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Authors: Lillie Spencer

Manhunt (13 page)

BOOK: Manhunt
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Michael emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam, the cheap white towel wrapped low on his hips as he gratefully took the coffee in one hand and Nikki in the other.


“Good morning, Sunshine,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose before capturing her lower lip and sucking on it gently. “What would you like to do today?”


“I don’t know. I’m kind of torn. Do you want to go to Epcot or Hollywood Studios?”


“Whichever you prefer is fine with me.”


Nikki couldn’t help but notice the synchronicity they had developed, orbiting each other without ever crashing. Unless, of course, they wanted to. Which they did that morning. Often. Wanting to know the weather before she chose an outfit for the day, Nikki mindlessly flipped the television on.


“A new development in the Hershey, Pennsylvania case topping the news blogs the past several weeks. Technology entrepreneur Jeremy Brennan was arrested this morning for the murder of Sebastian Cross. We were able to speak to him during a news conference held just before turning himself in to local authorities.”


The picture shifted to an image of Jeremy, standing next to a man in a suit that Nikki didn’t recognize, but suspected to be his attorney. They were standing in front of the courthouse.


“I killed Sebastian. Michael had nothing to do with it. I don’t know where he and Nikki are, but he probably felt the need to get Nikki away from me. I will tell you this, though: wherever they are, I’m certain she went voluntarily. Amnesia or no amnesia, Nikki loves Michael.” The camera panned back to the reporter, standing on the street corner with mic in hand.


“In light of Mr. Brennan’s confession, he has been arrested for first degree murder. Despite that, the manhunt has not been called off. Police simply stated they could not take the word of a suspected murderer that a kidnapping had not occurred, and that investigations would continue until Nicole Wright has been returned safe and sound. For Channel Five News…”


Michael turned to Nicole and took her hands into his. She dreaded the next words that came out of his mouth.


“We’ve got to go back.”


As Michael and Nikki gathered their meager belongings and began the long drive home, Nikki found herself torn between what she wanted and what she knew was right. She had enough memories of Jeremy to know she cared about him when they were growing up. Not as much as Michael or Christian, but he was definitely in her inner circle. She also knew he idolized Michael even before Michael was adopted by Jeremy’s parents. She couldn’t remember them together as brothers, but it was a safe bet that their bond only grew stronger after that. So much so that Jeremy was apparently willing to take the rap on a murder charge for him.


On the other hand, she was just beginning to understand the depth of the love she shared with Michael, to feel it for herself. He had done what he had to protect her when the system had failed. He had done it to right a wrong in his mind when he failed to protect his mom. He was justified in her mind, but no judge would agree with her. She couldn’t help the tiny, selfish voice in the back of her mind that said if Jeremy wanted to take the blame, they should let him. But why would the police believe him?


“What are you thinking about so hard over there? New memory?” Michael asked gently.


“No, just wondering if this is some sort of trap. I mean, why would the police take his confession seriously?”


“Because he was there. You called him. He’s the one who rescued you and took you to the hospital.”


Nikki was overtaken with another memory.



Nikki ran into the bedroom. Slammed and locked the door. Dove for her cell phone and ran into the bathroom, locking that door too. Michael was too far away. Christian would kill him. She hit #3 on her speed dial and prayed. Sebastian pounded on the bedroom door, ordering her to open it.


“Hey, Nikki, what’s...”


Nikki screamed. Sebastian had kicked the bedroom door down.


“Nikki?! Where are you?” Sebastian was now banging on the bathroom door.


“Nikki, you’d better get your skinny ass out here right now if you know what’s good for you! Not even your precious Michael can save you now, bitch.”


“Jeremy, please help me,” she whispered frantically. “I’m in my bathroom. I think he’s going to kill me this time!”


She screamed, barely jumping out of the way as the door crashed to the floor. The last thing she remembered was Sebastian dragging her, kicking and screaming from the room.



Nikki started shaking, praying she didn’t recall any more memories. At least, not like that one. Michael looked over at her, concerned.


“Did he do it? Did Jeremy kill Sebastian?” she asked frantically. She shouldn’t have called Jeremy. She should have figured a way out on her own. She should have fought back. Anything which wouldn’t make her feel responsible for one man’s death and the destruction of another man’s life. No matter who killed Sebastian, blood was on her hands.


“No,” Michael replied after a moment, a chilling calm in his voice. “Jeremy didn’t kill him, and I can’t let him take the blame. What happened that night was my fault, and I’m the one who should face the consequences.”


It was easy to believe that Jeremy was sacrificing himself for Michael, and Michael was going to turn himself in to stop it. But what if Michael was the one sacrificing himself for Jeremy? That seemed equally plausible to her. Nikki’s mind was spinning in so many different directions it was making her dizzy. She leaned back on the headrest and closed her eyes.


“You did it for me, didn’t you? You killed him to protect me?” she asked, her eyes still closed.


Michael paused again before answering. “I have never wanted to kill another human being as much as I wanted to kill Sebastian that night. Not even my own father. I was bound and determined to make sure that he could never hurt you again. And he won’t, Nicole. You’re safe now, and that’s all that really matters.”


Nikki didn’t want Michael to go to jail. What he did was wrong, but his intentions were pure. He did it for her. She needed to make sure his life wasn’t ruined because of it. Nikki sat up abruptly and turned to him.


