[manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man (13 page)

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Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion

BOOK: [manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man
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Beeping. Something was beeping somewhere. I barely lifted one lid and pain exploded in my temple. I whimpered and a warm hand was in mine instantly. Soft lips were at my temple.

“Hey, shh. It’s okay; let me close the blinds.”

Spencer. Spencer was with me. My body relaxed a bit and then pain hit me like a two by four. I winced as it radiated through my shoulder.

“What…happened? Where am I?” My throat felt dry as the Sahara, I licked my lips, but no moisture came to my relief.

Cold liquid was at my mouth and I hungrily lapped at the piece of ice sliding between my lips.
“You’re in the hospital, babe. You suffered a fractured tibia, a mild concussion, some cuts and bruises and two cracked ribs. Try not to talk too much, okay?”
It all came back in a rush and I tried to sit up.
“Valerie! Is Valerie okay?” Pain shot through my lungs and chest and I fought for air.
“Valerie is just fine, you pushed her out of the way, remember? Settle down, please.” He brushed my hair back and continued when I had reclined again. “The cabbie called the paramedics and Valerie threw a fit when they weren’t going to let her go with you. She told them you were ‘her’ Blaine and if she didn’t get in with you she was going to sue someone.” Spencer chuckled softly. “She called me from the ambulance.”
“I was going to change and go see you. I got some information —”
“I know,” Spencer smoothed the hair from my brow again. “Your mother told me everything. I was trying to find a way out of this for us; I just didn’t want to say anything unless I had good news. It’s going to be fine Blaine. You need rest, okay?”
“What day is it?”
“It’s New Year’s day. You’ve been out of it. Your body needs to heal, babe. Please close your eyes and get some rest. I'm taking care of everything. I’m not leaving you, okay?”
I nodded and closed my eyes. Sleep blissfully came and took me away.

* * * *

I was jolted awake by shouting outside of my room. It sounded like World War Three out there. My head throbbed as I strained to figure out who was shouting.

“Don’t you ever use the word fag in my presence or our daughter’s again! Do I make myself clear, Vanessa?!
Well that answered that question. My eyes went wide as I recognized yet another voice. My mother’s.
“If I were you, I would shut my mouth now. You have no legal leg to stand on. You’ve remarried and have still been collecting alimony, Mrs…?”
A new voice entered the conversation and I tried to sit up in bed a bit, leaning towards the door to hear better.
“Mrs. Bitch is her name.”
I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh that rose from my throat. As much pain as I was in, Spencer’s mother was tearing Vanessa a new ass out in the hall.
“You’ve got some nerve blackmailing my son after what you’ve been doing, Vanessa!”
“Ladies, please.”
Spencer’s voice was calming and slightly lowered.
“No matter how you both feel about Vanessa, she is still the mother of my child. So she and I will work things out from here.”
“Fine, but if you need me to drag her through court, please call. I’ll even do it for free.”
I smiled and lay back on the bed. My drugs were kicking in again and the room became one big blur.

* * * *

I opened one eye and a face was practically in mine. Casper was smiling from ear to ear.
“Hey,” I croaked.
“You want some water?”
Casper got up and hurried to the table that had a water glass and a pitcher. He came back with a straw and I sipped slowly.
“You missed a show!” Casper bounced up and down.
“I did?”
“Oh God, yes! Mr. Cassidy’s ex-wife came by to pick up Valerie for the night and they had a huge fight in the hallway! The ‘F’ word was used.” Casper lowered his voice as he said ‘f’.
“So that was real?”
“Yep!” Casper shook his head. “Your boyfriend got all territorial and told her under no circumstances is she ever to use that word again in his presence or their daughter’s. Then your mom came into it and told Vanessa she knew her little secret; then Mr. Cassidy’s mom got into it and then everyone was just into it!” Casper took a deep breath. “It was like a soap opera right out in the hallway!”
“Where is everyone?” I slurred. I think my drugs were kicking in.
“Out getting food, coffee and other stuff. Mr. Cassidy went to the bathroom. He hasn’t left your side.” Casper smiled broadly. “I thought he was going to ask for a catheter for himself so he wouldn’t have to leave.”
I think I smiled. I felt all loopy. Casper blurred and then I was out.

* * * *

The next time I opened my eyes, Vanessa was sitting next to the bed. My eyes widened and I looked around me in a panic. She must have sensed my terror because a small smile played at her lips.

“I’m not going to smother you with a pillow,” she said. “Spencer asked me to sit with you while he went to get some coffee and food. He hasn’t left your side and Valerie had to drag him out of here.”

“Why are you here?” I asked.
“I’m here to apologize.”
I attempted to snort.
Vanessa smiled at me.
“I expected that and I deserve it. I know Spencer’s in

love with you, I could see it in those pictures at your friend’s wedding. He never loved me.” Vanessa stood up and paced back and forth. “I knew why he married me, I wasn’t stupid. We were in college and I got pregnant. Spencer did the noble thing and for years I thought I’d gotten the better end of the deal. A gorgeous man, plenty of money. But being married to money doesn’t make who you are disappear. I was always Vanessa Munson, the girl from the wrong side of the tracks.”

