Manhunting (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Crusie

BOOK: Manhunting
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“I’m warning you,” Kate told Brad. “Let go of me or you’ll be scarred for life.”

“I like ‘em spunky.” Brad pulled her close again.

“Well, Brad, how’s it goin‘?”

Kate turned around and Ben was there, smiling at them, with Jake behind him.

“You don’t want to mess with her, Brad,” Jake said. “Trust me on this one.”

“I saw her first.” Brad shoved Kate behind him.

“I think the lady wants to go home, ” Nancy said.

“She can go home with me,” Brad said.

“I don’t think so, boy.” Ben took a step forward.

Brad moved into karate position, bunching his fists and glaring at the two men.

Jake sighed. “You’ve been watching TV again, haven’t you, Brad?”

Kate could feel Brad tense. “Oh, hell,” she said. She picked up a long-necked beer bottle from the bar and broke it over Brad’s head, and Jake supported his weight as he sagged.

“You had to do it, didn’t you?” Jake said to Kate.

“He was going to hit you,” Kate said. “I saved you, you big ingrate.”

“Where’s the blonde?” Brad asked dazedly.

“I don’t think she’s really your kind of girl, Brad.”

Jake helped him into a chair at the nearest table. “Those tough blondes, they’ll hit you from behind with a bottle as soon as look at you.”

“Very funny,” Kate said.

Jake raised his eyebrows at her. “Well, you may have noticed that I’ve never turned my back on you.”

“Anytime you want a job, lady,” Nancy said, “you come to me.”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” Kate said. “This is a great place. Allowing for the drunks and the wimpy bouncers.”

“I’m not a bouncer.” Jake looked indignant. “You a bouncer, Ben?”

“Hell no, I just like a fight. And if there’s not gonna be one, I’m gonna go shoot pool. My winning streak’s starting any minute here. You coming?”

“In a minute.” Jake sat down at the bar. “Beer, please, Nan. And another drink for the lady with the broken bottle in her hand.”

“Thank you,” Kate said and joined him, putting the bottle neck on the counter.

“This is to show you that I’m grateful to you for saving me from Brad,” Jake said. “I’m drinking beer, but of course you’ll have juice.”

“Beer, please.” Kate ignored her wimpy white wine, and Nancy swiftly removed the evidence along with the broken bottle.

“I know I didn’t save you from Brad,” Kate said when the beers came. “I don’t know what you were going to do, but you weren’t worried.”

“Oh, Brad’s not a bad guy. He was just showing off for you.”

“Very flattering.”

“Oh, it is.” Jake drank some of his beer. “Brad only makes passes at the best-looking women.”

“Does he ever succeed?”

“Most of the time. I think that was his problem with you. He couldn’t believe you were turning him down. Course he didn’t know about your plan.”

He grinned at her lazily, and Kate ignored the invitation to battle.

“You must have a resting pulse of about twelve,” she said.

“I used to move a lot faster,” he said. “It’s age.”

“No, it’s not I haven’t figured out what it is, but it’s not age.”

“Well, when you figure it out, let me know so I can get it fixed.” Jake took a drink. “You want me to drive you back to the cabin later?”

Kate frowned for a minute, assuming he’d changed his mind and was trying to pick her up, and then she realized he was asking if she was afraid to go home alone in the dark.

“No, thank you,” she said. “I can handle it.”

“I don’t imagine there’s much you can’t handle,” Jake agreed. “So how’s the plan going, anyway?”

“Oh, I’ve retired it for the night,” Kate said. “As I said this morning, it all seems rather stupid here.”

“I’m relieved to hear it I thought you might have looked on Brad as a potential candidate.”

“I was trying not to be a snob,” Kate said, remembering Donald. “He was friendly, so I was friendly.”

“Well, your heart was in the right place. Just try to restrain your friendliness. You’re giving the boys ideas.”

Kate glared at him. “So this was my fault.”

“No,” Jake said. “But a little ‘friendly’ from you has a big impact. Particularly in that dress.”

“What’s wrong with this dress?”

“It has no back.” Jake looked over her shoulder. “Not that I’m complaining. We’re just not used to seeing that much naked flesh in these parts. Sort of starts a man’s blood moving, if you know what I mean.”

Kate tried to look over her own shoulder. “What are you talking about? This dress has a back. It’s just draped.”

