Hector,

I leave you today with happiness in my heart and tears in my eyes. Knowing the two of you has opened my eyes to the fullness life has to offer if you only allow yourself to take the risks. You did, Tony, and now your life will forever be full. Maybe in the future I’ll be able to do the same. Thank you for showing me what bravery looks like.

Hector, I will miss our talks, movie dates, and having you dress me. I always look better when you pick out my clothes . Seriously though, you have a lot of love in you, and I’m thankful that you shared it with me…as a friend.

Thank you both for sharing your lives with me. I couldn’t be happier for the both of you. Keep me posted, and I expect a wedding invitation.

Your friend in all things,



It was true. I learned a lot from Tony and Hector. To not be afraid, to never let another person choose what my happiness looks like. I would take that knowledge with me through the rest of my journey, and let it guide me to the right path. For now, the path was taking me on a jet airplane to one Mason Murphy of Boston, Massachusetts.

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