Manhunter Revelations (3 page)

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Authors: H. F. Daniels

Tags: #science fiction, #paranormal action, #detective thriller, #supernatural action

BOOK: Manhunter Revelations
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It took the surviving governments of the
world eleven years to put the world back together. National
boundaries were changed to bring the collapsed nations back into
the world. After restructuring there were now only nine major
nations on the earth, although there was still dozens of small
countries, which refused to be integrated into another nation. The
nations in an effort to help each other survive got together to
distribute available resources so no one country suffered any undue
hardships, although there were hardships aplenty to go around. Out
of this joint effort, a new world council was formed called United
Earth, whose primary mandate was the preservation and rebuilding of
humanity. It was later determined by world scientists that the
disease that had devastated humanity had indeed been genetically
engineered, first to be undetectable by mutating and mimicking
other commonly known pathogens, and second to mutate it's victims
to another state of existence, the nature of which they now
believed was not human. All indications pointed to the fact the
disease had been engineered for another species of being. It was
humanity's misfortune that it was susceptible to it power. By the
time the Antarctic Plague had been fully eradicated, of the world's
seven billion plus population before the outbreak, because of the
disease, worldly rioting, chaos and nuclear war, only four hundred
and seventeen million people had survived. Of the United States
three hundred and thirty seven million people, only twenty nine
million survived. The world in essence was deserted. Humanity
greatest discovery was also it’s greatest killer.

Chapter One: The Plan and Capture

From all appearances it appeared that a
child's party of some type was going on. As I waited at the gate
while the guard approached, I could hear all the laughing and
playing coming from the inside. Not the setting I was looking for,
but it would do nicely. As the guard got to my vehicle he

"Can I help you?"

"Yes my name is Conrad and I would like to
talk to Mr. Lenevos on an urgent matter”

"I am sorry sir, but you have the wrong
residence. This is the estate of Mr. Markus Williams. There is no
one here named Lenevos"

"You may want to tell Mr. Lenevos this is a
matter concerning a Mr. Skobla-Han"

I could see the visible reaction on the
guard's face. He looked at me for a full thirty seconds before

"Wait here. I have to comm this up to the

I waited while the guard went back to the
guardhouse and commed my presence up to the main house. I could see
at least three other guards stationed around the gate watching me
closely. I would bet there were more stationed around the perimeter
of the walled estate, probably with comm and video surveillance
backing them up. All in all I figured my guess of getting in
unannounced would be somewhat difficult was correct, hence my front
door approach. After a few minutes of what looked to be a heated
conversation on the comm, the guard returned to my car.

"Two of the boys here will ride with you up
to the house. Kilgore will meet you there"

He waved over two of the other guards who got
in the back seat of my car. It was readily apparent both were
packing some heavy armament, and would probably love to introduce
me to them. Following the guards directions I drove up to the front
of the main house. As we drove through the gate I noticed what
appeared to be some type of scanning equipment on both sides of the
driveway, which I was pretty sure was scanning my vehicle, probably
for weapons or explosives. As we got up to the house, I was
impressed. It was a big house, palatial in it's grandeur. Waiting
for me on the front steps were at least six men, and the big one in
front must be Kilgore. As we all got out, two of the men approached
me and indicated for me to raise my arms so that I could be frisked
for weapons. Another of the men scanned me with a hand scanner for
hidden weapons or explosives. Then they scanned my car again. As
they finished, and were convinced I was unarmed, Kilgore approached
me. He was a big man. Fully six feet nine inches tall, weighing at
least two hundred and seventy five pounds, none of it fat. He had
hard eyes, set in a craggy lined face. A man accustomed to giving
orders, and seeing that they were instantly obeyed. Killing those
that didn't.

"Mr. Conrad, I was informed that you had some
information about a Mr. Skobla-Han"

"Please, just call me Conrad, and yes, yes I

"I am Kilgore, Mr. Lenevos Head of Security.
Who told you my employer was interested in Mr. Skobla-Han, and how
did you locate us here?"

"The word in certain circles is that your
employer is very interested in talking with Mr. Skobla-Han,
obviously about a business matter. The word is, that his interest
is very intense. As to how I found your employer is part of the
information I have to give him, in person of course”

"Well you can give me this info, starting
with where Mr. Skobla-Han is. I will see that you are adequately
compensated for your time”

"Well compensation will not be necessary, but
I am afraid I must give this information to Mr. Lenevos in

Kilgore was a no non-sense man. The look on
his face told me that. It also told me that I was seconds away from
some very unpleasant pain unless I either gave up the info or said
something right then to stop it.

"Mr. Kilgore, before you do something I am
convinced will be painful to me, I need you to consider the

"What alternatives"

"First off I don't doubt you and your men
will be able to cause me a whole lot of pain, but not before I take
down at least two, maybe three of your guys, most likely with a lot
of noise. I do not believe your boss wants any unpleasantness right
now with all those kids I hear inside the house and probably around
back. Then you will have to force the info out of me, probably
using a combination of pain and chemicals and that will take some
time. Trust me when I say there isn't a lot of time where the info
I have is concerned.

"You are either very stupid or you have no
knowledge of whom you are dealing with"

"I came here alone and unarmed, fully aware
of whom I was coming to see. I wouldn't have come if first, my
information wasn't important, and second without checking your boss
and you out fully"

Kilgore studied me for a few seconds, then
took out a vid comm and made a call. After a few seconds
conversation he instructed four of his guys to take me around the
back of the house, leaving the rest standing guard in front. As we
walked around back, Kilgore walked along side me.