“Well, the drapes are open.”


“Hey, I’m not complaining. Just stop smiling at drunks.”

Kate controlled her temper with an effort. “Thank you for the sound advice,” she said finally. “I shall certainly keep it in mind.”

Jake grinned. “A man who didn’t know better would tell you that you look real cute when you’re mad. Fortunately, I know better.” He finished his beer, tipped his hat to her, and ambled back to the pool tables.

“Has he always been like that?” she asked Nancy when she came to clear their bottles.

“Like what?”


Nancy snorted. “He’s not catatonic. That guy doesn’t miss a thing.”

“Well, he sure moves slow.”

“Conserving energy. You interested?”

“No,” Kate said. “Not my type. I’m not his, either.”

“I don’t think he has a type,” Nancy said. “He pretty much just likes everybody.”

Kate looked back and saw one of the college girls from the hotel, the pretty brunette, leaning on the pool table talking to Jake. He didn’t seem to be annoyed by the attention. She was too young for him. Honestly.

“Have another beer,” Nancy said. “On the house.”

Kate said, “Thank you very much,” and settled down to talk to her for the rest of the night, ignoring the several hopeful men who offered to buy her drinks.

She and Nancy talked on through the evening as Nancy tended bar, comparing life stories and falling into the kind of friendship that women with the same outlook on life can form easily and permanently. It wasn’t long before she told Nancy all about Jessie and the plan.

“I know it sounds stupid,” Kate said.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Nancy said. “It beats sitting home and waiting for somebody to drop by.”

“And I’ve made some big mistakes, too,” Kate went on. “I was so fixated on ‘successful’ that I forgot to watch out for jerks. You should have seen my golf date.”

“Is this the one that fibrillated on the hill course?” Nancy said. “I heard.”

“And then there was the man I took shopping this afternoon.” Kate shook her head. “I’ve never met such a snob.”

“I heard about him, too,” Nancy said. “I also heard you were very nice, and everyone wondered why you were with him.”

“Everyone?” Kate said.

“It’s a very small town,” Nancy said. “They like you.”

“Oh,” Kate said, disconcerted. “I like them, too.”

“Good,” Nancy said. “Maybe you should start checking out the local guys instead of all these business types.”

Kate shook her head. “I need someone who’s comfortable in the city. I just have to find someone who’s both successful and a human being.”

“Well, keep your options open,” Nancy said. “The right man for you may be right under your nose.”

“Not with my luck,” Kate said. “With my luck, the right man for me is fly-fishing in Alaska.”

At ten, Penny left with the dentist, and Kate went around to the working side of the bar and helped Nancy, opening bottles and refilling pretzel dishes, slowly sipping beer with her in the lulls between customers. The wall behind the bar was filled with snapshots, and while Nancy served people, Kate studied them all, fascinated. As she looked at them, they became a composite of Toby’s Corners for her. One was of two stocky women outside the bar smiling at the camera while they squinted into the sun, obviously friends who were pleased to be where they were together. Another was of a grizzled man in a beat-up hat holding up a huge trout, trying to look nonchalant, not completely hiding the grin that wanted to break through. There were several wedding pictures from several different decades, the brides’ dresses changing with the times, the grooms’ tuxes and seriously bewildered expressions remaining the same. And mere were dozens of high-school pictures of teams and cheerleaders, teachers shaking hands with award winners, school plays, and graduating classes. The pictures were all of different people from different decades, but they were all alike, too. Kate studied them, trying to find what it was that tied them all together. It was the smiles, she finally decided. They all smiled like people who were where they belonged—comfortable smiles.

“Where did you get all of these?” she asked Nancy.

“People bring them in,” Nancy said. “Some of them are family, some good friends. Jake’s up there.”

“Where?” Kate said, and Nancy pointed to a football player cradling a ball and looking menacingly at the camera.

He looked about twelve.

“What a baby,” Kate said and laughed.

“Hey, he was a senior when that was taken,” Nancy said, “and he was really good. He set a record that year for touchdowns in one season.”

“And that would be how many?” Kate asked.

“Four,” Nancy said. “We get whomped pretty regularly in football.”

Kate laughed. “Does he still have the record?”

“Nope,” Nancy said. “It fell four years later.” She jerked a thumb at another snarling football player who looked even younger than twelve.