“We need a good lawyer. You should call Christian, I’ll bet he could help us find one. I’ll make sure you’re cleared of the kidnapping charge. You’ll have to plead temporary insanity. Is that a real plea, or is it just in the movies?” Nikki was rambling, trying to get everything out before she forgot something. “They know what he did to me, that he violated the restraining order. Maybe you could say it was self-defense? Was it self-defense? Did he attack you first?”


Michael chuckled gravely. “No, he didn’t.”


Nikki frowned at that. If Michael shot Sebastian in cold blood, it was going to make it a lot harder to have this end the way Nikki wanted it to, with him safe in her arms. Part of her wanted to press him for information, but the part that didn’t want to know all the gory details won out. Besides, she was certain he wouldn’t tell her even if she tried. Hopefully he would be more forthcoming with the lawyer.


Exhaustion, both physical and mental, overtook her and she laid her head back again, falling into a fitful sleep filled with a multitude of scenarios of the near future. Only a choice few inspired hope.


When she awoke, Michael was pulling into a beautiful bed and breakfast. She hoped, like the mom-and-pop motels they had been frequenting, they would accept cash as payment and not ask too many questions. They were returning north at a much quicker pace than the way down, since Nikki was able to handle longer periods of time in the car at a stretch. She figured they had one, maybe two nights together before they got back to Hershey. Luckily, Michael had earned enough money playing pool to be able to afford a couple nights someplace where there was no chance of cockroaches in the sheets.


The elderly couple that owned the inn introduced themselves as Tom and Suzie. They were more than accommodating, fortunately, thankful for the surprise business during their slow season. Michael and Nikki were welcomed warmly, and told to get settled in before coming down to dinner, where Suzie had made pot roast with roasted potatoes and vegetables and key lime pie for dessert. Nikki’s mouth was watering just thinking about it.


They walked to their room hand-in-hand. Michael opened the door and pushed it in before motioning for Nikki to go first. He followed behind her and closed the door gently. Nikki was just a few steps into the room, taking it in. Michael stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his chin on her shoulder. Nikki hummed happily, enjoying this moment of serenity. The room was lovely, tastefully decorated with beautiful antiques in a French country style with a brick fireplace on one wall, already loaded with kindling and firewood, a box of kitchen matches on the mantel.


Nikki leaned back in his arms and reveled in the peace she found there. He hugged her to him and kissed the base of her neck, running his nose up and down her jaw.


“Take a bath with me?”


Nikki nodded and took his hand when he released her. When they entered the bathroom, Nikki was surprised at what she saw. She was expecting a small bathroom with a tiny mirror and a claw foot tub. What she found instead was a very modern bathroom with a granite countertop, a beautiful vanity with recessed lighting, and a Jacuzzi built for two.


Nikki turned to Michael, who was smirking with satisfaction. “Did you know about this?”


Michael closed the distance between them, taking her in his arms.


“I looked them up while you were sleeping. Their ad in the yellow pages may have mentioned it.”


Michael bent down and kissed her. As had happened every time she’d gotten to kiss him in the past two days, her heart skipped a beat, then sped up uncontrollably. She couldn’t believe something so horrible had led to something so wonderful.


Nikki bent over and started filling the tub, pouring in some fragrant bubble bath she found. She turned around to find Michael’s jaw slightly agape, desire flashing in his eyes. Encouraged by his expression, Nikki slowly began removing her clothes. She wasn’t a very good dancer, and was much too shy for this to ever be called a striptease, but she gave it her all. Michael certainly seemed to appreciate the effort, his hands flitting up to caress her whenever she came within reach. When she had removed the last article of clothing and dressings, she turned her back to him, looking over her shoulder and through her lashes as she cooed seductively.


“Care to join me?”


He peeled his clothes off quickly, rushing to hold her hand and keep her steady as she stepped into the steaming bubble bath before sliding behind her. She laid back against his chest with an audible sigh. Michael kissed the top of her head and began caressing her sides gingerly with just his fingertips, barely even touching her, but it was enough to bring her to the brink with desire. She moaned and felt his arousal pressing against the small of her back while his lips blazed a trail from her ear to the ball of her shoulder.


He took the washcloth from the edge of the tub, a white fluffy cloth which was thicker and softer than any other she could remember, and dipped it into the warm, soapy water before squeezing it out a couple inches above her collarbone. The water fell on her chest like rain, causing rivulets to run over her breasts and stomach before disappearing beneath the suds. Michael traced their path with his finger, brushing the side of his hand against her sensitive bud as he went. Nikki hissed in pleasure and arched her back in a silent plea. Michael slid his hand back up, palming her breast fully in his hand, watching as it moved in time with her ragged breaths.


“I never thought I would get to have you like this again, Nikki. I dreamt about it, focused everyday on finding a way to make my dreams come true, but I never for one second truly believed…” His voice trailed off, thick with emotion. He shook his head slightly, then reached over and hit the button for the Jacuzzi.


Nikki sunk lower in the tub as the jets soothed her aching muscles. Michael took some body wash in his hand and rubbed it over her shoulders. Nikki hummed in appreciation.


“Feel good, Sunshine?”




“Mmm?” he mumbled, his lips against the crook of her neck.


“Why do you call me Sunshine?”


Michael wrapped his arms around her waist and began softly singing in her ear.


You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear
How much I love you.
Please don’t take
My sunshine away.

BOOK: Manhunt
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