Vanessa sighed and sat back down.

“I wanted Spencer to pay, and I made it my mission in life to do just that. I hurt my daughter instead. I can’t blame everything on Spencer; I got myself into this. I was so hell-bent on getting out of my old life, that I trapped him into marrying me. I love Valerie, and she deserves to see her father more than once or twice every three years.”

I stared at Vanessa. “Spencer told you he knows about your wedding, didn’t he?”
“Yes and your mother made it quite clear what could happen if she goes to a judge with that information. I agreed to let Spencer have Valerie more often and we settled on a new child support arrangement. The alimony stops now.”
“He’s not going to bust you, is he?” I asked.
“No, not unless I go back on my word. Which I won’t. You saved my daughter’s life, Blaine. I will be forever grateful for what you did.”
“Casper said you weren’t exactly thrilled with Spencer’s lifestyle choice.”
Vanessa’s face reddened. “I said some things in anger, I’ll admit it. Valerie adores you, and as I’ve said, you saved her life.”
The door to my room opened and Spencer strolled in with Valerie on his heels.
“Blaine! You look better!” Valerie hopped onto the end of my bed.
“Careful, Val, don’t hurt Blaine,” Spencer chuckled and set the food he had brought with him on the nightstand. “I got you a hot dog.” Spencer winked at me. “Oooh! I got here just in time then.”
I sighed and closed my eyes. “Hello, Slater.”
“God, you look sexy in hospital lighting,” Slater leered comically.
“Slater.” Vanessa nodded.
“Vanessa.” Slater crossed his arms over his chest.
“Well, I’ll just be going then.” Vanessa stood and smoothed out her skirt.
“I’ll bring Valerie back on Monday for school.” Spencer picked up his daughter.
“All right. You be good for your daddy, Valerie.” Vanessa kissed her cheek.
Vanessa closed the door behind her and Slater coughed into his hand letting out an expletive. Spencer glared at him and I fought the urge to laugh. God, I hurt everywhere.
“Are you hungry, babe?” Spencer sat on the edge of the bed with Valerie.
“I am, but I’m so tired,” I said, barely containing a yawn.
“Get some sleep. We’re not going anywhere. When they release you, I want you to come home with me, okay? I put Drakon in charge and took some time off of work to take care of you.”
“Didn’t have to.” I yawned and winced at the pain in my chest.
“I know I didn’t, but I’m going to. Close your eyes and sleep.”
I nodded. It didn’t take much to start fading out. I must have been on some really good drugs because the next thing I heard was Spencer in my ear.
“I love you, Blaine.”
Damn, morphine was awesome.

* * * *

I’d been in the hospital for a week and I was ready to walk out in my gown, ass flapping in the damn wind. I hated hospitals, always had. I had finally gotten up the courage to haul my ass out of bed when I heard a soft whistling behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Slater with his head tilted — a huge smile on his face.

“Now that’s a nice ass. Kinda white, though. Like a marshmallow that needs a good roasting.”
I sighed and shook my head. “Aren’t you supposed to be going back to work?”
Slater pouted.
“Are you trying to get rid of me? And here I was all ready to dress you and smuggle you out of here.”
“Where’s Spencer?” I asked.
“Talking to your doctor with your parents. I swear they need to put in a revolving door for the amount of visitors you get.”
My door opened and Casper poked his head around. He caught sight of Slater and moaned.
“Aw, hell.” Casper pushed the door open a little further and crossed the room to me quickly.
“Well, if it isn’t my sexy ghost.” Slater wiggled his eyebrows.
Casper threw a look over his shoulder at Slater, and then turned his attention back to me.
“The doctor signed off on your paperwork and Spencer is bringing the car around.”
“Did you bring me what I asked for?”
Casper narrowed his eyes at me.
“No, I’m not allowed to bring you anything that has to do with work.”
“I’m your boss!”
“Not right now you’re not. I did, however, pick up your medications. You’ve got some nice pain pills in there. Don’t worry, none of them are suppositories.”
Slater coughed and Casper put his hand up to stop Slater’s next words.
Slater sighed. “But I—”
Casper smiled at me. “Take care of yourself. I’ll hold the fort.”
“Your warden is coming.” Slater peeked out the door.
I glared at Casper. “Traitor.”
Casper grinned and turned back to the door, sliding past Slater.
“So Casper—” Slater began.
“Not going to happen, soldier.”
Spencer walked in just as Casper was leaving. He put his hands on his hips and stared at me.
“Why are you out of bed?”
“I had to pee?” I lied.
Spencer crossed the room to me and gently placed me back on the bed, pulling clothes out of a bag. I looked up at him with a pout.
“Don’t look at me that way. When you’re dressed, I’ve got a wheelchair and we are going to my place. You will not be going into work.”
“But I have an ad campaign I need to come up with!”
“Do it from bed.” Spencer glanced over at Slater — who was pouting. “Who shit in your Cheerios?”
I chuckled. It hurt to chuckle. “Casper did.”
Spencer grinned.
Slater glared at us both and huffed. “I’ll get the wheelchair!”
Spencer crouched down to my level and caressed my cheek. “Ready to come home with me?”
With Spencer.
God that sounded really good.
“Yes. I’m ready.”