Kate squinted at the picture. “He looks familiar.”

“That’s Will,” Nancy said. “He made five. Damn near killed himself to do it.”

Kate raised her eyebrows. “A little rivalry there?”

Nancy shook her head. “Hero worship. Jake was everybody’s hero.” She frowned. “Sometimes I think that’s part of what’s wrong with him now.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Kate asked, confused.

“Well, he’s not doing much with his life,” Nancy said. “Around here that’s not unusual in general, but it is for Jake. Jake was the one who was going places.” She shook her head again. “Now Will’s the one who’s a wonder. Sometimes I think Jake likes it like that. Sometimes I think Jake got real tired of being the one to beat.” She tilted her head and said thoughtfully, “You know, when Will got that last touchdown, Jake was in the stands cheering like crazy. A lot of people said that was real generous of him.” She shook her head. “He just looked real relieved to me.”

Kate looked back at Jake’s picture and tried to reconcile the baby menace with the grown-up man. “I can’t believe he’s the same person,” she said.

“Oh, he’s not,” Nancy said, moving toward another customer. “He’s real different now.”

After midnight, the bar was quieter and Sally and Thelma, Nancy’s two waitresses, went home. Ben took over for Nancy so she and Kate could take a break, and they sat at the bar with their last drinks, mildly intoxicated and completely relaxed in each other’s company.

“That’s the first I’ve seen Ben work,” Kate said. “What is he, a silent partner?”

Nancy shook her head. “He’s an insurance agent. This is my bar. He just spends the evening here so we can be together.”

“Oh, I thought you were running it together,” Kate said, disappointed. “How did you come to own a bar by yourself?”

“My mom and aunt ran it before I did. About five years ago when the plant over in Tuttle closed, they decided to retire, and they gave it to me. I think they figured it was going to close along with everything else around here, and they just couldn’t bear to see it end.”

“And you changed the name to Nancy’s?”

“Nope, it was always Nancy’s. They opened it the year I was born and named it after me. I grew up in this bar. When I outgrew my playpen, they moved it out and put in the pinball machine.”

“Beats day care.”


“It’s a great place,” Kate said sincerely.

“Come back tomorrow night,” Nancy said. “About eight Wear a short black skirt, and I’ll teach you how to tend bar.”

“One of those useful skills you cannot learn in college.” Kate sipped some more beer. “I’d love to.” She looked at Nancy, smiling and serene across from her, and decided to get involved. “Listen, there’s something you should know.”

Nancy raised her eyebrows, and Kate hesitated and then plunged ahead.

“I’ve heard from a very reliable source that Will Templeton is planning to put in a country-style bar up at the hotel that will probably kill your business.”

“You’re crazy,” Nancy said flatly. “Will would never do that. Who’s your source?”

Kate sighed. “Will’s fiancée, Valerie.”

“Fiancée?” Nancy snorted. “In her dreams. Which is probably where this bar idea came from, too.”

“You might want to talk to Will about it,” Kate said. “Businessmen are capable of stabbing old friends in the back to get what they want.” Her father came to mind. “You really should look into it.”

“Listen,” Nancy said. “You’re saying this stuff because you don’t understand. Valerie doesn’t understand. When the factory in Tuttle went under, this town would have, too, if Will and Jake hadn’t been here to bail us out. The only reason this town didn’t die is that Jake gave Will the money to build that hotel and then they hired everybody and his brother to work there. They could have done everything a lot cheaper and a lot faster with skilled labor from the outside, but everything went through Toby’s Corners first.” Nancy shook her head. “If Will wanted to shut me down, he could do it without starting his own bar, anyway. When I took over, this place was a mess. I needed a second mortgage and the bank couldn’t give me one because I had no collateral. So Will gave me one.”

“Do you realize how vulnerable that makes you?” Kate asked. “A privately held mortgage?”

“I’m not vulnerable at all,” Nancy said. “You’re not listening. Will holds the mortgage.” She looked thoughtful. “And I guess Jake. They’re partners.”

“Still, Valerie...”

“You don’t get it,” Nancy said. “We’re family. All of Toby’s Corners. Even if we’re not related by blood, we’re still family. Although most of us are related in some way,” she added. “Jake says that accounts for the slight weirdness of the population.”

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