"Mr. Conrad, just so you don't have any
illusions as to the effectiveness of your threat, rest assured that
even though you look physically fit, you wouldn't have been able to
take out one of my guys before you were incapacitated. I see to
their training personally, and a certain level of effectiveness is
required to be employed by Mr. Lenevos"

I remained quiet as we continue walking. As
we got around the back of the house, my initial guess about the
number of children was somewhat short. There had to be around a
hundred or more screaming and laughing children in various stages
of chaos and pandemonium running around the place. Off to the side
seated at some huge and elaborate tables next to the rampaging
children were many assorted women who judging from their concerned
actions and attentions could only be the children's mothers. How
Lenevos had gotten so many children together was really a big
mystery. Seated further off to the other side on a raised patio was
the man who could only be Lenevos. He stood up as we approached. It
was at this point that I was surprised. I had been informed that
Lenevos was a big man, but the description fell way short. Lenevos
was fully seven feet three inches tall and must have weigh in at
around three hundred and fifty to four hundred pounds. He must have
been at least three feet wide at the narrowest, which was his
waistline. In addition to that, none of it looked to be fat. The
man was immense and heavily muscled.

"Mr. Conrad. I am very glad to meet you"
Extending his hand we shook. I am not a small man myself. A few
inches shorter than Kilgore and maybe forty pounds or so lighter,
but by average standards I was a good size man. Next to Lenevos
though I looked small. His hand was half again the size of mine and
he could have easily palmed my whole head. It could be seen that
the chair he was sitting in had been specially made to accommodate
his immense size. I took a few micro seconds and thought about the
foolishness of shaking this man's hand, but you don't unnecessarily
disrespect a man in his own home, especially since he is making you

"My associate here, Mr. Kilgore tell me you
have some very valuable information for me and that you insist on
telling me in person. I must confess I was intrigued on who would
have the audacity to make such a request, here on my home court.
Hence your presence here at my table. Please have a seat" After I
had sat down I spoke.

"Mr. Lenevos I sincerely apologize for
interrupting your family gathering here, but I felt the info I had
for you was important enough for me to do so. And please just call
me Conrad"

"Well Conrad, I am a very good judge of men
and your interruption of my family gathering as you call it, I
would wager was fully planned. Having information as to Mr.
Slobla-Han being your ace in the hole to insure meeting me. The
only thing left now is, for your health, that the information you
have was worth your gamble. So tell me, what information do you
have of Mr. Slobla-Han"


The statement I made was short and to the
point. Yet it carried the message of a veiled threat in the way I
stated it. It had the effect of causing both Lenevos and Kilgore
along with the four goons who had accompanied us to the back of the
house to hesitate.

"Let me understand you fully" stated

"You bluffed your way into my presence, sit
at my table in my home, under the pretense of having valuable
information for me on Mr. Slobla-Han, and now you state that you
have no such information on Slobla-Han. Is that correct?"



Kilgore and his goons closed in around me,
and they were prepped for imminent violence against my person, and
looked barely able to contain their excitement at the prospect.

"I apologize for the deception, but I do have
important information for you, and felt it was better if I
delivered it in person"

"Please do so"

"Mr. Lenevos, my name is Conrad Hutchins and
I am a Manhunter. I tell you this freely because I know once I
leave here you will have full information on me soon enough. You
are wanted back in Canada by a certain agency for crime or crimes
committed against them. I was contracted to bring you to them. Due
to such I felt it was necessary to give you the chance to surrender
peacefully, thus by not giving me the unpleasant duty of taking you
down violently. Looking at your size, I now know that such an
action would require me to commit extensive violence upon your
person resulting in extensive physical damage to your body"

Lenevos, Kilgore and his men all looked at me
as if I had suddenly became a

multi-headed, green and purple skinned alien
in front of them. My statement was the absolute last thing they
expected me to say, which was exactly the reaction I wanted. I will
however give Lenevos credit. He had a great sense of humor. He
burst out laughing uproariously.

"Mr. Conrad, you are without a doubt the
stupidest man in existence to come here and tell me that. Any other
man, either foolish, brave or whatever would have more sense then
to come here, especially in my own home and threaten me.
Fortunately for you I can end your misery. Kilgore"

Before Kilgore and his goons could grab

"Kilgore wait. I wouldn't do whatever it is
you are planning"

"Why not?" asked Kilgore.

I slowly turned over my left hand. Barely
showing on my palm was a very small push switch attached to an
almost invisible wire, which ran to the watch on my wrist.

"The watch on my wrist is a powerful burst
transmitter, which can be activated with the least amount of
pressure on the switch on my palm. Activation of the transmitter
will cause the multiple explosive charges, which I had the presence
of mind to plant all around your estate wall prior to coming here,
to explode with some very impressive and nasty results. My
investigations of you Mr. Lenevos revealed your extensive love for
your seven children, whom I am assuming is here. I figured you
would not want anything to happen to them so I took this precaution
not to convince you to leave with me now, but to insure I can leave
safely after giving you my message. Now that I have given it to
you, I will be leaving. I only hope you do take me up on my offer
of a peaceful surrender"

"Boss, I think he's bluffing" said one of the
goons. "Our security and surveillance would have spotted him
planting any explosives”

"Your security methods was also designed to
keep your boss here location secret. Not only was I able to crack
that and locate him, but for one full week I was infiltrating the
perimeter of this estate where I was able to plant my explosives.
Of course you can feel free to call my bluff on this if you so

"Stop. He may be bluffing, but I will not
take the chance"

"He's not bluffing Mr. Lenevos. I have heard
of Mr. Hutchins here. He is indeed what they call a Manhunter. His
reputation is reported to be quite impressive" stated Kilgore. "Yet
he does not appear to match his description"

"Another part of my deception" I said. "I
could not take the chance you or one of your men would know me on
sight. I was informed that your information net was quite

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