Manifest Injustice (56 page)

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Authors: Barry Siegel

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Internal Investigations Bureau

Piekarz, Jim

Pierce, Boyd

Piercefield, Lisa

Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office (Aspen, Colorado)

Popko, Sigmund

Post-Conviction Relief petition (PCR)

Powell, Lewis

Prato, Paul

Primrose, Linda (Chavez)

AJP and

Bill’s first trial and

Bill’s second trial and

clemency hearings and

daughter of (
Hay, Theresa)

family of

letter to Douglass

PCR and

testimony and polygraph of

sister of (
King, Glenda)

Puzauskas, Katherine “Katie”

Reems, Nina (Valenzuela’s mother)

Rehnquist, William

Remington Arms Company

Reno, Janet

Rice, W. H.

Ricketts, James

Rieger, Joe

Roach, Jen

“Macumber Outline” by

Roadrunnners Jaycees (Arizona State Prison chapter)

Roberts, Tad

Robertson, Rich

Rodriguez, Pete

Rubinow, Dr. Leo

Ruckman, P. S., Jr.

Rule 32 (Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure)

Saks, Michael J.

“Salazar, Ernie,” 15–17.
See also
Valenzuela, Ernest

Sanger, Henry

Sargent-Flack, Sharon

Scarboro, James

Scheck, Barry

Scottsdale lover’s lane murders.
Sterrenberg-McKillop murders

Scottsdale Police Department

Shaver, Officer

Shaw, Joe

Shutts, Robert

Sibert, Robert

Special Olympics

Sperling, Carrie

Spezzano, Don

Starr, Kenneth

State Bar of Arizona, standing ethics committee

State v. Lacy

State v. LaGrand

State v. Machado

State v. Macumber
. See also Macumber, William;
and specific individuals and items of evidence


O’Connor dissent in

O’Toole letter and

Steigmann, Jerome

Stenson, Ellen

Sterrenberg, Cliff (Joyce’s father)

Sterrenberg, Joan (Joyce’s mother)

Sterrenberg, Joyce

family of, and clemency hearings

Sterrenberg-McKillop murders (Scottsdale lover’s lane murders).
See also
Macumber, William;
and specific evidence and individuals

Bill arrested for

Carol and police files on

police investigation of

Rubinow on Valenzuela and

tip from Primrose and

Valenzuela confessions and, during rape-murder case (
see also
Valenzuela, Ernest, confession)

Steward, Terry

Stiteler, Robert

Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States
(NAS report)

Swisher, Jenifer

Symington, Fife, III

Tavernaro, Bob

Terman, Earl

heart attack

“Macumber Narrative” by

“Terry” or “Teresa,” Primrose on

Thomas, John


Tobin, William

Toland, Donna

Tuchler, Dr. Maier

Tunheim, John R.

Turner, Frieda.
Kennedy, Frieda

Turoff, Larry

U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID)

U.S. Congress

U.S. Constitution

Fifth Amendment

Sixth Amendment

Eighth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment

U.S. Court of Appeals

U.S. Supreme Court

Hammond and

Valenzuela, Ernest, confession of

AJP and

Arizona Supreme Court and

attorney-client privilege and

background of

Bill’s clemency hearings and

Bill’s first trial and

Bill’s second trial and

Bill’s son Ron and

corroborating evidence for

fingerprints and

“insufficient trustworthiness” and

O’Toole and

PCR and

Petica and

Valenzuela’s death and

Valenzuela’s mother waives privilege on

Varmint Callers

Walker, Ron

Watson, Jack

Wells, H. Thomas, Jr.

Wessles, Fred

White, Byron

Wiederkehr, Basil

Wilkens, Marilyn

Williams, Hayden

Wilson, Steve

Wollum, Jim

Yim, Marian




The Perfect Witness

Actual Innocence

Lines of Defense


A Death in White Bear Lake

Shades of Gray

Claim of Privilege



a Pulitzer Prize–winning former national correspondent for the
Los Angeles Times
, directs the literary journalism program at University of California–Irvine, where he is a professor of English. He is the author of six previous books, including
A Death in White Bear Lake, Shades of Gray
Claim of Privilege
. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their daughter.

Copyright © 2012 by Barry Siegel. All rights reserved. For information, address Henry Holt and Co., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

Jacket design by Rick Pracher; jacket photograph © Shutterstock

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Siegel, Barry.

    Manifest injustice : the true story of a convicted murderer and the lawyers who fought for his freedom / Barry Siegel.

            p.  cm.

    ISBN 978-0-8050-9415-2

  1.  Macumber, William, 1935–   2.  Trials (Murder)—Arizona—Maricopa County.   3.  Judicial error.   4.  Arizona Justice Project.   I. Title.

    KF224.M18S54 2012

    364.152'3092—dc23                                    2012028986

e-ISBN 9781429947336

First Edition: January 2013

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