Because Blaine had been in the hospital for New Year’s, I decided to do something special for him. He’d been at my place for a few weeks and was settling in nicely. His leg was in a cast from ankle to just above his knee, but he was getting better at using his crutches. Valerie came on the weekends and took care of Blaine when I had to pop into work now and then. We were living as a couple and I loved it. Blaine was looking up at the star-filled night as the boat sliced through the waters of the Hudson. He looked absolutely beautiful.

I grabbed one of the blankets I had brought and wrapped it around his shoulders.
“You know, I’ve lived here my whole life and have never been to the Statue of Liberty?” Blaine mused.
I sat down next to him and took his hand.
“I haven’t either.” I looked at my watch and then turned my face up to the sky. “Look over there.” I pointed.
The first firework went off blazingly white in the night sky and I heard Blaine’s intake of breath at its beauty.
“Oh Spencer, it’s beautiful. Did you do this?”
Blaine looked over at me, happiness etched across that beautiful face.
“I told you I was smart with my money.” I took Blaine’s hands in mine as the fireworks continued to go off.
Once the show had ended, I wheeled Blaine over to the bow of the boat. We had a gorgeous view of the Statue of Liberty. My mouth went dry and my hands began to sweat as I knelt down by his side. Blaine’s cheeks were reddened from the cold, but he looked happy.
“I know we haven’t been together very long, but I wanted to ask you if you’d consider moving in with me?” I blurted.
Blaine’s eyes widened and he licked his lips.
“Really?” he whispered.
“Yes, I know you have your own place, so I’ll understand—”
“Yes, I’ll move in with you.”
“Really? You will? But what about your apartment?”
Blaine sighed with a smile. “It’s not really my apartment; at least it’s never felt like mine. I always wondered why it didn’t scream Blaine McKlintock.”
Blaine palmed my face. “It’s because home was with you.”
I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him softly.
“Maybe, one day you’ll consider marrying me,” I said.
“I’ve never been a marrying man, Spencer.” Blaine spoke against my lips. “But I might just bend that rule for you.”
~Three months later~
I walked into work to find Drakon shoving down Twinkies behind the front counter. I had to grin as he wiped the crumbs from his lips.
“Hey, boss. How’s Blaine?” he asked.
“He’s doing much, much better.”
“Yeah? How was lunch with the boys?”
I smiled as I looked through the pile of mail. I’d gone out with Kent, Terry, Blaine and Matthew Hawke for lunch. I had to admit, Matthew was a seriously funny guy — and good-looking to boot.
“It was great, I really like Blaine’s boss. Good sense of humor and very down to earth.”
“Really?” Drakon sighed. “I wish I could find a nice guy. I keep dating assholes.”
“Stop looking them up on ‘find-an-asshole.com,’” I chuckled.
Drakon shot me a look and popped another Twinkie in his mouth. I had no idea how he kept his gym figure the way he sucked down the snack cakes. I eyed his brand new sneakers. I swore the man wore a different pair every day.
“Nice shoes.”
Drakon grinned. “I know, huh? I can’t wait to try them out at the gym!”
Well that answered the Twinkie-physique question.
I put the mail down and checked messages one last time.
“Are you going to be okay? Terry will be back in about a half hour. He had an errand to run before coming back.”
“I’m good,” he nodded. “All the guys are out so we’re done for the day.”
“Did my package come?”
I had bought a wedding ring for Blaine unbeknownst to him and had it engraved. I didn’t want him to get it at the apartment so I had it sent to the office instead. Valerie had helped me pick it out.
Drakon nodded and handed me a small black box with a silver bow.
“Just got here this morning,” he smiled. “I’m glad you’re finally asking him to marry you.”
“Well,” I said, threading my fingers through my hair. “Blaine wasn’t the type; I always have been. I’m pretty confident he’ll say yes.”
“You deserve it, boss.”
Drakon slapped my shoulder.
“Oh, almost forgot, your brother called.”
“Slater called? What’s up with him?”
“He said to tell you he’ll be taking leave soon and to be prepared,” Drakon chuckled.
I moaned and covered my face. I loved my brother, I really did, but sometimes I wanted to strangle him with my bare hands.
“He sounds cute,” Drakon winked.
“Don’t go there. My brother is a notorious player. Besides, he’s got his eye on Blaine’s admin assistant.”
Drakon pouted and I patted his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, someday, you’ll find the right one.”

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